Academic Year 2014/15

School of Design

Degree Programme of:

Interior Design
Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)

Milano Campus

1. General Information

School School of Design
Code Reference Law1092
NameInterior Design
Reference LawOrdinamento 270/04
Class of degreeLM-12 - Design
Degree level Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)
First year of activation 2010/2011
Official length of the programme 2
Years of the programme already activated 1
Official language(s) (¹) Italian/English
Campus Milano
Dean of the School Arturo Dell'Acqua Bellavitis
Coordinator of the Study programme Luciano Crespi
Website of the School
Website of the Study programme
(¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.

Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Bovisa
Reference office
Centro Orientamento Studenti Scuola del Design
Address Via Candiani 72, 20158 Milano
Phone 02 2399 7277

Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa

2. General presentation of the study programme

The Laurea Magistrale program in Interior Design is based on some fundamental intervention scenarios for the interior design profession:

  • reconverting internal space in abandoned industrial and tertiary sector premises, mainly through flexible and reversible devices. This is one of the great challenges of our times in that its aim is to return to the community a resource, the value of which comes largely from the shape and cultural quality of the design proposals;
  • re-examining traditional interior spaces with the aim of planning new kinds of living space in all its forms (from domestic to special residential space and places for care and hospitality); private and public work space (from private offices to public administration and all those premises where new forms of creative work take place); learning spaces and spaces for contemporary cultural consumption such as schools, universities, libraries, spaces for research and the valorization of historical memory, and the new forms of art and communication such as museums, exhibition areas, performance halls, theme parks; commercial spaces for product and service consumption from shopping malls to showrooms;
  • revamping micro open spaces in the city, the so-called urban interiors, mainly through mounting installations of various kinds to valorize the symbolic, representational component of places, their hospitality and their use value.


The program aims to train designers who are able to work creatively in the areas described: in the functional, formal and aesthetic, technical and technological shaping of space and the relationship between space and user, and space and context. They should be able to enhance the interior spaces in our architectural heritage, modifying the look and feel or image of a place by intervening in a way which will often be reversible, and will always bring an innovative interpretation of the space itself and the requirements of the user. Basically, the designer must be able not only to design spaces and objects, but also build relationships between them, seeking to propose a general vision of the art of living in present time.


In particular, the training program provides the knowledge required for the management and direction of the many skills that come into play in the development and realization of a complex project. The most conventional components of design applied to interior space combine with the most innovative aspects of expertise in research and scenaristics; of technical, technological and production skills; of economic and strategic skills; of communication and representational skills. Ultimately, the course aims to develop the students’ capacity to “embark on a process of self training by offering cultural and information tools that will help each of them to develop their own independent path and design language.


The Laurea Magistrale program is the continuation course for the first level (Bachelor) Degree in Interior Design.

3. Learning objectives

Among its main objectives the course aims to cultivate:


- an ability to analyze –examining the context of a design project and applying analytical, research and communication skills to interpret its evolutionary characteristics;

- an ability to create – on the basis of an ample knowledge of the history of interiors, of visual arts and the trends of design research and experimentation - turning the elements of analysis into innovative design solutions that are coherent with the inescapable issues of today (sustainability and design for all), using such resources as are available;

- an ability to develop – on the basis of a solid knowledge of the cultural, relational, symbolic, psychological and perceptive factors that condition the way spaces are used – complex design responses that interpret the various ways in which contemporary users benefit from different environments, and re-think existing typologies of space;

- an ability to visualize and to communicate the design idea at the various stages of the design process: from research and defining the problem to be tackled, to developing the concept and finally drawing up the executive technical design that will accompany its realization. It is therefore fundamental to acquire the language and artistic and visual knowhow that enables the designer to elaborate adequate ways and means of expression to communicate the design idea.


The training program therefore includes an important theoretical and critical component, the aim of which is to provide advanced scientific knowledge and to develop the capacity for individual research and lifelong learning, for planning and strategic project orientation. It also includes advanced courses in core interior design disciplines to further the subject content and explore its more innovative areas of the discipline.

The laboratory activities are an opportunity for the student to experiment the acquired theoretical and critical knowledge in individual design research which will become part of the degree thesis.

Compulsory job placements in the form of internships with qualified companies or professional firms, corporations or institutions also form part of the graduate training program.

The following are the core disciplinary areas in the Laurea Magistrale program:

- design culture (ICAR/13, ICAR/16), which applies knowledge from other disciplinary areas taught through theoretical lectures to design praxis developed in laboratory activities. Such knowledge is used in the analysis stage of designing (when defining the concept) to focus on the context of the problem in terms of design opportunity, limitations, possibilities, selection and prioritizing; to analyze the character of the spaces for design intervention; to assess user-place interaction and the effects of this on the quality of the spaces; to analyze the relationship between artifact and place. At the design synthesis stage this knowledge is made manifest in the capacity to turn necessities into virtues, into qualities of the spaces and the furnishings that make them livable; to recognize the specific characteristics and qualities of the various organisms to which the transformation is applied; to identify appropriate materials, component parts, technology and relations with other subsystems, on the basis of what is required of the space.

The objective of this disciplinary nucleus, which constitutes the load bearing axis of a designer’s training, is to provide the student with a method for dealing with different design issues on a highly complex scale, through moments of paradigmatic designing.


- humanistic disciplines (M-DEA/01; M-PSI/01) that contribute to an analysis and interpretation of the social and cultural contexts of which the designed spaces, and the sense systems expressed by the places as carriers of aesthetic and cultural value, are part. They also contribute to collocating the space within material culture systems by using the tools of social and technical analysis, by interpreting the values and language codes of the place with its symbolic and representational significance, as well as interpreting the ergonomic and perceptive qualities that contribute to understanding the relationship between man and the places he inhabits.

The aim of this disciplinary nucleus is to provide the student with the methods and tools of ethnographic, anthropological and sociological research applied to an analysis of the users, contexts and use behavior.

- historical and critical disciplines (ICAR/18, L-ART/02). These provide the student with a knowledge of evolution, but above all of the most innovative aspects of contemporaneity, of interior design culture and the culture of architectural design in general, correlating this with the evolution of the various languages of the world of art, architecture, visual communication, design and fashion.

The aim of this disciplinary nucleus is to enable the student to read the design project in its historical context;

- visual culture and the languages of contemporaneity and representation (SSD L-ART/03), which further the use of the language, tools and techniques of spatial representation, the ability to read and interpret visual language and the knowledge of perceptive mechanisms and chromatic systems, acquired at bachelor level.

The aim of this disciplinary nucleus is to develop the student’s ability to express elements of analysis and design synthesis visually.

- culture of materials and construction technology (SSD ICAR/12), which furthers knowledge of materials and their cultural and symbolical value in the transformation of contemporary society; their structural, functional and performance qualities; the properties of materials in their various contexts of use; their sustainability and recyclability; the functioning of interior space building systems; environmental comfort.

- The aim of this disciplinary nucleus is to provide knowledge relative to the choice of materials in various contexts of use, the performance required and the quality of living space.


4. Organization of the study programme and further studies

4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications

The School offering each first degree (bachelor) programme and the appropriate second level (Master of Science) programme in continuity (or thofor access toble without curricular integrations) are shown in the following table:          


Level I (Laurea) degree

Level II (Laurea Magistrale) degree progam in continuity

- Product design

Product and Furnishing specialisation (disabled in the a.a. 2014/'15)

Product Design for Innovation

- Communication design

Communication design

- Fashion Design

Design for the Fashion System

- Interior Design

Interior design

Product design 

Design & Engineering

Mechanical engineering

(course offered in theSchoolofIndustrial Engineering


Materials and nanotechnology engineering

(course offered in theSchoolofIndustrial Process Engineering


Product  Design

Comunication Design

Interior Design

Fashion Design

Product Service System Design

Interior Design

Industrial Design (Product)

Naval and Nautical Design - La Spezia campus


The Laurea Magistrale programmes offered by the DesignSchoolare organised in sections:


Laurea Magistrale in Product Design for Innovation

Teaching delivered in Italian

Offered in both the 1st and 2nd year

Product section 1 - PR1

Product section 2 - PR2

NB In laboratories can activate modules in English taught by Visiting Professor

Laurea Magistrale  in Communication Design

Teaching delivered in Italian

Offered in both the 1st and 2nd year

Communication section 1 - C_1

Communication section 2 - C_2

Communication section 3 - C_3

NB It 'possible activation of the Workshop in English taught by Visiting Professor

Laurea Magistrale in Design for the Fashion System

Teaching delivered in English

Offered in both the 1st year

Fashion section 1 - M_1 section with a prevalence of courses in English

Fashion section 2 - M_2 courses in English

Offered in both the 2st year

Fashion section 1 - M_1 courses in English

Fashion section 2 - M_2 courses in English

Laurea Magistrale in Interior Design

Teaching delivered in Italian and English

Offered in both the 1st and 2nd year

Interiors section 1 - I_1

Interiors section 2 - I_2

Interiors section 3 - I_3 courses in English

NB in sections I1 and I2 can activate Courses and Workshops in English

Laurea Magistrale in Design&Engineering

Teaching delivered in English

Offered in both the 1st year

D&E  section 1 - DE1section with a prevalence of courses in English

D&E  section 2 -DE 1section with a prevalence of courses in English

D&E  section 3 -DE3 courses in English

Offered in both the 2st year

D&E  section 1 - DE1 section with a prevalence of courses in English

D&E  section 2 - DE2 section with a prevalence of courses in English

Laurea Magistrale in Product Service System Design

Teaching delivered in English

Offered in both the 1st and 2nd year

Product Service System section 1 - PS_1 courses in English

Product Service System section 2 - PS_2 courses in English


Laurea Magistrale in Naval and Nautical Design - La Spezia campus

No internal sections


4.2 Further Studies

The qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)

5. Professional opportunities and work market

5.1 Professional status of the degree

The graduates from the Laurea Magistrale in Interior Design are capable of overseeing and directing design activities, coordinating all the expertise involved in the project spaces equipped, indoor and outdoor, aimed at the attainment of specific objectives. These professionals may find employment with companies and firms specialized in exhibition interiors, and have moreover found many opportunities in the commercial areas of companies operating with sales outlets and visual merchandising (furniture, retail chains, apparel companies). These graduates also frequently find work with professional studios and design companies.

In particular, they will find a natural collocation in:

- design firms or companies operating in the sector of interior and exhibition design, directing research and design activities in various ambits ranging from: design of the domestic environment in the age of home working and the relational economy; to that of sales outlets in commercial networks; of places for the production and presentation of culture (such as auditoriums, museums, galleries, libraries, exhibitions); of public spaces dedicated to advanced social functions (like offices, hospitals, schools and universities); of hotel accommodation in the age of mass tourism and widespread nomadism; of exhibition spaces and urban micro-spaces; of stage settings for the new show business society;

- bodies and institutions, public or otherwise, operating in the field of cultural heritage;

- company design structures operating in the large-scale distribution and contract sector.

5.2 Careers options and profiles

Graduates in Interior design can work in a wide range of fields: domestic interior design, furnishing product design, semi-public service space design (contract), public interior design, disused space conversion, urban interior design, retail space and exhibition design, set design, museum design. Professional profiles of this kind can therefore work in professional interior design studios and firms, in furnishing and exhibition design companies, in public and private institutions that work in the field of cultural heritage and museum display, in settings for the performing arts, or in public and private institutions that work in the field of urban planning and redevelopment. The job opportunities mentioned are specific vocational fields of professional design activity at national level, such as the furniture, furnishings, and display components and systems sector.

Surveys of University Assessment Commission

6. Enrolment

6.1 Access requirements

First cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification

Admission of every candidate is subjected to an evaluation based on his merit and on the courses attended in his previous university career.

For students coming from other campuses or different study programmes there will be a verification of their previous studies to identify any curricula addition needed, students must obtain the addition before their access to the Master of Science programme.

Qualifications required

- Bachelor or Master of Science Degree;

- English language certificate;

Please see the document “Norme attuative dei Regolamenti didattici“ on the website  of the School

On this document there is a list of the materials required for the evaluation of the admission request, registration procedures and deadlines, indications about the admissibility without evaluation and exclusion conditions.

Students admitted with curricular additions needed must obtain these within one year from admission application.

6.2 Requested knowledge

Admission to Laurea Magistrale programs is possible in both the first and second semester (only for students in continuity, or those who are assigned curricular integrations for the semester in appraisal, may be admitted to the 2nd semester), with the exception of the LM  in Design & Engineering which does not allow admission to the 2nd semester (except for candidates who have attended the courses in the 1st semester as individual courses).

Knowledge of English to the standards set by the University is a prerequisite for enrolment. 

For the academic year 2013 - 2014 within the creation of the ranking for admission the knowledge of the English language will not be considered: this requirement will be considered at the time of the enrolment. Without this requirement it will not be possible to proceed with the enrolment process and the place on the ranking list will be available for a replacement. Starting from the academic year 2014 – 2015 the language certificate must be provided at the time of application for the evaluation.

For admission to LM  programs candidates must return the completed online application form. Admission will be subject to the assessment of the candidate’s curriculum vitae by the entry commission whose decision is final. Any decision to exclude candidates will be adequately justified by  the Commission.

For admission to LM  programs candidates must be in possession of a level I degree in Class L-4 Industrial Design or other equivalent Italian or foreign degree recognised as appropriate. In all cases admission will be granted only after appraisal of the candidate’s educational background and the assignment of any necessary curricular integrations.

The requirement to provide documentary support for online application will be waived for students from the School of Design in possession of the NV criteria (parameters relating to student careers and linked to average marks and the number of credits obtained at the 2nd year of enrolment).

The following candidates may be admitted on assessment:

-         Internal and external graduates at the Politecnico di Milano who do not possess the above parameters;

-         Internal and external undergraduates at the Politecnico di Milano who have acquired at least 150 CFU (ECTS) (ECTS) at the time of application.

Admission to LM  programs at the School of Design will not be granted to:

-         Graduates from the School of Design at the Politecnico di Milano with a final assessment equal to or less than 85/110;

-         Graduates from the Politecnico di Milano from outside the School of Design with a final assessment equal to or less than 90/110;

-         Graduates from other Italian universities with a final assessment equal to or less than 95/110.

The evaluation of candidates will be done with the parameters shown in the document " Norme attuative dei Regolamenti didattici " on the website of the School

Where the assessment is positive the commission will communicate the result to the candidate as admission without curricular integrations, or admission with curricular integrations.

In the latter instance enrolment will be completed when the additional requirements have been fulfilled. Such curricular integrations must be completed within the academic year for which application has been made: students in this position may integrate their study plan and attend LM  courses in advance by enrolling for single courses up to a maximum of 30 cfu (ects) (ECTS)

For admission to the second semester where it is necessary to assign curricular integrations with reference to the first semester, the candidate will be invited to apply again in the following semester.  

To verify the curricular additions assigned, student must check the document "Norme attuative dei Regolamenti didattici" on the website of the School

In addition to a verification of their previous courses of study, candidates will undergo comparative assessment of the curriculum followed and of other training or non-didactic activities carried out.

The commission may also make use of written tests and/or oral interviews.

The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano

6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places available

Places available for admission:

-         LM  in Interior design (Milan campus):120 students

of which 20 are reserved for students from outside the EU, 4 of which must be Chinese students from the “Marco Polo” project

For the deadlines related to the admission to the Laurea Magistrale, verify the academic rules and the academic calendar 2014/15.

How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano

6.4 Tutoring and students support

The School has improved the information and guidance tools for future undergraduates aimed at informing them with regard to teaching and training activities of each Programme in order to clarify educational objectives and future professional opportunities.

For regular (in line with exams) students, the School has put in place activities aimed at:

- contributing to removal of obstacles preventing fruitful course attendance with initiatives relating to individual needs, aptitudes and requirements;

- rendering students more actively involved in the educational process.

The reference tutor is identified for each Programme and is the institutional reference for guidance within the School. The service is organised within the scope of the Programme and, in particular, takes care of:

- student support in case of need of help in problem solving or concept clarification;

- approval and possible drafting of texts regarding presentation of the Degree Programme which he/she represents;

- identification of projects of students of his/her Degree Programme to be used as guidance tools during Open Days and in institutional School communication.


7. Contents of the study Program

7.1 Programme requirements

To be eligible for the final examination of Laurea Magistrale, students must:
- To have accomplished 120 credits required in Level II of the Master including the credits related to the Internship and the credits of the final examination.
- To have developed an individual thesis under the guidance of a tutor, which can be either a projectable work, a theoretical-methodological deepening, or a historical/critical analysis.
The final examination of the Laurea Magistrale consists in the discussion of the individual thesis which must be written under the direction of the official teacher, thesis supervisor.

For more information on this subject refer to Regolamento Esame di Laurea Magsitrale published on the School website.

7.2 Mode of study

The Laurea Magistrale course is full time activity. It is characterized by many different didactical activities: Monodisciplinary Courses are characterized by theoretic contents communicated by means of ex cathedra lessons and verified throughout the year with tests and interviews.
Integrative Courses cover more than one discipline or specific context, and are taught by two teachers who supplement one another.
Experimental Workshops are taught in the workshops, where the students are given an opportunity to experiment and use the tools used in design professions.
Design Studios involve both a number of internal teachers employed by the Faculty and several external professionals and feature design activities where the students work under the guidance of a team of teachers, each contributing with his or her expertise as related to the subject of the design.
Design Seminars (workshop) are of a duration of one week during which the students develop a project under the guidance of an established and well-known professional or a company.
Erasmus Program and the other international mobility projects enable the students to spend six months studying abroad, at qualified European and non-European design universities.
Professional Apprenticeship enable the student to works with a company or design studio that collaborates with the Polytechnic, under the guidance of a tutor of the Faculty and a tutor appointed by the company.
Conclusive Design Studio represents a complete design experience, linking numerous disciplinary contributions and guiding the students in the choice and development of their Dissertation.

In compliance with the above, the Laurea Magistrale teaching programme is organized in various teaching modes:


-         Single discipline courses are prevalently theoretical in content, taught in lectures and assessed during the year through written and oral exams;

-         Integrated courses involve more than one discipline or field of specialization. They are sometimes conducted by two lecturers who integrate their contributions;

-         Experimental Laboratories offer the opportunity of experimenting and using the tools, technology and machinery of Design. Students will take part in design activities under the guidance of a teaching team, each member of which will apply his/her own disciplinary content to the design theme;

-         Workshops constitute full-time courses lasting one week, in which students develop a project under the guidance of a well-known professional or company;

-         The Erasmus program and other international mobility programs enable students to spend one semester studying abroad in qualified European and non-European universities of design.

-         Professional internships or job placements constitute a period of activity within a company or design studio affiliated with the Politecnico, under the guidance of a tutor from the School and a tutor appointed by the company.


In the following paragraphs we will illustrate the main characteristics of these activities.


Optional Courses

12 credits are assigned to courses selected by the students themselves (equivalent to one teaching unit per year).

Each student must select one of the optional courses when presenting his/her study plan for the first year. Similarly he/she must opt for another course when presenting his/her study plan for the second year.


Optional courses are collocated in both the 1st and 2nd semester


Laurea Magistrale internship/job placement –

Students will be placed with companies, professional firms, study centers, corporations etc. affiliated with the Politecnico di Milano in compliance with current legislation, which states that a certificate will be issued on completion of a period agreed with the body with whom the internship is successfully carried out (minimum 250 hours, maximum 1 year).

Internships can be fitted into the study plan in the 1st or 2nd year of the LM . compatibly with the student’s other study commitments.

Such placements are formative experiences integrating with the world of production: the host company must be aware of and accept the legal and formative requirements of the relationship, while the student must in all cases accept and keep to the rules and customs of the company.

For further information about how to draw up a study plan, teaching priorities, norms governing attendance and exam obligations, etc. students are advised to consult the document “Norme attuative del Regolamento didattico” Norms governing teaching regulations published on the School’s website. 

7.3 Detailed learning objectives

The possibility to choose courses and corresponding credits to be inserted in the Study Track is subject to a series of rules passed by the School which each year tracks a teaching offer of 60 credits per Programme year "nominal offer").

Each year, students may choose study programmes with a different number of credits compared to the nominal offer (60 CFU credits/year) to graduate progression of studies according to their requirements.

The minimum number of credits the student may enrol in is 30, unless the number of credits for completion of the Programme is less.

The maximum number of credits the student may enrol in, subject to exam priority, is equal to 80 CFU/ECT.

In formulating the annual Study Track the priority of courses according to the progression of Programme years indicated in the Regulation below must be respected:

- courses of the subsequent Programme year ("anticipations") cannot be inserted in the Study Track unless all those of the previous year and of the current year have been inserted.

Moreover, the School has decided a series of exam priorities based on which it is necessary to have passed certain subjects considered useful in order to be admitted to others. This may give rise to the nominal number of credits a student may enrol in being reduced due to this rule.

The current System foresees a series of educational activities (basic, specialised, similar or supplementary) which are present in the study programme as single subject Courses, integrated Courses and Laboratories constituting the three-year teaching activity of the Bachelor of Science.

As well as this type of teaching activity, the System foresees that a defined number of credits are attributed to activities which may be grouped under the following items:

- educational activity freely chosen by the student (optional courses);

- educational activity concerning the preparation of the final graduation exam and verification of the foreign language (Final exam and Language);

- activity aimed at acquiring further linguistic knowledge or IT, communication or relational skills or skills useful in accessing the employment world, as well as educational activities aimed at facilitating professional choices by direct knowledge of an employment sector relevant to the qualification, including Internships in particular.

1 Year courses - Track: I_1 - I1

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group

1 Year courses - Track: I_2 - I2

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group

1 Year courses - Track: I_3 - I3

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group

1 Year courses - Track: *** - offerta comune

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
093250---- [METAINS] WORKSHOP--16,06,0
(Grp. Opz.)
093855BICAR/13CAD - 3D16,0
095200--IUS/04DIRITTO D'AUTORE16,0

7.4 Foreign language

Assessment of knowledge of foreign languages is carried out in the manner prescribed by the University published on the web page "Student Services/Guides and Regulations/Guide to the English language" on the website.

Students are invited to read this document carefully and must comply with the regulations.

In particular, it is to be noted that: "Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04, the Politecnico has adopted the English language as the EU language that must be known in addition to Italian".

Starting from the academic year 2014 – 2015 the language certificate must be provided at the time of application for the evaluation.

Language courses

7.5 Degree examination

Under Decree 270/04 art. 11 paragraph 5, the final test of the LM in Interior Design is the submission of a thesis prepared by the student under the guidance of a supervisor.

The paper has the character of experimentation and originality and can lead to both project outcomes and to theoretical and historical-critical aspects. In both cases the paper must contain an introduction outlining the methodological foundations, the reasons and purposes within is built on the search path and which aspects are original contributions of the student.
The thesis is written in Italian and preceded by an abstract in English.  
The thesis should be an important training opportunity to complete the didactic career. This is an individual work that can be developed within a more structured activity conducted in collaboration with other students. In the final results, however, must be clearly recognized the contribution of the individual candidate.

To verify the methodology for the final Examination of Master's thesis  please refer to the " Regolamento Esame di Laurea Magistrale " published on the School website.

Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at

8. Academic calendar

The Degree Programme calendar is organised bearing in mind the verification of learning procedures which, for the School of Design, foresee "on-going" tests during the whole semester. The academic year consists of two semesters, each comprising a teaching session with on-going tests and an exam sessions for verification of learning). The teaching session of each comprises two periods dedicated to lectures, exercises and laboratory activities, each followed by a week of interruption of teaching activities to allow professors an overall verification of on-going tests, followed by two weeks dedicated to exam sessions at the end of the semester.

Academic calendar

9. Faculty

The names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September.
The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.

10. Infrastructures and laboratories

Implementation of large laboratories in support of design teaching is part of the experimental tradition of the Design School of the Politecnico di Milano, which adopts an inductive teaching model in which "knowledge" and "know-how" go hand in hand.

Laboratories are dedicated to practical activities which allow the student to verify his project hypotheses and to learn how to use the technical instrumentation necessary for project experimentation, representation and communication.

The laboratories - managed by the Design Department  - occupy a space of approx.10,000 m2 on the Milano Bovisa campus and are, together with the vast system of engineering laboratories, the largest centre in the world in support of research in the design field, in terms of dimensions, available equipment and skills system.

The laboratories are supplemented by the Politeca, an integrated documentation system for research in the design field.

For information:

11. International context

Building an international dimension of theSchoolofDesignhas been considered a priority objective since its inception in 2000.

The reasons behind this are many: from the characteristics of the subject matter of design, which by its very nature is multicultural and multilocal, close to both the world of production, which has now taken on a global dimension, and the sphere of consumption, whose dynamics and trends make themselves visible in the various specific local realities; to the DNA of the design community which has always been international; from the recognition of Milan as the capital of design, crossroads for designers from all over the world who have come here to study or to open a studio, to the desire to make training programmes ever more permeable to impulses from this stimulating context, just as from other foreign dynamics.

Internationalising theSchoolofDesignhas a dual significance: to support external student (as well as researchers, professors and technicians) mobility and, conversely, attract students, researchers and professors and visiting professors from abroad.

Concerning these two internationalisation directions (treated separately, the first in this chapter and the second in that which follows), the School of Design has committed itself in recent years to widen its international relationships and currently cooperates with design universities throughout the world in Erasmus exchange programmes (with 150 European universities), in bilateral exchanges (with 53 universities outside Europe), in joint workshops with other schools, in international internships, etc.

To this must be added those more structured activities aimed at consolidating cooperation relationships with selected universities in teaching and research fields: this is the case of the MEDes_Master of European Design excellence programme (with 6 partner universities), of the international Designing Designers conference and of the many international research projects in progress.

TheSchoolofDesignis a member of Cumulus, a network of European design schools as it is also of the main international design associations. s.

Just as the host city, Milan, a true international design laboratory, the School of Design  of the Politecnico aims to be a meeting point for different cultures, for teaching, industry and professions in which professors, industrialists and famous designers from all over the world actively participate in the students' educational process.

12. Internationalization

International Exchange

TheSchoolofDesigntakes part in international student exchange programs offering students the opportunity of undertaking a period of their studies with a partner university abroad. The list of the School’s partner universities can be found at Studesk 3 and6, inthe Politecnico website nad in the International Area of theSchoolofDesignwebiste.

Erasmus program

The European Community started up the Erasmus program in 1987 enabling European university students to undertake a period of study, legally acknowledged by their own university, of up to two semesters at a university in another country within theUnion.

Students participating in the program could be entitled to an economic grant (depending on the yearly Call for Mobility) and free enrolment at the host university. In this way students can attend courses and take exams in the partner universities and have the exams acknowledged by the university in their own country.

Bilateral exchanges

TheSchoolof Design has also activated bilateral agreements with universities outside the EU. These are mainly for Laurea Magistrale students and can also be requested by those who have already spent a period abroad under the Erasmus program during their three year first level degree course.

The participation format in these exchanges is the same as for the Erasmus program except that there is no economic grant envisaged in these cases.

Bilateral agreements enable students to undertake a period of study abroad at a partner university without paying an enrolment fee, however a contribution to the expense of administrating exchange students is due in some cases(e.g. Orientation fee)

Double degrees

TheSchoolofDesignstarted two double degree programmes:

-POLITONG with theTongjiUniversityinShanghai(China) for the Laurea Magistrale in Product Service System Design

-POLITSINGHUA with theTsinghuaUniversityinBeijing(China) for the Laurea Magistrale in Interior Design.

These programmes allow students to get a double degree after a mobility of two semester.

Thesis abroad

Students in the 2nd year of Laurea Magistrale program may request to develop a part of their thesis abroad. This can be done in the following ways:

 through the Erasmus program and/or Bilateral exchange outside Europe including specific courses in the Study Plan, agreed on with your supervisor, that are  useful to the development of your  thesis or  with a co-supervisor from the partner university depending on availability, who co-ordinates with your supervisor at theSchoolofDesign;

-with co-supervision from the other university, organised autonomously and without joining an exchange program. In this case the student must communicate his/her  intentions in advance to the Relé office of theSchoolof Design, which will formalise the procedure.

In-course Internship/job placement

The in-course internship envisaged for the 2nd year of the Laurea Magistrale may be carried out abroad by:

- applying to the R.A.P service (Company and Professions relations for Industrial Design

- joining the Erasmus/extra UE programmes, if available in the partner schools, or by activating a collaboration with professional practices, or through attending courses (design studio based) or workshop as per the same amount of hours.

Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at

13. Quantitative data

14. Further information

For any other information the students are invited to visit the School website, in particular the teaching regulations of the academic rules.

15. Errata corrige