Academic Year 2021/22 School of Design Degree Programme of: Integrated Product Design Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Design | Code Reference Law | 1261 | Name | Integrated Product Design | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | LM-12 - Design | Degree level | Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) | First year of activation | 2010/2011 | Official length of the programme | 2 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2 | Official language(s) (¹) | Italian/English | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Francesco Zurlo | Coordinator of the Study programme | Venanzio Arquilla | Website of the School | http://www.design.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | | (¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeThe Laurea Magistrale (LM) Study Programme in Integrated Product Design of the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano, coming from the similar Laurea (L) Study Programme of I Level in Industrial Product Design, deals with product design, from the system point of view - system-product design - something that can combine all the aspects in order to improve value for user, business and company.
Characterized by exploration and research focus, the Study Programme drives students to use systemic criteria in designing project and in identifying opportunities for innovation, provides methods and knowledge, improves critical skills in in the evaluation of complex contemporary topics. Students are constantly pushed to deal with new innovative technologies, current production strategies, further behavioural patterns, emerging needs, renewed theoretical models and updated interpretative criteria.
In the product-system, skills and technical know-how are considered as acquired and strengthened within a strategic point of view that is able to connect market elements, cultural dimensions, technical qualities, environmental and social needs to process in a critical and responsible way all the processes of service, communication and distribution choices. The feasibility of the idea is one of the main skills of the integrated product innovation expert, a profile able to define a product-system research, select useful contributions and fully define their own idea in the executive and implementation aspect. The LM in Integrated Product Design, Study programme of the same class of its related First Level Laurea, is characterised by all those aspects already highlighted in the Study Programme, and in particular: a solid technical knowledge, the inclination to systemic vision of problems, the opening towards a continuing redefinition of product-centred issues, the skill to critically understand phenomena and choices, with a sustainable solution orientation based on the medium-long term, and a real inclination to collaborative and creative problem solving and a strong personal initiative
3. Learning objectivesThe LM in Integrated Product Design defines today the designer profile, by placing it at the centre of the systemic innovation processes of organizations and companies, starting from the industrial product as main objective.
This is due, on the one hand, to the new product status, that loses its value as material and concrete object to become an element of a complex system, with an offer of value more complex than in the past; and on the other hand, a model of industry that changes its structure and language, thanks to the wide range of digital tools available to everyone. Therefore, the product topic is placed within a network of accessible technologies available everywhere, that every day increases in number, while designer is required to provide in advance and describe any possible future implication of such technologies. The LM Study Programme focuses on better understanding that particular border line that between object and service, and the different interactions that characterize the relation between the supply system and the system of use.
Among the educational objectives of the LM Study Programme, there is also the consolidation of cultural, conceptual and methodological references, as well as the technical skills that characterize the modern culture of the product project, necessary tools as guide in a context full of references and possible detailed studies.
The graduate in Integrated Product Design acquires specific skills and is able to apply them to the different situations in which s/he works, and in particular:
- s/he has a good control on technical equipment that allows him/her to evaluate and suggest, competently and from a critical point of view, possible technologies, production processes, and materials that most match with the objectives;
- s/he is fully aware of the social, environmental and cultural impacts of his/her choices, s/he knows how to anticipate any possible issue and can provide sustainable options;
- s/he takes into account the technical feasibility of his/her ideas and is able to adapt it to the business needs and to the real needs of people, which are the substantial goal of every sustainable and conscious project;
- s/he will be able to read the weak signals coming from society and culture, s/he can understand them in order to better use them as filters to give a meaning to technology and production processes. This skill will enable him/her to define future scenarios that can point out sustainable development directions for companies and organizations;
- s/he has the conceptualization and abstract thinking skills together with the ability to make sense and put in place his/her ideas;
- s/he strengthens his/her inclination skill tosystemic approach to problems, able to understand the different points of view and all the opportunities for innovation available in the system, while keeping the product at the centre of the research.
The graduate student in Integrated Product Design sets the research starting from the design 'problem' through continuous definition processes (setting) and re-definition (finding), thanks to a systemic point of view and critical ability in choosing possible solutions.
The graduate student also improves specific soft-skills, such as inclination to team work, leadership, the negotiation of ideas and conflict management; aspects that are even more important, given the growing trend of collaborative and creative problem solving and the use of interdisciplinary and international teams in solving complex problems. Other soft-skills, not less important,concern the personal orientation to think in terms of objectives, the initiative (entrepreneurship) and focus skills.
Description of the educational programme
The LM study programme mainly focuses on four aspects of the product-system, and they are:
- the technology-materials dimension;
- the dimensions of the type-formal, expressive and meaning qualities;
- the systemic dimension starting from the centrality of the product;
- the creative and collaborative dimension in problem solving.
The technological-material dimension and the innovation dynamics driven by technology refer to the following subject areas: SSD ING-IND/22; ING-IND/16 + ICAR 13; it must be seen as knowledge related to materials, manufacturing processes and production systems and is complementary to the project disciplines.
The subjects of study concern all types of innovation, including the original use of materials, and transformation technologies, such as the use of traditional materials in new application contexts or redesign existing products with new materials or create value through the sustainability of material choices. Furthermore, all the issues related to the production efficiency come from technologies and transformation and manufacturing processes, as well as the limits defined by processing technologies, the innovation within production processes, the handcrafted-industrial hybridisation, the evaluation of impact of new technologies on product characteristics.
The artefact type-formal quality dimension and the innovation dynamics which generate forms, are part of the reference sector SSD ICAR/13. In this context, those aspects that come from the formal archetypes (typologies) are accentuated, a necessary step in order to define in a different way the form-function relation and identify new meanings connected to characteristics.
An analysis of formal configuration of the objects defined by their sensorial and expressive characteristics is carried out, as well as their symbolic, cultural, emotional values, to move to transfer of meaning and to conceptual leaps that lead to reasoning on systems (for example cultural heritage, distribution, product-service mix) therefore take into account everything related to access, interaction, information, marketing, interface, and use. The technological prospects open up to different innovation outcomes and require a great synthesis skill and the ability to identify potential options: for this reason, the LM Study Programme includes courses related to future studies, with particular reference to Visioning (SSD of SPS-08) and Logic and Philosophy of Science in the final synthesis laboratories (M-FIL 02).
The systemic dimension, specifically, is a skill that must be supported and put in practice within the project laboratories. The reference subject areas are ICAR/13 and SPS/08 in relation to topic of Sociology of Technology, in order to provide critical reading tools and the systemic implications that the evolution of artefacts, necessarily, involves. A systemic view requires continuous and repeated practice, relatively to different project areas, different fields and can be verified by its technical, social and cultural implications. System thinking is also achieved through the visualization of complex phenomena, with appropriate methods of representation, to highlight important innovation opportunities. The intellectual flexibility, proper of the system thinking, is exercised through the creative processes of the project laboratories, but it will be also a study subject through the contents and methodologies of Social Psychology (M-PSI 05). The systemic approach has its centre on the product, that is the core of new strategies that consider it, today, as a system enabler that integrates services, communication, interaction and fruition models: this aspect will be specifically faced within courses, such as Strategic Design and Innovation Services (ICAR13), Innovation Theories and Cultures (SPS08).
The creative and collaborative dimension in problem solving it is a new and very important aspect of the LM Study Programme, because it is related to the needs of the world of work, always present in many occasions, of new profiles with a greater flexibility and creative attitudes to problem solving, greater ability to integrate in work groups, initiative and, in some cases, leadership. These aspects are taken in consideration, in practice, within the different project laboratories (ICAR/13), also through specific role play and then studied, in the second year, by Life Design, a specific course that combines orientation psychology, personal development psychology and social psychology (SSD M-PSI/05): the objective is to create a strong basis of skills for creative work, initiative and collaborative problem solving, considered by the European Union as essential objectives also in the education of future citizens (European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2016. Entrepreneurship Education at School in Europe. Eurydice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union).
The educational career of Lm in Integrated Product Design is organized in:
- theoretical courses
- project laboratories and workshop
- internship with companies, institutions and professional studios
- LM graduation work.
The ex-cathedratheoretical courses bring students closer to the theoretical-critical dimension of design, a culture that produces innovation, placed in the middle of socio-cultural and technological changes; each theoretical course is designed to study a fundamental issue of the integrated product design, and provide further information on the state of art and about all different points of view.
Together with theoretical courses, the project laboratories are launched to test what has been acquired and use the different skills acquired in the research activity, always starting from the role of design as starting point for inclusion, and as activator of the innovation processes. Each laboratory focuses on one specific dimension of design, and in particular:
- forms, languages, signs, visual culture
- materials, technologies, manufacturing processes
- user culture, new use and consumption methods, new socio-cultural practices
The laboratories are the place where the LM graduate student skills are improved, the accuracy on methods is strengthened, the practice on tools is refined, the practices to face the project in a continuous training of creation of representations, scenarios and solutions to complex problems. Basically, the laboratories can be seen as a place of solicitations and they are often the occasion to better understand in detail problems coming from external issues, that bring concrete needs. The educational model provides different types of project laboratories:
- Intensive laboratory, with a limited duration, connected to concept design and product development laboratories; through the proposal of a wide range of project opportunities, the intensive lab aims to train design thinking in the conception and elaboration of possible solutions;
- workshop on Culture and Practice of the Project (SSD ICAR/13) during which creative opportunities are often created together with external players (companies, institutions, organizations) and with foreign professionals, who present languages, poetics, different points of view, in addition to share their experience as contemporary designers;
- semester laboratory, where the student faces the work by dealing with structured issues, in a research-action of project.
Throughout the whole study programme, the Project Laboratories can be seen as real research-education platforms for interdisciplinary project experiences; this feature is even more clear in the Final Synthesis Laboratory where the foundations are laid for preparation of graduation work.
All laboratories, each one in its field of research, want to:
- explore issues, technological possibilities, emerging socio-cultural needs and other aspects of contemporary life, to re-define the edges of the industrial design subject, taking care of keeping the core of reflection on the product;
- to face in detail, thanks to the systemic view and to the contribution of research, at different levels, the project subjects and topics in conventional and unconventional sectors of the contemporary industry.
The programme provides a compulsory Internship period at companies, bodies, institutions and professional studios which is best integrated with graduation work.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsFor every level I Laurea course the School also sets up a related continued study Laurea Magistrale.
Laurea I Level
Laurea II Level of the same class
- Product design
Integrated Product Design
- Communication Design
Communication Design
- Fashion Design
Design for the Fashion System
- Interior Design
Interior and Spatial Design
Product design
Design & Engineering of Industrial Product
Mechanical Engineering (Laurea programme activated at the School of Industrial and Information Engineering)
Material and Nanotechnology Engineering (Laurea programme activated at the School of Industrial and Information Engineering)
Product Design/Communication Design/Interior Design/Fashion Design
Product Service System Design
Product Design/Communication Design/Interior Design/Fashion Design
Digital and Interaction Design
Interior Design/Product design
Yacht & cruising vessel design- La Spezia campus
All LM study programmes of the School of Design are divided up into sections.
Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design
Taught in Italian and English languages
Active sections during 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Section Integrated Product 1 - IP1
Section Integrated Product 2 - IP2
Laurea Magistrale in Communication Design
Taught in Italian and English languages
Active during both years, 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Communication Section 1 – C_1
Communication Section 2 – C_2
Communication Section 3 – C_3
Laurea Magistrale in Design for the Fashion System
Taught in English language
Active during both years, 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Fashion Section 1 – M_1
Fashion Section 2 – M_2
Laurea Magistrale in Interior and Spatial Design
Taught in Italian and English languages
Active sections during 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Section Interior and Spatial 1 - IS1
Section Interior and Spatial 2 - IS2
Section Interior and Spatial 3 - IS3
Laurea Magistrale in Design & Engineering
Taught in English language
Active sections during both years, 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Section D&E 1 – DE1
Section D&E2 – DE2
Laurea Magistrale in Product Service System Design
Taught in English language
Active sections during both years, 1st and 2nd year of the LM
Section Product Service System 1 - PS_1
Section Product Service System 2 - PS_2
From the 2nd year of the LM the following section will also be active
Section Product Service System 2 - PS_3
Only for students of the Double Degree with Management engineering
Laurea Magistrale in Digital and Interaction Design
Taught in English language
During 1st and 2nd year a single DID Section is active
Please note: the educational offer can be in both languages, Italian and English. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe career options of the Integrated Product Design Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) provide the product designer with managerial and strategic skills, as well as a systemic point of view and the ability to team work, also interdisciplinary team work, in order to deal with complex problems, and they are related to the management/direction of the project activities, design research and artistic direction. The inclusion of such profiles in the work market usually occurs within the technical, research and development offices of the companies, in the marketing and/or design departments, which work to identify new opportunities for innovation within organizations, in professional design and strategic consulting firms.
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Graduate student is an expert able to answer to the market needs, technological and process restrictions, needs and requests from the user system, business objectives. Considerable career opportunities can be found in the context of all professional and company opportunities in the design field. Graduate students can work as freelance professionals, be employed in professional studios or work as consultants in these last ones. S/he will be able to promote new business initiatives from innovative product-system solutions in order to meet the emerging needs and availabilities of new technologies. There are also employment openings with local governments and research institutions and bodies. Graduates can work in both the small and medium sized businesses characteristic of the Italian context, intervening across the board in the renewal of the industrial culture of the market product and in industrial manufacturing organisations and services with high innovation content, performing specialist roles in the design and research and development fields.
They can also access third level PhD university programmes.
The Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design supplies students with tools for employment in professional scenarios with strategic type skills expressing an ability to co-ordinate project collectives and plan complex design action strategies.
The specific skills obtained are:
- the attitude to systemic thinking, starting from the centrality that the product still continues to have, today, in the enterprise offer system;
- the attitude to systemic thinking, starting from the centrality that the product still continues to have, today, in the enterprise offer system;
- ability to build scenarios related to new value creation models, to actualise emerging technologies and production processes;
- the research and orientation ability in the selection of all those elements of knowledge that contribute to direct the innovative development of the product-system;
- product-system innovation process, organisational and planning abilities;
- an ability to liaise with specialists in the various phases leading to the development of new products. 5.2 Careers options and profilesThe Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design provides a wide range of opportunities in all professional, consultancy and business activities working in the design and planning field, in the widest sense, encompassing consumer goods, transport, furniture products and product-service systems, including the complex and innovative interaction models.
In particular the graduate student in laurea magistrale frequently work as freelance professionals, as employees or consultants in professional or consultancy studios, design department heads or assistants in companies, product design consultants at companies, in technical offices with product design duties, company design managers, company employees with product design and manufacturing co-ordination duties in design and production of products, expert in user experience in the use of products, professors at professional or technical institutes. Surveys of University Assessment Commission https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=52335.3 Qualification profileIntegrated product designer profile in a work context: Profile strongly oriented to exploring innovative opportunities and building critical assessment skills in relation to the implications projects may have on the social, cultural and economic context as well as strategic project planning and management. Graduate students from the Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design are experts in industrial products and the innovation processes which result from these. Potential career outcomes for graduate students of the Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design allow the product designer to acquire management and strategic type skills and focus on management of design activities, design research and artistic direction.
skills of this function: The Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design prepares students for employment in professional scenarios with strategic type skills expressing an ability to co-ordinate project collectives and plan complex design action strategies. In particular, this profile has specific skills for: - the use of tools and practices, useful in development of a structured product innovation process; - analyse market behaviour and understand consumption dynamics;- create the right up-to-date on operational tools and project method adjustment;- organize and plan the product innovation processes;- to liaise with specialists in the various phases leading to the development of new products.- define medium and long-term design scenarios;- define tools that allow to work not only on the product but also on the system..
Job opportunities: The graduate students in Laurea Magistrale in Integrated Product Design find wide ranging career openings in all the professional and business activities working in the design field and planning in the widest sense, encompassing consumer goods, transport, furniture products and product-service systems. Employment opportunities consist mainly of careers in technical and research and development offices in companies or professional studios working in design and consultancy. In particular they frequently work as freelance professionals, as employees or consultants in professional studios, design department heads or assistants in companies, product design consultants at companies, in technical offices with product design duties, company design managers, company employees with product design and manufacturing co-ordination duties, teachers at professional or technical institutes. There are also employment openings with local governments and research institutions and bodies. Graduates can work in both the small and medium sized businesses characteristic of the Italian context, intervening across the board in the renewal of the industrial culture of the market product and in industrial manufacturing organisations and services with high innovation content, performing specialist roles in the design and research and development fields.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsFirst cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification
Access to LM Study Programme is subject to passing an assessment of the previous career and an evaluation of the candidate's preparation, carried out by the Admission Commission to Laurea Magistrale of the School.
The School can define specific criteria for each course and therefore the student is invited to consult the Laurea Magistrale Programme Admission Guide, published on the School Web site:
To be eligible for admission to the LM study programme, students must have a I level Laurea (Ministerial Decree 509/99 or Ministerial Decree 270/04, or a degree qualification obtained with educational systems previous to the Ministerial Decree 509/99 or University Diploma).
Also graduating student can submit the application for evaluation, provided that the qualification is achieved within the enrolment deadline.
The admission to the evaluation for access the LM study programmes of the Design School is also subject to verify:
- the knowledge of English language;
- the average in thirtieths (23/30 for student of Politecnico di Milano, 25/30 for those coming from other Universities).
Students with a foreign degree should follow the pre-registration route described on the Polinternational website at
(www.polinternational.polimi.it), respecting the given deadlines. By using this option, students can apply for merit scholarships and obtain more information on the organisation of their stay in Italy during the next post-admission phase. 6.2 Requested knowledgeAccess to the assessment procedure for the purposes of admission to the Master's Degree Courses offered by the School of Design is granted to:
Politecnico di Milano graduates/undergraduates with a weighted average of not less than 23/30 ( calculated at the end of the submission of application) and in possession of a suitable English language certificate;
- candidates graduating from other Italian universities with a weighted average of no less than 25/30 ( calculated at the end of the submission of application) and in possession of a suitable English language certificate;
- candidates who have graduated from foreign universities and have a suitable English language certificate (an Italian language certificate is also required in the case of a section with teaching in Italian).
The English language certificate for candidates with an Italian qualification must be submitted by the application deadline:
For candidates with a foreign qualification check the link below:
Class L-4 students coming from courses of study or curricula other than Integrated Product Design will be assigned a curricular supplementation relating to Sectors ING-IND/14 Mechanical Design and Machine Construction and ING-IND/16 Processing Technologies and Systems, as well as a Design Laboratory supplement.
Those who hold a Bachelor's degree in one of the following Classes may also enrol:
- L-3 Disciplines of the Performing Arts, Music, Entertainment and Fashion
- L-8 Computer Engineering
- L-9 Industrial Engineering
- L-17 Architectural Sciences
- L-18 Economics and Business Management
- L-31 Computer Science and Technology
provided they meet specific curricular requirements as specified below:
at least a total of 40 ECTS credits obtained in the fields ICAR/13, ICAR/17 Design, ING-IND/14 Mechanical Design and Machine Construction, ING-IND/16 Processing Technologies and Systems, ING-IND/22 Materials Science and Technology.
In the absence of these curricular requirements, supplements will be assigned.
Graduates from ISIAs and Academies may also be admitted to the Master's degree course: admission is possible for courses with curricula related to the field of Design.
Fulfilment of the necessary curricular requirements is assessed by a special CdS Committee.
In the absence of these curricular requirements, supplements will be assigned.
It is possible to apply for admission to the Master's degree in both the 1st and 2nd semesters, according to the periods indicated in the academic calendar and the procedures detailed in the Admission Guide to the School of Design's Master's Degree Courses.
The deadlines, application procedures and documents required for candidates with an Italian qualification are indicated in the Admission Guide to the Master's Degree Courses of the School of Design:
The deadlines, application procedures and documents required for candidates with foreign qualifications can be found at the following link:
Admission to the Master's degree is by means of an online application and is subject to the assessment of the candidate's previous career and individual preparation by a special committee whose decision is final. In the event of a unfavourable assessment, the Committee will give appropriate reasons for the decision.
For the assessment of an individual's readiness, the weighted average (only for candidates with an Italian qualification), consistency with the Level I course and documents relating to projects carried out in the three-year period, extra-curricular educational and professional experiences will be assessed.
Evaluation criteria, cases exempt from assessment (admission de jure) for candidates with an Italian qualification are indicated in the Admission Guide to the Master's Degree Courses of the School of Design:
The committee will advise the applicant of the need to supplement their qualifications before proceeding to assess the individual's preparedness.
These supplements must be fulfilled within one year of the application for evaluation: students in these circumstances may also supplement their plan by bringing forward, through registration in single courses, Master's degree courses up to a maximum of 32 ECTS credits.
For admissions to the 2nd semester, if there is a need to assign curricular supplements related to the 1st semester, the candidate will be invited to reapply in the following semester.
To check the curricular supplements assigned, please check Annex 1 in the Admission Guide to the Master's Degree Courses of the School of Design:
Transitions and transfers
Students already enrolled in Master's degree courses at the Politecnico di Milano in previous academic years may apply to transfer to another course; students enrolled in Master's degree courses at other universities may apply to transfer; both procedures may be carried out through the online services with the same deadlines and procedures provided for new admissions to the Master's degree course.
Applications for Transition and Transfer are only possible in the 1st semester.
Acceptance of transfer applications from eligible candidates is subject to compliance with the numbers allocated for each Master's degree: if transfer applications exceed the number allocated for this procedure, a ranking will be drawn up.
The acceptance of transfer applications from eligible candidates is subject to their being placed in a useful position in the ranking list for newly enrolled candidates. Guide to admission http://www.design.polimi.it/it/studiare-design/guide-alla-carriera/ The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=50006.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availablePlaces available for admissions:
- CdLM Integrated Product Design (Milano Campus): 90 students of which 20 are reserved for non-EU students including 5 Chinese students from the “Marco Polo” project.
How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=51936.4 Tutoring and students supportOrientation and ongoing tutoring include all activities aimed at providing assistance to students before and during their university career, so that it can take place within the timeframe envisaged by the teaching regulations and in a way that is profitable from the point of view of the development of professional and human skills. Tutoring activities are therefore distinct from institutional teaching activities, even though they may serve or complement them. Tutoring activities can be carried out by Masters Degree students, PhD students, lecturers and external staff.
Tutoring activities are planned and managed by the School in close coordination with the Course of Study.
At University level, the Financial Aid and International Mobility Service interacts with the Schools on the administrative aspects of tutoring Master's degree students.
The School appoints the President of the Joint Committee as the School Tutoring Representative in order to carry out a statistical analysis of the data (learning analytics), initiate discussions with the student representatives on the Joint Committee, discuss with the CCS Tutoring Representatives and plan tutoring activities of maximum effectiveness.
Tutoring activities are divided into the following services:
- educational guidance for first-year and postgraduate students;
- guidance and support for students for the activation of curricular internships;
- educational support meetings held by professors (to facilitate the choices of including optional courses for the purposes of personalising the study plan);
- assistance/reception activities for first-year students on Master's degree courses, both at the desk and through the new communication channels set up by the School;
- support for foreign students enrolled in English-language Master's degree courses and for students on international mobility;
- assistance for revision and catch-up seminars;
- assistance in computerised classrooms, libraries and laboratories;
- assistance in finding and developing teaching materials.
Open Days are organised for students wishing to enrol in the School of Design's courses of study, during which each course of study presents its teaching programme through presentations and/or open lectures.
An orientation service is available to inform future students about the educational and training activities of their courses of study in order to clarify the educational objectives and professional opportunities.
Every year a Welcome Day is organised for first-year students, during which the following are presented: the organisation of the School, the offices and their responsibilities, the international exchange programmes, the communication tools of the School and the Politecnico, the School of Design website, Trouble Ticketing, chat, the Beep portal, the library services, the instrument laboratories and Safety Week (the week in which students obtain authorisation to access the laboratories). During this meeting, space is given to the presentation of the Joint Committee and the Student Representation.
The Student Representatives of the School Council have prepared a handbook to introduce themselves and summarise the services students can access.
For current students, presentations of optional courses and Synthesis Workshops are prepared. In addition to the Teaching Fact Sheets, which present in detail how the courses are conducted, students can access the School's website and view slides and videos prepared by the lecturers to summarise the topics covered in the course.
The School organises "Lesson 0" to provide information on the University's facilities and services and to explain the organisation of the course of study; the coordinators may organise this lesson collectively with the other courses of study or on the first day of class of one of the subjects of the specific Master's degree course. Second-year students are provided with information on the range of courses on offer and on initiatives specific to their year.
The focuses of Lesson 0 are:
- Course Organisation and University Services (I LM);
- Erasmus Placement (II LM);
- postgraduate: masters and doctorate
- job market and Career Service (II LM);
- student opinion questionnaire (I and II LM);
- questionnaire on services and overall training pathway (II LM);
- final examination: type, choice of supervisor and final grade (II LM).
For current students, the School has initiated activities aimed at:
- contribute to removing obstacles to successful course attendance, including through initiatives tailored to the needs, aptitudes and requirements of individuals;
- make students more actively involved in the learning process.
Il/i Course Tutoring Contact Person(s) is the institutional reference point for guidance at the School; the service is organised within the framework of the course of study and in particular deals with:
- support service to students where they need help in solving problems or deepening concepts;
- approval and possible drafting of texts concerning the presentation of the degree course for which the professor is the contact person;
- identification of student projects from their degree course, to be used as orientation tools during Open Days, and for the School's institutional communication.
For further details on the Tutoring Actions put in place by the School:
Polinternational https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5212
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirementsFor admission to the Laurea Magistrale final exam students must: - have obtained the 120 ECTS required for a Level II Laurea Magistrale including credits relating to internships and final exams. - have written an individual thesis under the guidance of a Supervisor taking the form of a project or theoretical-methodological or historical-critical considerations. The Laurea Magistrale exam consists of a discussion on students' individual theses led by a teaching staff officer, the thesis supervisor. International students have the opportunity to attend an Italian language course during their studies, only in case they do not know the language yet. The University organizes 40-hours Italian language courses: every student will be allocated in the appropriate level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) before the beginning of the lectures. The courses offered by the Politecnico are held in semesters, with biweekly lessons, in line with the regular academic calendar. Each student must attend at least 75% of lectures and pass a final test, delivered in 5 sessions throughout the year, in line with the regular academic calendar. Attending the course and passing the test are prerequisites for enrolling in the graduation session. Students of Italian nationality from foreign universities or foreign students who already have an Italian certificate of at least "B1" level before graduation are exempt.7.2 Mode of studyThe Laurea Magistrale programme is full time. It uses a number of educational methods: the single subject courses contain theoretical contents which are taught by means of ex cathedra lessons and assessed with tests and interviews throughout the year. Integrated courses involve more than one discipline or specific sphere and they are sometimes entrusted to two members of the teaching staff who integrate their contributions. The Experimental Laboratories offer students the opportunity to experiment and use the tools, technologies and equipment useful for the project. The Laboratories involve project work by students under the guidance of a teaching staff team each of whom offer their own subject matter as applied to the project theme. The Workshops are full time courses lasting a week in which students develop a project under the guidance of a well regarded professional or a company. The Erasmus Programme and the other international mobility programmes are an opportunity for students to spend a study semester abroad at qualified European and non-European design universities. Professional Internship is a period of time spent at one of the Politecnico's partner companies or design studios under the guidance of a School tutor or a tutor appointed by the company. Erasmus Program and the other international mobility projects enable the students to spend six months studying abroad, at qualified European and non-European design universities. Professional Apprenticeship enable the student to works with a company or design studio that collaborates with the Polytechnic, under the guidance of a tutor of the Faculty and a tutor appointed by the company. Conclusive Design Studio represents a complete design experience, linking numerous disciplinary contributions and guiding the students in the choice and development of their Dissertation.
Optional student courses
In the Laurea Magistrale programme 12 credits are awarded to optional courses (equivalent to one course per year).
Students are required to choose their optional courses on presentation of their first year study plans. Similarly when they present their second year study plans they will be required to choose a second course.
The optional courses take place in both 1st and 2nd semesters.
Internships - Laurea Magistrale
In Laurea Magistrale students carry out an internship at a company, professional studio, study centre, body, etc. with a partnership agreement with the Politecnico di Milano which fulfils the requirements of current legislation specifying that, on completion of the agreed internship period (minimum 250 hrs, maximum 1 year) a certificate will be issued. To obtain the certificate, the student, when coming back, must have an interview with his/her Study Programme tutor, with submission of a report.
Internship is an educational experience which gives students real experience of the world of work. The host company must be aware of and agree to the legal regulations and the need for educational support and the student must accept and show an ability to respect the company's rules and behaviours. Guide to the Study Plan and allocations in sections and elective courses for the Degree and Master's Degree Courses https://www.design.polimi.it/en/teaching/documents/career-guides Internship https://www.design.polimi.it/en/1/teaching/studying-design/curricolar-internships7.3 Detailed learning objectivesStudents' ability to choose the courses and credits to be included into their Study plans is ruled by the regulations of the School which makes available a credit offer for each year of the course (“nominal offer”).
Each year students can choose courses for a different number of credits than that specified by the nominal courses to graduate their study programmes according to their needs.
The minimum number of credits a student can enrol on is 30 unless the number of credits needed for course completion are fewer than this.
The maximum number of credits a student can enrol on is 80, respecting exam priorities.
The current framework of the study plan requires the course exam sequence to be respected. Courses designed for later years of the programme cannot be included to the Study Plan of the following year (“advance inclusion”) unless all previous and current year courses have also been included into it.
The School has approved a number of priority exams which need to be passed in order to be able to enrol in certain courses which are considered to be propaedeutic to them. As a result of this rule, there may be a change in the number of credits that a student may nominally enrol for.
The System Regulations require a series of educational activities (specialist, elective or supplementary) which are present in the course of study in the form of single subject and integrated courses and laboratories in which the two-year Laurea Magistrale's educational content is conveyed.
In addition to these types of educational activities the System Regulations also require that a specific number of credits are attributed to types of activity which can be categorised as follows:
- educational activities chosen independently by students (Optional courses);
- educational activities relating to preparation for the final exams required for the qualification to be awarded (Final exam);
- activities designed to enable students to gain additional language skills, IT, telematic and relational skills which will help them in finding employment as well as educational activities designed to facilitate professional choices by giving students direct experience of working in the sector which the qualification can gain them access to including, in particular, educational work experience and guidance (Internships).
| 7.4 Foreign languageForeign language assessment will be carried out in accordance with the university's methods as set out on the “Student Services/Guides and Regulations/Guide to the English Language”, web page: www.polimi.it.
Students are encouraged to read this document carefully and respect the norms set out in it.
Specifically, note that: "Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 the Politecnico di Milano has adopted the English language as the European Union language which students must speak in addition to Italian".
English language knowledge, according to the standards indicated by the University, is a registration pre-requisite. For admission to the School of Design LM Study Programme, certificates must be submitted by candidates within the time frames for admission applications. This deadline must be respected by all students (from similar or different courses)
Information on English language fluency https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3860
Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=3048
Language courses https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=51747.5 Degree examinationThe examination consists of the discussion of a thesis prepared under the guidance of the supervisor.
The thesis will be discussed in one of the Degree Committees (CL) set up at the degree course to which the student belongs.
In the presentation of the thesis, the candidate will be able to make use of the digital, audio/video and paper tools necessary to effectively present the summary of the work carried out.
Thesis work is strictly individual. Coordinated theses with a common introductory part and separate theses can be considered. The Committee must always be able to identify the contribution made by each candidate.
There is only one Supervisor and they must be a lecturer (Professor or Researcher), whether permanent or contracted at the University (in the current or previous academic year) and may be a member of the Degree Committee. He/she may be assisted by one or more co-supervisors, even if they do not belong to the Single Graduate Committee (CU) or are experts in specific subjects, even if they are external to the School.
The student submits a thesis to the Degree Examination Board, which may consist of:
1. the development of a theoretical, design, experimental or innovative research thesis (Research Thesis).
The Thesis must:
- to explore the project in its technical-specialist and/or systemic aspects in relation to the educational objectives of the course of study. The discussion must include an in-depth theoretical/critical, methodological and/or historical dissertation and/or an in-depth experimental study;
- include a substantial preparatory part devoted to research conducted with scientific criteria and access to sources of scientific knowledge (databases, scientific articles, conference proceedings, etc...);
- propose to deepen knowledge of a poorly established topic and its potential applications or a greater contribution to the advancement of knowledge in a specific research area (thesis of a more theoretical nature);
- require a minimum working time of 6 months; entitling the holder to a maximum of 8 points when assessing the dissertation and its presentation.
2. the development of a thesis to consolidate and refine knowledge already acquired (consolidation thesis). The thesis must:
- present the project by enhancing the technical-specialist and/or systemic aspects in accordance with the educational objectives of the course of study. The discussion should include an adequate methodological argumentation, historical aspects, theoretical/critical elements;
- focus on topics well established in scientific research and design applications;
include a part of research functional to the development of the project and the simple formulation of the basic assumptions and main hypotheses on which the proposed project application is based; - focus primarily on potential project applications;
- require a minimum of 2 months of working time; gives a maximum score of 4 points when assessing the dissertation and its presentation.
Students may choose either the assignment of the Research Thesis or the Consolidation Thesis.
During the course of the thesis, the supervisor may suggest to the student - in view of the aptitudes demonstrated, contingent interests and emerging time requirements - that the type and nature of the thesis be changed in both directions. It will then be the task of the supervisor to assess the final result and confirm or otherwise the correct change of the thesis' placement in the explicit category.
The work must demonstrate the competence and critical capacity developed by the student in the areas of the project in relation to the contents of the course of study. The Thesis works consist of a report containing the stages of development, the objectives of the work, the bibliography and the sources of documentation; the technical drawings of the project, the physical and/or virtual model where applicable.
The thesis is normally written in Italian or English. At the graduate student's justified request, a thesis written in other languages may also be accepted, subject to authorisation from the President of the CU. In this case, too, the presentation and discussion takes place in Italian or English. Regardless of the language in which the thesis is written (Italian, English or another foreign language), it must contain an extract in Italian and English.
The final assessment takes into account both the student's career in the two-year Master's degree course and the assessment of the thesis work. The grade is expressed in hundredths (/110). It is made up of the sum of:
1. the average achieved by the undergraduate in the courses, weighted by credits and expressed in hundredths and hundredths of a hundredths (without taking into account any additional activities and honours)
2. the increment awarded by the Degree Committees expressed in hundredths and hundredths of a hundredth. This sum shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number (0.50 is rounded up to 1.00) and limited to 110. The Degree Committee may also award honours.
Honours means a special commendation from the CL for the preparation and competence of the graduate, for their brilliant academic record, for the way in which they have presented their thesis, their ability to reason, and the quality and originality of the thesis.
Honours may only be awarded if the mark given is, before rounding off, greater than or equal to 111 (one hundred and eleven) hundred decimal points. Honours are awarded unanimously.
Further information can be found in the Master's Degree Examination Regulations available on the School's website.
Further information can be found in the Master's Degree Examination Regulations available on the School's website.
https://www.design.polimi.it/en/teaching/documents/career-guides Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5155
8. Academic calendarThe Laurea course calendar is drawn up in accordance with study assessment methods which, for the Design School's Laurea programmes involve “ongoing” assessments performed during each semester. The academic year is made up of two semesters each of which consists of a teaching session and learning assessment sessions (exam sessions). The teaching sessions of each semester are made up of two periods of lessons, practice and laboratory work, with exam sessions with the related curricular workshop activities. The teaching periods are approximately mid-September-December and end-February-early June. In September, before the start of lectures, there will be a period for presentation of Study Plan. The degree exam sessions are scheduled in these periods: February, July, September.
Information on Schedules and Deadlines https://www.design.polimi.it/en/didattica/translate-to-english-documenti/translate-to-english-calendario-accademico Academic calendar https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5136
9. FacultyThe professors' names of the Study Programme and what they teach will be made available on the degree programme from September onwards. The Degree Programme is published each year on Politecnico di Milano's website.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesThe School of Design is based at Campus Bovisa-Candiani where the educational activities are held and where there are services for students (Experimental laboratories, Library, Study room, Press Service,...) https://maps.polimi.it/maps/
Design Laboratories The creation of big experimental laboratories supporting design education is in line with the Politecnico di Milano School of Design's experimental tradition, its inductive teaching model, in which 'knowledge' and 'know-how' are mutually supportive. The purpose of these laboratories is the practice of activities which allow students to verify their design hypotheses and learn how to use the technical tools required for experimentation, representation and design communication. The laboratories managed by the Design Department occupy an approximately 10,000 square metre space in the Milan Bovisa campus.
11. International contextBuilding an international dimension for the School of Design and its Study Programmes has been one of its priority objectives since it was founded in the year 2000.
There are many reasons for this purpose: the nature of design which inherently draws its very lifeblood from its multicultural and multi-local character, its proximity to both the world of manufacturing - which has now taken on a global dimension - and the sphere of consumption whose dynamics and tendencies are visible in a range of local specific contexts; the very DNA of the design community which has always been international; Milan's acknowledged status as design capital, a crucible for designers from all over the world who have come here to study or open a studio; the desire to make educational trajectories increasingly permeable to impulses deriving from this stimulating context as in other dynamic foreign contexts, with the aim to teach to international professors and designers.
To these should be added more highly structured activities which aim to strengthen collaborative relations, in the didactic and research fields, with selected universities: this is the case of the MEDes_Master of European Design educational programme (with 6 partner universities), the LM Double Degree Programmes.
The School of Design is a member of Cumulus, a network of European design schools, and of the main international design associations. http://www.cumulusassociation.org/
12. InternationalizationFor the School of Design, internationalization has a double meaning: supporting student (and teaching and technical staff) mobility outwards and, on the opposite direction, attracting students, researchers, professors and visiting professors from abroad. In recent years, the School of Design works with 200 design universities from all over the world in Erasmus exchange programmes (with 150 European universities), in bilateral exchange projects (with 60 non European universities), in Double Degree programmes, joint workshops with other schools, international internships and so on. To encourage the internalisation most of the Master programmes are offer in English or have at least an English section. International exchanges The School of Design takes part in international student exchange programmes which offer students the opportunity to go abroad for a period, both during L and LM study programme, at one of the Politecnico's partner universities. A list of the School's partner universities is available on the Politecnico's web site and on the School of Design web site in the International Area. Each agreement is managed by a professor, promoter of the exchange resoponsible for the various steps of the mobility, from the selection until the validation of the exams.
The Erasmus Programme The Erasmus programme was set up in 1987 by the European Community in order to give students the possibility to carry out a period of study at a foreign university within the European Union, from 3 to 12 months, legally recognized by their university, signatory of the Erasmus Charter.
This mobility can entitle students for an economic contribution (under the conditions set out in the international mobility Call) and free registration at the host university. Students can thus follow courses and take exams at the partner university and have the exams recognized by their universities. Bilateral exchanges The School of Design has also activated some bilateral agreements with non-EU universities. The procedures for admission to such exchanges are the same as those for Erasmus exchanges with the exception for the economic contribution for mobility, that in this case it is not guaranteed. The bilateral agreement, in fact, enables students to attend a period of study abroad at a partner university without incurring registration fees at such universities. In some cases, however, a management fee for exchange students must be paid (e.g.: Orientation fee, Insurance,..). Double Degrees The School of Design has signed a series of bilateral agreements with some European and extra-European partners, to allow its students the opportunity to spend a period of study abroad, attending courses aimed at obtaining a double degree (master's degree + Diploma of the Partner University ).
Master's degree students have the opportunity to participate in a double degree project by extending their curriculum and replacing one semester at their home campus with two or three semesters at the host partner.
In order to obtain the two degrees, students must meet the requirements of both Univesrities or Schools and pass all the required exams. Students will also have to carry out a thesis work under the supervision of a thesis supervisor from the Polytechnic and a supervisor from the partner university and discuss the thesis in a regular graduation session in each of the two universities, even in virtual mode.
The double degree agreements available for LM students of the School of Design at the moment are: In Europe: Double Degree with Les Ecoles Centrales, France
In China: Double Degree with Tongji University, Shanghai - China Double Degree with Tsinghua University, Beijing - China Double Degree with Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
In Latin America Double Degree with the Universidad Nacional de Bogotà, Colombia Double Degree with the Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil Double Degree with the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Double Degree with the Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos, Brazil Guide to the international mobility of Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale Scuola del Design https://www.design.polimi.it/en/teaching/documents/career-guides Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at https://aunicalogin.polimi.it/aunicalogin/getservizio.xml?id_servizio=204&idApp=1&idLink=5117
13. Quantitative dataThe University Assessment Commission Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di Milano. Data https://www.polimi.it/il-politecnico/organi/nucleo-di-valutazione/dati-a-cura-dellufficio-di-supporto/
14. Further informationStudents are encouraged to consult the School of Design site and in particular the Guides which regulate access, changing degree programme, courses and laurea exams for any other information they may need.
15. Errata corrige