Academic Year 2017/18

School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering

Degree Programme of:

Architecture - Building Architecture
Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)

Milano Campus

1. General Information

School School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering
Code Reference Law1017
NameArchitecture - Building Architecture
Reference LawOrdinamento 270/04
Class of degreeLM-4 - Architecture and Architectural engineering
Degree level Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)
First year of activation 2008/2009
Official length of the programme 2
Years of the programme already activated 1,2
Official language(s) (¹) Italian/English
Campus Milano
Dean of the School Ilaria Pamela Simonetta Valente
Coordinator of the Study programme Lorenza Petrini
Website of the School
Website of the Study programme
(¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.

Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Leonardo
Reference office
Address Via Ampère 2, 20133 Milano

Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo
Address VIA C. GOLGI, 42 (MI)

2. General presentation of the study programme

The aim of the EU Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Building Architecture is to train a European architect who, on the basis of advanced professional knowledge, can give suitable and innovative answers to problems tied to the Design and Construction of the Architecture of complex works, and also carry out the professional duties and responsibilities requested today in this sector at a European and international level.


To obtain this, it is essential for the best critical and design tradition of the school of Architecture in Milan to cooperate with the scientific and technical tradition of the School of Engineering at the Politecnico. Training is mainly aimed at deepening the relationship between the architecture and  structural design, considering the construction as fundamental significant tool of the architectural works.

Today, the profession demands that building "as complex system" be placed at the centre of the project, result of different knowledges, the management of which sees the architect in the fundamental role of director, able to drive and recap this process, aiming at guarantee the realization of works and places architectural quality . The ability to consciously play this role is, briefly, the purpose that the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme follows. In other words, the goal of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme is to educate on the realisation and restoration of complex works – where complexity refers both to works and places they define -  in harmony with the environment they are positioned in, answering requirements of sustainability, functionality, well-being, and also suitably robust and durable in their normal use and in relation to severe natural events.

For this purpose the training process requires an interdisciplinary framework, that is organized inside the Design Laboratories, where  different disciplines contribute to elaborate the architectural project  through a continuous debate applied to different themes. Laboratories are the central moment of the master student training.  

3. Learning objectives

Contemporary backgrounds call for cities and territories to be redeveloped and regenerated with interventions that can add structure and character to living areas. Complex architectural buildings, namely new buildings or the restoration of pre-existing ones, can add to defining new urban centres through important connection systems, mobility infrastructures, specialised equipment and services on a local and supralocal scale, etc. The realisation and preservation of these works require, on the one hand, satisfaction of increasingly higher levels of architectural quality, safety, functionality and suitability for human living, while on the other they involve the use of natural resources and the consumption of energy that condition the economy and the environment in an important manner, and the effects of which will continue over time, involving several generations.


The design of the manufactured products must incorporate extremely high levels of scientific and ethical awareness, and a construction knowledge that is the expression of form and content.


From this point of view, and in respect of the training objectives below that qualify a class LM-4 degree, namely:

- to have an extensive knowledge of the history of architecture, building, urban planning, architectural renovation and the other environmental and territorial transformation activities pertaining to the professions relative to architecture and building engineering-architecture, as defined by Directive 85/384/EEC and relative recommendations;

- to have an extensive knowledge of the instruments and forms of representation, the theoretical-scientific, as well as the methodological-operative, aspects of mathematics and the other basic sciences, and be able to use this knowledge to thoroughly interpret and describe problems that are complex or which required an interdisciplinary approach;

- to have an extensive knowledge of the theoretical-scientific, methodological and operative aspects of architecture, building, urban planning and architectural renovation, and be able to use this knowledge to identify sustainable solutions;

- to formulate and solve, even in an innovative manner, problems that are complex or which require an interdisciplinary approach;

- to have knowledge of the field of company organisation and ethics and professional ethics;

- to be able to use English, both written and spoken;


The purpose of the EU Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture-Building Architecture is to train a European architect who, on the basis of advanced professional knowledge, can give suitable and innovative answers to the complexity of problems tied to the Design and Building of Architecture, to the duties and professional responsibilities requested today by this sector in Europe, and who is able to operate design briefs with the contribution of a multiplicity of knowledge and techniques. This purpose can be reached by making the best critical and design tradition of the school of Architecture in Milan to cooperate with the scientific and technical tradition of the School of Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.


The EU Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme in Architecture-Building Architecture aims at educating on the realisation and renovation of complex works

  • in harmony with the environment they are located in;
  • developed according to environmental sustainability standards;
  • that answer the requirements of functionality, well-being, fruition and use;
  • that are suitably robust for normal use and with regard to severe natural events such as earthquakes, flooding, etc.


Along their educational path, therefore, students extend their knowledge of building logic, intended as the coherence between the environment, architecture, technology and structure, against the arbitrariness of form and the casualness of building phenomena. It is clear, therefore, that the main objective of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) course is to guide the student towards an in-depth knowledge of the core disciplines, the ability to use this knowledge in order to identify, formulate and solve in an innovative manner the problems of the design, building and restoration of Architecture, even in the case of complex works, and add to the management and control of the whole process: from the design to its realisation.

The planning developed during the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme is based on an important historical-critical knowledge of the tools and languages of architecture, and dedicates special attention to the problems of the internal coherence of a building, congruence between distribution and structural choices and definition of the construction model, without neglecting relations with the surrounding environment.

The suitability of the training process to the relevance of the objectives is found in an educational path that distinguishes itself around the central experience of the Architecture Project. The study route therefore requires maximum commitment from the student in the Laboratory of Complex Building Architecture, present both in the first and second year of the programme. The laboratory activities, where the themes are proposed transversally to the different disciplines, allow students to express their planning skills and to confront each other and professors in a process of continuous dialogue. When attending the Laboratories, students can grasp, together with the freedom of choice, the difficulties in coherently designing works that answer all the requirements. The Complex building architecture laboratories are multi-disciplinary. The project is developed by the students in all its architectural, structural and technological aspects. The professors work in a coordinated manner on the same project, beside the students, in the classroom, guiding them until definition of the architectural and executive details, and placing attention both on the suitability of the choices of the building products of the building industry, and on the development of suitable innovative solutions.

Today, the profession demands that the work or architecture "as a system" be placed at the centre of the project, the management of which sees the architect as the main player. The ability to consciously play this role in its complexity is, briefly, the objective that the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme follows.

The division of the Complex building architecture laboratories, in the field of the composition, structural, technological and layout disciplines, defines the training process in its main logical-scientific and technical-construction aspects, and on its focusing around the problem of the relationships between the Architectural Project, the Structural and Construction Project.

On the basis of this wide and founding commitment that all the responsibilities take on, the Laboratory becomes a place where all the disciplines meet. This is the reason for the name of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science): "Architecture", in the sense of a search for the quality of Architecture in the building world; "Building Architecture", in the sense of a search that particularly considers the technical-scientific and technological-construction point of view, and with specific reference to that of structural design and its ability to interpret the ultimate termination of a building.

4. Organization of the study programme and further studies

4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications

From academic year 2016/2017 the training path of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture - Building Architecture presents two previously approved Study Plans (PSPA), one in Italian and the other in English. The PSPA in Italian, called Architettura delle Costruzioni, moves around the Laboratory of Complex Building Architecture, offered in the second semester of the first year and all along the second year, and the optional Laboratories of Complex architecture preservation and Structures and Infrastructures in the Landscape, offered in the first semester of the first year. The PSPA in English, called Building Architecture, moves around Architectural Design for Complex Constructions Studio offered in the second semester of the first year and all along the second year, and Architecture Construction Studio, offered in the first semester of the first year.


Complex project themes dealing with contexts that are currently very important and intricate are proposed in the laboratories.  The laboratories, placed among the composition, structural, technological and layout, renovation and landscape disciplines, promote an integrated multidisciplinary research process focused on the project, also using tools offered by design in BIM environment. 


During their learning process, students are called on to carry out two duties: acquire an advanced knowledge of project disciplines and use this knowledge, summarising it in the elaboration of the project. This process directly involves the core activities in each single laboratory, and the specific programmes that introduce the students in an organic manner to the theoretical disciplinary aspects, unavoidable for humanistic training, intended in the "politecnico" sense, and to acquire the first elements of what to do, according to rigorous criteria, with planning and terminology properties. Teaching also includes the organisation of seminars with professors from this and other universities, as well as representatives from the great national and international studios of architecture and engineering, where students can feel as if they are involved in a wider and more committed intellectual discourse on the same themes.

The high number of ECTS credits reserved for the Architecture and Science Composition and Building Techniques quantitatively answers the objectives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) presented here.

Finally, the learning process takes on the form of a recovery, within the Project definition process, of all the cultures and disciplinary instruments that are part of its definition; the main result requested from the student is the ability to create an independent and original project road based on the advanced disciplinary knowledge that he/she must acquire and learn how to use.


The expected learning results (expressed by the European Descriptions of the qualification) involve:

Knowledge and understanding

The fundamental teaching instruments used to reach these training objectives are, together with lectures-exercises (during Programmes) and lectures-project reviews (in the Laboratory), other teaching instruments that substantially integrate knowledge, such as teaching seminars of connection and comparison between Programmes, and between Programmes and Laboratories, and the displays of the projects elaborated by students in the Laboratories year by year.

The experimental Laboratories (Computer studies, Modelling, Built diagnostics, Material proof, Analysis and morphological models of architecture) and the historical-thematic archives, which have been available for a long time to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes, are also extremely important. These figures are considered both as places that support the Lectures and Laboratories, but also as places for widening themes of specific interest for students who are elaborating their thesis.

Applying knowledge and understanding

Along the path of the Complex Construction Architecture Laboratories, which during the second year become the seat where the Degree thesis is elaborated, graduate students are called on to demonstrate their design skills in extremely complex contexts that cannot be answered by standardised and homologated solutions, but which necessarily imply the search for innovative solutions. The students are also called to demonstrate these skills for their Laurea. In this context, the student must show that he/she knows how to look after and manage the whole project from its conception to its production in the building site.

Making judgements

In the Laboratory, the student is periodically called to discuss the suitability of the design choices used in relation to the complexity of the problems faced, and to demonstrate critical skills for the solutions used. Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students therefore acquire skills that make them able to analyse and recognise the criticalities of the proposed project and evaluate the social relapses.

These training methods lead to a system for assessing how much the student has learned.

- Concerning the Programmes: possible tests in itinere to evaluate the progressive learning of the disciplinary notions and the final exam, which is a face-to-face interview with the programme professors and during which the student has to demonstrate the skills he/she has acquired.

- Concerning the laboratories: project reviews with the aim of evaluating the maturity level acquired in understanding the project theme and verifying the ability to progressively build the project, considering the points of view of the different disciplines at the acquired level of knowledge; presentation of the project in its final state of elaboration using suitable communication and graphic representation methods; discussion on the project results, that the student is called to support individually in an interview with all the Laboratory professors.

Communication skills

In the Laboratory, the students work on the project individually or in small groups; the tests on their preparation are always individual. In the analyses and discussions on the design choices in the group, among groups and with the professors as a team, the student matures the skill of project communication, an ability that he/she is asked to demonstrate in the Degree premises using multimedia methods. Graduate students, in this manner, acquire communication sensitivity which allows them to apply communication methods and technologies, and project representation their own, and a part of their continuous development and innovation.

Learning skills

In the laboratory, students are called to elaborate the Architecture Project in its multidisciplinary complexity, with particular reference to innovative, constructive, structural and plant technologies according to their personal study and research interests. The Master's graduate student will therefore have cultivated the skill of independently managing his/her own studio and his/her own project research in view of the profession of European Architect or a third study level.

4.2 Further Studies

The qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)

5. Professional opportunities and work market

5.1 Professional status of the degree

The recent norms (pursuant to Presidential Decree 328/2001) increased the figures that are part of the Order of Architects by including also landscape artists, planners and conservationists.

The law, in addition, has divided the Order into two sections, A and B, with section A being reserved for Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students, and section B for Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) graduate students (only architecture and planning).

Those who are registered in section A of the Professional Order of Architects are called Architect.

To register in the professional Orders as an Architect, you must pass a State professional examination, to be held when finished studying and after obtaining a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science).

The State professional examination is made up of a practical test consisting of a project to be outline in one day, two written tests and an oral test. The Board is headed by a University professor appointed by the government, and is made up of professionals, public officials and university professors indicated by the professional orders and selected by the Government.

The studio has the possibility, for sections A and B of the Order of Architects, of replacing the practical part of this exam with certified professional internship periods, to be carried out even along the study path, should the student have passed all the exams.

The master degree in Building Architecture enables the graduate to operate as European Architect in professional activities as well as to be employed with high responsabilities by public or private institutions and bodies working on urban transformation and construction. A qualifying examination is required in order to obtain the enrolement in the professional register.

5.2 Careers options and profiles

Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate students can do all activities relative to the freelancing profession of a European architect; they can also hold offices of high responsibility in institutions and public and private companies (institutional companies, public and private companies), that operate in the fields of building, transformation and restoration of the city and the territory. Given the direction of the Programme, the preparation of graduate students is particularly suitable for preliminary, definitive and executive designs of complex and large-sized architectural products, and the project of preservation and re-use of existing buildings, with particular skills in the field of consolidation and renovation even in seismic areas.

Surveys of University Assessment Commission

6. Enrolment

6.1 Access requirements

First cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification

The qualification obtained, and the skills and knowledge that the student acquired in his/her past career, expressed as credits referring to specific scientific-disciplinary sectors, are curricular requirements. The knowledge of English at a suitable level decided on by the University is also requested for admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.

6.2 Requested knowledge

In order to be admitted to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme, applicants must have a Class L-17 (ex L-4) first cycle degree, or a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or 3-year university qualification, or another qualification recognised as being suitable.

To be admitted, students may have to pass curricular integrations, in the same manner as for recognition of already-acquired credits that vary according to the source Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science).

In order to be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme, any curricular integrations in terms of ECTS credits must be acquired before enrolling.

To enrol for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Building Architecture Programme, the student must have passed the programmed selection test.

On the basis of the selection test, a ranking will be drawn up of the applications and names will be added until the available places have all been filled. 

To enroll for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Building Architecture Programme, the student must also have a certified level of english language knowledge  according to the requirements of the Politecnico di Milano.

A number of students equal to the places left unfilled in September will be admitted with the March admission window.

Specific indications for the admission of students to the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering from other Schools or Universities, as well as the characteristics of the selection test, are given in the pertinent guide:

and in the specific section of the Technical Attachment to the Educational Rules.

The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano

6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places available

The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Building Architecture has 120 places for academic year 2017/2018, with 30 places reserved for non-EU students residing abroad and the Marco Polo quota.

How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano

6.4 Tutoring and students support

The school organises guidance and tutoring activities for students during the first and second semesters. The relative dates will be indicated on the School site.

For more information, consult the Guidance and counselling office site:


7. Contents of the study Program

7.1 Programme requirements

To obtain the 120 ECTS credits specified in the Educational Rules: the core activities (architectural design, plants, technology, urban planning, structural design, renovation, representation, history of architecture, estimates, social, economic and law disciplines) are worth 82 ECTS credits; equivalent and free-choice activities are worth 24 ECTS credits; the internship and final exam are worth 14 ECTS credits.

7.2 Mode of study

Teaching organisation, attendance and assessment methods

Teaching is organised on the basis of Single-subject teaching Programmes and Laboratories. A number of credits is associated with each one, as indicated in the Degree programme.

- Single-subject Programmes can include assessments in itinere and end with an exam.

- Additional Programmes can include exams in itinere and are organised into modules held by several professors that are part of a single Exam Board. Each Additional Programme has a single exam for the student.

- The Laboratories have Additional Modules that are coordinated. Laboratory attendance is obligatory. Attendance is ascertained by all professors in charge of the Laboratory, on the basis of criteria that are coherent with how their teaching activities are organised. Laboratory activity ends with an exam held by the Board, which is made up of all the professors in charge. During the year, the Additional Modules can include exams in itinere, the results of which are added to the student's final assessment.

The University has established that a university credit (ECTS credit) corresponds to 25 hours of work by the student, including face-to-face teaching and individual study.


Types of teaching

The types of teaching used to guarantee the students’ cultural and professional training are lessons, exercises, laboratory activity (computer, experimental and design), seminars, studio visits, internships.

The learning tests, tutoring and Guidance are an integral part of the teaching.

The Course requires a full time involvement and includes: - Courses, including lectures and practicing; - Multi-disciplinary Design Laboratories, with compulsory attendance; Workshops.

7.3 Detailed learning objectives

Starting from academic year 2016/2017, the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Building Architecture will be divided over two PSPAs:

  • Architettura delle Costruzioni (in Italian)
  • Building Architecture (in English)


Degree programme

In academic year 2015/2016 the curriculum of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture-Building Architecture was reformulated, to make it strongly centred on topics such as the design and preservation of great and complex works. In academic year 2017/2018 the course is in full operation with the first and second years activated both on the Italian and English PSPA.

1 Year courses - Track: COS - Architettura - Architettura delle Costruzioni

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
(Grp. Opz.)

2 Year courses - Track: COS - Architettura - Architettura delle Costruzioni

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
(Grp. Opz.)

1 Year courses - Track: BA - Building Architecture

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group

2 Year courses - Track: BA - Building Architecture

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group

7.4 Foreign language

The knowledge of English at a suitable level decided on by the University and equal to at least level B2 of the CEF (Common European Framework) is required for admission to a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme. The knowledge of English is a pre-requisite for enrolment.

Language courses

7.5 Degree examination

The study path of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture-Building Architecture mainly involves the Complex Building Architecture Laboratory, integrated among the disciplines of Architectural Composition, Structural Analysis, Technology, Plants, Infrastructures and Preservation that is configured as a Laurea laboratory.


- Regarding the close bond between teaching and research that characterises the School of Civil Architecture, the Thesis consists of a critical dissertation relating to an Architectural Project carried out in the Design and Building Architecture Laboratory, or in continuity with one of the optional Laboratories offered during the first year. The project theme must be developed using suitable graphic printouts and a project report, and analysed in the field of the different disciplinary points of view that contribute to Project construction.


- Thesis mentors are professors from one of the Laboratories attended; these professors can be flanked by other professors from the Programme or external experts, if requested by the student and if the opportunity is recognised.


The Degree exam attributes a score from 0 to 8 that is added to the average obtained during the two-year period. The average is calculated on the basis of the scores obtained for the individual exams, excluding honours. Honours are assessed where the Degree exam is held, to support possible honours proposals. The honours will be appointed only if the final score is equal or greater than 114/110 (having obtained a score of 7 for the Degree exam). The proposal of honours must be unanimously approved by the Degree Board members. 


For thesis preparation methods, contents and minimum requirements, students should refer to the Technical attachment to the Educational Rules published on:

Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at

8. Academic calendar

The calendar for presenting the request for admission, presentation of the English language certificate and enrolment in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Mater of Science) Programme is published on the Guide for the Student and on the Regulations for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering:


I semester

1st year

  •          Start of first semester: 25/09/2017
  •          End of first semester: 12/01/2018

2nd year

  •          Start of first semester: 18/09/2017
  •          End of first semester: 22/12/2018

Week dedicated to study trips and Workshops: 15 January 2018 – 19 January 2018


II semester

  •          Start of second semester: 26/02/2018
  •          End of second semester: 08/06/2018

Week dedicated to study trips and Workshops: 11 June 2018 – 15 June 2018


A period dedicated to exam assessment is rserved at the end of each semester, after which

the student can:

- pass, and be given a score;

- fail, and undergo a subsequent assessment;

- try again, in this case the exam cannot be repeated in the same session.


Exam sessions:

  •          28/08/2017 – 16/09/2017
  •          22/01/2018 – 23/02/2018
  •          18/06/2018 – 28/07/2018


Extra session for LM students graduating in the December 2016 session: 14 November 2016 – 26 November 2016


We advise periodically consulting the notice boards of the site of your School or Campus to check for variations in the dates given in the calendar and the schedule.

Academic calendar

9. Faculty

The names of the Programme Professors and what they teach will be made available in the degree programme from September onwards.
The Degree Programme is published each year on the Politecnico di Milano website.

10. Infrastructures and laboratories

Structures that support teaching


The Central Architecture Library has around 60,000 scientific works in Italian and other languages, dedicated mainly to architecture, art, city planning, design, interior furnishings, landscape, renovation and museology. A particular section is reserved for works on the city of Milan. All the texts used by and recommended for the Laurea Programmes offered by the School of Architecture and Design are available here. In the reference sector, students can consult the main thematic and general encyclopaedias, as well as yearbooks and city planning and building codes. More than 1,000 magazines are available, with a current subscription to 400. The main magazines related to architecture and art can be consulted on CD ROM, together with a wide class of publications centred on the same themes.


The Durando Teaching Library of Architecture was opened to the public in September 1997. Aimed at creating a sufficiently large base, enough to cover the areas of interest of students, professors and researchers, it holds the texts indicated in the bibliographies of the official teaching programmes and the texts that go further into the disciplinary contents tied to design problems in architecture and which document the progress of design culture in Italy and abroad. The main encyclopaedias, dictionaries, codes and yearbooks, historical essays, normative texts can be freely consulted in the reference section. More than 160 magazines are available for open-shelf consultation; the library has subscribed to these magazines since 1997.


Computerised classrooms in the University. 

Computer library: supplies computer support to the research and teaching activities for: the elaboration of urban theme maps reported on a data base of archive and historical sources; graphic return in scale of photogrammetric surveys; urban surveys for the elaboration of intervention and implementation plans; comparative analysis of typological and architectural schemes; the acquisition, drafting and production of textual, graphic and photographic layouts for producing displays and hypertexts, and for digital publishing.


Modelling laboratorySets up and produces architectural models in various scales, from territorial and urban to building, interior and objects of use, using multiple executive techniques, materials and finishes, compared with the different possible uses of the models, which go from assessment of the projects still being studied to the final presentation of the designed architecture or the building in scale of existing works.


Macro-scale urban planning, landscape and computerised cartographyprepares reliable macro-economic and macro-scale urban planning transformation scenarios using statistical and cartographic instruments and elaborations, in addition to simulations, and also develops proportions of the transport system. It faces complex project themes with activity project quantification and urban re-design.


Analysis and diagnostic of built laboratoryidentifies the degradation and diagnostics for the preservation, management and re-use of built architecture projects. In particular it deals with the metric, static, material consistency of buildings, identification of the pathologies of degradation and the relative causes, and the most suitable graphic rendering in order to proceed with the next preservation project.


University students can also consult the Piero Bottoni Archive, the most important collection of documents held by Politecnico di Milano. The archive has more than 90,000 exhibits (drawings, posters, models, pieces of furniture, objects, photographs, books, magazines, booklets, etc.) that present the activity of Piero Bottoni, a figure at the forefront of Italian architectural and urbanistic culture in the 1900s, as well as other important architects, among which Le Corbusier and Terragni.


The Historical archives of Politecnico di Milano can also be consulted.


11. International context

Briefly, the objective that the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) follows is that of training a European Design Architect who can organise the project elaboration process of a complex building in the field of systemic logic in which, beside the disciplines of architectural composition, the technical-scientific disciplines such as dimensions in architecture are positioned, as rational means of the architectural act.

From there, teaching involves the Integrated Laboratory of Complex Building Architecture (can be divided into two years, in which all the students elaborate their Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science thesis), therefore the continual need to decompose the cognitive and methodological contributions of the disciplines into parts and then recompose them into a detailed project construction; it is an approach in which experimentation plays a fundamental role.

An assessment of what the student has learned is therefore necessarily carried out in a perspective that is not self-referential in disciplines, but rather in a perspective of integration of knowledge.

An assessment of the effectiveness of this type of teaching is transferred to collaborations and comparisons with the teaching experiences of other Schools of Architecture, above all in an international sphere.

Important operative instruments in this sense are the different experiences of an integrated design Laboratory organised together with foreign Faculties which, for several years, have represented an important aspect in the multidisciplinary teaching of the School.


12. Internationalization

Students that can be admitted to the Erasmus Programme or non-EU Bilateral Exchanges


Students can spend a study period abroad in the circle of international exchange projects (EU and non-EU); the period, which usually lasts one semester, is usually taken:

  • during the 1st year of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) (the permanence can become annual if previously approved by the School authorities);
  • during the 2nd year of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science), but only during the 1st semester; 
  • students who are doing a thesis with double mentor (one person in charge of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Laboratory selected by the student as the Degree Laboratory, and one foreign person in the exchange premises), can take their mobility period in the 2nd semester, prior to agreements with the involved professors.

The Academic calendars of the partner Schools do not always coincide with that of the School. Students must therefore view them to present an informed application, evaluating possible overlaps. The selected students must agree on a Study Plan with the mobility promoter; the plan must be equivalent to the teachings of the foreign university to be attended, for a maximum total of 80 ECTS credits. Foreign students enrolled in a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme and who are taking part in an international mobility programme can acquire a maximum of 30 ECTS credits. Students can repeat the foreign study experiences, but only with exchange projects that are different from the one done previously, for up to a maximum of 90 ECTS credits (Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)). The mentor who promotes the exchange project will recognise the credits and the relative equivalent Programmes and Laboratories passed by the student in another country. Regarding the exchange project, field students cannot ask for the Italian programmes on Italian law to be validated. In the event that a student selected for a study period abroad is forced to turn down the opportunity, he/she must present his/her withdrawal.

Life Learning Programme (LLP) / Erasmus - Student mobility for studying

The LLP programme, which is promoted by the European Union, allows European students who are enrolled at European universities that are part of a partnership network, to follow study programmes at foreign universities, with the guarantee that the programmes and exams taken will be recognised. The main purpose of this programme is to offer European students the opportunity to study and live abroad, allowing them to insert themselves into the daily life of the host country, and understand its practices and customs. The LLP programme allows students to compare not only different cultures but also different traditions and teaching and project methods. The universities where students can do an Erasmus exchange period are those indicated in the Institutional agreements that the School has made with each individual host university. The mobility professors are indicated in the LLP notice; these professors created the exchange and coordinate the exchange activities between our University and the foreign one. The "Coordinating" professor is, instead, someone to whom students must refer in order to define their study curriculum for the period they will spend abroad.  The exchange is finalised with the student's acceptance of the place assigned to him/her and confirmation of acceptance by the host university, subject to control of the profile and forms of the students sent within the established deadlines. The following can take part in the exchange project:  

 - citizens from a European Union country or another country taking part in the programme;

 - citizens from other countries registered with the university. 


Life Learning Programme (LLP) / Erasmus - Student mobility for internships

The Erasmus Sector Programme allows students from higher education institutes with an "extended EUC" to do internships with companies, training and research centres (excluding European institutions or organisations that run European programmes) in one of the countries taking part in the programme. The student, who can receive an ad hoc community contribution for the internship period, can acquire specific skills and a better understanding of the social-economic culture of the host country, with the support of preparatory or updating programmes in the language of the welcoming country (or in the working language), with the ultimate purpose of favouring the movement of young workers throughout Europe. Before their departure, students must have a Training Agreement signed by the beneficiary, the higher education institute and the welcoming organisation. The internship period must be covered by a Placement Contract, signed by the beneficiary and by the higher education institute or the departure consortium. Disabled students are entitled to specific contributions. In addition, students heading towards one of those countries in which the language is less widespread and taught, have the possibility of taking part in intensive courses for linguistic preparation (EILC - Erasmus Intensive Language Courses), in order to prepare them for their subsequent period of Erasmus mobility.


Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at

13. Quantitative data

14. Further information



14.1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees

14.1.1.    Programme Requirements and Specifications

14.1.2.    Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options Establishment of the Ranking List for the Programme/Previously Approved Study Plan

14.1.3.    Evaluation parameters Graduate Students from the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

14.1.4.    Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission to the Programme

14.1.5.    Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit Students of the Politecnico di Milano Students from Other Universities Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions

14.1.6.    Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted

14.1.7.    Curricular Integrations

14.1.8.    Examination Validation

14.2 Admission to the Programme – Students with Foreign Degrees

14.3 Transfers and Changes

14.4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures

14.4.1      Semester One

14.4.2      Semester Two

14.5 Study Plan

14.5.1      Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission

14.5.2      Half-year Change of Study Plan

14.5.3      Additional Payment

14.5.4      Attendance Studios

14.5.5      Courses as Extra

14.6 Allocations

14.6.1      Studios

14.6.2      Single-subject and Integrated Courses

14.6.3      Course Priorities

14.7 Elective Activities

14.7.1      Optional Courses

14.7.2      MIAW MIAW Attendance and Registration Procedures

14.7.3      Workshops

14.8 Traineeship

14.9 Examinations

14.9.1      Procedures

14.9.2      Self-certification of Examinations Taken

14.10 Final Test



14.1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees


All candidates for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of  Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are required to submit an application for career assessment using the specific function available on the University website, in the Online Services section (


14.1.1      Programme Requirements and Specifications

The requirements are those previously described in paragraph 6.1 of the Educational Rules.


General University information on admission and enrolment PROCEDURES is available on the University website:



14.1.2      Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options


Starting from the 2017/18 academic year, candidates submitting an application for assessment must choose their Programme (CdS) together with their Previously Approved Study Plan (PSPA) options where required.

The University rules establish a maximum of three options for application for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes. It is therefore possible to indicate up to three Programme preferences.

For each Programme, it is possible to specify the available Previously Approved Study Plans in order of preference.

For AUIC School Programmes, the various Previously Approved Study Plan options within the same Programme are only counted once towards the maximum of three preferences that may be expressed.


  1.              Programme B: (non-AUIC programme)
  2.              Programme A: (AUIC programme) ITA Track
  3.              Programme A: (AUIC programme) ENG Track
  4.              Programme C: (AUIC programme) X Track
  5.              Programme C: (AUIC programme) Y Track 

5 Programme-Previously Approved Study Plan options entered / 3 Programme preferences counted


Students may, within the established deadline, change/overwrite their choices up until the time the application is processed for assessment by the Commission. Establishment of the Ranking List for the Programme/Previously Approved Study Plan

For each Programme, students may indicate their Previously Approved Study Plan choices in order of preference (differentiated by Italian or English language, campus or curriculum). For the admission ranking list, only the first Previously Approved Study Plan choice indicated is taken into account.

Depending on the places available, if students are not admitted to the first choice indicated, the second Previously Approved Study Plan preference will be considered.



14.1.3      Assessment Parameters Graduate Students from the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission

The following are automatically entitled to admission to their first-choice Programme and precede all other candidates in the ranking list:

students who have gained a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science), in accordance with the admission requirements, from the Politecnico di Milano and who:

  •                   graduated within 4 years of their initial enrolment;
  •                   have a fulfilled N/V parameter* by 30th September of the second calendar year after their initial enrolment;
  •                   hold certification of English language learning by the established deadline.


The Previously Approved Study Plan allocation is determined using the ranking list calculated based on the weighted average achieved by the final deadline for submission of the assessment application.


For Architecture - Construction Architecture Programmes, the N and V parameters are as follows:

- Students enrolled since the A.Y. 2003/04 and the A.Y. 2009/10: N/V 100/25

- Students enrolled since the A.Y.  2010/11 and the A.Y. 2016/17: N/V 100/27

- Students enrolled since the A.Y.  2017/18: N/V 104/27


Admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of category LM-4 is not permitted for graduate students in categories L-21 and L-23 (with the exception of graduate students in Architecture and Building Production from the Politecnico di Milano, admitted with educational debits), even with a fulfilled N/V parameter, or from other non-compliant degree categories.


*The N and V parameters (number of ECTS and weighted average) required can be found in the student’s Study Plan.

 These may vary depending on the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme applied for. Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

Students not automatically entitled to admission, external students and students transferred from another Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme are subject to assessment of merit.

This assessment is performed by the relevant Programme, which may award up to 150 points:


- up to 110 points = assessment of the educational curriculum (weighted average of examination scores on a basis of at least 145 credits earned). The average of the examination scores recorded in the Plan at the time of assessment will be considered valid;

- up to 20 points = assessment of a portfolio of work including text and iconographic material, which will be assessed according to the criteria of content originality and coherence, formal quality, discursive and graphic ability and linguistic expression;

- up to10 points = assessment of experiences of traineeship or extra-curricular work fully documented, certified by the company, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career;

- up to10 points = assessment of other qualifications (certified) in research or extra-curricular training thoroughly documented, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career.


Students required to submit a portfolio are eligible for admission with a minimum score of 100. At each deadline date, the top ranked students are accepted according to the planned number of admissions for that semester. Should there be eligible students with equal scores, their precedence in the ranking will take into account their weighted average until all available places have been filled.



14.1.4      Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission

All students automatically entitled to admission must submit an admission application. Assessment is based solely on the educational curriculum (Study Plan) for identification of any examination or attendance validation requirements.

No documents should be attached to the career assessment application.


14.1.5       Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit Students of the Politecnico di Milano

- Admitted with assessment of merit

  •               Curriculum Vitae, European format
  •               Portfolio
  •               Professional and training activities Students from Other Universities

- Admitted with assessment of merit

  •               Self-certification of the degree held (graduate students only)
  •               Self-certification of examinations passed for at least 145 credits. Other certifications of any university degrees held: Masters, PhDs, and Postgraduate Schools

The documentation may be self-certified in accordance with the statutory provisions governing Substitute Declarations (Dichiarazioni sostitutive). It must contain the exact titles of the examinations taken, the Disciplinary Scientific Sectors, the number of credits per scientific sector, the score and the examination recording date. The applicant must sign the documents, otherwise they are not legally binding and cannot be accepted by the Selection Committee.

  •               Curriculum Vitae, European format
  •               Portfolio
  •               Professional and training activities


The guidelines for submission of portfolios and substitute declarations of certification are published on the AUIC School website: Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions

Students wishing to confirm the score obtained by a portfolio submitted during previous semesters are not required to re-enter the previously-assessed portfolio but simply to indicate in the "student's notes”:

“I confirm the portfolio assessment previously obtained during semester ….  of the academic year ……”


Students wishing to supplement a portfolio already assessed during previous semesters are not required to enter the already evaluated portfolio but merely the supplement, indicating on the cover page:

Supplement to the portfolio assessed during Semester ...... of the academic year ……”



14.1.6      Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted

In accordance with the above points, on completion of the assessment, a merit ranking list will be created in order to establish the students admitted in relation to the planned number set for that semester.

The assessment results will be published online at:

Any places that should become available will be used for Semester-Two enrolments and will not be passed down the ranking list.


Students approved for admission must proceed with enrolment within the deadlines established by the academic calendar, following the procedures indicated on the University website.

Under no circumstances will admission requests be accepted from students who have not submitted an assessment application in due time.


14.1.7      Curricular Integrations

If integrations are required in order to fill curricular gaps, it will not be possible to proceed with enrolment in the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme. Instead, it will be necessary to enrol on the individual courses (‘Individual Courses to Fulfil Curricular Integrations’) through the tool on which the result of the assessment application is published.


In the specific guides published on the University website:

the dedicated procedures are available.


14.1.8      Examination Validation

Following enrolment on one of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes, examinations taken during the previous career (not used as required credits) may be assessed and recognised as validation or attendance validation, if compatible with the course catalogue of the Laurea Magistrale Programme enrolled upon.

Validations will be indicated in the career assessment and automatically uploaded to the Study Plan.

14.2 Admission to the Programme - Students with Foreign Degrees

Students with foreign degrees should follow the pre-enrolment procedure described on the Polinternational website (, observing the established deadlines. By following this procedure, students can apply for merit scholarships and obtain further information on organising their stay in Italy during the post-admission phase.

14.3 Transfers and Changes

Transfer from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or other universities is only permitted through submission of an admission application.

Transferred students’ previous examinations may be validated if deemed compatible with the course catalogue of the degree programme applied for. As per University regulations, students transferred from other universities are required to take examinations at the Politecnico di Milano for at least 60 credits, plus the traineeship and final test.

Enrolment on a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is not a guarantee of transfer without educational debits: the Commission will always take into account the first-level Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) gained, applying the regulations indicated in point 1.2.

Transfer to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture - Construction Architecture is not permitted for candidates enrolled at Italian universities on single-cycle Laurea Magistrale Programmes.  Students from foreign universities in countries with educational systems that do not include Laurea Triennale (equivalent to three-year Bachelor’s Degree) Programmes must guarantee enrolment on the 4th year of the programme, passing of examinations worth at least 180 ECTS credits and meeting of the minimum curricular requirements for category L-17. 

14.4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures

14.4.1      Semester One






















Deadline for delivery of English language certification: 4 September 2017























14.4.2      Semester Two


Deadline for delivery of English language certification: 25 January 2018


14.5 Study Plan

Students are required, under their own responsibility, to submit their individual Study Plan.

The Study Plan is taken by the School as a supporting document for all intents and purposes. Its compilation also attests to the compliance of the choices made by the student with the rules specified by law and the provisions of the Programme Rules.

The Study Plan for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Architecture - Construction Architecture consists of 120 ECTS, to be included in the Plan as required credits, subdivided as follows:

-          single-subject or integrated courses

-          studios

-          elective activities

-          traineeship

-          final test

The minimum number of credits for which students may enrol each year is 30 (15 for entry in March). Simultaneous enrolment on courses for a maximum of 80 credits per year is permitted.


It is necessary to include a course in the Study Plan in order to benefit from the associated educational services, i.e. attend lectures, appear on the Professor’s lists, participate in exercises, participate in practical and complementary activities (studios, seminars, projects, etc.), be admitted (through enrolment in exam sessions)to in-course assessments and examinations, and receive an examination assessment.


Please note: It is advisable to always save and print the Study Plan submitted.

Plan variation requests will not be accepted. Submission of the Study Plan is definitive and must be performed within the deadlines and according to the procedures established by the School. When choosing courses, the teaching timetable must be consulted in advance in order to avoid timetable clashes.


14.5.1      Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission

Study Plan submission is performed through Online Services ( > Customized Services > Career Data > Study Plan Submission), exclusively during the specific periods established by the academic calendar:



First Year -  Students Enrolled on Semester I / Study Plan Submission

4/09/2017 – 19/09/2017 / allocation publication: 23/09/2017




First Year -  Students enrolled on Semester II / Study Plan Submission

08/02/2018 – 20/02/2018 / allocation publication: 24/02/2017



14.5.2      Half-year Change of Study Plan

From 19/02/2018 to 23/02/2018, it will be possible to change the Study Plan submitted during the academic year in progress.

Half-year change of Study Plan is optional. Students not wishing to make any alterations do not need to change the Study Plan.


It is possible to change only courses included in the current academic year. It is not possible to add or deselect first-semester courses. Students must deselect the second-semester courses they wish to change.

It will therefore be possible to add or remove, within the second semester only, optional and compulsory courses not subject to allocation of merit, final test and traineeship.


14.5.3      Additional Payment

Through resolution of the Board of Governors, an additional payment of 100.00 euros is applicable for failure to submit the Study Plan within the deadlines established by the academic calendar.

The payment will be required with the second instalment.


14.5.4      Attendance

Once entered in the Study Plan, courses remain in the following years as attendance achieved. During compilation of the Study Plan for the following year, it will be possible to remove the attendance achieved and re-enter the courses as new attendance.

Final test and traineeship: attendance does not expire, and these are entered in the career one time only. Studios

Attendance of at least 70% of the Studio hours is compulsory. The attendance achieved does not expire but the examination must be taken within the three sessions of the academic year following the one in which attendance takes place. Should this time expire, the Studio must be entirely re-attended.


14.5.5      Courses as Extra

It is possible to add courses/educational activities to the Study Plan as extras. These courses will not count towards the overall credits required for admission to the final test and will not be used in calculation of the score average.

It is possible to change the status of a course from required to extra, and vice versa, during the annual Study Plan submission period.

For all regulations, reference should be made to the specific University guide.



14.6 Allocations


14.6.1      Studios


In the first year, students enrolled on the Architecture – Construction Architecture Previously Approved Study Plan must indicate 2 options for the Architecture of Complex Constructions Studio 1 and 2 options for the Optional Studio.


Students enrolled on the Building Architecture Previously Approved Study Plan will be placed in the only section available for Architectural Design for Complex Constructions Studio 1 for Architecture Construction Studio.

In the second year, students enrolled on the Architecture – Construction Architecture Previously Approved Study Plan must indicate 2 options in order of preference for: Architecture of Complex Constructions Studio 2 and Architecture for Conservation of Complex Constructions Studio.


Placement of students in the studios will be based on their position in the ranking list and the order of the preferences expressed.

Preferences must be expressed each year will be ordered according to the following criteria:


First Year

Graduation score


Second Year

Order by decreasing values of the parameter G


G=Σ  Vi •Ci


where Vi is the score obtained in the i-th examination, Ci is the number of credits corresponding to the i-th examination and n is the number of examinations taken.



The score 30/30 cum laude will be calculated as equal to 33/30.


To avoid students being penalised due to any delays in examination enrolment or validation, the parameter G will be calculated based on the career followed during the summer session.

For all students returning from Erasmus, it will not be possible to take the scores into account unless previously validated on the Plan prior to allocation.

Any admitted students who, for whatever reason, delay enrolment beyond the established deadlines will be automatically placed in the available sections.

Students are not permitted to attend studios or courses not included in the Plan. Under no circumstances may assessments relating to activities not included in the Study Plan, or not attended in accordance with the section allocations, be recognised or validated.


14.6.2      Single-subject and Integrated Courses

In sections in which there are elective courses or various sections of the same single-subject or integrated course, students must express their preferences as set out by the online system and will be allocated places according to merit in accordance with the criteria indicated in the above point. Courses may have a maximum of 120 regular students enrolled for the A.Y. 2017/2018.


14.6.3     Course Priorities

The University, upon resolution of the Academic Senate, has established the following priority types:



Suggested priority

Does not establish any formal restriction. Aims to provide students with useful information on the sequence of courses but does not affect the composition of the Study Plan or examination recording.

Study Plan composition priority

Establishes a restriction which must be observed when choosing courses upon submission of the Study Plan. It is not possible for course ‘B’ to be included in the Study Plan if course ‘A’ (even if not passed) has not been included. This does not affect examination recording.

Examination recording priority

Establishes a restriction which must be observed both during Study Plan compilation and during 'positive' examination recording (passing of the course). It is not possible for ‘B’ to be recorded if ‘A’ has not been recorded.



For the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture - Construction Architecture, the course progression established by the Degree Programme must be observed.


14.7 Elective Activities

In their educational path, students are required to include optional courses designed to further explore and complete the specific topics of the individual curricula. The course catalogue of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering offers numerous courses termed ‘optional’ which serve to complete the elective course ECTS.

As an alternative, the School recognises Workshops as specified below.


14.7.1      Optional Courses

Upon Study Plan compilation, students may add a number of optional courses dependant on the course catalogue of the Previously Approved Study Plan enrolled upon.

A list of the courses offered and their programmes may be consulted in the Degree Programme.

No allocation is required for optional courses. However, if the number of students should exceed 120, an additional section will be activated and students will be allocated places either alphabetically or according to merit, on a case-to-case basis.


14.7.2      MIAW

For students enrolled on the three-year Architectural Design Programme and the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes in Architecture, Architecture - Construction Architecture and Architecture - Architectural Design, the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering offers an intensive international programme: MIAW-Milan International Architecture Workshop.

This activity offers an international design forum for teachers and students but also an informal platform for discussing the issues and ambitions for sharing that education entails.

MIAW will be held at the Milano Leonardo campus, from 15 to 25 January 2018. MIAW Attendance and Registration Procedures

During Study Plan compilation, students may choose between the various international Professors, expressing their section preferences, and will be allocated places according to merit based on the weighted average of examinations taken before 01/08/2017.

Any students not admitted will automatically be issued a generic workshop code (see specifications relating to workshops), which may be changed during the half-year Study Plan change period.


In the academic year 2017/18, the following places are available:

-          a maximum of 90 students enrolled on the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science)

-          a maximum of 30 students enrolled on the Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science)

-          a maximum of 30 Erasmus students

If the planned number is not reached, any available places may be assigned.


MIAW involves a final assessment and, on completion of lectures, students must register for a dedicated examination date in order to obtain the score in the career.

Credits recorded in this way will substitute 4 ECTS from the student’s elective activities.

After allocation, it will not be possible to delete the course from the Study Plan or replace it with another course, but it may be included as extra the following academic year.

Students enrolled on the first year of the Programme may only bring the MIAW activity forward if they have entered all the first-year courses.


14.7.3      Workshops

Educational credits from elective courses, earned from participation in extra-curricular activities (workshops, seminars, etc.), may only be recognised if authorised in advance by the School Board, following a reasoned and supported programme proposal by a Professor (of the School or the Politecnico di Milano) coordinating the activities.

A list of the workshops accredited by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is available in the dedicated section of the School’s website and updated several times during the year:

In order to participate in workshops, students must follow the procedures indicated on the individual webpages and refer to the relevant Professors indicated by the Professor responsible.

Students who have attended or wish to attend a workshop must observe the following procedures:


-          students enrolled since the academic year 2016/17

must enter the “Workshop” line during Study Plan compilation.

After having obtained the credit allocation certificate, they must submit the dedicated application form (which can be downloaded from the School’s website, under Students/Forms: to the Office of the Programme on which they are enrolled, together with a copy of the participation certificate.


-          students enrolled in academic years prior to 2016/17

may, during Study Plan compilation, include the “Workshop” line or, alternatively, an optional course. Students may replace the optional course with attendance of a workshop. In this case, the change of line in the Plan will be performed by the appropriate Offices during recording of credits (students wishing to attend a Workshop are advised to include in their Study Plan the “Workshop” line available in the list of optional courses).

After having obtained the credit allocation certificate, students must submit the dedicated application form (downloadable from the School’s website ) to the Office of the Programme on which they are enrolled, together with a copy of the participation certificate.


For the Architecture - Construction Architecture Programme, recognition of a maximum of 4 ECTS earned from participation in workshops is permitted.


14.8 Traineeship

The School cooperates with professional associations, public administrations, local authorities and companies, to organize external traineeship activities, in order to guarantee the student the opportunity to acquire the credits required by the educational system.

In addition, students may carry out a Practical Activity (traineeship) within the Departments of the Politecnico di Milano.

The rules on traineeship duration will be established by the Programmes, in accordance with the directives of the School. All further information is available at the Traineeship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the dedicated section of the School’s Website:


The University also organises Erasmus scholarships for traineeships abroad. For further information:


14.9 Examinations

14.9.1      Procedures

The uniformity of procedures for checking of learning across all sections of the same course and planning of these procedures is ensured through appropriate forms of coordination, in line with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.

At the start of the academic year, each Professor will communicate the procedures for checking of learning, the content of the examination and the assessment criteria.

For each course (individual courses or studios) there are three exam sessions. Each exam session involves one or more exam session date as established by the School’s academic calendar, each of which students may use.

Students may only participate in the exam sessions if duly registered online for the examination date. Failure to register makes it absolutely impossible to take the test and record a score in the career.

Graduating students must observe the specific deadlines established by the academic calendar in order to permit completion, within the established deadlines, of the procedures for registration for the degree exam session.


14.9.2      Self-certification of Examinations Taken

If, upon submission of the Study Plan, an examination already taken (and whose score is therefore known) is not yet recorded in the career, the student may self-certify passing of the said examination.

It is not permitted to self-certify a course whose examination has not yet been taken at the time of compilation of the Study Plan.

Any false declaration prevents registration for the exam sessions of the self-certified course.


14.10                       Final Test


The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Architecture - Construction Architecture concludes with a Final Test involving presentation and discussion of the graduation work. The graduation work consists of an architecture project developed and explored based on the work carried out in one of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Studios attended and completed by the student, and must be approved by one of the Programme’s Professors.


The graduation work must develop an important architectural theme, with particular attention to the theoretical and practical aspects that contribute to defining the design and to the division of the work according to the specific competencies of the different Studios. The work must also highlight the analytical, critical and design skills developed by the candidate. The point of view of design and its centrality within the educational path must guide the development of the work.



For all information on the Final Test, students must refer to the Final Test Regulations for the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and the Additional Final Test Regulations for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in

Architecture - Construction Architecture published on the School’s website:

15. Errata corrige