Academic Year 2016/17 School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering Degree Programme of: Architecture Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering | Code Reference Law | 1136 | Name | Architecture | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | LM-4 - Architecture and Architectural engineering | Degree level | Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 2 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2 | Official language(s) (¹) | Italian/English | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Ilaria Pamela Simonetta Valente | Coordinator of the Study programme | Gennaro Postiglione | Website of the School | http://www.auic.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | | (¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Leonardo Reference office | UFFICIO SERVIZI AGLI STUDENTI E DOCENTI DEI CORSI DI STUDIO DI LAUREA MAGISTRALE |
| Address | Via Ampère 2, 20133 Milano | Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo Address | VIA C. GOLGI, 42 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programme
The purpose of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme is to supply students with an advanced level of training for carrying out highly-qualified activities in specific fields. The objective of the plan is to train Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students in Architecture. The Programme is aimed, overall and in its divisions, at supplying advanced training in the architectural design field. The programme is a unitary matrix, compliant with the European Union requirements for recognition of the validity of the qualification obtained.
Following Polytechnic tradition, the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme proposes a training approach that is based on the synthesis between the humanistic-artistic component and the scientific-technical one, which integrates the best cultural traditions with the disciplinary innovation necessary for reconfirming the cultural and strategic role of architecture, living quality and phyiscal and social landscapes, environmental themes, the liveability of cities and terrains, the protection and redevelopment of assets and cultural resources.
The path develops by way of design laboratories that are focused on architecture of interiors and landscape, urban design and planning, technological design and renovation. The theoretical programmes integrate design experience with in-depth studies on history and theoretical research, but also technological design and the study of building techniques and temporary architecture, with increasing attention being paid to the requirements of environmental sustainability and compatibility. The path is completed by optional programmes, both in Italian and English, that can be selected even outside the study plan, and which give a wide choice from courses that are part of very different disciplinary areas. A particularly interesting opportunity comes from the numerous thematic workshops which, during the year, offer intensive design experiences directed towards specific themes.
In respect of this framework, the Programme has some recommended study plans prepared as a support for students when drawing up their own plan; the intention is to answer the specificity of the training profiles in a suitable manner.
3. Learning objectivesThe recommended ‘Architectural Design’ programme is aimed at training Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students who can develop the architectural project as an operator who can transform the environment and living space in all its formal and technical components, equipped with the instruments needed for an in-depth understanding of the physical, social and cultural characteristics of the contemporary contexts in which they work.
The training path follows the architectural project, dividing it into suitable scales, applying itself in particular to the problems of modifying and regenerating urban and living landscapes and fabric, with particular attention paid to the search for new forms and types of contemporary liveability, the architecture of public spaces and infrastructures, the search for a conscious balance between new architecture and the existing city, with attention paid to the requirement of environmental, economic and social sustainability and compatibility.
This leads to the attention paid, in the fabric of disciplinary duties, to the detailed study and updating of theoretical, methodological and operative instruments in the architectural project, to train a high profile architectural designer who can face the coordination of complex large-scale project operations.
The recommended programme called ‘Preservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage’, considering the growing importance, even in the international framework, of interventions on the built, intends contributing to the acquisition of specific, in-depth, updated skills in the field of knowledge, protection, preservation, re-use and development of architectural assets and the environment. The proposed path faces the themes through the inter-related contribution of the disciplines that are part of an architect's training, reserving special attention to the history of protection and renovation, and that of construction, survey, diagnosis and evaluation methods of the built, the selection criteria of the conservative and transformation approaches, with the aim of managing with culture and sensitivity the project phases and the range of possible interventions, from maintenance to renovation and redevelopment, from integration to replacement, as much for single buildings as for the urbanised and landscape scale contexts.
The recommended programme called ‘Architecture of interiors’ is aimed at preparing a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate student who is particularly careful with the relationship between man and manufactured items, form and proportion, measurement and organisation of spaces. This is done in continuity with the teaching of Italian masters who, at this school, taught integral design, careful with the human dimension of architecture in every scale, from domestic to public. On the basis of a suitable and updated awareness of the needs for effective sustainability, great attention is paid when teaching about lived-in space, work places, the collective areas in the city, preparation, scenic design, museography, even in relation to restoration, re-use and architectural redevelopment interventions and built interiors.
The recommended programme called ‘Architecture of interiors’ defines the international path of Interiors; it is held in English and is aimed at preparing a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate student who is particularly careful with the relationship between man and manufactured items, form and proportion, measurement and organisation of spaces. This is done in continuity with the teaching of Italian masters who, at this school, taught integral design, careful with the human dimension of architecture in every scale, from domestic to public. On the basis of a suitable and updated awareness of the needs for effective sustainability, great attention is paid when teaching about lived-n space, work places, the collective areas in the city, preparation, scenic design and museography, even in relation to restoration, re-use and architectural redevelopment interventions and built interiors. In addition, this programme offers students the possibility of working in a multi-cultural context, of enjoying teaching in a wide international measure and of deepening the specifications of the Italian contribution to European architectural culture in historical and contemporary perspectives.
The recommended plan called ‘Technological and environmental design’ aims at widening the training of a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate student in Architecture to include the awareness and skills necessary for managing and controlling the technical feasibility and environmental sustainability of the design selections. The proposed training and cultural experience is based on the consolidation and widening of the student’s knowledge of techniques and technologies that preside over the processes of new construction and transformation of the built, and instruments aimed at the development of performances that are characteristic of the interventions proposed, and the impacts that these processes determine on the environment, sighting a specific skill in identifying and experimenting with solutions that are technically reliable, environmentally efficient and able to give an updated answer that is suitable for the multiple instances to which architectural design is called to correspond.
The ‘Architecture’ programme, which is held in English, defines the international path and is aimed at training Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students who are able to develop the architectural project as an operator who can transform the environment and living space in all its formal and technical components, equipped with the instruments needed for an in-depth understanding of the physical, social and cultural characteristics of the contemporary contexts in which the students will work. Moving from Italian and European architectural tradition and opening in a critical and in-depth manner to a multicultural comparison, the educational path faces architectural design, dividing it into suitable scales, applying it in particular to the problems of modification, landscape and urban fabric regeneration, with particular attention given to the search for new forms and typologies of contemporary living, architecture of public spaces and infrastructures, of an aware balance between new architecture and the existing city, with attention on the requirements of sustainability and environmental compatibility. This leads to great attention being paid, in the fabric of disciplinary duties, to the detailed study and updating of theoretical, methodological and operative instruments in architectural projects required to train a high profile architectural designer who can face the coordination of complex large-scale project operations. In addition, this programme offers students the possibility of working in a multi-cultural context, of enjoying teaching in a wide international measure and of deepening the specifications of the Italian contribution to European architectural culture in historical and contemporary perspectives.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications4.2 Further StudiesGraduate students in Architecture are offered different options for the progression of their studies:
- PhD, held at the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission subject to an entrance test;
- Second cycle Master's, held at the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission established by the structure that runs the programme;
- Specialisation course, held at the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission established by the structure that runs the programme.
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture trains a highly qualified designer. The qualification is recognised by the European Union.
An EU graduate student in Architecture is a professional figure who can carry out managerial roles for public and private institutions and companies (State administration, local institutes, companies) and work as a freelancer with professional studios and design companies, developing the duties relative to the construction, management, and transformation of cities and the territory.
Students who graduate in Architecture can register in Professional Orders if they pass the State professional exam. For more information, refer to the University site link (www.esamidistato.polimi.it) 5.2 Careers options and profilesThere are a large number of career opportunities, in general and in the specific sector, among which: freelancing or working with professional studios; companies; public administration; research, public consultancy and private institutions; international entities. Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4212
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsRequested qualifications:
- Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science)
- English language certification
First cycle students who graduated in the following Programmes (Class L-17), and who do not have to retake any exams, can be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture: Graduate students with a laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or 3-year university qualification, or other qualifications earned abroad that are recognised as being suitable and which contain those educational activities held as being an essential curricular requirement as shown in the Class L-17 table (see point 1. in the Technical attachment to these regulations), can also be admitted.
Any curricular integrations in terms of University credits - up to a maximum of 30 - must be passed before entering the Programme. Students who have curricular integrations above 30 credits cannot be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture.
Detailed information relating to the entrance test, admission and enrolment is available on the Guidance and Counselling Office site http://www.poliorientami.polimi.it
The Regulations for Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are published on www.auic.polimi.it.
6.2 Requested knowledgeIn compliance with Law 264/99, art. 1, which determines admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at a national level according to a programmed number of entries, enrolment in Architecture is subject to an assessment of merit, which considers the University study curriculum and other important, suitably documented, educational and professional experiences.
Any curricular integrations in terms of University credits must be acquired before enrolment.
An English language certificate as indicated in the "Guide to the English language" published on the University site is also required.
The original English language certificate must be presented to the Registrar's Office in Via Golgi 42 within the deadline indicated for presenting the request for admission relative to the entry semester:
The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=49916.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availableThe table indicates the minimum number of places guaranteed for each educational path during academic year 2016-17
October 2016
March 2017
The following study plans have been previously approved (PSPA):
no. students
Architectural design
Technological and environmental design
Architecture of interiors
Preservation of the architectural and environmental heritage
Architecture of interiors
* Any places that are not assigned will be made available at the October entrance.
Once their enrolment has been confirmed, students admitted to the Programme can select up to 4 options on their preferred PSP .
During the first year of the programme, the PSPA is assigned on the basis of the laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) score and considering the order of the preferences expressed by the student.
Students who enrolled after the indicated deadlines cannot present their PSPA options, and will be placed in those that still have available places.
6.3.1 PSPA allocation
Due to allocations established by merit, newly-enrolled students cannot make any changes to their PSPA.
During the second year, students must also present their PSPA options; track continuity is guaranteed for those who do not intend changing their path.
Students who intend modifying their PSPA as to the previous year can reformulate their preferences; the students will be assessed again and positioned on a merit basis according to the weighted average acquired within the summer exam sessions (see point 3. of the Technical attachment).
Changes in Campus and to the Study Plan are not permitted. To attend other School Programmes, students must again present their request for career assessment as indicated in the Regulations for admission.
Detailed information relating to deadlines and available places can be consulted in the guide to enrolment http://www.polimi.it/studenti/guide/
How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=29556.4 Tutoring and students supportDuring the first and second semesters, the school organises guidance and tutoring activities for students. The dates of the meetings organised during the Study Plan presentation will be indicated on the School site (www.auic.polimi.it).
6.5 Allocation in laboratories (L)
In the case of multiple laboratory sections, the students must express up to a number of options equal to that of the section.
Allocation is by merit, according to the criteria expressed in point 3 of the Technical Attachment to these Regulations.
6.6 Allocation in single-subject (M) and additional (C.I.) programmes
The educational offer also includes, for some single-subject and additional programmes, allocation by merit. Students must express their preferences as organised by the online system, and will be allocated by merit according to the criteria expressed in the Technical attachment to these Regulations.
The programmes can have a maximum of 120 students regularly enrolled in the academic year 2016/2017.
Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=2155
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirements
A laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) session can be attended after having obtained 120 credits, as specified for each PSPA in the Educational Rules. As defined by the class LM-4 table, the minimum number of ECTS credits guaranteed for the educational activities that characterise the programme is 48 (Architectural and Urban design, Historical disciplines for architecture, Architectural analysis and structural design, Estimate disciplines for architecture and urban planning, Urban and territorial planning, Representation of architecture and the environment, Theories and techniques for architectural renovation, Physical-technical and plant disciplines for architecture, Technological disciplines for architecture and building, Economic, social, juridical disciplines for architecture and urban planning). For equivalent activities, a minimum of 12 ECTS credits is guaranteed. 14 credits are reserved for the internship and the final exam. 7.2 Mode of study
The Programme is full time and includes participation in training activities made up of lectures and practice, Laboratory activities, Workshops, Seminars, study visits and internships. Attending the Laboratories is obligatory for all Programmes; should the student not have certification of attendance for at least 70% of the total hours, the Laboratory will have to be frequented again.
Attendance certification, necessary for taking the relative assessment test, is taken care of by the Laboratory professors. Any other attendance obligations can be established in coherence with the School regulations. These obligations will be made known through the School Internet site (www.auic.polimi.it) and communicated to students by the professors responsible for the courses when the programmes begin. Uniformity of the attendance regulations for all sections of the same course is guaranteed. Verification of attendance is looked after by the professor in charge of the course, on the basis of criteria that are coherent with the teaching organisation, and which will be communicated to students at the start of the programme. These criteria can involve the student's presence in the classroom and his/her active participation.
Single-subject or additional courses
Attendance is not obligatory for these courses, and the exam methods reserved for those who do not attend will be published on the professor's page and with communication at the start of the programme.
7.2.1 Previous exams
For programmes with uninterrupted attendance, the School guarantees the possibility of taking exams even if the professor changes, the programme changes name or if it is cancelled, for a period of one year after the third exam session. After this an equivalent programme will be found to the one that was cancelled; in this case the identified professor will mark his/her bibliography and exam methods.
7.2.2 Teaching and exam organisation
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme teaching is structured into two semesters and students can enrol at the beginning of either. Studies can therefore begin in either the first or the second semester of each academic year.
I semester
- Start of first semester: Monday 10 October 2016
- End of first semester: Friday 03 February 2017
Week dedicated to study trips and Workshops: 06 March 2017 – 10 March 2017
Week dedicated to MIAW: 23 February 2017 – 04 March 2017
II semester
- Start of second semester: Monday 13 March 2017
- End of second semester: Monday 23 June 2017
Week dedicated to study trips and Workshops: 26 June 2017 – 30 June 2017
A period dedicated to exam assessment takes place at the end of each semester, after which
the student can:
- pass, and be given a score;
- fail, and undergo a subsequent assessment;
- try again, in this case the exam cannot be repeated in the same session.
Exam sessions:
- 01 September 2016 – 08 October 2016
- 06 February 2017 – 04 March 2017
- 26 June 2017 – 29 July 2017
Extra session for Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students graduating in the December 2016 session: 14 November 2016 – 26 November 2016
7.3 Detailed learning objectives1 Year courses - Track: A12 - Progettazione Architettonica
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091705 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091692 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091693 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI C | | 1 | 6,0 | 091694 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI D | | 1 | 6,0 | 091695 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI E | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091706 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA A | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091697 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA B | | 1 | 4,0 | 091698 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA C | | 1 | 4,0 | 091699 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA E | | 1 | 4,0 | | 093463 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 093464 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091710 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO C | | 1 | 6,0 | 091701 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO D | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091351 | B,C | ICAR/02 ICAR/14 ICAR/21 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE URBANISTICA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 098391 | B,C | IUS/10 | DIRITTO URBANISTICO E DELL'AMBIENTE | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 089990 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE E SOSTENIBILITÀ | | 2 | 4,0 | 089944 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIA DELLE TRASFORMAZIONI URBANE | | 2 | 4,0 | 089984 | B | SPS/10 | SOCIOLOGIA DEL TERRITORIO | | 2 | 4,0 | 089946 | B | SPS/10 | SOCIOLOGIA DELLA CITTÀ | | 2 | 4,0 | | 093331 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 ICAR/15 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA I | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093333 | B,C | ICAR/17 ICAR/19 | LABORATORIO DI RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: A12 - Progettazione Architettonica
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 086284 | B | ICAR/22 | ESTIMO | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 096705 | B | ICAR/22 | ESTIMO | | 2 | 4,0 | | 091428 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTO E COSTRUZIONE DELL'ARCHITETTURA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 096346 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/15 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA II | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: C15 - Conservazione del patrimonio architettonico e ambientale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 097755 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA DELLE TECNICHE DI COSTRUZIONE | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 091705 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091692 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091693 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI C | | 1 | 6,0 | 091694 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI D | | 1 | 6,0 | 091695 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI E | | 1 | 6,0 | | 097756 | B,C | ICAR/19 | TEORIE E STORIA DEL RESTAURO | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 | | 093343 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 097758 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/19 | CI TEORIA E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA E DELLA SALVAGUARDIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL XX SECOLO | | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 086284 | B | ICAR/22 | ESTIMO | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 097757 | B | ICAR/22 | VALUTAZIONE ECONOMICA DEI BENI CULTURALI | | 2 | 4,0 | | 093333 | B,C | ICAR/17 ICAR/19 | LABORATORIO DI RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: C15 - Conservazione del patrimonio architettonico e ambientale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 099552 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ICAR/14 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE TECNOLOGICA E STRUTTURALE | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 099553 | B,C | ICAR/19 ICAR/21 SECS-P/06 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE URBANISTICA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 099555 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/19 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE TEMATICO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: D12 - Architettura degli Interni
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 093463 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 093464 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091701 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO D | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091705 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091692 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091693 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI C | | 1 | 6,0 | 091694 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI D | | 1 | 6,0 | 091695 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI E | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091706 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA A | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091697 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA B | | 1 | 4,0 | 091698 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA C | | 1 | 4,0 | 091699 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA E | | 1 | 4,0 | | 091319 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/21 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA E URBANA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 089921 | C | L-ART/04 | ARTE CONTEMPORANEA | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 097789 | C | L-ART/04 | CONTEMPORARY ART | | 2 | 4,0 | | 093366 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 ICAR/16 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE DEGLI INTERNI I | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093369 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/19 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: D12 - Architettura degli Interni
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091411 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ICAR/22 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTO E COSTRUZIONE DELL'ARCHITETTURA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 091414 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/17 SPS/10 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE DEGLI INTERNI II | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 094938 | C | ICAR/16 | CI MUSEI - INTERNI - BUILT ENVIRONMENT | | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 | 099516 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/20 | IC MUSEUMS - INTERIORS - BUILT ENVIRONMENT | | 2 | 8,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: T12 - Progettazione Tecnologica e Ambientale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 093463 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 093464 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091701 | B | ICAR/18 | STORIA E TEORIE DELL'ARCHITETTURA DEL SECONDO NOVECENTO D | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091705 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI A | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091692 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI B | | 1 | 6,0 | 091693 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI C | | 1 | 6,0 | 091694 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI D | | 1 | 6,0 | 091695 | B | ICAR/09 | TECNICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI E | | 1 | 6,0 | | 091706 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA A | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 091697 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA B | | 1 | 4,0 | 091698 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA CONTEMPORANEA C | | 1 | 4,0 | 091699 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA E | | 1 | 4,0 | | 093431 | B,C | ICAR/13 ICAR/21 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE URBANISTICA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 098391 | B,C | IUS/10 | DIRITTO URBANISTICO E DELL'AMBIENTE | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 089990 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE E SOSTENIBILITÀ | | 2 | 4,0 | 089944 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIA DELLE TRASFORMAZIONI URBANE | | 2 | 4,0 | 089984 | B | SPS/10 | SOCIOLOGIA DEL TERRITORIO | | 2 | 4,0 | 089946 | B | SPS/10 | SOCIOLOGIA DELLA CITTÀ | | 2 | 4,0 | | 089992 | B,C | ICAR/12 | CI INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA E CONTROLLO AMBIENTALE | | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 093374 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 ICAR/15 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: T12 - Progettazione Tecnologica e Ambientale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091411 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ICAR/22 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTO E COSTRUZIONE DELL'ARCHITETTURA | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093350 | B,C | ICAR/06 ICAR/19 | LABORATORIO DI RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093377 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE INTEGRATA | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: E12 - Architecture
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 089997 | B,C | ICAR/14 | ARCHITECTURAL THEORY AND PRACTICE | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 | | 093379 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 097799 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | 097784 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | | 089999 | B | ICAR/09 | BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 093380 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/21 | TOWN PLANNING DESIGN WORKSHOP | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 078684 | B | SPS/10 | URBAN SOCIOLOGY | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 050546 | B | SPS/10 | URBAN SOCIOLOGY: CONTEMPORARY CITIES | | 2 | 4,0 | 098326 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIC ASSESSMENT OF URBAN TRANSFORMATION | | 2 | 4,0 | | 078237 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/15 | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO 1 | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093384 | B,C | ICAR/17 ICAR/19 | ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATION STUDIO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: E12 - Architecture
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091453 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ING-IND/11 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY STUDIO | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 093398 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/15 ICAR/16 | ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO 2 | | 1, 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 081410 | B | ICAR/22 | PROJECT APPRAISAL | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: I15 - Architecture of interiors
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 097784 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 (Grp. Opz.) | 093379 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | 097799 | B | ICAR/18 | HISTORY AND THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH-CENTURY ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 6,0 | | 089999 | B | ICAR/09 | BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 089997 | B,C | ICAR/14 | ARCHITECTURAL THEORY AND PRACTICE | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 | | 097785 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/21 | ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN DESIGN STUDIO | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 097790 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/14 ICAR/16 | ARCHITECTURE OF INTERIORS STUDIO 1 | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 097789 | C | L-ART/04 | CONTEMPORARY ART | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 | | 097794 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/19 ING-IND/11 | ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATION STUDIO | | 2 | 14,0 | 14,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: I15 - Architecture of interiors
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 099511 | B,C | ICAR/09 ICAR/12 ICAR/22 | BUILDING TECHNOLOGY STUDIO | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 099513 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/17 SPS/10 | ARCHITECTURE OF INTERIORS STUDIO 2 | | 1 | 14,0 | 14,0 | | 099516 | B,C | ICAR/16 ICAR/20 | IC MUSEUMS - INTERIORS - BUILT ENVIRONMENT | | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: *** - Non diversificato
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 097767 | B,C | ICAR/17 MAT/08 | IC ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY AND ADVANCED REPRESENTATION | | 1 | 8,0 | 12,0 | 097763 | B,C | ICAR/12 ICAR/22 | CI ESECUTIVITÀ DEL PROGETTO E ORGANIZZAZIONE DELL'INFORMAZIONE TECNICA | | 2 | 8,0 | 091529 | B | ICAR/18 | CI CONTAMINAZIONI E IBRIDAZIONI DEL PROGETTO E DELLA RICERCA ARCHITETTONICA TRA ETÀ MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA | | 2 | 8,0 | 091532 | B,C | ICAR/14 | CI MORFOLOGIE E TIPOLOGIE PER L'INNOVAZIONE DELLO SPAZIO ABITATO | | 2 | 8,0 | 091549 | B,C | ICAR/12 ING-IND/11 | IC ENVIRONMENTAL-TECHNOLOGICAL DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE | | 2 | 8,0 | 094946 | B,C | ICAR/14 | IC ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN WORKSHOP | | 2 | 8,0 | 099959 | B,C | ICAR/14 | IC ADVANCED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO (a) | | 2 | 8,0 | 096852 | B,C | ICAR/14 ICAR/15 | IC ADVANCED LANDSCAPE AND PUBLIC SPACE DESIGN WORKSHOP | | 2 | 8,0 | 050427 | C | AGR/03 | AGRONOMY AND GREEN AREAS | | 1 | 4,0 | 097782 | B | ICAR/17 | ARCHITECTURAL AND URBAN SIMULATION | | 1 | 4,0 | 092101 | C | MED/42 | ARCHITETTURA SOCIALE | | 1 | 4,0 | 089921 | C | L-ART/04 | ARTE CONTEMPORANEA | | 2 | 4,0 | 091560 | C | ICAR/02 | CLIMATE AND HYDROLOGY | | 1 | 4,0 | 097789 | C | L-ART/04 | CONTEMPORARY ART | | 2 | 4,0 | 050547 | C | L-ART/04 | CRITICA D'ARTE E DI ARCHITETTURA | | 2 | 4,0 | 097783 | B,C | ICAR/12 | DESIGN OF ULTRA-LIGHTWEIGHT BUILDING SYSTEM | | 2 | 4,0 | 098559 | B | ICAR/09 | EARTHQUAKE ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 4,0 | 083887 | C | M-FIL/04 | ESTETICA | | 2 | 4,0 | 050841 | C | M-GGR/02 | GEOGRAFIA URBANA | | 2 | 4,0 | 089364 | B | ICAR/17 | GEOMETRICAL COMPLEMENTS OF GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION | | 2 | 4,0 | 050800 | C | ICAR/15 | LANDSCAPE AND PUBLIC SPACE DESIGN | | 2 | 4,0 | 050426 | B | ICAR/17 | PHOTOGRAPHY FOR ARCHITECTURE | | 2 | 4,0 | 083958 | B,C | ICAR/12 | PROGETTAZIONE COSTRUZIONE GESTIONE DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE SPORTIVE | | 2 | 4,0 | 091557 | C | ICAR/16 | PROGETTAZIONE DI GRANDI MOSTRE E MUSEALIZZAZIONI | | 2 | 4,0 | 087216 | B,C | ICAR/14 | PROGETTAZIONE PER IL RECUPERO DI ARCHITETTURE DEL XX SECOLO | | 2 | 4,0 | 087217 | B,C | ICAR/12 | PROGETTAZIONE TECNOLOGICA ASSISTITA | | 1 | 4,0 | 084361 | B | ICAR/21 | PROGETTAZIONE URBANISTICA DI STRUTTURE COMMERCIALI | | 1 | 4,0 | 083891 | B | ING-IND/11 | PROGETTI DI ILLUMINOTECNICA | | 2 | 4,0 | 087220 | B | ICAR/09 | RIABILITAZIONE E CONSOLIDAMENTO STRUTTURALE | | 2 | 4,0 | 091558 | C | ICAR/16 | SCENOGRAFIA E SPAZI DELLA RAPPRESENTAZIONE | | 2 | 4,0 | 087211 | B | SPS/10 | SOCIOLOGY OF URBAN SPACE | | 1 | 4,0 | 091719 | C | L-ART/03 | STORIA DELL'ARTE MODERNA | | 2 | 4,0 | 099992 | B,C | ICAR/14 | THE ARCHITECTURE OF CONTEMPORARY PUBLIC SPACE | | 1 | 4,0 | 094952 | B | ICAR/08 | TIMBER, MEMBRANE AND GLASS STRUCTURES | | 1 | 4,0 | 093342 | C | ICAR/05 | TRASPORTI, MOBILITÀ E SOSTENIBILITÀ | | 1 | 4,0 | 050428 | B | ICAR/20 ICAR/21 | URBAN DESIGN FOR DEVELOPMENT | | 2 | 4,0 | 098422 | B | ICAR/18 | URBAN AND PLANNING HISTORY | | 2 | 4,0 | 099901 | B | ICAR/09 | ARCHITECTURE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS | | 1 | 4,0 | 074650 | B | ICAR/08 ICAR/09 | COSTRUZIONI IN ZONA SISMICA | | 2 | 4,0 | 099902 | B | ICAR/06 | DATE PROCESSING | | 1 | 4,0 | 093814 | B | SECS-P/06 | PRINCIPI DI ECONOMIA | | 2 | 4,0 | 096946 | B | ING-IND/11 | PROBLEMATICHE ENERGETICHE E STRATEGIE DI INTERVENTO NEGLI EDIFICI ESISTENTI | | 2 | 4,0 | 078289 | B,C | ICAR/19 | RESTAURO ARCHEOLOGICO | | 1 | 4,0 | 050419 | B,C | ICAR/19 | STRENGHTENING OF HISTORICAL BUILDINGS | | 1 | 4,0 | 099899 | C | MAT/07 | APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR ARCHITECTURE | | 2 | 4,0 | 099900 | B,C | ICAR/14 | ARCHITECTURE AND TOWN IN CHINA | | 2 | 4,0 | 074632 | B,C | ICAR/14 | ARCHITETTURA E COMPOSIZIONE ARCHITETTONICA | | 2 | 4,0 | 098578 | B,C | ICAR/19 | ARCHITETTURA PER IL PATRIMONIO COSTRUITO | | 1 | 4,0 | 081626 | B | ICAR/09 | COSTRUZIONI IN CEMENTO ARMATO | | 1 | 4,0 | 093796 | -- | IUS/04 | DIRITTO D'AUTORE | | 1 | 4,0 | 093809 | B | SECS-P/06 | ECONOMIA URBANA E DELL'AMBIENTE | | 2 | 4,0 | 076306 | B | FIS/01 | ELEMENTI DI ACUSTICA ARCHITETTONICA ED AMBIENTALE | | 2 | 4,0 | 081632 | B | ICAR/17 | FOTOGRAFIA DELL'ARCHITETTURA | | 1 | 4,0 | 050425 | C | ICAR/16 | ITALIAN DOMESTIC INTERIORS | | 2 | 4,0 | 096580 | C | ICAR/15 | LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE | | 2 | 4,0 | 099924 | C | ICAR/16 | SPAZIO INTERNO E ARREDO | | 2 | 4,0 | 084301 | C | L-ART/03 | STORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA | | 2 | 4,0 | 092030 | B,C | ICAR/12 | TECNICHE COSTRUTTIVE PER IL RISPARMIO ENERGETICO | | 1 | 4,0 | 071207 | B,C | ICAR/19 | TEORIE E STORIA DEL RESTAURO * | | 1 | 4,0 | 084322 | B,C | ICAR/14 | TEORIE E TECNICHE DELLA PROGETTAZIONE ARCHITETTONICA 1 | | 1 | 4,0 | 099925 | B,C | ICAR/14 | THEORY IN CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE | | 1 | 4,0 | 050690 | -- | GEO/11 | PROVE NON DISTRUTTIVE | | 2 | 4,0 | 050700 | B | ICAR/18 | ARCHITECTURE AND MODERNIZATION IN LATIN AMERICA: 1880-2016 | | 2 | 4,0 | 099291 | B | ICAR/20 SECS-P/06 | IC EU REGIONAL AND URBAN POLICY - JEAN MONNET COURSE | | 2 | 8,0 | 050627 | -- | -- | WORKSHOP | -- | 1 | 4,0 | 050628 | -- | -- | WORKSHOP | -- | 2 | 4,0 | 050956 | C | L-ANT/10 | ARCHEOMETRIA E ARCHEOLOGIA DEGLI ELEVATI | | 2 | 4,0 | 050944 | B | ICAR/18 | ARTE DI COSTRUIRE: TRATTATI E MANUALI | | 2 | 4,0 | 050958 | B | ICAR/06 | TECNICHE AVANZATE DI RILEVAMENTO | | 2 | 4,0 | 051018 | B,C | ICAR/19 ICAR/21 | TUTELA E RECUPERO DEI CENTRI STORICI | | 2 | 8,0 | | 096656 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 4,0 (Grp. Opz.)(b) | 096724 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 096725 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 096726 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 096727 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 050769 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW F | | 2 | 4,0 | 050770 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 050771 | B,C | ICAR/14 | MIAW | | 2 | 4,0 | 094856 | -- | -- | WORKSHOP | -- | 2 | 4,0 | | 086367 | -- | -- | INTERNSHIP | -- | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | 086367 | -- | -- | INTERNSHIP | -- | 2 | 6,0 | | 086368 | -- | -- | FINAL WORK | -- | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | 086368 | -- | -- | FINAL WORK | -- | 2 | 8,0 |
(a) Only twenty students will be admitted to the course. You have to be enrolled in the second year (Master of Architecture) and have an exam average equal to or greater than 27/30 acquired before August 1, 2016. (b) MIAW is a Workshops with a limited number of participants; students will be allocated based on their place on the ranking list and on their selection sequence; you can choose it as an alternative to an elective course (4 credits)
7.4 Foreign languageEnglish language certification is a prerequisite for admittance: students who do not have the necessary certification cannot be admitted to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes.
Information on English language skills
https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=2235 Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=30357.5 Degree examinationThe Programme ends with the Final Exam. The examination for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is regulated according to the methods indicated by the Regulations of the Final Exam of the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes in Architecture, published on:
The information on general norms, regulations, exam session calendar, enrolment and thesis submission are available on https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=2315
Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3115
8. Academic calendarWe advise you to periodically consult the notices published on the School site:
http://www.auic.polimi.it/ Academic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3195
9. FacultyThe names of the Programme Professors and what they teach will be made available in the degree programme from September onwards.
The Degree Programme is published each year on the Politecnico di Milano website.
10. Infrastructures and laboratories
Modelling laboratory
The Model and Prototype Laboratory, destined for students of the Leonardo Campus School, is a space equipped for producing models and plastic models using traditional and numeric control tools/equipment. The only conditions for entry are: participation in a meeting on safety at work (ex Leg.Decree 626/94) and booking use of the space.
Address: Leonardo Campus, via Bonardi 3 - "ex sottomarino"
Opening hours: The laboratory is open from Monday to Friday, from 10.15 to 17.30.
Places: 40
The Central Architecture Library has around 60,000 scientific works in Italian and other languages, dedicated mainly to architecture, art, city planning, design, interior furnishings, landscape, renovation and museology. A particular section is reserved for works on the city of Milan. All the texts used by and recommended for the Degree Programmes offered by the School of Architecture and Design are available here. In the reference sector, students can consult the main thematic and general encyclopaedias, as well as yearbooks and city planning and building codes. More than 1,000 magazines are available, with a current subscription to 400. The main magazines related to architecture and art can be consulted on CD ROM, together with a wide class of publications centred on the same themes. The Library has the PhD theses of the PhDs coordinated by the Departments.
Opening hours: The opening hours and consultation methods are indicated on the Library site (http://www.biblio.polimi.it/) Address: Via Bonardi, 3 - 20133 Milan Phone: 02.2399.2684
11. International contextInternational experience, when foreign students work alongside Italian students, has been experimented for several years and will be progressively strengthened in the near future, in respect of the sustainability and quality commitments of the training project.
For Academic Year 2016/17, 240 places are available in this Programme for international students; the requests that arrive from abroad are three/four times higher.
The activation of paths in English has greatly helped to strengthen and activate cooperation networks with a large number of international Universities, creating the skeleton for a recognised identity of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and its Programmes, and among them that of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture which, because of its numbers and size, is one of the largest in Italy.
The presence of a study tradition with its roots in the so-called "Scuola Milanese" acted as a pole of attraction for the position of our Programme in a recognised assembly of excellence for studies on architecture, the city, the urban form, renovation, interiors and construction.
12. InternationalizationThe Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme offers its students the opportunity to take part in high quality international projects, based on common programmes and agreements made with numerous partner institutions. Every year, more than 200 students doing our Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme take part in international mobility programmes, and we are pleased to welcome the same number of students who come from the partner premises. This makes the curricular experience importantly international, even for students who do not take part in any interchange project.
For those students who want to take part in a study programme abroad, the School organises two days of Guidance every year, one at the start of the first semester and one at the start of the calendar year. The individual Mobility promoters are available, for the whole period that precedes presentation of the Erasmus+ Call, to supply specific information on the premises they are involved in. At the studesks of their Programme, students receive information on the campuses that are available and suitable for their Programmes, the necessary requirements, the application methods and relative deadlines, and the criteria used to select. For more detailed information, consult the link:
In addition, the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering has stipulated some Double Laurea agreements with prestigious European and non-European Universities: others are still being defined. The path programmes an extention of studies for a total of 150 or 180 ECTS credits (in relation to the partner premises), and the carrying out of a period abroad that is longer than the yearly mobility indicated by the Erasmus+ programmes. The student earns two Degree Qualifications, one for each of the two Universities involved. Information is supplied on: http://www.polimi.it/studenti/esperienze-allestero/mobilita-per-studio/
Finally, the presence of international agreements that allow students to further the development of their thesis (when dealing with international matters) and to do an internship abroad should also be highlighted. For more detailed information, consult the link: http://www.polimi.it/studenti/esperienze-allestero/mobilita-per-studio/
For more information contact Studesk 1 Via Golgi 42, Milano.
Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4705
13. Quantitative data The University Assessment Commission performs periodic analysis on the overall results and on the quality of teaching degree programs, by monitoring teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the job market. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di Milano. http://www.polimi.it/ateneo/organi/nucleo-di-valutazione/
14. Further informationTechnical Attachment to the Regulation of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture
1. Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture
1.1 Admission requirements
First cycle degree or second cycle degree
- English language certification
1.2 Applicant selection
ALL applicants, even those who are entitled to be admitted, are required to present a career assessment request using the online application on www.polimi.it, Online services, “Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): request presentation, result consultation and enrolment" within the deadlines given in the Regulations of Admission to Lauree Magistrali (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering. Even graduating students can register for a career assessment, as long as they have obtained at least 145 credits.
There are two assessment windows during the year: one for the first semester, one for the second.
The following are required for being admitted to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture:
- a Class L-17 qualification (or Class 4 ex Min.Decree 509/1999), without curricular integrations, or a qualification obtained abroad that is recognised as being suitable;
- a laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or 3-year university qualification (Min.Decree 270/04, art. 6);
- fulfilment of the essential educational activities given in the table relative to the class L-17 laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Architecture and Science, held to be a mandatory curricular requirement, in compliance with Directive 85/384 EEC and relative recommendations;
- having passed the obligatory entrance tests for enrolment in a Programme and/or single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science),
Admission to the LM-4 Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture is permitted if the selection test is passed; the selection test consists of a comparative assessment that considers the student's past career (on the basis of the documents presented by the applicant when pre-enrolling) and possible other important and suitably documented training or professional experiences.
For students who graduated from classes other than L-17, an assessment of their previous career may result in them having to retake and pass failed exams before enrolling in the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science). Students with curricular integrations worth more than 30 ECTS credits cannot be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture (except for Graduate students in Architecture and Building Production from Politecnico di Milano).
1.2.1 Entitlement to admission
Students who enrolled in the three-year Programme of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, who graduated within 4 years from their first enrolment and who, on 30 September of the 2nd calendar year from their first enrolment have obtained the N/V parameters (number of ECTS credits and average) required by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme they intend taking (identifiable by their study plan) are entitled to be admitted.
These are the parameters requested, separated into their years of entry:
- Students enrolled from academic year 2003/04 until academic year 2009/10: N/V 104/25
- Students enrolled from academic year 2010/11: N/V 104/27
A high number of curricular integrations does not permit students who graduated from L-21 and L-23 degree classes to be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture (excluding students who graduated in Architecture and Construction at Politecnico di Milano), even if the N/V parameters have been passed.
1.2.2 International students
International students coming from foreign Universities are selected according to
the times and using the methods indicated on http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/
Additional information
The Regulation for Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is on www.auic.polimi.it.
1.3 Transfers from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or from other university campuses
Transferring from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or other university campuses is only permitted subject to presentation of the request for admission.
Transferred students can have past exams validated if held as being compatible with the offered curriculum of the degree course they want to do.
Enrolling for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) does not guarantee transfer without having to retake exams: the Board will always consider the first cycle degree acquired, applying what is indicated in point 1.2.
Applicants who enrolled in single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at other Italian Universities cannot be transferred to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture. Students from foreign universities in countries with programme schedules that do not contemplate three-year Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programmes must guarantee enrolment in the 4th year of the course, must have at least 180 ETCS credits, and must respect the minimum curricular requirements indicated for class L-17.
1.4 English language certification
English language certification is a prerequisite for admittance: students who do not have the necessary certification cannot be admitted to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes.
The certification must be acquired as indicated in the "Guide to the English language" published on the University site http://www.polimi.it/studenti/guide.
The original English language certificate must be presented to the Registrar's Office in Via Golgi 42 within the deadline indicated for presenting the request for admission relative to the entry semester:
I semester: 9 September 2016
II semester: 14 February 2017
1.5 Curricular integrations
A curricular integration refers to an exam that has to be retaken and which is assigned to students who have graduated in a class that is not L-17. Integrations are university credits determined by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Admission Board and chosen from the courses of the first cycle degree.
Students can enrol in curricular integrations using the Online Services: "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
Students who receive curricular integrations cannot enrol in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science); they can only do so after having taken the relative exam/s again and presenting a new request for admittance.
1.6 Exam validation
Students transferring from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes can have already-taken exams validated, if compatible with the curriculum of the programme they intend doing. As per University regulations, students who transfer from another university are required to take exams at Politecnico di Milano worth at least 60 ECTS credits, plus an internship and the final exams.
The validations will be indicated in the career assessment and loaded automatically in the Study Plan.
1.7 Single-subject courses
The University permits students to do single-subject courses, subject to payment of the enrolment cost for the selected courses.
Students who wish to do single-subject courses must not already be enrolled at Politecnico di Milano.
Enrolment in single-subject courses depends on the availability of places in the course itself; each semester the School publishes its list of available courses online on www.auic.polimi.it.
In the event that the requests for the first or second semester exceed the number of places available, a selection will be made on the basis of the qualifications matured (laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) score and assessment of the request for admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)).
When admitted to a programme, students can attend courses, take exams during the exam sessions of the academic year, and obtain certification confirming the score of the exams passed and the corresponding ECTS credits obtained.
Enrolment in single-subject courses can be requested for:
- max. 30 ECTS credits per year by those who wish to integrate their education, or who do not have the requirements/prerequisites necessary for taking a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme, and who intend taking the curriculum in advance in view of possible subsequent recognition.
The subsequent recognition of the ECTS credits acquired, which can never be higher than 30, depends on admission to and enrolment in the specific Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science) Programme.
In the event that the exams for the single-subject courses were not taken/passed, when enrolling again (if done), the validation of the relative attendance is discretionary.
- max 80 ECTS credits per year, only for those who presented an application for admission to/assessment of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes, disciplined by Min.Decree 270/04, who are required to pass courses defined as curricular integrations, before being able to enrol.
The maximum limit of 80 ECTS credits can include both curricular integrations assigned from the assessment and early courses of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme; the latter cannot include the laboratories or exceed 30 ECTS credits.
Students can enrol in curricular integrations using the Online Services function "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
Other credits can be obtained by presenting a request specifically for enrolment through the Online Services "Request for and enrolment in Single-subject Programmes".
Having attended Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) single-subject courses does not give priority for enrolment in the Programme and cannot become part of the assessment of merit.
1.8 Enrolment
Only students who presented a request for career assessment and were evaluated as "SUITABLE" by the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Admission Board can enrol in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture.
Students can only enrol in the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture using the Online Services function: "Admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): application submission, result consultation and enrolment".
Additional information
The Regulations for Admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are published every year on www.auic.polimi.it.
The text includes the methods used for admission and the deadlines for semesters I and II 2016/2017.
2. PSPA (Previously Approved Study Plan) option presentation
2.1 Options and allocation, year I
Once their enrolment has been confirmed, students admitted to the Programme can select up to 4 options on their preferred PSPA (www.polimi.it Online services PSPA option presentation).
Only after being allocated in one of the indicated PSPAs can students move on and present their Study Plan.
During year I, the PSPA is assigned on the basis of the laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) score and considering the order of the preferences expressed by the student.
Students who enrolled after the indicated deadlines cannot present their options and will be positioned in the PSPAs that still have available places.
Due to allocations established by merit, newly-enrolled students CANNOT make any changes to their PSPA.
2.2 Options and allocation, year II
Students are obliged to present the PSPA options also for the second year; track continuity is guaranteed. Students who intend modifying their PSPA as to the previous year can reformulate their preferences; students will be assessed again and positioned on a merit basis according to the weighted average acquired within the summer exam sessions (exams taken within: 01/08/2016).
In order to select other Programmes or Campuses of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, students must again present their request for career assessment as indicated in the Regulations for admission.
3. Presenting your Study Plan
3.1 Times and methods
Students are obliged, under their own responsibility, to present their personal Study Plan (www.polimi.it, Online Services, “Study Plan Presentation”).
The Plan is considered by the School to be probative to all effects. Its compilation also confirms compliance of the choices made by the student with current rules and the Programme Regulations.
The Study Plan of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture is worth 120 University credits, to be inserted in the plan as Effective, divided into:
- single-subject or additional courses
- laboratories
- free-choice activities
- internship
- final test
Students can register yearly for a minimum of 30 credits (15 for March entries); contemporary enrolment for courses is permitted for a maximum of 80 yearly credits.
N.B. We suggest always saving and printing the plan that was inserted.
Changes made to the plan will not be accepted. Presentation of the Study Plan is definitive and must be completed within the times and in the methods established by the School. When choosing courses, students are required to consult the timetable beforehand, to avoid overlapping attendance.
3.1.1 Arrears
As approved by the Board of Directors, arrears of 100.00 Euro will be payable if the Study Plan is not presented within the dates indicated in the academic calendar. Payment will be requested with the second instalment.
3.1.2 Attendance
- Laboratories: attendance is obligatory and ENDS after one year, therefore laboratories that were not passed should be inserted into the next academic year with the presentation of a new Study plan;
- Single-subject or additional programmes: once inserted in the Study plan they remain in the subsequent years as acquired attendance; when drawing up the study plan of the subsequent academic year, the acquired attendance can be eliminated and the courses re-inserted as new attendances.
- Final exam and Internship: attendance is not interrupted, therefore they can only be inserted in the student's career once.
3.1.3 Modifying your Study Plan
You can modify your Study Plan from 01 March 2017 to 08 March 2017 using the Online Services.
With regard to the courses offered for the second semester, you can: add or eliminate optional and obligatory programmes, the end test and internship.
Students cannot eliminate, add or change the Laboratory sessions and the first semester programmes.
3.2 Allocations
3.2.1 Laboratories
When presenting their Study plans, students are required to present a number of options on the Laboratories, equal to the number of available sections.
The students will be placed according to merit, considering the parameters given in the following layout:
First year
Degree score
Second year
Ordered in decreasing values of the G parameter where Vi is the score obtained for the nth exam, Ci is the number of credits corresponding to the nth exam, and n is the number of exams taken
A score of 30/30 cum lode will be calculated as 33/30.
To prevent students being penalised by possible delays in recording or validating the exams, the G parameter will be calculated on the career matured during the summer session.
The scores of all students returning from an Erasmus cannot be considered if not already validated in the plan before being assigned.
Admitted students who delay enrolment beyond the indicated deadlines for any reason will be placed in the ranking.
Students cannot attend laboratories or programmes that are not included in the plan. Assessments relative to activities that are not in the study plan or which have been attended differently from allocation in the sections cannot be recognised or validated for any reason whatsoever.
Laboratory attendance is obligatory for at least 70% of the total hours.
3.2.2 Single-subject and Additional programmes
In the sections where selected programmes or different sections of the same single-subject or additional programme are included, students must express their preferences as prepared by the online system, and will be allocated by merit as indicated in point 2.2.1. The programmes can have a maximum of 120 students regularly enrolled in the academic year 2016/2017.
3.3 Course priorities
In addition to what can be inferred from the progression of the courses in the Degree programme, the Programmes can apply the following types of priority deliberated by the Academic Senate:
Recommended priority
Does not define any formal obligation. Gives students useful
indications on the sequentiality of the courses, but does not influence the composition of the Study plan or the verbalisation
Study Plan composition priority
Defines an obligation that must be respected in the course choices when the Study Plan is presented. Course b cannot be inserted in the Study Plan if course a (even if failed) is not included. Does not influence verbalisation
Verbalisation priority
Defines an obligation that must be respected both when the Study Plan is being drawn up and when verbalisation is 'positive' (course passed). B cannot be verbalised if a has not been verbalised.
The priority of verbalisation is provided for all enrolled students, for all the activated sections of the programme on
Building Techniques in the Project Laboratory and Architectural Constructions/Technological and Structural Design Laboratory.
3.4 Free-choice activities
Students are obliged to insert, in their educational path, free-choice courses aimed at deepening and completing the specific themes of their individual curricula; the educational offer of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering includes activation of numerous optional courses that are useful for completing the ECTS credits of the selected programmes.
Alternatively, the School offers recognition of Workshops as specified below.
3.4.1 Optional courses
When compiling their study plan, students can insert a number of optional courses that depends on the offer of the enrolment PSPA.
The list of courses offered and the relative programmes in the Degree programme can be consulted.
Optional programmes do not require any allocation; should the number of students be above 80/120, an additional session will be started and the students will be distributed alphabetically or allocated by merit, evaluating each case individually.
3.4.2 Miaw
The School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering holds an intensive international laboratory for students enrolled in the 3-year Programme in Architectural Design and the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture: MIAW-Milan International Architecture Workshop.
This activity, which is an intensive international programme, offers an international design forum for professors and students, but it is also an informal platform for discussing the questions and ambitions of sharing that education brings out.
MIAW will be held at the Milano Leonardo campus, from 23 February 2017 to 04 March 2017. MIAW attendance and registration methods
When drawing up their study plans, students can choose from the various international professors, expressing their own section preferences; students will be allocated on merit according to the weighted average of the exams taken within 01/08/2016.
Students who are not admitted will be inserted into a generic workshop code (see 3.4.3), which can be rectified during the periods when the study plan can be modified.
Eight sections have been activated for academic year 2016/17, and each section can have:
- a maximum of 20 students (5 Architectural Design Programme students, 15 Architecture Programme students)
- a maximum of 5 Erasmus students.
Available posts can be assigned if the programmed number is not reached.
The MIAW ends with a final assessment; at the end of the lectures the students will have to register for a specific exam date to have the score placed in their career.
The credits verbalised in this manner replace 4 ECTS credits relative to the activities that the student can choose from.
After allocation, it is no longer possible to eliminate the course from your study plan, or replace it with another programme. It can, however, be taken as extra in the following academic year.
Students enrolled in the first year of the programme can only anticipate MIAW activity if they have inserted all the first year courses.
3.4.3 Workshops
The recognition of credits for free-choice programmes, deriving from participation in extra-curricular activities (Workshops, Seminars, etc.) can only occur if authorised beforehand by the School Committee, following a motivated proposal and equipped with a programme by a professor (from the school or Politecnico di Milano) who coordinates the activity.
The list of workshops accredited by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is available in the dedicated section of the School site and is updated several times during the year: http://www.auic.polimi.it/didattica/workshops/
To take part in a Workshop, follow the methods specified in the individual sheets and refer to the reference professors indicated by the supervising professor.
Students who have attended or will attend a workshop must respect the following procedures:
- Students who enrolled from academic year 2016/17
- are obliged to insert the Workshop line when compiling their study plan.
- after having obtained confirmation of credit assignment, must give the relative application form (which can be downloaded from the School site under Students/Forms: http://www.auic.polimi.it/students/forms/) to the Office of the Programme the student enrolled in, attaching a copy of the participation certificate.
- Students who enrolled in academic years prior to 2016/17
- when compiling their study plan, can insert the Workshop line or, alternatively, an optional course. Students can replace the optional course with Workshop attendance; in this case the plan line will be modified by the competent offices when the credits are verbalised (for those students who intend attending a Workshop, we suggest adding the Workshop line, which is available in the list of optional courses, to their study plan).
- after having obtained confirmation of credit assignment, must present the relative application form (which can be downloaded from the School site http://www.auic.polimi.it/studenti/modulistica/ ) at the Office of the Programme the student enrolled in, attaching a copy of the participation certificate.
The Architecture Programme (1136) recognises a maximum number of 8 ECTS credits deriving from participation in Workshops.
3.5 Internship
The School cooperates with professional orders, public administrations, territorial institutes and companies to organise internships so that students are guaranteed the possibility of acquiring the credits indicated in the regulations.
In addition, students can also do their internship in the Politecnico di Milano Departments.
Internship duration is defined by the Study Plans, according to the School regulations. More information is available from the Internship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the specific section of the School site http://www.auic.polimi.it/studenti/tirocini-curriculari-obbligatori-career-service/.
The University also promotes Erasmus scholarships for internships abroad. For further information: http://www.polimi.it/it/studenti/esperienze-allestero/
3.6 Courses as extra for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)
Courses/training, even selected from other programmes that are part of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, can be inserted in the Study plan as extra (select the purple trolley icon "Extra").
Courses as extra:
- are not considered in the total of overall credits required for admission to the final exam (120 ECTS credits for laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes), therefore passing them is discretionary
- are not included in the average score calculation
- are part of the maximum limit of 80 ECTS credits necessary for drawing up the Study plan, and are also included in the total number of ECTS credits that define the amount of the second instalment of the university contributions
- are recorded in the student's career and included in the certifications issued if passed
A course position can be modified from effective to extra or vice versa, when presenting the Study plan; this change results in the payment of the enrolment fee even if new attendances are not included.
There are no guarantees of subsequent recognition of the ECTS credits acquired as extra for 3-year degree programmes, if admission to laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes is requested. The possible recognition of exams and/or attendance is the exclusive prerogative of the structure that evaluates the request for admission.
The exams of courses as extra can be taken until the day before the Degree exam sessions, but not after that date. Exams of courses as extra can be taken in the first useful session after enrolment in the laurea magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) should the attendances have been validated, or new attendances inserted.
4. State examinations
4.1 Methods
The uniformity of the learning assessment methods and their programming from among all the sections of the same course is guaranteed by suitable forms of coordination, in coherence with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.
At the start of the academic year, each professor communicates the learning assessment methods, the contents of the exam and the assessment criteria.
Three exam sessions are programmed for each course (programmes and laboratories). Each exam session has at least two session dates, both of which can be used by students.
Students can only take part in the exam sessions if they are regularly enrolled online by the exam date; if not enrolled, the students cannot take the exam for any reason, and the score cannot be recorded in their career.
Graduating students must only use the first exam date of the relative session, in order to permit completion of the enrolment procedures in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Exam session within the indicated terms.
4.2 Self-certification of exams taken
Should an exam have been taken (after regular enrolment, therefore the score is known) but the score not yet recorded in the student's career when presenting the Study plan, the student can self-certify exam passing.
Course self-certification is not permitted if the relative exam has not yet been taken when the plan is being compiled.
False declarations prevent enrolment in the exam sessions after the self-certified course, and laboratories cannot be placed in the study plan until the next academic year.
5. Final exams
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture ends with the Final Exam, where the student's thesis is presented and discussed.
For all information on the Final Exam, refer to the "Regulations of the Final Exam for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture”.
15. Errata corrige