 Academic Year 2020/21 School of Industrial and Information Engineering Degree Programme of: Mechanical Engineering Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano, Piacenza Campus
1. General Information School | School of Industrial and Information Engineering | Code Reference Law | 483 | Name | Mechanical Engineering | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | LM-33 - Mechanical engineering | Degree level | Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) | First year of activation | 2010/2011 | Official length of the programme | 2 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2 | Official language(s) | The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme is offered in English but the degree programme meets the requirements of MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) note of 11.07.2018 and the CUN opinion of 10.23.2018. | Campus | Milano, Piacenza | Dean of the School | Antonio Capone | Coordinator of the Study programme | Gaetano Cascini | Website of the School | http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | |
Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) | Central Student Office - Piacenza Address | VIA G. B. SCALABRINI, 76 (PC) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeThe Mechanical Engineering Programme has, as its goal, the training of engineers that are capable of carrying out many different roles in the job market, by providing an education aimed at guaranteeing a firm scientific, economic, technical and practical background, so as to facilitate a deepening of knowledge that may be required to carry out professional activities.
A mechanical engineer, being involved in the design, the production process and products and their use – both individually and as part of a plant – must have an advanced technical preparation in: machine design, regarding its functioning and resistance of its components, the transformation of energy in the machinery itself, the materials used in construction, fluid mechanics, the required manufacturing, the design - as an essential part of the design phase, services and elements relating to functioning, size and performance control and the basics of industrial automation .
3. Learning objectivesThe considerable variety of skills expected of a mechanical engineer calls for, as the main academic objective of the programme, a solid background with well-founded scientific knowledge with a significant technical and application content, favouring immediate entrance to job market. In particular, the capacity to design, build, install and optimise machinery and plant use, the means used to activate it and related services is developed. In this way, a great deal of attention is dedicated to the technical preparation in all aspects of mechanics allowing rapid adaptation to the most varied of professional needs.
Out of the training course in Mechanical Engineering, there are three fundamental roles sharing a general approach that could strengthen the method of study and encourage the capacity to reconfigure themselves adapting to the changes of professional reality in which they will operate.
The three different professional roles can be distinguished amongst themselves by their different capacities to innovate and apply complex models to describe the reality to be modified and/or designed:
- the Bachelor of Science graduate: a university-trained technician, capable of developing projects and managing processes in the industrial engineering domain, with consolidated engineering methods and technologies;
- the Master of Science graduate: a figure capable of independently developing innovation projects of products, processes and productive systems, both in the industrial and advanced tertiary fields;
- the Doctor of Research: a figure that aside from possessing the Master of Science graduate skills, is able to independently carry out applied research projects and organise their operative activities.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsThe Mechanical Engineering programme’s structure is in line with the decrees on universities’ teaching autonomy and in response to the needs on structuring and improving the academic level, with the aim of favouring the entrance of mechanical engineers on the job market. Through the structure and objectives of this programme, it introduces highly innovative characteristics and is based on a series-configured study route progressing to the qualification of:
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) which is awarded after a three-year programme, after which the title of Mechanical Engineering Graduate is awarded. In the first year a solid preparation in the preparatory and foundation disciplines is provided, followed in the second year by a more engineering-orientated education in the main sectors of mechanics. In the third year, students choose between various professional tracks and one preparatory one. Only students with an average score, rounded up to the nearest whole number, of 24/30 or above can access the preparatory training (valued on 30 September of the second calendar year after that of enrolling) and with a credit deficit, in the transitory period for passing from the 509/99 educational system to the 270/04 educational system, particularly for the 2013-2014 academic year, lower than or equal to 25 CFU credits.
Master of Science (M.Sc.) this is awarded after two years, following awarding of the Bachelor of Science. In the first year, high level engineering education is reinforced with an increase in knowledge of advanced analysis methodologies that in the second year are applied to Master of Science modules and in the Master of Science thesis development. Admission to the Mechanical Engineering Master of Science is by a selction based on an examination of students’ previous careers and on an assessment to ascertain whether students’ preparation is sufficient.
Research Ph.D. (Ph.D), awarded after studying for a further three years after the Master of Science. The Research Ph.D. was devised and organised to prepare professionals of a high cultural profile with extensive knowledge that allows them to satisfy the demands of companies, research bodies and of universities. Admission to carry out a Research Ph.D is regulated by a test.
In support of the regulations, students are encouraged to consult the School of Industrial and Information Engineering website http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it
For information about the Mechanical Engineering Program, is also active email address mailto:helpccs@mecc.polimi.it
| Table I: General structure of the Mechanical Engineering Programme | 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)
4.3 Forfeiture from the study
The provisions relating to decadence from studies can be found in "Regulations of the career of students," available through the website of the University.
Among other things, the regulation specifies, in paragraph 6.6, that "are not permitted total years of enrollment in numbers greater than twice the normal duration of the Programme." After this period, students who have not obtained the qualification lose their status as a student.
In addition, for the purpose of forfeiture, "the total number of academic years of enrollment of a student is calculated by weighting each academic year with the ratio between the total of the credits required for the student at the time of the annual presentation of the Curriculum and the standard value of 60 credits. "
Any readmission to the course in Mechanical Engineering, following the eventual withdrawal from studies is subject to the evaluation of a commission appointed by the Coordinator of CCS.
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe Master of Science Mechanical Engineer is a professional technician with higher academic and professional background, able to design and to develop innovative and advanced mechanical products and processes from different aspects - functional, with enhanced structural integrity, energy efficient, with an appropriate choice of the materials and of the processing methods and production technologies. In addition to, the Master of Science Mechanical Engineer is able to design the layout and manage a production plant for optimum production rate, to design systems apt in the field of thermal and mechanical measurements, to design the control systems and the automation technology of complex mechanical systems. The Master of Science Mechanical Engineer due to the broad range of technical skills, may be deployed in several industrial sectors, where technical competences in the design, in the management and in the maintenance of machines and production plant are appreciated. 5.2 Careers options and profilesMechanical engineers has ample opportunity to exercise his professional activity in the industrial sector. In particular, he is able to develop a mechanical systems project from a functional, construction and energetic point of view, the layout and running project of the machinery of a plant, in additional to its optimal use. There are also opportunities in the manufacturing industry and in production plants in terms of design, production, the development of new technologies, measurement techniques and choosing the most appropriate materials. In addition to the production and services field, graduates can find employment with local authorities or research bodies. In particular, each qualification of each academic level set out previously, corresponds to a professional figure that can be applied directly to the job market. Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=41975.3 Qualification profileMechanical engineer
profile in a work context:
Profile capable of autonomously developing product, process and production system innovation projects, both in industrial and advanced tertiary sector.
The Laurea Magistrale graduate student in Mechanical Engineering is a technician of high cultural and professional skills, able to independently develop innovative projects in terms of product and process, from the functional, constructive and energetic point of view, with the choice of materials and related processing and transformation technologies, the design of the arrangement and management of machines in a plant and their best use with the related services, measures, control and automation. In addition to the mechanical industry, the Laurea Magistrale graduate student can find a place also in different industrial sectors for what concerns the design, management and maintenance of machines and plants.
skills of this function:
Specific skills:
- design and manage industrial production systems, technological processes, industrial installations and production and logistics systems;
- manage maintenance, industrial technologies and automation of industrial systems;
- design and supervise integrated production systems, with particular attention to the industrial management of quality;
- design mechanical systems equipped with high-tech active and intelligent systems (for example: automatic machines and plants,
vehicles and industrial robots);
- face the problems with a system-product approach as a whole, with system architecture, comprehensive vision of product development process oriented to the whole life cycle, with the effective and integrated use of method and technology simulations based on paradigms of virtual prototyping, virtual factory and virtual mannequins;
- independently develop and manage engineering projects involving the sizing, development, selection and operation of internal combustion engines and gas turbines;
- design, in full autonomy and with advanced and innovative methods, mechanical components and systems;
- operate in all areas where the ability to identify innovative technological solutions and to use advanced materials is a fundamental competitive element (for example: iron and steel plants, foundries, rolling mills, heat treatment and thermochemical plants, companies producing consumer goods and capital goods for individual or collective use);
- design, build and manage vehicles, with particular attention also to the problems of the environment and of active and passive safety.
Job opportunities:
Graduate student in Mechanical Engineering has many opportunities to show his/her professional skills in many industrial sectors. In particular, s/he can develop the design of mechanical systems from a functional, constructive and energetic point of view, the layout design, the management and the optimal use of the machines of a plant. Further opportunities are also offered in manufacturing industries and in production facilities for what concerns design, production, development of new technologies, measurement techniques and selection of the most appropriate materials. In addition to production and service activities, the Laurea Magistrale graduate student in Mechanical Engineering can find a place in public administrations or research institutions, where s/he can use the acquired knowledge. In particular, each of the three different educational levels indicated above corresponds to a professional profile that can quickly find a place on the job market.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsFirst cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification
The admission to the Master of Science degree undergoes an evaluation process aimed to determine the eligibility of the applicant. Such process, in compliance to the existing regulation (D.M. 22/10/2004 n. 270 art. 6 par. 2 and D.M. 16/3/2007, art.6 par. 1), is based upon curriculum requirements and an assessment of the preparation of the student.
The final decision about the admission to the Master of Science degree shall be taken by an Evaluation Commission set up by the Board of Studies, according to the academic career of the applicant. The Commission may take into account a valid documentation showing clear exceptional conditions, justifying the non-compliance of the below-mentioned criteria and showing that the student has an adequate background. Such a documentation shall be attached to the admission application.
If the applicant is admitted, compulsory additional subjects shall be communicated together with the admission and before enrolment, in order to provide students with the necessary information for a transparent and rational choice.
Requirements concerning the English language proficiency levels are presented in Paragraph 7.4.
Application for admission
A Bachelor of Science Degree (Laurea) is required for the evaluation of the career, as well as a higher degree (MSc, Laurea Magistrale). The evaluation can be carried out also for students enrolled in Politecnico di Milano BSc, if they are candidates in the next Graduation session, and for students enrolled in BSc of other Italian Universities, if they shall graduate before enrolling to the MSc. In any case, applications of students enrolled in BSc of other Italian Universities are evaluated only after the achievement of the Bachelor degree to communicate by means of degree certificate or self-certification.
Admission requirements concerning the academic career considered by the Commission are as follows:
- average graduation mark not below the “adjusted” admission threshold (see later);
- certification of the English language proficiency (please see Paragraph 7.4);
- further subjects and knowledge as detailed in Paragraph 6.2.
If the requirements stated at point 1) of the above list is not satisfied, the Commission will not admit the applicant to the Master of Science degree course. If the requirements stated at either point 2) or 3) of the above list are not satisfied, the applicant will be accepted to the Master of Science degree course and enrolled, after having satisfied these conditions, by demonstrating his/her proficiency in English and/or obtaining the necessary prerequisites identified and communicated by the Commission.
Number of years for achieving the Bachelor
The number of years for achieving the Bachelor of Science, named as “N”, is the half of the number of semesters occurring from the year of first enrolment in any University to the achievement of the BSc Graduation (semesters end at March 31st or October 31st). For the sake of clarification, N can assume the following values:
- For students who enrolled at the Bachelor of Science in September 2014 and will earn their BSc degree no later than September 2017 (6 semesters): N = 3
- For students who enrolled at the Bachelor of Science in September 2014 and will earn their BSc degree no later than February 2018 (7 semesters): N = 3,5
- For students who enrolled at the Bachelor of Science in September 2013 and will earn their BSc degree no later than September 2017 (8 semesters): N = 4
- For students who enrolled at the Bachelor of Science in September 2013 and will earn their BSc degree no later than February 2018 (9 semesters): N = 4,5
"Adjusted" admission threshold for candidates with a BSC issued by Politecnico di Milano
Students who earned their Bachelor of Science degree with a score lower than the “adjusted” admission threshold SC will not be admitted to attend to the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering. The ‘score’ is the average of the exams’ scores, weighted by the CFU of each exam. For the 2017-2018 academic year, for candidates with a BSc issued by Politecnico di Milano, the “adjusted” threshold is calculated according to this formula:
SC = S + k * (min(N,N1)-3)
Where k = ½, N1=8 and S is defined as follows:
Study Course of the BSc Graduation
Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Energy Engineering, Production Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, enrolled at Bachelor of Science after 2007/2008
Other Engineers from Politecnico di Milano
Graduates in Mechanical Engineering in other Italian universities
Other graduates
The score verification is carried out by rounding average grade and admission threshold to the first digit.
English Proficiency
For a list of the recognised certificates and their respective minimum requirements, please see Paragraph 7.4.
Admission without compulsory prerequisites
To be admitted to the MSc in Mechanical Engineering when the Bachelor of Science degree programme is evaluated as being “consistent” with the study programme of the Master of Science degree course. The Evaluation Commission verifies these requirements, also ascertaining the need of imposing any prerequisite (i.e. additional compulsory modules) to fill possible gaps.
Please see Paragraph 6.2, for a presentation of the evaluation process. 6.2 Requested knowledgeIn order to be admitted to the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, applicants must have acquired a knowledge base that is consistent with the study programme offered in the degree course. The evaluation of the adequacy of this knowledge base uses as a reference framework the programme of the Bachelor of Science degree course in Mechanical Engineering, with the “introductory course” orientation (“propedeutico”). This means that any prerequisite that is required to prospect students derives either from a lack of “consistency” with the applicant’s Bachelor of Science degree course.
In detail, the opportunity to enroll, without curricular supplements, the Master of Science in Aeronautical Engineering, Space, Energy and Mechanical Engineering is given to graduates with Preparatory track in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Energy Engineering, Production Engineering at Politecnico di Milano.
To students who wish to avail themselves of this opportunity, it is advisable to compare their curriculum with the Study track of the Master of Science choice and to adapt their own preparations, taking into account the Table II (table of minimum requirements).
Study track provides graduates with professional Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the Politecnico of Milano will be assigned curricular supplements as indicated in Table I.
Graduates from the professional guidelines of other courses at the Politecnico of Milan and to all graduates with professional curricula of other universities, however, will be assigned curricular supplements for a number of CFU of not less than a total number of credits allocated to the Internship, elaborate and to the final degree of Bachelor achieved.
The Admissions Commission will evaluate on a case by case how to share any supplement from among the courses.
Table I: List of curricular supplements to be obtained BEFORE enrolment in the Master of Science for graduates (MD 270) with a Professional Study Plan in Mechanical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano. While preparing the application, candidates can request the substitution of the courses “Metodi analitici e numerici per l’ingegneria” and “Statistica” of the BSc in Mechanical Engineering with the equivalent courses marked in Italics2.
Industrial Plant
Engines and Turbomachinery
Technological Processes
Production Plant and Machinery (PC)
Metodi analitici e numerici per l’ingegneria (cod. 054361)
Metodi analitici e numerici per l’ingegneria (cod. 086214)
Statistica (cod.086449)
Statistica (cod.095042)
Teoria delle strutture
Meccanica delle vibrazioni
x 1
Laboratorio di progettazione meccanica A e B
x 1
Total Credits
1. According to the elective course chosen in the bachelor degree.
2. The examining board assigns the debits by giving priority to courses attended before the application. Substitutions are possible as detailed in Table 1, but the candidate should explicitly include such request in the NOTE form while submitting the application. Later requests will not be taken into consideration.
Table II: Minimum requirements for admission to the Master of Science
Algebra, Analisi Matematica, Calcolo numerico, Geometria, Informatica, Meccanica Razionale, Ricerca Operativa, Statistica
MAT 02/03/05/06/07/08/09,
Fisica, Chimica
FIS 01/03, CHIM 07
ING-IND 31/32/33
Economia, Impianti industriali, Impianti aerospaziali
ING-IND 05/17/35
Fisica tecnica, Meccanica dei fluidi, Fluidodinamica
ING-IND 06/10/11, ICAR 01
15 (1)
Propulsione, Macchine, Sistemi energetici
ING-IND 07/08/09
5 (1)
Automatica, Meccanica generale, Applicata, dei Solidi, Tecnologia, Materiali
ING-IND 03/04/12/13/14/15/16
ING-IND 21/22, ICAR 08, ING-INF 04
40 (2)
1 In the case of students with a slight deficiency in one of these two areas are not assigned debts if the sum is greater than or equal to the total of 20 credits.
2 In this context may also be counted up to a maximum of 5 CFU of Automatic Control (ING-INF/04).
At the time of admission will be validated to student, in no more than 32 credits, credits relating to the teachings of the first year of the LM in Mechanical Engineering, input supernumerary in the previous Degree.
Procedures for the application of prerequisites
An applicant who has been assigned any prerequisites may attend “Individual Courses”, in the period before the enrolment to the Master of Science. The following three opportunities exist:
- Earn credits by passing courses at the Master of Science level, by means of the “Individual Courses” program; these credits will be accepted to part of the 120 credits necessary for the Master of Science degree.
- Earn the ‘right to attend’ of courses at the Master of Science level. The same as before if the exam was not passed.
- Earn credits related to the additional compulsory modules, as requested by the Evaluation Commission for the Master of Science. These credits shall be not accounted within the 120 credits required for the Master of Science degree.
Furthermore, the following restrictions are in force:
- The total amount of credits (by passing exams or only attending courses) that can be accounted under the 120 credits required for the Master of Science degree cannot exceed 32. Credits in excess of 32 could be only accepted as ‘over-limit exams’ (soprannumero).
- In any case, the total amount of credits earned by passing “individual courses” cannot exceed 80, including credits of compulsory prerequisites.
The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=49726.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availableHow to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=43036.4 Tutoring and students supportAt the School of Industrial and Information Engineering are active mentoring services with the objective of assisting students during their course of study. This activity involves students and teachers-tutors-tutors. Further information can be found on the School Website www.ingindinf.polimi.it . Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4272
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirementsIn order to obtain the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineer, 120 credits must be acquired. Those credits may be gained by passing with a positive grade the 12 exams, as indicated in the document illustrating the details of the courses and by presenting a mandatory Master of Science's thesis. 7.2 Mode of studyThe single courses of the Mechanical Engineering course are taught in a conventional way (lessons, exercises lessons, computer labs, experimental labs, design&review labs) but, when required, different teaching methods may be adopted in accordance with the Dublin's descriptors of teaching objectives. Class attendance is not mandatory but is strongly suggested.
Teaching consists of lectures on basic and more theoretical subjects, while during exercises and laboratories aspects of a more application nature will be highlighted. For certain courses laboratories for carrying out and interpreting experiments are organised. 7.3 Detailed learning objectives1 Year courses - Track: NDE - Mechanical Engineering
2nd Year Courses
For the second year, the choice between different tracks, approved in advance, is foreseen. With 38 credits for courses and 20 credits for the thesis and final exam (including 2 credits dedicated to additional educational activities - DM270, art. 10, paragraph 5, letter d - delivered through workshops on horizontal competencies).
Workshop on horizontal competencies are organized within the break in the middle of the two semesters, or the week at the end of the semesters, before the start of the exam session. The workshops programme and the registration forms are published on the website of the study programme (http://www.ccsmecc.polimi.it/). The admission to the workshop and the registration of the 2 CFU credits is allowed only to students with at least 49 CFU credits recorded in the Mechanical Engineering MS programme of Politecnico di Milano.
Master of Science theses are conducted in areas that characterise the chosen study plan.
Approved Master of Science study plans for AY 2018-’19:
- Production Systems
- Mechatronics and Robotics
- Virtual Prototyping
- Internal Combustion Engines and Turbomachinery
- Advanced Mechanical Design
- Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
- Ground vehicles
- Machine Tools and Manufacturing Systems (last semester in Piacenza)
- Mobility Engineering
Production Systems
Educational objective
The Mechanical Engineer with the study plan in Production Systems is a professional with complete skills in the design and management of industrial production systems. This professional is commonly delegated responsibilities ranging from the design of technological processes to the design of industrial facilities and the management of production and logistics systems.
Consistent with this approach, the plan foresees for the second year of the Master of Science courses corresponding to different issues which characterize the professional role: plant-project area, design and management of production and logistics systems area, technology and manufacturing systems area.
In the plant-project area, issues relating to the planning of complex industrial projects, layout design and feasibility studies are explored. In the design and management of production and logistics systems area, issues related to maintenance management, industrial technologies and automation of industrial systems are explored.
In the technology and technology and manufacturing systems area, issues concerning the design and supervision of integrated production systems, industrial quality management and design of technological processes are explored. The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME1 - Production Systems
(a) The OPEN_ME1 group is updated every year before the study plan presentation
Courses of the Group OPEN_ME1
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject (d) Closed number subject (e) Closed number subject (f) Closed number subject (g) Closed number subject (h) Closed number subject
Mechatronics and Robotics Study Plan
Educational objective
The Mechatronics and Robotics study plan is designed to provide those cross-sectional skills needed for the design of a mechanical system equipped with advanced technology active and intelligent systems. This means automatic machinery and equipment as well as industrial vehicles and robots. The professional role targeted is therefore an expert and designer in the mechanical sector able to contribute with the skills of automation, electrical and information engineering to the development of integrated and innovative industrial systems.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME2 - Mechatronics and Robotics
(a) The OPEN group is updated every year before the study plan presentation
Courses of the Group OPEN
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject
- Only 1 course can be selected from the Open Group
Virtual Prototyping Study Plan
Educational objective
The aim of the Virtual Prototyping study plan is to prepare a figure capable of having a systemic approach oriented to the product in its entirety, to the system architecture, the integrated vision of the product development process oriented to the entire life cycle, the effective and integrated use of simulation technologies and methodologies based on the paradigms of virtual prototyping, virtual factory and virtual mannequins.
The Study Plan includes courses in the area of Industrial Engineering Design and Methods which, in relation to the choices of the student, are supplemented by project and laboratory activities. In particular, in the compulsory courses, issues of virtual prototyping are addressed; in the two optional courses, methods, techniques and tools used or usable in such context are presented. The remaining courses are chosen in three different disciplinary sectors, within the characterising disciplines of Mechanical Engineering.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME3 - Virtual Prototyping
- Students can select only one course belonging to the Open Group.
Internal Combustion Engines and Turbomachinery Study Plan
Educational objective
The Internal Combustion Engines and Turbomachinery study plan has the purpose of preparing a mechanical engineer with extensive training in the principles of operation of engines and turbomachinery (i.e. turbines, compressors and pumps), able to lead him/her in autonomously developing and managing engineering projects involving problems of dimensioning, development, selection and operation of internal combustion engines and turbomachinery.
Particular attention is paid to fluid dynamics, energy and environmental aspects of engines for terrestrial and air propulsion, with a significant emphasis on innovative solutions currently being analysed. Power production fluid machines are also deeply studied from both the energy and mechanical point of view. In addition to a solid scientific background in the field of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and mechanics, applied to engines and turbomachinery, this expert acquires that technical-application content which facilitates immediate employment, with a Master of Science, in industries manufacturing and marketing engines and power plants.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME4 - Internal Combustion Engines and Turbomachinery
(a) The OPEN group is updated every year before the study plan presentation
- Students can select only one course belonging to the Open Group.
Advanced Mechanical Design
Educational objective
The Advanced Mechanical Design study plan provides the basis to address in total autonomy, with advanced and innovative methods, the design of mechanical components and systems.
The characterising courses of this plan address the methodological and content aspects of the mechanical design process and then analyse in detail (by way of example) the design issues of certain components and systems, as well as the rational use of materials for design.
The other courses, chosen by the student, complete the preparation and provide conceptual and operational tools and applied knowledge in the field of materials, design quality, machine reliability, experimental mechanics, use of numerical methods in computer assisted calculation, modelling, manufacturing, mechatronics, road and rail vehicles and much more.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME5 - Advanced Mechanical Design
(a) The OPEN group is updated every year before the study plan presentation
- Students can select only one course belonging to the Open Group.
Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Study Plan
Educational objective
The study plan in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing addresses the needs of industries operating in process (steel plants, foundries, rolling mills, heat and thermochemical treatment plants) or product (manufacturers of consumer goods and capital goods for individual or collective use) production.
The objective of this plan is to prepare production engineers able to work in all areas where the ability to identify innovative processes and use advanced materials is a key competitive element.
To this end, particular attention is paid to special processing technologies and application of advanced materials, design and optimization of manufacturing processes, experimental techniques and laboratory activities using equipment and instrumentation also used in scientific research.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME6 - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing
- Students can select only one course belonging to the Open Group.
Ground Vehicles Study Plan
Educational objective
This study plan has been designed to provide an extensive and thorough preparation in mechanical disciplines in general, with specific application oriented to the field of terrestrial vehicles (road and rail). The various functional , design, construction and operational aspects of the vehicle are addressed, with particular attention to environmental and active and passive safety issues.
The professional role targeted is therefore an expert in the automotive sector capable of interfacing using the skills of other fields, also in order to contribute to the development of innovative vehicles.
The organisation of the second year is as follows:
2 Year courses - Track: ME7 - Ground Vehicles
(a) The OPEN group is updated every year before the study plan presentation
- Students can select only one course belonging to the Open Group.
Machine Tools Engineering Study Plan
Educational Objective
The ME8 track is aimed to prepare engineers with a specialization in mechanical design, integration, control and performance measurement of machine tools and production systems. The teachings characterizing the ME8 track comes from the systems mechanics, machine design, manufacturing technologies and automatic controls sectors. The educational activities of the first semester are held at the Bovisa Campus. In the second semester, together with the degree thesis, there is a single teaching, held at the Siemens TAC Center in Piacenza, the educational activities also benefit from the MUSP (Laboratory for the Study of Machine Tools and Production Systems) - located at the Piacenza Technopole - where innovation projects and applied research activities are carried out together with the main companies in the field. This collaboration facilitates the development of degree theses in cooperation with companies and the subsequent integration of graduates in the job’s world.
2 Year courses - Track: ME8 - Machine Tools Engineering
Mobility Engineering
Educational Objective
This track is dedicated to the delivery of a mix of knowledge and skills related to mobility technologies and systems. Students attending this track will gain competencies suitable to manage the complexity of mobility systems, taking into consideration a combination of technology, economics, ethics and strategy issues. The track is tailored to prepare for getting employed in large organizations operating in the field of mobility.
In order to develop those competencies, the Mobility Engineering track embeds multi-disciplinary courses in the following areas:
- Vehicle technology evolution;
- Maintenance of vehicles and infrastructures;
- Integrated mobility systems;
- IT technology supporting mobility systems;
- Business models for mobility;
- Ethics of transportation and mobility.
Admission to the track
In order to ensure a proper interaction with the company experts involved in the educational activities, the admission to this track is limited to 20 Mechanical Engineering MS students amd 20 Electrical Engineering MS students of Politecnico di Milano. The selection process takes into account the average grade and the number of credits gained by the applicants in their first year of study in the MS degree. The decision is made at the sole discretion of the admission board.
2 Year courses - Track: ME9 - Mobility Engineering
7.3.1 Internal Double Master of Science Degree
The Internal Double Master of Science degree programmes are joint programmes developed in cooperation with another Study Course with the aim of integrating the mechanical engineer competence profile with different disciplines, in order to answer to the needs of some specific sectors through a new professional profile.
For further information on Internal Double Master of Science degree curricula, please check the followings:
http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it/en/didactics/internal-double-degree-projects/ 7.4 Foreign languageKnowledge of English is a prerequisite for enrolment in a Master of Science Programme. The regulations foreseen by the University are published on the University Web site in the Student Services Section, Guides and Regulations - English Language and on the politecnico web site.
http://www.polimi.it/en/students/guidelines-and-rules/ Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=43347.5 Degree examinationExamination of Master of Science focuses on the discussion of a Thesis. The preparation of the thesis requires an effort estimates as 20 credits, two of which are specifically dedicated to horizontal competencies.
Furthermore, the thesis shall be developed according to the rules and specification of the School in Industrial and information Engineering:
also taking into consideration the specific demands of the Mechanical Engineering study programme:
Among the others, the thesis should be developed on a subject and on a scientific domain (SSD) included in the study plan selected by the MS candidate. Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4365
8. Academic calendarAcademic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4396
9. FacultyThe names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September. The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.
The names of the professors teaching the Programme and corresponding courses will be available in the study manifesto starting from September. The Study Manifesto is published annually on the Politecnico di Milano website http://www.polimi.it/en/english-version/
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesStudent services
Student services are involved in guidance and career management for students enrolled in Bachelor and Master of Science courses, student benefits and grants, international mobility and all those services in support of university life. Student services.
Departmental Secretaries
Toll-free number: 800.420.470 (Monday to Friday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm)
General information on the programme in Mechanical Engineering
Student IT services.
Information Technology Services Area for Students and Professors
11. International contextResearch at the Politecnico di Milano combines , in a parallel path , the dense network of cooperative relationships with other Italian and foreign universities , research centers and public and private, with the industrial system. The quality and impact of research carried out at the Polytechnic is confirmed , in recent years , the growth of relations with the international scientific community. Proof of this is the large number of projects and programs of research recently undertaken with the best universities in Europe and other countries.
Various research groups that contribute to the teaching of the Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering were evaluated as "excellent at international level" , including:
12. InternationalizationThe School of Industrial and Information Engineering of Politecnico di Milano promotes mobility programs in view of the formation of an international experience during their university studies.
The opportunities are numerous, including: • study period abroad under the Erasmus program , or special programs outside the EU ; • international dual degree programs (which includes the achievement of a double degree program in a period of three years , two of which are spent at the foreign partner institution); • Alliance 4 Tech mobility programme (CentraleSupélec, Politecnico di Milano, Technische Universität Berlin, UCL University College London); • development of the thesis abroad. Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=4686
13. Quantitative dataThe Didactic Observation Unit and the Evaluation Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di MIlano.
14. Further informationFor all other information students are invited to consult the School of Industrial and Information Engineering website and the relevant pages of the study programme in Mechanical Engineering.
15. Errata corrige