Technical Attachment to the Regulation of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Architectural Design
- Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture-Architectural Design
1.1 Admission requirements
First cycle degree or second cycle degree
- English language certification
1.2 Applicant selection
ALL applicants, even those who are entitled to be admitted, are required to present a career assessment request using the online application on, Online services, “Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): request presentation, result consultation and enrolment" within the deadlines given in the Regulations of Admission to Lauree Magistrali (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering. Even graduating students can register for a career assessment, as long as they have obtained at least 145 credits.
There are two assessment windows during the year: one for the first semester, one for the second.
The following are required for being admitted to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Architectural Design:
- a Class L-17 qualification in Science of Architecture (or Class 4 ex Min.Decree 509/1999), without curricular integrations, or a qualification obtained abroad that is recognised as being suitable;
- a laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or 3-year university qualification (Min.Decree 270/04, art. 6);
- fulfilment of the essential educational activities given in the table relative to the class L-17 laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Architecture and Science, held to be a mandatory curricular requirement, in compliance with Directive 85/384 EEC and relative recommendations;
- having passed the obligatory entrance tests for enrolment in a Programme and/or single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science),
Admission to the LM-4 Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture-Architectural Design is permitted if the selection test is passed; the selection test consists of a comparative assessment that considers the student's past career (on the basis of the documents presented by the applicant when pre-enrolling) and possible other important and suitably documented training or professional experiences.
For students who graduated from classes other than L-17, an assessment of their previous career may result in them having to retake and pass failed exams before enrolling in the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science). Students with curricular integrations that are worth more than 30 ECTS credits cannot be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Architectural Design (except for Graduate students in Architecture and Building Production from Politecnico di Milano).
1.2.1 Entitlement to admission
Students who enrolled in the three-year Programme of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering (class L-17), who graduated within 4 years from their first enrolment and who, on 30 September of the 2nd calendar year from their first enrolment acquired the N and V parameters (number of ECTS credits and average) required by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme they intend taking (identifiable by their study plan) are entitled to be admitted.
These are the parameters requested, separated into their years of entry:
- Students enrolled from academic year 2003/04 until academic year 2009/10: N/V 100/25
- Students enrolled from academic year 2010/11: N/V 100/27
A high number of curricular integrations does not permit students who graduated from L-21 and L-23 degree classes to be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Architectural Design (excluding students who graduated in Architecture and Construction at Politecnico di Milano), even if the N/V parameter has been passed.
1.2.2 International students
International students coming from foreign Universities are selected according to
the times and using the methods indicated on
Additional information
The Regulation for Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is on
1.3 Transfers from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or from other university campuses
Transferring from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or other university campuses is only permitted subject to presentation of the request for admission.
Transferred students can have past exams validated if held as being compatible with the offered curriculum of the Programme they want to do.
Enrolling for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) does not guarantee transfer without having to retake exams: the Board will always consider the first cycle degree acquired, applying what is indicated in point 1.2.
Applicants who enrolled in single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at other Italian Universities cannot be transferred to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Architectural Design. Students from foreign universities in countries with programme schedules that do not contemplate three-year Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes must guarantee enrolment in the 4th year of the course, must have at least 180 ETCS credits, and must respect the minimum curricular requirements indicated for class L-17.
1.4 English language certification
English language certification is a prerequisite for admittance: students who do not have the necessary certification cannot be admitted to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes.
The certification must be acquired as indicated in the "Guide to the English language" published on the University site
The original English language certificate must be presented to the Registrar's Office in Via Golgi 42 within the deadline indicated for presenting the request for admission relative to the entry semester:
I semester: 09 September 2016
II semester: 14 February 2017
1.5 Curricular integrations
A curricular integration refers to an exam that has to be retaken and which is assigned to students who have graduated in a class that is not L-17. They are university credits determined by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Admission Board and chosen from the courses of the first cycle degree.
Registration for curricular integrations can be done through the Online Services: "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
Students who receive curricular integrations cannot enrol in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science); they can only do so after having taken the relative test/s again and presenting a new request for admittance.
1.6 Exam validation
Students transferring from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes can have already-taken exams validated, if compatible with the curriculum of the programme they intend doing. As per University regulations, students who transfer from another university are required to take exams worth at least 60 ECTS credits at Politecnico di Milano, in addition to doing an internship and taking the final exams.
The validations will be indicated in the career assessment and loaded automatically in the Study Plan.
1.7 Single-subject courses
The University permits students to do single-subject courses, subject to payment of the enrolment cost.
Students who wish to do single-subject courses must not already be enrolled at Politecnico di Milano.
Enrolment in single-subject courses depends on the availability of places in the course itself; each semester the School publishes its list of available courses online on
In the event that the requests for the first or second semester exceed the number of places available, a selection will be made on the basis of the qualifications matured (laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) score and assessment of the request for admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)).
When admitted to a programme, students can attend courses, take exams during the exam sessions of the academic year and obtain certification confirming the score of the exams passed and the corresponding ECTS credits obtained.
Enrolment in single-subject courses can be requested for:
- max. 30 ECTS credits per year by those who wish to integrate their education, or who do not have the requirements/prerequisites necessary for taking a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme, and who intend taking the curriculum in advance in view of possible subsequent recognition.
The subsequent recognition of the ECTS credits acquired, which can never be higher than 30, depends on admission to and enrolment in the specific Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science) Programme.
In the event that the exams for single-subject courses were not taken/passed, attendance validation is discretionary during enrolment.
Enrolment in single-subject courses can be requested for:
- max 80 ECTS credits per year, only for those who presented an application for admission to/assessment of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes, disciplined by Min.Decree 270/04, who are required to pass courses defined as curricular integrations, before being able to enrol.
The maximum limit of 80 ECTS credits can include both curricular integrations assigned from the assessment and early courses of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme; the latter cannot include the laboratories or exceed 30 ECTS credits.
Students can enrol for curricular integrations using the Online Services function "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
The other credits can be obtained by presenting a request specifically for enrolment through the Online Services "Request for and enrolment in Single-subject Programmes".
What is indicated in point 1.2 of these regulations is also valid for the Architecture-Architectural Design Programme.
Having attended Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) single-subject courses does not give priority for enrolment in the Programme and cannot become part of the assessment of merit.
1.8 Enrolment
Only students who presented a request for career assessment and were evaluated as "SUITABLE" by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Admission Board can enrol in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Architectural Design.
Students can only enrol in the Architecture-Architectural Design Programme using the Online Services function: "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
Additional information
The Regulations for Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are published every year on
The text includes the methods used for admission and the deadlines for semesters I and II 2016/2017.
2. PSPA (Previously Approved Study Plan) option presentation
2.1 Options and allocation, year I
Once their enrolment has been confirmed, students admitted to the Programme can select up to 3 options on the available PSPA ( Online services PSPA option presentation).
Only after being allocated in one of the indicated PSPAs can students move on and present their Study Plan.
During year I, the PSPA is assigned on the basis of the laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) score and considering the order of the preferences expressed by the student.
Students who enrolled after the indicated deadlines cannot present their options and will be positioned in the PSPAs that still have available places.
Due to allocations established by merit, newly-enrolled students CANNOT make any changes to their PSPA.
2.2 Options and allocation, year II
Students are obliged to present the options in the PSPA also for the second year; PSPA continuity is, however, guaranteed. Students who intend modifying their PSPA as to the previous year can reformulate their preferences; students will be assessed again and positioned on a merit basis according to the weighted average acquired within the summer exam sessions.
In order to select other Programmes or Campuses of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, students must again present their request for career assessment as indicated in the Regulations for admission.
3. Presenting your Study Plan
3.1 Times and methods
Students are obliged, under their own responsibility, to present their personal Study Plan (, Online Services, “Study Plan Presentation”).
The Plan is considered by the School to be probative to all effects. Its compilation also confirms compliance of the choices made by the student with current rules and the Programme Regulations.
The Study Plan of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Architectural Design is made up of 120 University credits, to be inserted in the plan as Effective, divided into:
- single-subject or additional courses
- laboratories
- free-choice activities
- internship
- final test
Students can register yearly for a minimum of 30 credits (15 for March entries); contemporary enrolment for courses is permitted for a maximum of 80 yearly credits.
N.B. We suggest always saving and printing the plan that was inserted.
Changes made to the plan will not be accepted. Presentation of the Study Plan is definitive and must be completed in the times and methods established by the School. When choosing courses, students are required to consult the timetable beforehand, to avoid overlapping attendance.
3.1.1 Arrears
As approved by the Board of Directors, arrears of 100.00 Euro will be payable if the Study Plan is not presented within the dates indicated in the academic calendar. Payment will be requested with the second instalment.
3.1.2 Attendance
- Laboratories: attendance is obligatory and is uninterrupted; students who do not attend the laboratories for the correct number of hours must re-insert them in the subsequent academic year, presenting a new Study plan in September;
- Single-subject or additional programmes: attendance is uninterrupted, therefore they are inserted in the Plan only once during the student's career; once inserted in the Study plan they remain in the subsequent years as acquired attendance; when drawing up the study plan of the subsequent academic year, the acquired attendance can be eliminated and the courses re-inserted as new attendance.
- Final exam and Internship: attendance is uninterrupted, therefore they can only be inserted in the student's career once.
3.1.3 Study Plan modifications
You can modify your Study Plan from 01 March 2017 to 08 March 2017 using the Online Services.
With regard to the courses offered for the second semester, you can: add or eliminate optional and obligatory programmes, the end test and internship.
Students cannot eliminate, add or change the Laboratory sessions and the first semester programmes.
3.2 Allocations
3.2.1 Laboratories
In the 1st year, students enrolled in the Architecture City Landscape PSPA are obliged to indicate 4 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 1 and 3 options for the optional Laboratory.
Students enrolled in the Architecture and Interior Space PSPA are obliged to indicate 4 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 1 and 2 options for the optional Laboratory.
Students enrolled in the Architectural Design PSPA are obliged to indicate 2 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 1 and 2 options for the optional Laboratory.
In the 2nd year, students enrolled in the Architecture City Landscape PSPA are obliged to indicate 4 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 2 and 3 options for the optional Laboratory.
Students enrolled in the Architecture and Interior Space PSPA are obliged to indicate 4 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 2 and 2 options for the optional Laboratory.
Students enrolled in the Architectural Design PSPA are obliged to indicate 2 options for Architectural Design Laboratory 2 and 2 options for the optional Laboratory.
Students are placed in the laboratories on the basis of their position in the ranking relative to the sequence of options expressed.
The options must be expressed every year and will be ordered according to the following criteria:
First year
Degree score
Second year
Ordered in decreasing values of the G parameter
where Vi is the score obtained for the nth exam, Ci is the number of credits corresponding to the nth exam, and n is the number of exams taken
A score of 30/30 cum lode will be calculated as equal to 33/30.
To prevent students being penalised by possible delays in recording or validating the exams taken, the G parameter will be calculated on the career matured during the summer session. 01/08/2016).
The scores of all students returning from an Erasmus cannot be considered if not already validated in the plan before being assigned.
Admitted students who for any reason enrol after the indicated deadlines will be placed in the ranking.
Students cannot attend laboratories or programmes that are not included in the plan. Assessments relative to activities that are not in the study plan or which have been attended differently from allocation in the sections cannot be recognised or validated for any reason whatsoever.
Laboratory attendance is obligatory and must be equal to at least 70% of the total hours.
3.2.2 Single-subject and Additional programmes
The single-subject and additional course sections are assigned to students in alphabetical order by surname.
3.3 Course priorities
The Architecture-Architectural Design Programme does not indicate any priority.
3.4 Free-choice activities
Students are obliged to insert, in their educational path, free-choice courses aimed at deepening and completing the specific themes of their individual curricula; the educational offer of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering includes activation of numerous optional courses that are useful for completing the ECTS credits of the selected programmes.
Alternatively, the School offers recognition of Workshops as specified below.
3.4.1 Optional courses
When compiling their study plan, students can insert a number of optionals that depends on the offer of the enrolment PSPA.
The list of courses offered and the relative programmes in the Degree programme can be consulted.
Optional programmes do not require any allocation; should the number of students be above 80/120, an additional session will be started and the students will be distributed alphabetically or allocated by merit, evaluating case by case.
3.4.2 Workshops
Credits for free-choice programmes, deriving from participation in extra-curricular activities (Workshops, Seminars, etc.) will only be recognised if authorised beforehand by the School Committee, following a motivated proposal and equipped with a programme by a professor (from the school or Politecnico di Milano) who coordinates the activity.
The list of workshops accredited by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is available in the dedicated section of the School site and is updated several times during the year:
To take part in a Workshop, follow the methods specified in the individual sheets and refer to the reference professors indicated by the supervising professor.
Students who have attended or will attend a workshop must respect the following procedures:
- Students who enrolled from academic year 2016/17
- are obliged to insert the Workshop line when drawing up their study plan.
- after having obtained confirmation of credit assignment, must give the relative application form (which can be downloaded from the School site under Students/Forms: to the Office of the Programme the student enrolled in, attaching a copy of the participation certificate.
- Students who enrolled in academic years prior to 2016/17
- when compiling their study plan, can insert the Workshop line or, alternatively, an optional course. Students can replace the optional course with Workshop attendance; in this case the plan line will be modified by the competent offices when the credits are verbalised (for those students who intend attending a Workshop, we suggest inserting the Workshop line,which is available in the list of optional courses, in their study plan).
- after having obtained confirmation of credit assignment, must present the relative application form (which can be downloaded from the School site under Students/Forms: to the Office of the Programme the student enrolled in, attaching a copy of the participation certificate.
The Architecture-Architectural Design Programme recognises a maximum number of 4 ECTS credits deriving from participation in Workshops.
3.5 Internship
The School cooperates with professional orders, public administrations, territorial institutes and companies to organise internships so that students are guaranteed the possibility of acquiring the credits indicated in the regulations.
In addition, students can also do their internship in the Politecnico di Milano Departments.
Internship duration is defined by the Study Plans, according to School regulations. More information is available from the Internship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the specific section of the School site
The University also promotes Erasmus scholarships for internships abroad. For further information:
3.6 Courses as extra for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)
Courses/training, even selected from other programmes that are part of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, can be inserted in the Study plan as extra (select the purple trolley icon "Extra").
Courses as extra:
- are not considered in the total of credits required for admission to the final exam (120 ECTS credits for laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes), therefore passing them is discretionary.
- are not included in the average score calculation
- are part of the maximum limit of 80 ECTS credits necessary for drawing up the Study plan, and are also included in the total number of ECTS credits that define the amount of the second instalment of the university contributions
- are recorded in the student's career and included in the certifications issued if passed
A course position can be modified from effective to extra or vice versa when presenting the Study plan; this change results in the payment of the enrolment fee even if new attendances are not included.
There is no guarantee that the ECTS credits acquired as extra will be recognised, if admission is requested to laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes. The possible recognition of exams and/or attendance is the exclusive prerogative of the structure that evaluates the request for admission.
The exams of courses as extra can be taken until the day before the Degree exam sessions, but not after that date. Exams of courses as extra can be taken in the first useful session after enrolment in the laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) should the attendance have been validated, or new attendance inserted.
4. State examinations
4.1 Methods
The uniformity of the methods for learning assessment and programming from among all the sections of the same course is guaranteed by suitable forms of coordination, in coherence with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.
At the start of the academic year, each professor communicates the learning assessment methods, the contents of the exam and the assessment criteria.
Three exam sessions are programmed for each course (programmes and laboratories). Each exam session has at least two session dates, both of which can be used by students.
Students can only take part in the exam sessions if they are regularly enrolled online by the exam date; if not enrolled, the students cannot take the exam for any reason, and the score cannot be recorded in their career.
Graduating students must only use the first exam date of the relative session, in order to permit completion of the enrolment procedures in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Exam session within the indicated terms.
5. Final exams
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Architectural Design ends with the Final Exam, where the student's thesis is presented and discussed. The thesis consists of an architecture project that is developed and analysed stating from the work carried out in one of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Laboratories that were attended and completed by the student, and must be approved by a Programme professor.
The thesis must develop an important architectural theme, placing special attention on the theoretical and practical aspects involved in defining the project and division of the work according to the specific responsibilities of the different Laboratories. The thesis must also highlight the analytical, critical and project skills developed by the applicant. The point of view of the project and its centrality inside the training path must guide its elaboration.
For all information on the final exam, students should consult the "Regulation for the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) final exam of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and the integrative Regulation of the final exam for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) of the Programme in
Architecture-Architectural Design published on the School site: