Academic Year 2017/18 School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering Degree Programme of: Building and Construction Engineering Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering | Code Reference Law | 497 | Name | Building and Construction Engineering | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | L-23 - Building Sciences | Degree level | Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 3 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2,3 | Official language(s) | Italian | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Ilaria Pamela Simonetta Valente | Coordinator of the Study programme | Tiziana Poli | Website of the School | http://www.auic.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | |
Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Leonardo Reference office | Presidenza della Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni |
| Address | Via Ampère 2 20133 Milano | Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo Address | VIA C. GOLGI, 42 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programme2. General presentation of the Study Programme
The construction industry today, though innovative design and construction process, faces challenging tasks: low energy buildings that meet high comfort levels; low environmental impact buildings with high technological fabric and service systems (smart and responsive building, smart environment); low life cycle costs buildings; resilient and safe buildings.
Engineers with a strong scientific background, with a deep technical knowledge and affinity to problems affecting the buildings and the whole built environment are required to deal with this challenge. Building and Construction Engineers are young dynamic engineers, who can follow and, even more, guide transformations in the construction industry.
Building and Construction Engineering (IEC) programme has the ambition to prepare new engineers to manage the complexity characterizing today buildings and their related design, construction, operation, maintenance processes, up to their further transformation or disposal at the end of buildings’ life cycle.
IEC Programme is preparatory to some Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes provided by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering as continuity curricula: Building System Engineering (in Italian), Building and Architectural Engineering and Management of Built Environment (in English).
The first and second year are focused on basic engineering subjects and introduce first construction engineering themes. The third year of the study programme is enhanced by building science and construction engineering courses and by technical application classes. This course catalogue is designed to guide students to choose the best Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) career and/or strengthen the first construction engineering skills for a fast inclusion into the job market as a building technician in support of buildings construction and management.
The Building and Construction Engineer, with a wide basic preparation, deals primarily with the inclusion of engineering disciplines in the architectural design, in relation to the performance, technology and technical (energy and environment, construction, structural, plant design, security), operational and construction aspects that want to guarantee and control the project quality. The third year courses allow to guide and/or train a Technician of Building Production, or a position that is qualified with particular reference to detection, management of technical-administrative and production processes (organization and management of construction site, estimates and technical and economic assessment, safety) and built management.
3. Learning objectives3. Educational Objectives
IEC is enrolled in L23 (scienza e tecniche dell’edilizia) Italian classes of Laurea. Generally students graduated in class L23 should:
- master the analytical aspects of the disciplinary areas of the followed study programme;
- adequately know methodological and operational aspects of the chosen study programme’s disciplinary area, and be able to use its methods, techniques and tools appropriately;
- be able to formulate and solve building assets, and built environment related problems through the use of appropriate and innovative tools and techniques;
- use both theoretical and applied knowledge in all the different construction industry fields ensuring professional and flexible responses to the construction sector needs;
- be able to communicate effectively their professional works, in written and oral form, in at least one European language, other than Italian.
Specifically, IEC aims to graduate building engineers who can use their knowledge:
- to understand and design the typological, functional, structural and technological characteristics of building materials and components, in relation to the physical environment and to socio-economic and productive context;
- to understand and design performances (environmental, thermal, mechanical, technological, related to durability, …) of buildings and their components and systems;
- to understand, design and plan building construction, use and maintenance;
- to understand the engineering aspects of safety and protection of constructions to design out health and safety risks both for construction and use phases during design development;
- to analyse the technical, economical and organizational aspects related to industrial production of building components for construction industry, with particular attention to recognise and test product and process innovations;
- to understand a building fabric, in relation to its origins and subsequent historical transformations and to its built environment context; to survey buildings through the analysis of the characteristics of their materials, of the phases and historical techniques of their construction and of their structural behaviour;
IEC Graduate students will possess the necessary skills to carry out professional activities in different fields, contributing to planning, design, construction and management of new construction and refurbishment projects related to both building and built environment. They may use their skills in agencies, public and private companies, engineering and architecture firms, contractors and, more generally, industries in the construction supply chain as well as freelance consultant.
The main employment openings provided by this study programme are the typical ones of the L23 class, precisely IEC engineers may do the following activities:
- survey, analysis, technical and economic evaluation, representation of buildings and built environment;
- performance modelling for identification and optimization of design alternatives (design strategies, building components and systems, structural components) to ensure safety, environmental quality, high comfort levels, low environmental impact, low energy consumption;
- technological, structural and service systems design (preliminary, detail and for construction);
- design resilient building, optimization of design alternatives to slow down degradation processes and to stop building collapse restraining their causes;
- construction management, the economic assessment and management of building project or areas development project, management of technical-administrative processes, management of production processes;
- health and safety engineering in building and infrastructure projects.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master)
Building and Construction Engineering degree grantsaccess to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master).
Graduate students in Building and Construction Engineering can continue their studies in many Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes related to the construction industry. The access to a specific Laurea Magistrale programmes depends on fulfilment of the its admission criteria.
In the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering of Politecnico di Milano, in particular, the following Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes are provided: Building system engineering (ISE, in Italian at Milano Leonardo), Building and Architectural Engineering (BAE, in English at Milano Leonardo and Lecco), Management of Built Environment (MBE, in English at Milano Leonardo).
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe IEC engineer graduate student has different opportunities as professional in the job market as: design engineer; structural engineer; project manager, quantity surveyor; construction manager; safety and site engineer; maintenance manager; facility manager and in many other professional opportunities arising from the strong innovation progress that characterizes the construction sector nowadays.
The IEC engineer graduate student has different opportunities as professional in the job market as:
- design engineer;
- structural engineer;
- project manager, quantity surveyor;
- construction manager;
- safety and site engineer;
- maintenance manager;
- facility manager
and in many other professional opportunities arising from the strong innovation progress that characterizes the construction sector nowadays.
The first level graduate students in Building and Construction Engineer, after passing the Italian State Professional Examination, can achieve the qualification to the profession of junior engineer in Civil-Building-Environment sector (regulated by Presidential Decree 05.06.2001, n°328). 5.2 Careers options and profilesThere are many job opportunities for IEC graduate students:
- Engineering and architecture firms;
- Consulting firms in building technology, building systems, health and safety, fire engineering, quality systems, …;
- Construction and maintenance companies;
- Building product and component industries;
- Public administrations;
- Insurance companies;
- Technical offices for big private clients;
- Different fields as freelance and researcher.
Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4145 Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5217
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsItalian secondary school leaving qualification or other comparable foreign qualification (level 4 EQF)
Secondary school leaving qualification, or foreign comparable qualifications
Upper middle school diploma or similar foreign qualification.
To be admitted onto the Bachelor of Science, students must have a sufficient background preparation (in mathematics, the sciences and verbal comprehension). Furthermore, a satisfactory level of English is required. An entry test must be taken to evaluate the applicant's qualification. In case the test demonstrates insufficient qualification in some fields, the applicant is assigned additional specific duties to be fulfilled before taking exams for the regular courses.
For the Academic Year 2016-2017, the number of first year students for the Study Programmes in BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING is 150. 6.2 Requested knowledgeDetailed information relating to admission test and enrolment is available at the Guidance and Counselling Office site
The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano
https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4948 The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=49496.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availableDetailed information relating to deadlines and available places can be found in the guide to enrolment https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3710
How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4286 How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=51776.4 Tutoring and students supportGuidance
The study programme is included in the institutional guidance event organized by the University, the Open Day for Study Programmes. On this occasion, professors teaching in IEC courses hold programme presentations where educational objectives, subjects of study and professional opportunities are explained. Furthermore, works done by the students of the previous years are also presented, together with a glance to infrastructures where teaching takes place and a short description of events and initiatives that are organized during the three years study programme.
For some of the study programme courses is available for students a tutoring activity carried out by researchers and highly qualified professionals.
The management of individual Study Plan and international exchange programmes is carried out by professors of the School.
Detailed information can be found on the web site of the School.
POK (Polimi Open Knowledge) is the portal MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) that offers free on-line courses open to everyone. The main objective of the portal is to support students, not only of Politecnico di Milano, in the crucial steps of their academic and professional career: from high school to university, from Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science), from university to the world of work. Web site www.pok.polimi.it
Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4255 Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5196
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirementsTo be admitted onto the Bachelor of Science, students must have a sufficient background preparation (in mathematics, the sciences and verbal comprehension). Furthermore, a satisfactory level of English is required. An entry test must be taken to evaluate the applicant's qualification. In case the test demonstrates insufficient qualification in some fields, the applicant is assigned additional specific duties to be fulfilled before taking exams for the regular courses. For the Academic Year 2022-2023, the number of first year students for the Study Programmes in BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING is 150. As specified in the academic regulations, 180 credits are required to obtain the B.Sc. (first level) degree. Detailed information relating to admission test and enrolment is available at the Guidance and Counselling Office site https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4505
As specified in the academic regulations, 180 credits are required to obtain the B.Sc. (first level) degree. 7.2 Mode of studyIEC is a full time course, it includes attendance of lectures and laboratory activities. Attendance is not compulsory, but strongly recommended, in order to allow learning through continuous interaction with professors, and technical staff. For decision of the AUIC School, elective courses will be activated only if the minimum number of 15 students will be reached. In case one or more courses will not reach the minimum number and, thus, will not be activated students will be immediately informed.
IEC is a full time course, it includes attendance of lectures and laboratory activities. Attendance is not compulsory, but strongly recommended, in order to allow learning through continuous interaction with professors, and technical staff.
For decision of the School, courses will be activated only if the minimum number of 15 students will be reached. In case one or more courses will not reach the minimum number and, thus, will not be activated students will be immediately informed. 7.3 Detailed learning objectivesPreliminary notice
- In the academic year (a.y.) 2014-2015 a program named Engineering and Building and Architecture Techniques (ITEA), which merged in one programme two L23 classes (“Construction Engineering” and “Architecture of Building Production”) was activated and the two L23 classes were progressively deactivated until a.y. 2015-2016.
- The ITEA programme had two careers but in a.y. 2016-2017 only the Building Engineering career was provided, therefore, since a.y. 2016-2017, new enrolments in the career Architecture of Building Production has not been allowed; furthermore, for this career, it is suspended, for the a.y. 2016-2017, the third year of the programme.
- Starting from a.y. 2017-18 IEC replaces ITEA programme; this change affects every student still enrolled in one of the three years of the ITEA programme.
7.4 Foreign languageInformation on English language knowledge Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4317 Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=51587.5 Degree examinationThe degree examination will focus on verifying the knowledge and skills acquired by the student, evaluated through submission and subsequent discussion of a graduation work. The student has 2 types of access to the degree examination:
The Graduation exam consists of:
short presentation, by the undergraduate to the Commission, of the personal study carried out;
short interrogation by the Commission on subjects of the CdS.
Further information on the type of works to be produced and on submission procedures can be found in the IEC degree examination regulations, available on the CdS web site at the following link:
Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4348 Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5139
8. Academic calendarAcademic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4379 Academic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5120
9. FacultyThe names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September.
The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesStudents attending the Building and Construction Engineering programme will have access to all the facilities the Politecnico di Milano (computer equipped rooms, libraries, study rooms, sport facilities).
Several courses include laboratory activities as support to teaching activities. Furthermore, it is available a specialized model making laboratory for model production on the basis of projects developed by students.
Further information are available on the degree programme.
The Degree Programme is published each year on Politecnico di Milano's website
11. International contextLaurea Programmes in the field of building engineering are available in many educational programmes of European and non-European universities that have an educational system similar to Italian system (3 years + 2 years Msc).
In some Countries, the Degree curriculum is provided within the Civil Engineering Programmes.
In other Countries, as in Spain, similar degrees are provided with a different educational system (4 years + 1 years).
Politecnico is carrying out comparative analysis with the main international universities which results will be soon available on Politecnico di Milano's website.
Since a.y. 2016-17 IEC students have been offered a double degree programme in association with Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV-ETSIE) (Spain), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Edificación – ETSIE (Grado en Arquitectura Técnica / Bachelor in Technical Architecture”, Bachelor Degree). More info on the double degree can be found at the following link:
Per maggiori informazioni su doppia laurea http://www.polimi.it/studenti/esperienze-allestero/mobilita-per-studio/doppie-lauree/
12. InternationalizationIEC has a strong vocation as preparatory Laurea for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering, thus students are suggested to carry out a period of study abroad, if possible, during the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme. This will allow a better outcome from the international experience.
The School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering helps, through its academic tutors, students that want to perform a period of study, a stage or an internship abroad during their Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme.
Information on exchange projects, double degree projects and international internships, European research projects and international relations is available on the degree programme.
The Degree Programme is published each year on Politecnico di Milano's website.
For regulations and specific information on international mobility, please visit the web site of the School and UniversityInformation on exchange projects, double degree and international internship, European research projects and international relations is available on https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4584
Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4658 Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5111
13. Quantitative dataThe Studies Service and the University Assessment Nucleus carry out periodic analyses of the overall results and the quality level of Programme teaching, monitoring educational activities and the ability of graduates to find work. Reports and studies are available on the Politecnico di Milano website. http://www.polimi.it/ateneo/organi/nucleo-di-valutazione/
The University Assessment Commission performs periodic analysis on the overall results and on the quality of teaching degree programs, by monitoring teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the job market. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di Milano. http://www.polimi.it/ateneo/organi/nucleo-di-valutazione/
14. Further information14.1 Personal study plan and / or courses as extra
The IEC progamme has one and only previously approved study plan (PSPA), students are not allowed to create their own study plan. Students may ask (a request should be put before using the Online Services) for changes in the study plan if they do not succeed in overcoming degree programme regulations and constrains (“passaggi” and “decadendi-decaduti”).
Students can add up to 30 ECTS to their study plan only if they already have 120 ECTS registered in their university career (or if all the exams of the first two years have been pssed);
You can consult the "Informative guide on Study plans" published on the University site; the guide contains the specific methods regarding courses as extra:
14.2 Additional educational obligations (OFA)
Having OFA (additional educational obligations) means that some parts of your academic preparation are not up to standards. Until you have fully discharged your OFA, some restrictions to your university career apply. You can discharge your OFA during the academic year.
More information on the subject can be found:
14.3 Pre-requisites
Pre-requisites are intended to avoid students approaching courses with a lack of curricular requirements, knowledge and skills foreseen in the design of the teaching regulations and of individual courses. It is not a question of bureaucratic restrictions but rather assistance in correct fruition of the courses. It is not a question of bureaucratic restriction but rather assistance in correct fruition of the courses provided by the Politecnico. Students are therefore invited to take account of that indicated in the table below for correct planning of their programme.
Pre-requisites Table
Course name
Type of pre-requisite*
Course name
Analisi 1
Meccanica delle Strutture
Analisi Matematica 1 Analisi Matematica 2 + Complementi di algebra lineare
Analisi Matematica 1 Analisi Matematica 2 + Complementi di algebra lineare
Fisica dell’edificio
Fisica dell’edificio
* the meaning of the type of requirements are:
Strong: it is not possible to sustain the first course exam if not yet passed the exam of the second one
Low: it is not possible to register the first course exam if not yet registered the exam of the second one
Suggested: this is a no effect requirement with the only goal of addressing the student through the correct courses sequence; there is no effect on exam or on course selection Only the original in Italian is valid.
15. Errata corrige