 Academic Year 2017/18 School of Design Degree Programme of: Communication Design Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Design | Code Reference Law | 1162 | Name | Communication Design | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | LM-12 - Design | Degree level | Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) | First year of activation | 2010/2011 | Official length of the programme | 2 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2 | Official language(s) (¹) | Italian/English | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Luisa Maria Virginia Collina | Coordinator of the Study programme | Valeria Luisa Bucchetti | Website of the School | http://www.design.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | | (¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Bovisa Reference office | Centro Orientamento Studenti Scuola Design |
| Address | Via Candiani 72, 20158 Milano | Phone | 02 2399 7277 | Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeThe rapid development of the media (internet and digital communication systems), the increase in the services governing their production/management, and the devices and occasions for communicating and interacting - all of this is making communication an increasingly large and complex sector.
The communication and information sectors are characterised by a generalised presence, an in depth dissemination, and a strong and powerful framework. The communication and information industry is one of the driving forces in modern society. The artefacts and systems designed by communication designers maintain a constant and cross disciplinary presence.
Communication design uses publishing to help spread cultural awareness. It is where media is computerised, and where new methods of the production and dissemination of information takes place.
Communication design works with the interfaces that are connected to products and services, which create a relationship with the user. It can also work with various people and their environment to promote conscious access and use. Some examples of this could be in a large scale distribution plant where consumers come in contact with goods, in the entertainment industry, in sports, in planning of the identity and the dynamics of events, and their dissemination on the various media.
Communication designers are cultural operators who contribute to building relations between subjects in society. These relations are always strictly connected to the contents being conveyed, which contains either persuasive or prescriptive type. Communication designers must take into account the idea of visual contamination, communication saturation and the information overload phenomena, symptoms of a system (where technologies require an overview and direction), conscious choices, and planned trajectories.
Communication designers should be at ease with all aspects of a communication project. These aspects include, but are not limited to: publishing graphics, TV, audio-visual and multimedia publishing, coordinated corporate image and brand identity, product packaging and communication, script character design, web design, data and information visualization, interactive communication artifacts, and service/complex communication design (social networks and joint platforms). All of this takes place with a vision which sets communication as the fundamental strategic linchpin in contemporary society. This design requires specific tools and methods, and an ability to work with the most modern visualization and communication technologies.
In particular the specific skills of communication designers relate to several subjects such as integrated two dimensional and three dimensional communication systems (static and dynamic), lettering, visual perception and variables. Their skills can also include designing sign information, static and dynamic representation techniques (photography, motion graphics, movie design), designing analogue communication products and digital devices, and off-line and on-line platforms (the web and other internet platforms including mobile platforms).
The course catalogue encompasses a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) course and a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) course in Communication Design. The Laurea courses are designed for students with a solid cultural background, a great deal of interest in the subject of design culture (generally and specifically in all aspects of communication), and an openness to learning techniques, methods and languages in their most innovative forms.
3. Learning objectivesThe specific educational objectives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Communications Design deal with creating design professionals capable of defining strategic and systematic concepts, and coordinating the various figures required to design complex communication systems. This should take place after having acquired technical and design skills in the media sector and in different artefact fields.
The Laurea Magistrale's educational objectives include design autonomy, increased theoretical and system skills, and the development of complex communication systems that integrate a range of artefacts and support. The educational objectives also includes coordination and monitoring forms of inter-media communication with specific reference to digital systems/environments.
The programme intends to train professionals capable of:
- generating complex concepts which supply innovative communication proposals;
- designing new connections among the different communication formats;
- connecting the various elements in a complex communication system originally and innovatively;
- acquiring a systemic vision;
- working and interacting in multi-disciplinary and multicultural groups taking on design-direction roles with a marked propensity for leadership, and an ability to lead a group around a design vision or scenario.
A further primary objective is acquiring skills to help facilitate the formation of a communications design culture of critique, so that communication designers can take on a self-aware and socially responsible, critical, pro-active role in relation to the contents of the communication message. As a whole, the educational programme thus intends to orient students towards the most important and complex real world developments. This orientation should come from a perspective conscious of production dynamics and communication products, and should take into consideration their impact on society.
The Laurea Magistrale in Communication Design programme is divided up into theory courses, project laboratories, work experience with companies, institutions and professional studios, and Laurea Magistrale graduation work.
The theoretical modules are grouped into the first semester of the first year of the 2-year course. The objective is to provide students with an opportunity for an in-depth study of the theoretical-critical dimension of communication and the semiotic, sociological and mass media disciplines. These are some of the foundation stones for communication design skills.
Theoretical courses and project laboratories are closely integrated according to a principle of complementarity. The project's laboratories focus on the diverse dimensions of communication design from two focal points. The first concentrates on the strategic aspects of the project, and aims to develop concept elaboration skills. The second focuses on the digital technology communication and interaction dimensions and its interaction with languages, signs, visual culture, and new socio-cultural practices.
The project themes, which are intense design opportunities and the focus of the school’s laboratories, are chosen for their relevance to modern research issues. These are opportunities of problem solving and spaces for students to develop an exploratory and experimental dimension in their studies. The students will be developing the methodological precision, tools, and techniques for project development in marked co-relation to vision, scenario, and solution building training for complex design projects.
The teaching model involves two different types of laboratory experience.
As well as project laboratories students will gain design experience with the workshop formula, which takes the form of intensive short duration courses (one week). In connection with contexts external to the university (companies, professionals, and organisations) and relevant to emerging social issues, students will take on a project theme where they must demonstrate the ability to activate the project concept to configure potential solutions.
The project laboratories within the Laurea Magistrale and the Final Synthesis Laboratory are the accumulation of all the skills acquired in the programme of study converge. These laboratories constitute a basis for the degree graduation work. The Final Synthesis Laboratory is a full-blown research-education platform, which gives students the opportunity to try their hand at strong inter-disciplinary projects with innovative objectives.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsFor every level one Laurea course the School also sets up a related continued study Laurea Magistrale.
Level I Laurea
Level II continued study laurea
Product design
Integrated Produc Design
Communication Design
Communication Design
Fashion Design
Design for the Fashion System
Interior Design
Interior and Spatial Design
Product design
Design & Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Material and Nanotechnology Engineering
Product Design/Communication
Design/Interior Design/Fashion Design
Product Service System Design
Product Design/Communication
Design/Interior Design/Fashion Design
Digital and Interaction Design
Interior Design/ Product Design (Product)
Yacht & cruising vessel design- La Spezia campus
The Laurea Magistrale courses activated by the School of Design are divided up into sections.
Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design
Taught in both the Italian and English languages
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the Laurea Magistrale
Product Section 1 - IP1
Product Section 2 - IP2
Laurea Magistrale in Communication Design
Taught in both the Italian and English languages
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the Laurea Magistrale
Communication Section 1 – C_1
Communication Section 2 – C_2
Communication Section 3 – C_3
Laurea Magistrale in Design for the Fashion System
Taught in the English language
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the Laurea Magistrale
Fashion Section 1 – M_1
Fashion Section 2 – M_2
Laurea Magistrale in Interior and Spatial Design
Taught in both the Italian and English languages
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the Laurea Magistrale
Interiors Section I - IS1
Interiors Section 2 - IS2
Interiors Section 3 – IS3
Laurea Magistrale in Design & Engineering
Taught in the English language
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the Laurea Magistrale
D&E Section 1 – DE1
D&E Section 2 – DE2
Laurea Magistrale in Product Service System Design
Taught in the English language
Active in both the 1st and 2nd years of the LM
Product Service System Section 1 - PS_1
Product Service System Section 2 - PS_2
From the 2nd year of the LM the following section will also be active
Section Product Service System 2 - PS_3
Only for students studying on the Double degree with Management Engineering project.
Laurea Magistrale in Digital and Interaction Design
Taught in the English language
At the 1st year only one section is active
Second year not active
N.b. Course teaching can be in mixed Italian and English. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe fast and continuous development of the media, web, and mobile device application systems makes communication a continuously expanding and articulate professional sector.
Career options opened up by this Laurea Magistrale are direction and management of design activities for the strategic planning of complex communication systems. These profiles find their place in companies and other organisations with strong identity building, communications, stakeholder interaction and web presence orientation. The multi-media and digital publishing sector, advertising and communication companies, strategic IT consultancy companies, cultural institutions, museums and cultural heritage promotion, and strategic service provision are also potential career opportunities. A career as an independent entrepreneur (freelance or setting up new business) is also an option.
The traditional and multi-media publishing sector is a potential career option. Within this the user can explore on-line and off-line services, the brand and product identity sphere, and web products and services. Prototype innovation and experimentation is another potential career option. This involves integrating traditional communication systems with digital and web environments and systems. 5.2 Careers options and profilesThe traditional profiles required by the communications industry have been supplemented by new profiles that arose with the digital revolution. In particular, privileged areas of integration of visual communication designers are the traditional and multimedia editorial sector, the professional structures that carry out consultancy activities within the project of communication, graphic, multimedia and digital. Other areas of integration are advertising and communications agencies, companies with a strong vocation to corporate and product communications, the tertiary sector, and the expanding design of visual interfaces for access to complex sets of data and information. Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4220
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsFirst cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification
Candidate admission is dependent on assessments of merit and of the contents of previous courses of study. Students from other campuses or dissimilar study programmes will be required to undergo assessment of their educational background in order to identify any supplementary courses of study which may be required before admission to the Laurea Magistrale study programme.
Qualifications required for admission:
- Level I or II laurea;
- Appropriate English languages skills certification.
Updates to the “Guida all’ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale” are published every year on the School's site including detailed information on the material required for admission applications, how to register and deadlines, admission without assessment and reasons for non admission. Minimum laurea marks required for admission are also shown.
Students requiring supplementary studies prior to admission must fulfil these within one year of the date of assessment. 6.2 Requested knowledgeStudents can be admitted to the Laurea Magistrale in either the first or the second semester (only students coming from similar courses or who have fulfilled supplementary educational requirements relating to the assessment semester will be eligible for admission to the 2nd semester). Available places on the 2nd semester will be published after September admissions procedures are complete.
The Laurea Magistrale in Design & Engineering accepts students for 2nd semester admission only if they have completed the following courses in the 1st semester: Product development design studio 1 and C.I. Design Materials as individual courses. The Study Programme Board (CCS) will assess whether students have fulfilled their laboratory requirements and effectively attended the course including in subsequent exam sessions.
English language fluency, according to the standards indicated by the university, is a registration pre-requisite. Certificates must be presented before the assessment registration deadlines.
Students applying for admission to the Laurea Magistrale must fill in the appropriate online form and will be eligible for admission only if their previous studies fulfil course requirements as assessed by the appropriate board whose decision is final. In the event that students are rejected the board will provide reasons for its decision.
To be eligible for admission to the Laurea Magistrale course students must have level a I level Laurea in category L-4 Industrial Design or another Laurea or equivalent Italian or foreign qualification judged suitable. Candidates' prior educational studies will in any case be assessed and any supplementary studies required will subsequently be assigned.
School of Design students fulfilling NV requirements (parameters relating to student averages and credits awarded in the second year of the course) are exempt from the need to supply support documents to online applications.
Assessment is required for:
- internal and external Politecnico di Milano students without the parameters cited above;
- internal and external graduating students at Politecnico di Milano who have obtained at least 150 ECTS when their applications are presented.
The following students are not eligible for access to the School of Design's Laurea Magistrale programme:
- students who have graduated from the Politecnico di Milano's School of Design with marks of 85/110 or lower;
- students who have graduated from the Politecnico di Milano's and are external to the School of Design with marks of 90/110 or lower;
- students who have graduated from other Italian universities with marks of 95/110 or lower;
N.b. Students who have graduated from the Politecnico di Milano's School of Design and Laurea in Engineering with marks of 85/110 or lower are not eligible for admission to the Inter-School Laurea Magistrale in Design and Engineering.
Students who fulfilled admission requirements in previous academic years but did not register for the programme will be required to conform to the new parameters when presenting new assessment applications.
Candidates will be assessed in accordance with the parameters set out in the “Laurea Magistrale Programme Admissions” document available for consultation on the www.design.polimi.it. site. Fulfilment of assessment requirements will be notified to candidates by the board in two forms: admission without supplementary educational requirements or admission with supplementary educational requirements.
In the latter cases enrolment will be complete only when the required supplementary educational requirements have been fulfilled. These supplementary requirements must be fulfilled within one year of the date of assessment. Such students can supplement their studies by enrolling on individual courses and Magistrale taught courses to a maximum of 32 ECTS.
For admissions to the 2nd semester for students with supplementary educational requirements relating to the 1st semester, candidates will be required to reapply for the subsequent
To check your supplementary educational requirements consult the Laurea Magistrale Programme Admissions document on the School www.design.polimi.it site.
In addition to educational course assessments, candidates' curricula and other educational or extra educational activities will be subjected to comparative evaluation.
The board can also require written and/or oral tests.
The School reserves the right to accept individual course requirements for single topic and optional courses (note that for admission purposes no more than 32 Laurea Magistrale related ECTS can be recognised).
Students fulfilling NV criteria will be guaranteed admission to one of the Laurea Magistrale programmes selected but not necessarily their first choice depending on availability of places. Supplementary educational requirements can also be required where students are applying to transfer from one Laurea Magistrale course to another in dissimilar fields.
Detailed information relating to admission and enrolment is available on the Guidance and Counselling Office site https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4549 The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=49956.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availablePlaces available for admissions:
- Communication Design LM(Milan campus): 120
of which 15 are reserved for non EU students including 3 Chinese students on the “Marco Polo” project.
For the Laurea Magistrale admission time frames check the Laurea Magistrale Programmes Admissions Guide and the 2017/18 academic calendar. How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=29686.4 Tutoring and students supportThe School has supplemented its information and guidance services for future students with the purpose of providing information on the teaching and educational contents of its programmes of study and clarifying future students educational objectives and potential career openings.
For students who are already enrolled at the School guidance activities designed to:
- help students remove any obstacles to their attendance and learning with initiatives tailored to individual student needs, attitudes and requirements;
- encourage a more active participation by students in the educational process.
A reference teacher/tutor has been selected for each study programme and he or she is the official reference point for any School guidance. The service is programme of study specific and deals in particular with:
- support services for students who require help in solving problems or clarifying concepts;
- approval and publishing texts relating to the presentation of laurea courses it represents;
- identification of student projects from each specific laurea course to be used as guidance tools at Open Days and on the School's official communication channels.
Guidance and Counselling Office https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3767 Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=2168
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirementsTo be eligible for the final examination of Laurea Magistrale, students must: - To have accomplished 120 credits required in Level II of the Master including the credits related to the Internship and the credits of the final examination. - To have developed an individual thesis under the guidance of a tutor, which can be either a projectable work, a theoretical-methodological deepening, or a historical/critical analysis. The final examination of the Laurea Magistrale consists in the discussion of the individual thesis which must be written under the direction of the official teacher, thesis supervisor.
For more information on this subject refer to Regolamento Esame di Laurea Magsitrale published on the School website. 7.2 Mode of studyThe Laurea Magistrale course is full time activity. It is characterized by many different didactical activities: Monodisciplinary Courses are characterized by theoretic contents communicated by means of ex cathedra lessons and verified throughout the year with tests and interviews. Integrative Courses cover more than one discipline or specific context, and are taught by two teachers who supplement one another. Experimental Workshops are taught in the workshops, where the students are given an opportunity to experiment and use the tools used in design professions. Design Studios involve both a number of internal teachers employed by the Faculty and several external professionals and feature design activities where the students work under the guidance of a team of teachers, each contributing with his or her expertise as related to the subject of the design. Design Seminars (workshop) are of a duration of one week during which the students develop a project under the guidance of an established and well-known professional or a company. Erasmus Program and the other international mobility projects enable the students to spend six months studying abroad, at qualified European and non-European design universities. Professional Apprenticeship enable the student to works with a company or design studio that collaborates with the Polytechnic, under the guidance of a tutor of the Faculty and a tutor appointed by the company. Conclusive Design Studio represents a complete design experience, linking numerous disciplinary contributions and guiding the students in the choice and development of their Dissertation.
The System Regulations require a series of educational activities (specialist, elective or supplementary) which are present in the course of study in the form of single subject and integrated courses and Design studio in which the Laurea Magistrale's educational content is conveyed.
In addition to these types of educational activities the System Regulations also require that a specific number of credits are attributed to types of activity which can be categorised as follows:
- educational activities chosen independently by students (Optional courses);
- educational activities relating to preparation for the final exams required for the qualification to be awarded and foreign language assessment (Final exam and Language);
- activities designed to enable students to gain additional language skills, IT, telematic and relational skills which will help them in finding employment as well as educational activities designed to facilitate professional choices by giving students direct experience of working in the sector which the qualification can gain them access to including, in particular, educational work experience and guidance (Internships).
Below is a demonstration of the main characteristics of these activities.
Optional student courses
In the Laurea Magistrale programme 12 credits are awarded to optional courses (equivalent to one course per year).
Students are required to choose their optional courses on presentation of their first year study plans. Similarly when they present their second year study plans they will be required to choose a second course.
The optional courses take place in both 1st and 2nd semesters. Internships - Laurea Magistrale
In Laurea Magistrale students carry out an internship at a company, professional studio,
study centre, body, etc. with a partnership agreement with the Politecnico di Milano which fulfils the requirements of current legislation specifying that, on completion of the agreed internship period (minimum 250 hrs, maximum 1 year) a certificate will be issued.
Such internships can be incorporated into students' study plans in either the 1st or the 2nd year of study depending on the organisation of the student's course of study.
Internship is an educational experience which gives students real experience of the world of work. The host company must be aware of and agree to the legal regulations and the need for educational support and the student must accept and show an ability to respect the company's rules and behaviours.
For additional information on how to draw up a study plan, educational priorities,
attendance requirements and exam sessions, etc., you are advised to consult the document “Implementing Norms for Educational Regulations” available for consultation on the School's site. 7.3 Detailed learning objectivesStudents' ability to choose the courses and credits to be incorporated into their study plans is subordinate to a series of rules imposed by the School which makes available an educational programme worth 60 credits for each year of the course (nominal courses).
Each year students can choose courses for a different number of credits than that specified by the nominal courses (60 ECTS per year) to graduate their study programmes according to their needs.
The minimum number of credits a student can enrol on is 30 unless the number of credits needed for course completion are fewer than this.
The maximum number of credits a student can enrol on is 80, respecting exam priorities.
The current framework of the study plan requires the course exam sequence to be respected as shown in the Regulations.
Courses designed for later years of the programme cannot be inserted into an earlier year study plan (“advance study”) unless all previous and current year courses have also been integrated into it.
The School has also implemented an exam priority sequence on the basis of which certain courses can only be enrolled on if other, introductory courses have already been passed. Students may actually be able to enrol on fewer credits than is nominally the case as a result of this rule.
The System Regulations require a series of educational activities (specialist, elective or supplementary) which are present in the course of study in the form of single subject and integrated courses and Design studio in which the two-year Laurea Magistrale's educational content is conveyed.
Laurea Magistrale
In addition to these types of educational activities the System Regulations also require that a specific number of credits are attributed to types of activity which can be categorised as follows:
- educational activities chosen independently by students (Optional courses);
- educational activities relating to preparation for the final exams required for the qualification to be awarded (Final exam);
- activities designed to enable students to gain additional language skills, IT, telematic and relational skills which will help them in finding employment as well as educational activities designed to facilitate professional choices by giving students direct experience of working in the sector which the qualification can gain them access to including, in particular, educational work experience and guidance (Internships).
1 Year courses - Track: C_1 - COMUNICAZIONE 1
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 089573 | B | ICAR/13 ING-INF/05 | LABORATORIO DI SISTEMI PER L'INTERAZIONE |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 093599 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 1 | / | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 089575 | B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE DI ARTEFATTI E SISTEMI COMPLESSI |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 096643 | B | SPS/08 | SOCIOLOGIA DEI MEDIA |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
1 Year courses - Track: C_2 - COMUNICAZIONE 2
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 089573 | B | ICAR/13 ING-INF/05 | LABORATORIO DI SISTEMI PER L'INTERAZIONE |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 089575 | B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI PROGETTAZIONE DI ARTEFATTI E SISTEMI COMPLESSI |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 093599 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 1 | / | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 096643 | B | SPS/08 | SOCIOLOGIA DEI MEDIA |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
1 Year courses - Track: C_3 - COMUNICAZIONE 3
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 050566 | B | ICAR/13 ING-INF/05 | INTERACTION DESIGN STUDIO |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 050569 | B | ICAR/13 | COMPLEX ARTEFACTS AND SYSTEM DESIGN STUDIO |  | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 096643 | B | SPS/08 | SOCIOLOGIA DEI MEDIA |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 050582 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 1 |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
1 Year courses - Track: *** - non diversificato
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 050571 | -- | -- | [METAINS] INTERACTION SYSTEM DESIGN STUDIO | -- | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 098745 | -- | -- | [METAINS] APPLIANCES AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS DESIGN STUDIO | -- | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 093600 | -- | -- | [METAINS] WORKSHOP 1 | -- | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 096643 | -- | -- | SOCIOLOGY OF MEDIA | -- | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 089560 | C | M-DEA/01 | ANTROPOLOGIA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 050564 | C | M-DEA/01 | ANTHROPOLOGY OF COMMUNICATION |  | 1 | 6.0 | | 050559 | B,C | L-ART/06 M-FIL/05 | CORSO INTEGRATO CULTURA DELLA COMUNICAZIONE |  | 1 | 12.0 | 12.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 050560 | B,C | L-ART/06 M-FIL/05 | IC COMMUNICATION CULTURE |  | 2 | 12.0 | | 089859 | -- | ING-IND/35 | BUSINESS INNOVATION |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 095141 | B | L-ART/03 | ART DIRECTION E COPYWRITING |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092051 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DEGLI EVENTI |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092058 | B | ICAR/13 | GAME DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 091909 | -- | ING-IND/14 | IL METODO DEGLI ELEMENTI FINITI PER L 'ANALISI DEI PRODOTTI INDUSTRIALI |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092065 | B | ICAR/13 | LIGHT ART E DESIGN DELLA LUCE |  | 1 | 6.0 | 091907 | -- | ING-IND/22 | NANOTECNOLOGIE E MATERIALI FUNZIONALI PER IL DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092050 | B | ICAR/13 | SYSTEM DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096616 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DELLA COMUNICAZIONE E CULTURE DI GENERE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096736 | B | ING-INF/05 | VIDEOGAMES DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 051879 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN E CULTURA DELLA LUCE. LA LUCE COME FONDAMENTO DEL PROGETTO |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096766 | B | INF/01 | ONLINE GAME DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051998 | B | ICAR/13 ING-INF/05 | DESIGN AND ROBOTICS |  | 2 | 6.0 | 052216 | B | ING-INF/05 | ADVANCED USER INTERFACES |  | 1 | 6.0 | 052003 | -- | ING-IND/15 | VIRTUAL AND PHISICAL PROTOTYPING |  | 2 | 6.0 | 098617 | B | ICAR/13 | DIGITAL STRATEGY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051729 | B | L-ART/03 | ARTE DEL PAESAGGIO ITALIANO, DAL MODERNO ALLA CONTEMPORANEITÀ |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051828 | B | ICAR/13 | COME UN LABORATORIO RINASCIMENTALE 2 |  | 2 | 6.0 | 052071 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN FOR THE MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050537 | B | ICAR/13 | LICENSING E BRAND EXTENSION |  | 2 | 6.0 | 094864 | -- | ING-IND/15 | REVERSE MODELING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 051881 | -- | ING-IND/35 | DIGITAL USER INNOVATION |  | 1 | 6.0 | 050817 | C | SECS-S/01 | APPLIED STATISTICS |  | 1 | 6.0 | 051850 | B | ICAR/13 | SMART AND INTERACTIVE FURNITURE |  | 1 | 6.0 | 050538 | B | ICAR/13 | CREATIVE CODING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 095200 | -- | IUS/04 | DIRITTO D'AUTORE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050545 | B | ING-INF/05 | MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROJECT |  | 2 | 6.0 | 097808 | B | ICAR/13 | HISTORY OF DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 093801 | -- | ICAR/16 | SCENOGRAFIE DI LUCE - LA CITTÀ COME PALCOSCENICO |  | 1 | 6.0 | 092046 | B | ICAR/13 | TEMPORARY URBAN SOLUTIONS |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050540 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGNING MATERIALS EXPERIENCES |  | 1 | 6.0 | 089860 | B | SPS/08 | USER AND SOCIAL INNOVATION |  | 2 | 6.0 | 098651 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN THE COMPLEXITY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 097927 | B | ICAR/13 | METODI DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE PARAMETRICA |  | 1 | 6.0 | 098619 | B | ICAR/13 | ANALISI DEL FILM E MONDI NARRATIVI |  | 1 | 6.0 | 098617 | B | ICAR/13 | DIGITAL STRATEGY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051820 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGNER & CREATIVITÀ |  | 1 | 6.0 |
2 Year courses - Track: C_1 - COMUNICAZIONE 1
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091888 | B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI SINTESI FINALE |  | 1 | 18.0 | 18.0 | | 093602 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 2 | / | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
2 Year courses - Track: C_2 - COMUNICAZIONE 2
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 091888 | B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI SINTESI FINALE |  | 1 | 18.0 | 18.0 | | 093602 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 2 | / | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
2 Year courses - Track: C_3 - COMUNICAZIONE 3
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 051696 | B | ICAR/13 | FINAL SYNTHESIS DESIGN STUDIO |  | 1 | 18.0 | 18.0 | | 051702 | B | ICAR/13 | WORKSHOP 2 |  | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
2 Year courses - Track: *** - non diversificato
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 051695 | -- | -- | [METAINS] FINAL SYNTHESIS DESIGN STUDIO | -- | 1 | 18.0 | 18.0 | | 091987 | -- | -- | PREPARAZIONE ELABORATO DI TESI (P.ET) |  | 1 | 12.0 | 12.0 | | 093601 | -- | -- | [METAINS] WORKSHOP 2 | -- | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 089859 | -- | ING-IND/35 | BUSINESS INNOVATION |  | 1 | 6.0 | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 095141 | B | L-ART/03 | ART DIRECTION E COPYWRITING |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092051 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DEGLI EVENTI |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092058 | B | ICAR/13 | GAME DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 091909 | -- | ING-IND/14 | IL METODO DEGLI ELEMENTI FINITI PER L 'ANALISI DEI PRODOTTI INDUSTRIALI |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092065 | B | ICAR/13 | LIGHT ART E DESIGN DELLA LUCE |  | 1 | 6.0 | 091907 | -- | ING-IND/22 | NANOTECNOLOGIE E MATERIALI FUNZIONALI PER IL DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092050 | B | ICAR/13 | SYSTEM DESIGN FOR SUSTAINABILITY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096616 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DELLA COMUNICAZIONE E CULTURE DI GENERE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096766 | B | INF/01 | ONLINE GAME DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 096736 | B | ING-INF/05 | VIDEOGAMES DESIGN AND PROGRAMMING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 051729 | B | L-ART/03 | ARTE DEL PAESAGGIO ITALIANO, DAL MODERNO ALLA CONTEMPORANEITÀ |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051881 | -- | ING-IND/35 | DIGITAL USER INNOVATION |  | 1 | 6.0 | 051998 | B | ICAR/13 ING-INF/05 | DESIGN AND ROBOTICS |  | 2 | 6.0 | 052003 | -- | ING-IND/15 | VIRTUAL AND PHISICAL PROTOTYPING |  | 2 | 6.0 | 098617 | B | ICAR/13 | DIGITAL STRATEGY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 093801 | -- | ICAR/16 | SCENOGRAFIE DI LUCE - LA CITTÀ COME PALCOSCENICO |  | 1 | 6.0 | 050537 | B | ICAR/13 | LICENSING E BRAND EXTENSION |  | 2 | 6.0 | 092046 | B | ICAR/13 | TEMPORARY URBAN SOLUTIONS |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051828 | B | ICAR/13 | COME UN LABORATORIO RINASCIMENTALE 2 |  | 2 | 6.0 | 052071 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN FOR THE MULTISENSORY EXPERIENCE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051879 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN E CULTURA DELLA LUCE. LA LUCE COME FONDAMENTO DEL PROGETTO |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050545 | B | ING-INF/05 | MULTIDISCIPLINARY PROJECT |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050814 | B | ING-INF/05 | HYPERMEDIA APPLICATIONS (WEB AND MULTIMEDIA) - IEDIE PROGRAM |  | 2 | 6.0 | 094864 | -- | ING-IND/15 | REVERSE MODELING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 089860 | B | SPS/08 | USER AND SOCIAL INNOVATION |  | 2 | 6.0 | 052234 | C | MAT/08 | GENERATIVE DESIGN: METODI GEOMETRICI E NUMERICI |  | 2 | 6.0 | 051850 | B | ICAR/13 | SMART AND INTERACTIVE FURNITURE |  | 1 | 6.0 | 052235 | -- | L-FIL-LET/14 | SCRITTURA CREATIVA: PROCEDURE E TECNICHE DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE A SUPPORTO DELLA PROGETTAZIONE E DEL DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050817 | C | SECS-S/01 | APPLIED STATISTICS |  | 1 | 6.0 | 052216 | B | ING-INF/05 | ADVANCED USER INTERFACES |  | 1 | 6.0 | 097927 | B | ICAR/13 | METODI DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE PARAMETRICA |  | 1 | 6.0 | 050538 | B | ICAR/13 | CREATIVE CODING |  | 1 | 6.0 | 098651 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN THE COMPLEXITY |  | 2 | 6.0 | 050540 | B | ICAR/13 | DESIGNING MATERIALS EXPERIENCES |  | 1 | 6.0 | 095200 | -- | IUS/04 | DIRITTO D'AUTORE |  | 2 | 6.0 | 098619 | B | ICAR/13 | ANALISI DEL FILM E MONDI NARRATIVI |  | 1 | 6.0 | 098628 | -- | ING-IND/17 | QUALITY MANAGEMENT |  | 1 | 6.0 | 097808 | B | ICAR/13 | HISTORY OF DESIGN |  | 2 | 6.0 | 098617 | B | ICAR/13 | DIGITAL STRATEGY |  | 2 | 6.0 | | 091980 | B | ICAR/13 | INTERNSHIP - 1 SEMESTER | -- | 1 | 18.0 | 18.0 | 091981 | B | ICAR/13 | INTERNSHIP 2ST SEMESTER |  | 2 | 18.0 |
7.4 Foreign languageForeign language assessment will be carried out in accordance with the university's methods as set out on the “Student Services/Guides and Regulations/Guide to the English Language” web page www.polimi.it.
Students are encouraged to read this document carefully and respect the norms set out in it.
Specifically, note that: "Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 the Politecnico di Milano has adopted the English language as the European Union language which students must speak in addition to Italian".
English language fluency, according to the standards indicated by the university, is a registration pre-requisite. For admission to the School of Design Laurea Magistrale Programme certificates must be submitted by candidates within the time frames for admission applications. This deadline must be respected by all students (from similar or different courses)
Information on English language fluency https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3860 Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=30487.5 Degree examinationPursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04, article 11, subsection 5 the final exam for the LM in Interior Design consists of the preparation of a thesis by students under the guidance of a supervisor.
The thesis must be experimental and original and can lead to design or theoretical and historical-critical outcomes. In both cases theses must contain a methodological foreword illustrating its disciplinary foundations, arguments and the knowledge framework within which the research in it has been carried out and show which elements constitute original contributions by the candidate.
The thesis must be written and discussed in Italian and have an English language abstract.
For wholly English sections theses can be drawn up, presented and discussed in English alone.
The thesis must complete the student's educational course of study. It must be an individual work which can, however, be based on structured activities carried out together with other students. The individual candidate's contribution must, however, be clearly recognisable in the final outcome.
For information on the Laurea Magistrale Exam and Thesis writing procedures you are advised to consult the “Laurea Magistrale Exam Regulations” published on the School's site Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3128
8. Academic calendarThe Laurea Magistrale programme calendar is structured into two semesters and students can enrol at the beginning of either semester. Thus studies can begin in either the first or the second semester of each academic year. The course is structured in order to enable students to complete the programme in four semesters whether first year Laurea Magistrale enrolment takes place in the first or second semesters.
An exam period takes place at the end of each semester (exam). Academic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3208
9. FacultyThe names of the Programme of Study teachers and what they teach will be made available on the degree programme from September onwards.
The Degree Programme is published each year on the Politecnico di Milano's website.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesDesign Laboratories
The creation of large scale laboratories supporting design education is coherent with the Politecnico di Milano School of Design's tradition of experimentation, its inductive teaching model, in which 'knowledge' and 'know-how' are mutually supportive.
The purpose of these laboratories is the practice of activities which allow students to verify their design hypotheses and learn how to use the technical tools required for experimentation, representation and design communication.
The laboratories managed by the Design Department occupy an approximately 10,000 square metre space in the Milan Bovisa campus.
The Politeca, an integrated documentation system for design research, is an integral part of the laboratories.
For details on the laboratories
11. International contextBuilding an international dimension for the School of Design has been one of its priority objectives since it was founded in the year 2000.
There are many reasons for this: the nature of design which inherently draws its very lifeblood from its multicultural and multi-local character, its proximity to both the world of manufacturing - which has now taken on a global dimension - and the sphere of consumption whose dynamics and tendencies are visible in a range of local specific contexts; the very DNA of the design community which has always been international; Milan's acknowledged status as design capital, a crucible for designers from all over the world who have come here to study or open a studio; the desire to make educational trajectories increasingly permeable to impulses deriving from this stimulating context as in other dynamic foreign contexts. For the School of Design internationalisation has a two-fold meaning: supporting student (and teaching and technical staff) mobility outwards and the opposite, attracting students, researchers, professors and visiting professors into the Politecnico from abroad.
In relation to these two internalisation channels (dealt with separately, the first in this chapter and the second in the subsequent chapter) the School of Design has committed itself in recent years to enlarging its international contact network and it now works with 300 design universities the world over in Erasmus exchange programmes (with 150 European universities), bilateral exchange projects (with 70 non European universities), joint workshops with other schools, international internships and so on.
To these should be added more highly structured activities which aim to consolidate partnership relationships in the educational and research fields with a number of selected universities. This is the case of the MEDes_Master of European Design training for excellence programme (with 7 university partners) in addition to the many international research programmes under way.
The School of Design is a member of Cumulus, a network of Interntaional design schools, and of the main international design associations. Like the city which hosts it - Milan is a veritable international design laboratory - the Politecnico's School of Design aims to be a meeting place between different cultures, between education, industry and the professions, in which professors, entrepreneurs and celebrated designers from all over the world take an active part in the students' educational experience.
12. InternationalizationInternational exchanges
The School of Design takes part in international student exchange programmes which offer students the opportunity to go abroad for a period of study at one of the Politecnico's partner universities. A list of the School's partner universities is available on the Politecnico's website and on the School of Design website in the Internationalisation Area.
The Erasmus Programme
The Erasmus programme was set up in 1987 by the European Community to give students the chance to carry out a period of study at a foreign university within the European Union from 3 to 12 months legally recognised by their own university, at Bachelor or Master level.
In 2014 the European Union's Erasmus+ programme was set up for education, training, youth and sport in the 2014-2020 period.
Specifically Erasmus for study enables university students to carry out a period of study at a university with a partnership agreement with their own university. This mobility can entitle students to a grant (under the conditions set out in the international mobility tender) and free registration at the host university. Students can thus follow courses and take exams at the partner university and have the exams recognised at their own universities.
Bilateral exchanges
The School of Design has also activated a number of bilateral agreements with non EU universities. These are mainly intended for the use of Laurea Magistrale students and can also be applied for by those who have already carried out an Erasmus period abroad during their three year study course.
The procedures for admission to such exchanges are the same as those for Erasmus exchanges with the exception of the study scholarship which is not guaranteed in such cases.
The bilateral agreement, in fact, enables students to attend a period of study abroad at a partner university without incurring registration fees at such universities. In some cases, however, a management fee for exchange students is payable (e.g. Orientation fee).
Master of European Design (MEDes) In the 2002/2003 academic year a specific 5 year programme was set up at the School of Design.
This international study programme, promoted and designed by the school together with a further five prestigious European design universities and formalised in an agreement signed by all university partners, entitles students to an additional qualification on top of the Laurea Magistrale granted by the Politecnico di Milano. Students can graduate only from their own universities.
In addition to the Politecnico di Milano the universities taking part in this programme are:
The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Helsinki, Finland
Konstfack University College of Arts, Stockholm, Sweden
Ensci Les Ateliers, Paris, France
KISD - Köln International School of Design, Cologne, Germany
Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
5 students are selected for this programme of excellence from all those enrolled on the 2nd year of the Laurea programmes in Industrial Product Design, Interior Design and Communication Design.
Candidates for the MEDes programme carry out two study periods at two partner universities:
_one in the 3rd year of the level I Laurea;
_the other in the 1st year of the Laurea Magistrale.
The choice of university will be made on the basis of student preferences and the Board of MEdes.
The School of Design has set up a number of Double Degrees at Master level
These programmes entitle students to a double Laurea Magistrale title issued by the Politecnico di Milano and its partner school on completion of a common programme involving an exchange.
Master Theses can be drawn up, presented and discussed in English.
Thesis abroad
Students in the 2nd year of Laurea Magistrale program may develop a part of their thesis abroad. This can be done in the following ways:
-through the Erasmus program and/or Bilateral exchange outside Europe including specific courses in the Study Plan, agreed on with your supervisor, that are useful to the development of your thesis or with a co-supervisor from the partner university depending on availability, who co-ordinates with your supervisor at the School of Design.
-with co-supervision from the other university, organized autonomously and without joining an exchange program. In this case the student must communicate his/her intentions in advance to the Relé office of the School of Design, which will formalize the procedure.
-Applying to the Public Call from Politecnico to have a scholarship for doing the thesis abroad.
In-course Internship/job placement
The in-course internship envisaged for the 2nd year of the Laurea Magistrale may be carried out abroad by:
- applying to the R.A.P service (Company and Professions relations)
- joining the Erasmus/extra UE programmes, if available in the partner schools, or by activating a collaboration with professional practices, or through attending courses (design studio based) or workshop as per the same amount of hours.
- Answering to the Call “Erasmus for Traineeship” to obtain scholarships to make the internship within the European Union.
- Making the internship within the exchange mobility substituting it with project courses that amou8nt at least 250 hours. Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4709
13. Quantitative data
14. Further informationFor any other information the students are invited to visit the School website, in particular the teaching regulations of the academic rules.
15. Errata corrige