Academic Year 2021/22

School of Industrial and Information Engineering

Degree Programme of:

Electronic Engineering
Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science)

Milano Campus

1. General Information

School School of Industrial and Information Engineering
Code Reference Law357
NameElectronic Engineering
Reference LawOrdinamento 270/04
Class of degreeL-8 - Information Technology
Degree level Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science)
First year of activation 2008/2009
Official length of the programme 3
Years of the programme already activated 1,2,3
Official language(s) Italian
Campus Milano
Dean of the School Antonio Capone
Coordinator of the Study programme Franco Zappa
Website of the School
Website of the Study programme

Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo
Address VIA C. GOLGI, 42 (MI)

2. General presentation of the study programme

    The Study Programme in Electronics (ELN) Engineering is divided into a first-level three-years Laurea (L) degree, equivalent to the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.), and a following second-level two-years Laurea Magistrale (LM), equivalent to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering (M.S.E.E.), of increasing complexity and know-how.

   The goal of the B.S.E.E. (L ELN) and of the M.S.E.E. (LM ELN) Courses of Studies is to train professionals with rich and solid scientific, technological and engineering background, which combine the physical-chemical-mathematical aspects of the most advanced sciences, with the technological needs of electronic disciplines, with the qualitative and quantitative engineering capabilities of developing applications, devising innovative electronic products and systems, integrating them in the most varied application fields, often opening up new markets, inventing new areas of use, and improving the overall quality of life. Electronics Engineering provides education for new minds in one of the most technologically advanced and exciting fields of engineering and trains the professionals who will change the way we live and work in the future to come.

    Thanks to the acquired engineering know-how and skills in electronic circuit and systems design methodologies, the Electronics Engineer will guide the evolution of Electronics in coming years and will apply Electronics to many application scenarios, in the most diversified technological fields and commercial markets, with competence and professionalism. The solid engineering foundations acquired both in the B.S.E.E. and in the M.S.E.E. will enable the Electronics Engineer to extend and promote the dissemination of electronic products and systems even in fields and human activities that are still unexplored, whenever she/he can identify performance advantages, competitive outcomes, innovative breakthroughs.

    Electronics Engineering is the irreplaceable and enabling base for all current and future technologies of the Information Age, in the various aspects of life, work, knowledge of modern society. As known, scientific research and markets requirements of electronic technologies are continuous, incessant, and increasingly stimulated by the most disparate and demanding applications. For example, microprocessors are always faster and more powerful while consuming lower and lower power; memories are increasingly denser and faster, defect-free and long-endurance. They both are just a few of the indispensable electronic components of any computerized and processing system, without which smart robots, un-manned drones and autonomous vehicles would be just science-fiction. Moreover, semiconductor ultrasensitive and miniaturized sensors, continuously interacting with each other, with the Internet-of-Things and the Cloud, for Artificial Intelligence, in the most refined smart ubiquitous systems and in extensively distributed networks, are essential for acquiring the real world, controlling it, understanding it, managing it, and implementing actions; without such electronic devices, machines would never be autonomous and interacting with them would just be virtual.

     Electronic products, from the simplest consumer devices to advanced electronic systems for control and automation, communications, information systems, artificial intelligence, biomedical instrumentation, power generation and storage equipment, avionics, mechatronic systems and satellites, and so on, have become the backbone to any aspect of life, at such an extent that by now we take for granted their existence and performance. Instead, without such electronic systems there would be no modern world. It is only thanks to the continuous push by students, undergraduates and young Electronics Engineers that the design and innovation of electronic devices, electronic circuits, appliances, and electronic systems keep fostering the fundamental building blocks in all areas of modern life, for all "smart-" (smart cyber-physical systems, smart industries, smart manufacturing, smart living, smart mobility, smart lighting, smart cities, smart communities, smart aging, etc.) and" autonomous-" (vehicles, driving, fleet, manufacturing, etc.) declinations of innovation.

    The Electronics Engineer is the one who conceives, develops and manufactures such systems, validates them experimentally, installs them into the end-user application, often modelling at first the physical reality, which the electronic systems will interact with, to understand, describe, foresee, verify all the interactions with other mechanical, electrical, energy, information, biological, clinical, physical, chemical, nuclear environments, etc.. It is a refined and multifaceted professional figure, with transversal skills, oriented to a continuous interaction with customers and users of such systems, and with a propulsive drive towards reliable innovation, aimed at improving performance not just of what is electronic (the device, the circuit, the system, the instrumentation, etc.), but of the whole macro application context. The technological innovation capabilities of electronics, combined with solid physical / chemical / biological knowledge, allow the development of scientific instruments, innovative nano- and bio-electronic sensors, biomedical apparatuses, and control systems capable to support the evolution towards a sustainable society focused on the human beings and their health and quality of living.

    More information is available on the website of the Study Programme in Electronics Engineering:

3. Learning objectives

    The highly interdisciplinary nature of Electronics (ELN) requires a widespread and solid scientific and technical preparation. Its fundamentals are provided by Study Programme in Electronics Engineering, through the three-years Bachelor's Degree (L, Laurea), which allows students to learn the most relevant basic concepts in the field of Electronics and to acquire skills good enough for a rapid employment in the industry. Then, more advanced concepts and refined skills are provided through the two-year M.S.E.E. (LM, Laurea Magistrale), which allow students to master every aspect of the design, development and employment of electron devices and of electronic circuits and systems. Finally, research and development (R&D) competences and skills are provided through a three-year Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) programme, focused on high-level research and development (R&D) activities at international advanced levels.

    The basic disciplines of engineering (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, programming) are taught in the first three semesters of the L ELN. In this phase, students acquire the fundamentals of the scientific disciplines that constitute the essential and mandatory part of any engineering programme. In the following semester, students meet the first Electronics-related courses (analog electronics, digital electronic systems, electron devices, solid state electronics, optoelectronics, sensors and electronic instrumentation, microcontrollers). Along with them, courses aiming at extending the student background into other fields related to the Information and Communication Technology, such as Automation, Telecommunications and Computer Science, are provided. In the last semester of L ELN, students who do not wish to continue their studies with the LM ELN may undertake an internship in one of the many companies active in the field of Electronics. This will allow them to acquire specific professional skills enabling a soft transition toward the job market.

    Electronics Engineering has been taught at POLIMI over decades, thus allowing to refine and optimize the teaching methods, the delivery of important topics, and the verification of the learning and preparation skills acquired by students. These methodologies not only contribute to improve training on scientific and technical knowledge, obviously fundamental and indispensable anyway, but also to consolidate the most general student’s cognitive skills, such as understanding during frontal teaching, effectively learning through autonomous study, but also in team works and laboratory activities as well. Moreover, complex problems can be faced and solved through their decomposition, simplification and modelling. Both in the L ELN and in the LM ELN, the student will improve the ability to communicate and disseminate both in writing and in speaking form, not only within peer working groups but also to the outside world and to customers.

4. Organization of the study programme and further studies

4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications

    The Electronics Engineering (ELN) study programme (CdS, Course of Study) is organized on three levels:

  • first-level: Laurea (L) in “Ingegneria Elettronica” (equivalent to Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, B.S.E.E.), lasting three years;
  • second-level: Laurea magistrale (LM) in “Electronics Engineering” (equivalent to Master of Science in Electronics Engineering, B.S.E.E.), lasting two years;
  • third-level: Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy programme), lasting three years.

    These three levels can be attended and passed only sequentially. The studying and training completed at one level allow either the entry and employment into the labour world or the continuation of studies into the next level. The highest level is the Ph.D. degree, which aims at further enhancing the knowledge, training, expertise, and open-minded attitude in innovative high-end research and development (R&D) activities, within POLIMI’s research laboratories and through projects funded by the European Union, national and international Companies and Organizations, and well-renowned research centres.

    The Laurea, in “Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN), lasting three years, provides solid engineering basics and a more specific know-how on electronic devices, circuits and systems, to allow students to access the employment market with an adequate methodological knowledge to employ and analyse electronic systems with competence and professionalism. Students who do not intend to continue their studies can opt for an internship within one of the many Companies in the Electronics and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) areas, with the aim of acquiring specific professional skills in view of the transition to the employment world. Those who want to continue through the Master of Science, second level Laurea Magistrale, instead of the internship will attend courses and laboratories during the L ELN aimed at boosting the competences in analytical modelling, calculus, and simulation methodologies. The teachings in the L ELN are delivered exclusively in Italian language. At the end of the L ELN, the student will be proclaimed a graduate in “Ingegneria Elettronica” (Electronics Engineering), corresponding to the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.).

    The Laurea Magistrale in Electronics Engineering (LM ELN) lasting two years, provides thorough and cutting-edge competences on the most advanced aspects of modern electronics design and system integration, aimed at making the student acquire a robust design know-how, competent decision making, aware and versatile problem solving attitude, to develop, prototype, validate and integrate projects of extreme complexity. As a matter of fact, the LM ELN provides the student with tools and skills required for integrated microelectronic circuit design, of digital, analog, mixed-signal, and radio frequency circuitry and instrumentation, for the development of micro- and nano-electronic semiconductor devices, for the design of micro-electro-mechanical systems, photonic sensors, optoelectronics, radiation detectors, and for the deployment of innovative electronic instrumentation for telecommunications, medicine, nanotechnology, biology, and for the creation of sophisticated ICT hybrid systems for automation, intelligent vehicles, robotics, avionics. By means of the LM ELN, the student will develop a considerable design expertise, suitable to successfully face the challenges of innovation, research and development in technologically advanced manufacturing areas, where Electronics represents the enabling technology. The multi-disciplinary thematic of the LM ELN and the emphasis on the methodological aspects and problem solving give the Electronics Engineering master’s degree laureate the maturity necessary to assume not only technical but also management positions of responsibility across the entire production chain. This second level degree is finalized with a dissertation thesis activity, in which the student participates personally in the research and development activity on-going by POLIMI teachers and researchers in their research labs, or in collaboration with Industries or with other Universities and Research Centres in Italy and all over the world. The LM ELN courses are mainly taught in English language, while some courses may be chosen in Italian language. At the end of the LM ELN, the student will be proclaimed a graduate in “Electronics Engineering”, corresponding to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering (M.S.E.E.).

    The Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D. programme) in Electronics Engineering (more specifically in ICT, Information and Communication Technologies) further provides high-level training and expertise in Electronics Engineering researches and developments, following the knowledge and skills acquired in the Laurea Magistrale. The Ph.D. programme takes place over three years and aims at the advanced training of few selected professionals, able to carry out and lead direct innovation, research and development activities in the most advanced sectors of Electronics and interdisciplinary fields. The main objective of the Research Doctorate is to further boost and foster the theoretical, experimental and methodological skills necessary for leading roles in the innovation and the management of engineering technologies through all its technical, economic, and human aspects. Information on the Ph.D. Research Doctorate is available at

    The teaching load is computed in university credits (ECTS, also known as CFU in Italian): 1 ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of student work and corresponds to 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). In the Bachelor’s Degree (L ELN) most courses are 5 or 10 ECTS; students must follow and pass 30 ECTS per semester (for example three courses of 10 ECTS each) and 60 ECTS per year. As an example, a 10 ECTS course consists of about 100 hours of class lectures (8 hours per week in a classroom, among lessons, exercises and lab activities), followed by individual or group study at home to prepare for the exam, for a total of about 250 hours commitment per student (between classroom and home study). Therefore, each academic year consists of a workload for the student of approximately 1500 hours in total, equal to 60 ECTS (ECTS).

    More information is available on the website of the Study Programme in Electronics Engineering:

4.2 Further Studies

The qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master)

4.2.1 Access to the Master's Degree in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano

    The  first level “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN, i.e. the Bachelor of Science) degree in Electronics Engineering allows admission to the “Laurea Magistrale in Electronics Engineering” (LM ELN, i.e. the Master of Science) in Electronics Engineering, according to the access modalities described in the “Teaching Regulations of the Study Programme in Ingegneria Elettronica - Electronics Engineering (Laurea Magistrale)” available on the University website:

    In particular, according to the current rules, note that the admission to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano is not granted if the student obtained the Bachelor of Science's Degree in Electronics at the Politecnico di Milano with an average* less than 23/30. Instead, the admission to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano is not permitted if the student obtained a Bachelor's Degree in other study programmes of Politecnico di Milano or in other universities, but with an average* lower than 24/30. However, first level graduates from any study programme of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering of Politecnico di Milano (see are admitted to the Master of Science in Electronic Engineering with no curricular supplements provided they achieved an average* higher than or equal to 28/30. (* means the average provided by the Offices, weighted according to the number of credits and only on actual courses, i.e. excluding those supernumerary).

    Finally, the student who decides to carry out the “Tirocinio”, i.e. an internship in a company, at the third year of the L ELN, instead of attending 15 ECTS of courses (see the following Paragraph 7.3) and subsequently wants to access the Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano must first complete her/his training by acquiring, through single courses, the curricular supplements specified by the Admission Commission to the LM ELN, for a maximum of up to 15 ECTS.

    The Admission Commission, in charge to assess eligibility for admission to the LM ELN, is the same Commission to evaluate students coming from other locations and / or other first-level Degree Programmes (B.S. degrees) of either POLIMI or any other Italian and international University.


4.2.2 Access to a Master’s Degree other than M.S.E.E. at Politecnico di Milano

    Graduates in “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” can also move towards other “Lauree Magistrali” (M.S. degrees) or first-level Masters (, always after passing the admission evaluation based on their curriculum of studies by the Evaluation Commissions of the Study Program of destination. In this regard, it is highly recommended that the student consults the access and procedures and Regulations of the desired destination Master's Degree Programme. For Politecnico di Milano, these Regulations are listed on the University website:

    In particular, to facilitate admission to the desired destination Master's Degree, other than that in Electronics Engineering, the student can decide to include in her/his Study Plan some courses (up to a maximum of 15 ECTS) that are preparatory to the destination Study Programme, as advised in the respective Regulations. In this case, the Study Plan will not be automatically approved (since it will differ from the Regulations of the Laurea in Electronics Engineering) and will become “autonomous”; therefore, the Study Plans Committee will have to evaluate its reasonableness and then arrange for its approval or contact the student to agree on any adjustment.

    Please note that the acceptance of an autonomous Study Plan, agreed to facilitate the transition to a Master's Degree other than that in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, no longer guarantees admission to the latter without curricular additions.

5. Professional opportunities and work market

5.1 Professional status of the degree

The Bachelor's program provides students with a broad scientific and technological education along with a solid foundation in electronic engineering. Graduates are able to develop and use electronic methods and tools with an engineering mindset to address common problems over a wide spectrum of applications. Among them, notably, industrial controls, communication, detectors and sensors, electronic instrumentation.

    After passing an “Esame di Stato” (“State Exam”), the “Ingegneria Elettronica” degree allows access to “Sezione B” (“Section B”) of the “Albo degli Ingegneri - settore dell’Informazione” (“Register of Engineers - Information area”, i.e. the Italian Register of Professional Engineers), with the “Ingegnere dell’Informazione junior” ("Junior Information Engineer") title.

5.2 Careers options and profiles

    The study programme in “Ingegneria Elettronica” (Electronics Engineering) prepares the graduated for an effective and smooth transition toward the labour market and employment world, but also provides a robust background for further studies in more specialized and advanced topics, both in the specifically electronic field and in many other sectors with high technological content, from Information and Communication Technology (ICT) areas to mechatronic, biomedical, nuclear, energy and electrical fields.

    The graduate at the “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN), equivalent to the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.), thanks to her/his articulated and in-depth preparation, can be employed in both technical-scientific and technical-organizational roles in various occupational contexts, with in-depth expertise for high-tech environments and for most innovative industries.

    The employment opportunities of graduates in Electronics Engineering are extremely broad, including the following sectors:

  • industries for consumer electronics (audio, video, telephony, information technology, etc.);
  • semiconductor industries, integrated circuits and electronic components, at large;
  • electromechanical industries with high technological contents, such as mechatronics, aeronautics, transport, aerospace, energy, etc.
  • industries of electronic and optoelectronic devices for wired, wireless, fibre-optic, and satellite communication systems;
  • instrumentation industries for analytical and biomedical applications and for research and development laboratories in biology, genetics, proteomics and pharmacology;
  • industries of industrial automation, robotics and autonomous driving;
  • consulting company for electronic design and plant development;
  • freelance activities for the design and implementation of dedicated electronic systems;
  • national and international scientific or technological research institutions, public or private.

    In addition to all this, note how the professional figures in the area of Electronics Engineering also appear in countless other sectors essential for large industries and medium and small businesses in various fields, such as mechanics, avionics, clinics, transport, etc. In all those, the Electronics Engineer is needed to develop advanced technologies in which electronic devices and circuits acquire greater importance not only as instrumentation and control equipment, but also in conferring added value and "smartness" and programmability to the final product. In this regard, see for example the "Report on Engineers in Italy", Centro Studi CNI, available at

    By virtue of the solid training acquired, the renowned reputation of POLIMI and its excellent geo-economical location, graduates in Electronics Engineering at POLIMI find prompt employment in the job market and in the desired sectors with the desired assignments and salary. There is no risk of not finding a job or of finding it in unwanted assignments and makeshift tasks. In the Italian context, the Lombardy area has no competitors in terms of concentration, number, quality and leadership of the companies in Electronics and high-tech fields. The quality of the preparation acquired at POLIMI also allows graduates in Electronics Engineering to assert their talents also in the international arena, where the fame of the POLIMI Electronics graduates is now widely recognized and consolidated.

    Data on the occupational aspects of Electronics Engineers can be found on the POLIMI website, in the Career Service pages. As can be seen in, the total employment percentage is very close to 100% for graduates in Electronics Engineering.

    The Evaluation Group reports can be found in

Surveys of University Assessment Commission

5.3 Qualification profile

“Ingegnere Elettronico”, first-level Electronics Engineer


Role in a work context:

    The professional figure of the first-level Electronics Engineer (L ELN) is characterized by solid engineering fundamentals and by specific skills on devices, circuits and electronic systems for signal acquisition, filtering, and processing, for control, decision-making, transduction, and actuation, for communication, and sharing through information systems. These skills are such as to allow graduates to enter the job market with an adequate methodological, analytical and design knowledge to operate with competence and professionalism in the many areas employing electronic instrumentation, control boards, systems, and hybrid apparatus.

    The Electronics Engineering Laurea graduate has acquired both scientific and technological knowledge, specifically engineering and electronics, with operational and experimental training, which enable him to use circuit simulators, and electronic systems, in various application fields, ranging from industrial control to communication, passing through sensors and electronic instrumentation.

   The “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN) is equivalent to the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.) and allows access - after passing a state examination (“Esame di Stato”) - to “Section B” of the “Register of Professional Engineers - Information area” (“Albo degli Ingegneri – settore dell’Informazione”), with the title of "Junior Information Engineer" (“Ingegnere dell’Informazione iunior”).


Skills associated with the role:

    The “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN) provides various specific competences and skills, among which:

  • to select and use basic electronic devices and components and electronic circuits and systems;
  • to choose among different simulation and design methodologies and electronic technologies to be exploited at best;
  • to devise novel applications among many fields of ICT, automation and control, sensors, and related fields;
  • to employ electronic devices, sensors and actuators for the development of smart Cyber-Physical-Systems (CBS) systems;
  • to select the electronic components and the basic subsystems, based on the best compromise between cost and performance;
  • to use laboratory equipment and development and testing tools with expertise;
  • to define the functionality of a system, defining global performance and costs, through block modelling and system simulations;
  • to verify and test the instrumentation for electronic measurements, carrying out the analysis of compliance with specifications;
  • to manage the production and installation of an electronic system into the end-user application;
  • to implement and monitor the manufacturing process and to implement the product quality control of electronic boards and apparatus;
  • to evaluate aspects of reliability, maintenance, performance, energy consumption related to the different available technologies, components, circuits and systems;
  • to configure programmable electronic devices, such as microcontrollers, microprocessors, FPGAs, DSPs, programming them, emulating them and validating their compliance with specifications;
  • to perform assistance and maintenance of electronic products, equipment and assembly, regarding to the manufacturing technology, the characteristics of components, the measurements equipment, the configuration software, and how to manage all these instruments and tools;
  • to collaborate to the design, prototyping and production of equipment and installations with mixed technologies. 


Employment opportunities:

   Numerous statistics and surveys confirm that the mature professional figures of the Electronics Engineer are desirable in many areas, even in the industries different from the pure Electronic ones, such as the mechanics, aeronautics, biomedical apparatuses, machineries, etc.. The reason being the robust and updated preparation provided during the Laurea Bachelor's Degree and the consolidated and recognized teaching quality at POLIMI. 

    In conclusion, the graduates in “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica”, i.e. the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, at POLIMI have definitely no difficulty in finding rewarding employment, thanks to the quality of their training, the reputation of POLIMI, and the fortunate geographical location of POLIMI. As a matter of fact, the Milan area compares extremely well with the whole Italian territory for the concentration, number and quality of Companies in the area. The quality of the education is also demonstrated by the success that many Electronics Engineering graduates met in the international arena, thanks to their skills and their knowhow, in companies and research centres of worldwide prestige.

    More information is available on the website of the Study Programme in Electronics Engineering:

6. Enrolment

6.1 Access requirements

Italian secondary school leaving qualification or other comparable foreign qualification (level 4 EQF)

     According to the D.M. 270/04 art.6 rules, the admission to the first-level “Laurea di primo livello” Bachelor's Degree Program is subject to possession of a Secondary High School (High School) Diploma lasting five or four years, or another qualification obtained abroad, but recognized as suitable.

     In order to gain access to enrolling to the “Laurea di primo livello” Bachelor's Degree Program in Electronics Engineering, an entry test must be passed. The test is called TOL (On-Line Test) and is common to all “Laurea di primo livello” Engineering Degree Courses at POLIMI. It is aimed at ascertaining the aptitude and preparation to the studies. For more information:

     Students intended to transfer to the “Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica”, i.e. the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, who are already enrolled in any other “Laurea” at POLIMI, or who come from other Universities may request an evaluation for the recognition of the university credits (ECTS, also known as CFUs in Italian) already attained in the other study programme. The commission will accept any transfer requests only after evaluating the student's educational curriculum and considering the number of available seats.

6.2 Requested knowledge

    The entry On-Line Test (TOL) verifies the possession of an adequate basic preparation in mathematics, in physics and sciences, and in verbal comprehension. The knowledge of English is also required, and it is verified through standard certificates equal to level B1 of the CEF (Common European Framework), as indicated in the yearly Educational Regulations and in the Guide to Enrolment, through the description of the topics that are part of the admission test. If such a knowledge possession verification is not positive, those students are given specific “additional training obligations” (OFA, “obblighi formativi aggiuntivi”), to be met before they can access the courses offered in the years following the first of the study programme.

    Annually the Academic Senate of POLIMI establishes the detailed modalities of implementation of the above (as, for example, the scheduling of the TOL sessions, and the publication of the results).

    Information on admission and enrolment is available on

The educational offer at the Politecnico di Milano

6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places available

How to become a student at Politecnico di Milano

6.4 Tutoring and students support

    The tutoring support was established by Law n. 341 of 1990 (Reform of university teaching regulations), as an activity aimed at "guiding and assisting students throughout their studies, making them actively involved in the training process, removing obstacles to a profitable attendance of courses, also through initiatives related to the needs, attitudes and needs of individuals" (Article 13).

    The School of Industrial and Information Engineering offers a series of activities aimed at making university studies more effective and productive, with the help of both tutors and student tutors, the latter selected through specific Call for Tender competitions that POLIMI publishes annually. The tutoring is addressed to students of both the first year of the “Laurea di primo livello” Bachelor's Degree Course (for which there are meetings with teachers of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science) and the following years (for which further study activities are planned, on specific topics and support for passing certain exams defined year by year).

    For more information on the activities carried out, please refer to:

    Info on the Open-Days at POLIMI:


7. Contents of the study Program

7.1 Programme requirements

As specified in the academic regulations, 180 credits are required to obtain the B.Sc. (first level) degree. Specifically, at least 50 credits are required for courses in the basic disciplines (mathematics, physics, chemistry..), at least 55 credits for core subjects (automation, electronics, telecommunications..); at least 18 credits for supplementary activities and at least 16 credits for activities such as elective courses, stage and thesis preparation.

    For the individual courses contributing to the acquisition of 180 ECTS, please refer to the following tables. The rules established by the current Ministerial and University regulations are as follows:

  • the student is required to pass at least 50 ECTS in "basic" courses (code "A" in the following tables), such as math, physics, chemistry, etc.;
  • the student is required to pass at least 55 ECTS in “characterizing” courses (code “B” in the following tables), such as electronics and fundamentals of computer science, automation, communication, etc.;
  • the student is required to pass at least 18 ECTS in "related" courses (code "C" in the following tables); this constraint is automatically satisfied thanks to the courses in "Economia e Organizzazione Aziendale " and "Elettrotecnica", each worth 10 ECTS).
  • the student can carry out an internship of 15 ECTS, replacing other courses. Note how this choice is advisable for students who do not intend to continue their studies in the Master's Degree course; vice versa, it is not recommended for those wishing to continue to the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. In fact, the internship is placed as an alternative to one of the two teachings either “Campi Elettromagnetici” or “Elettronica dello stato solido” and to one of the two teachings either “Elementi di analisi funzionale e trasformate” or "Fondamenti di Calcolo Numerico", for a total of 15 ECTS. Students who opted for the internship and then intends to continue to the Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at Politecnico di Milano must first complete their training by acquiring, through single courses, the curricular supplements specified by the Admission Commission to the Master of Science study Programme, for a maximum of 15 ECTS.
  • the final exam is valued at 3 ECTS.

7.2 Mode of study

The Course requires full time attendance and includes, besides personal study, classroom and laboratory activities

     All teachings are given in Italian.


    Some teachings of the first year of Electronics Engineering are offered in common with the students of the “Laurea” degree programmes in Automation Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science Engineering. This allows the formation of dimensionally homogeneous classes and a simplified transfer of students from one study programme to another if they wish so, upon regular re-enrolment compliant to the prescribed procedure.

7.3 Detailed learning objectives

    The “Laurea di primo livello in Ingegneria Elettronica”, i.e. the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.) degree, has a single Pre-Approved Study Plan (PSPA), which allows the student to choose between a wide range of more specialized courses at the third year.

    The organization of the studies is semi-annual: some courses are offered in the first semester (approximately between mid-September and December holidays), others in the second semester (approximately between the end of February and the beginning of June). During the semester there may be intermediate exam tests (mid-terms), if foreseen by the teacher, on the part of the topics covered in that teaching up to that moment (the so-called "prove in itinere").

    The exam sessions are planned by the School across a period of about 6-7 weeks after the end of the semesters. A third time window dedicated to the exams, lasting about 3 weeks, is scheduled between the end of August and the beginning of September.

    The table below shows the general structure of the Study Programme. In the first three semesters, teachings are focused on the development of both the mathematical-formal skills of the student and the understanding of physic-chemical phenomenology. On the other hand, in the last three semesters, when these skills have been sufficiently assimilated, specific teachings about Electronics and other lessons on complementary subjects are provided, to complete and integrate the student's engineering knowledge.

    Information on the dates of the courses, the weeks of teaching interruption, and the periods dedicated to exams can be found in the Academic Calendar. Relevant and more specific information regarding the organization of each individual teaching along with the syllabus of the course is provided in the webpage of the course itself, in the website of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering The Academic Calendar and the detailed programs of all courses can be found on the POLIMI website.


Innovative Education (D.I.)

    In order to let teaching be more effective and, therefore, to assist the student to comprehend, assimilate and master the subjects, various Innovative Education (D.I., “Didattica Innovativa”) activities have been activated in various subjects of the L ELN and the LM ELN. These innovative D.I. modalities are divided into two different types, Action 1 and Action 2. Action 1 activities are curricular, i.e. they appear in the Study Plan, give credits (ECTS, CFU), have a final evaluation, and may consist of:

  • courses on “SOFT SKILLS” or with strong cross-sectional content (e.g. social skills, communication skills, self-control and self-esteem, team work, ethics, humanities, etc.);
  • innovative teaching and learning methodologies such as BLENDED-LEARNING (flexible teaching, with a portion carried out in classroom and another portion online, to give immediate feedback to teacher and student) and FLIPPED-CLASS (lesson turned upside-down, in which the teacher indicates some topic to the student, who studies them at home, and then returns to the classroom for further discussions in small groups, to deepen understanding) to make the student more responsible, to facilitate collaboration between peers and to improve the relationship with the teacher;
  • JOINT ACTIVITIES with companies, research centres, institutions;
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses, multimedia contents that students follow and study in total autonomy, to then go to the classroom and put into practice what they have learned.

    Action 2 activities are extracurricular, i.e. they do not provide credits, but they are in any case traceable in the student career, appearing in the "Diploma Supplement" (also known as "Supplemento di Diploma" or "Transcript of Records"), delivered together with the Degree, and they aim at enhancing students’ passions and attitudes, their aggregation and friendly competition. Action 2 activities can consist of:

  • KICK-STARTED WORKSHOPs about tools of interest to different Study Programmes (such as instrumentation, simulation and modelling software, but also business games, meetings with labour market and entrepreneurship, exploitation of intellectual property and patentability, etc.);
  • PROJECTS to train the student to put skills into practice;
  • CONTESTs and competitions among students and with companies, as individuals or in teams to foster public speaking and communication skills.

    As indicated in the "Manifesto degli Studi" of the first level Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica, seven courses offer a total of 11 ECTS of Innovative Education (Action 1); these are indicated in the following tables with the symbol "d.i." and the number of corresponding ECTS within the total ECTS assigned to the teaching (e.g. the "3 d.i." of the subject "Microcontrollers" at the third year, out of the 5 ECTS total). Additionally, other 11 ECTSs of Innovative Education (Action 1) are spread over seven courses of the second level Master's Degree in Electronics Engineering.

1 Year courses - Track: E1A - Non diversificato

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
082740A,CMAT/05ANALISI MATEMATICA 1110,010,0

2 Year courses - Track: E1A - Non diversificato

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
[1,0Innovative teaching]
[1,0Innovative teaching]
[1,0Innovative teaching]

    The 10 credits (ECTS) "MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2" course provides 1 CFU of Innovative Education (indicated with "1.0 d.i."), consisting of a multimedia MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) video in Italian on the solution of second-order linear differential equations at constant coefficients, with examples of application to concrete problems, that the student can study in total autonomy at home and then discuss the learned concepts with the teacher and the classmates in the classroom.

     The 10 ECTS "ELECTROMAGNETISM AND OPTICS" course provides 1 ECTS of D.I., consisting of flipped-class activities in which students study at home a specific MOOC (e.g. about electric charge and electric field) and other material provided in advance, then they go to the classroom and answer questions or solve problems either individually or in small groups and finally they compare and discuss results all together, with timely explanations by the teacher on the most difficult concepts.

    The "FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS" course (9 ECTS + 1 ECTS) consists of 9 ECTS of actual teaching plus 1 ECTS (namely the "Final Exam – SPICE simulations of electronic circuits ") valid as Final Exam, but carried out at the same time with the test for this teaching. The other 2 ECTSs, so to reach the 3 ECTSs of the Final Exam, will be achieved at the 3rd year, in the courses of "ANALOG ELECTRONICS" (9 ECTS + 1 ECTS) and "DIGITAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS" (9 ECTS + 1 ECTS).  

3 Year courses - Track: E1A - Non diversificato

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
[1,0Innovative teaching]
[1,0Innovative teaching]
[2,0Innovative teaching]
[1,0Innovative teaching]
086001----TIROCINIO (ING. ELETTRONICA - MI)115,015,0
[1,0Innovative teaching]
[3,0Innovative teaching]
[1,0Innovative teaching]

    The 10 credits (ECTS) "FUNDAMENTALS OF SIGNALS AND TRANSMISSION" course provides 1 ECTS of Innovative Education (D.I.), consisting of flipped-class activities with various questions and answers to be discussed interactively in the classroom, both individually or in small groups, and also with online competitions to be executed at home on tasks assigned by the teacher.

    The 10 ECTS "ANALOGUE ELECTRONICS" course provides 1 ECTS of D.I. (called “Final Exam - Workshop on design through SPICE”), valid for the graduation’s Final Exam, but carried out simultaneously with the course’s exam, consisting of flipped-class activities by learning how to use the "SPICE" circuit simulator for the analysis, design, and simulation of electronic circuits and by hands-on simulation activities to be carried out with this tool.

    The 10 ECTS "DIGITAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS" course provides 3 ECTS of D.I., 1 ECTS of which (called “Final Exam – Circuital implementations in Field-programmable Gate-Arrays) is valid also for the graduation’s Final Exam, but it is carried out simultaneously with the course’s exam, consisting of flipped-class activities on the use of configurable FPGA (field-programmable gate-array) electronic components, through simulation and synthesis CAD software, for the design of digital electronic architectures and their analysis in the classroom.

    The 5 ECTS "FUNDAMENTALS OF NUMERICAL CALCULATION" course provides 1 ECTS of D.I., consisting of teaching material on numerical calculation methods with examples of numerical simulators, which the student studies at home independently and then employs in the classroom with group work and discussions.

    The 5 ECTS "MICROCONTROLLERS" course provides 3 ECTS of D.I., consisting of flipped-class activities aimed at explaining how to use electronic development boards for microcontroller-based systems, equipped with multiple sensors and input/output ports for analog/digital signals, and how to program and compile firmware in C and Assembler languages and for the emulation of microcontroller boards, for the practical design of embedded systems, both with individual activities and in small work groups.



* The student who plans to complete her/his university curriculum with the “Laurea di primo livello in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN), i.e. the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.) degree, can carry out an internship in a Company as an alternative to the teaching of “Elementi di analisi funzionale e trasformate” ("Elements of functional analysis and transforms") or "Fondamenti di Calcolo Numerico" ("Foundations of Numerical Calculation") and “Campi Elettromagnetici” ("Electromagnetic Fields") or “Elementi di analisi funzionale e trasformate” ("Elements of functional analysis and transforms") or "Fondamenti di Calcolo Numerico" ("Foundations of Numerical Calculation") and “Elettronica dello stato solido” ("Solid State Electronics"), for a total of 15 CFUs (ECTS credits). The student who has opted for the internship and then wishes to apply for admission to the “Laurea Magistrale in Electronics Engineering” (LM ELN), i.e. the Master of Science in Electronics Engineering, must first complete her/his training by acquiring (as individual courses), the curricular supplements specified by the Commissione di Ammissione alla Laurea Magistrale (Commission for Admission to the Master degree)) for a total of up to 15 ECTSs.


* Regarding the 15 ECTSs of elective courses that the student can freely choose among any course available at POLIMI, they will be evaluated by a Commissione dei Piani di Studio (Study Program Commission) to verify their consistency with the training programme in Electronics Engineering. The Consiglio di Corso di Studi (CCS, Degree Programme Council) proposes a list of courses, reported in the last box of the table above, which are a priori considered consistent with the training programme, and then are automatically approved by the on-line system, when selected in the Study Plan by the student. Students wishing to choose other teachings than those proposed are therefore invited to contact in advance the delegate of the Commissione dei Piani di Studio (Study Program Commission):

7.4 Foreign language

    Students must have a certificate attesting their English language skills to at least level B1 of the CEF – Common European Framework.

Language courses

7.5 Degree examination

    The final Degree examination is not a stand-alone exam, but consists of a verification of the competences acquired in the three courses of “Fondamenti di Elettronica” (Fundamentals of Electronics), “Elettronica Analogica” (Analog Electronic), and “Sistemi Elettronici Digitali” (Digital Electronic Systems), and tested in those exams, worth 1 CFU each (out of the whole number of credits assigned to each one of those courses), for a total of 3 ECTSs. More specifically, in the Study Plan these three partial exams are referred to as "Final Exam - Fundamentals of Electronics" (1 ECTS), "Final Exam - Design Workshop with SPICE" (1 ECTS) and "Final Exam - Circuital implementations in Field- Programmable Gate-Array”(1 ECTS), for a cumulative 3 ECTS Final Exam.

Information concerning general rules and regulations, session calendars, registration and consignment of theses is available at

8. Academic calendar

Here is the link to the Academic Calendar.

Academic calendar

9. Faculty

    The names of professors belonging to the Consiglio di Corso di Studio (CCS) Study Programme Board, together with their teaching subject, are available on the Manifesto degli Studi (Study Programme), which is annually published in September on the POLIMI website (

    More information on professors and researchers, about their teaching and research activities can be found on the website of the Study Programme in Electronics Engineering:

10. Infrastructures and laboratories

    Students attending the “Laurea di primo livello in Ingegneria Elettronica” (L ELN), i.e. the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering, have access to all POLIMI’s facilities (e.g. computer equipped rooms, libraries, study rooms, sport facilities). Several courses include laboratory activities, which will be developed in computer equipped rooms or in experimental laboratories.

11. International context

    Research at POLIMI proceeds alongside the extensive network of cooperative relationships and connections with other Italian and international Universities, with public and private research Centres, and with Industries. The quality and effectiveness of the research carried out at POLIMI proved successful in recent years, by the increased interconnections with the international scientific community. Proof of this success is the high number of research projects and funding programmes that have recently been undertaken with the best European and worldwide Universities, from North America to South-East Asia.

    POLIMI is presently performing benchmarking analyses with most prominent international technical universities, analysing the teaching activities and comparing the employment rate of graduates in the labour market. Reports and studies on this topic will be available on the of POLIMI website, in the “Manifesto degli Studi” area.

    In 2020, the Politecnico di Milano achieved 17th place among universities worldwide and 1st place in Italy in the QS Ranking, category “Engineering - Electrical and Electronic”.

12. Internationalization

     Students of the Electronics Engineering Study Programme can access international study programmes that are based on agreements made with several international institutions. Every year, several students take part in international exchanges.

    Students selected for a specific programme can enrich their curriculum by studying abroad and earning CFU (ECTS) credits, which are acknowledged by POLIMI.

    There are multiple opportunities on offer; here are some of them:

  • study periods abroad, under the Erasmus programme, or special non-EU programmes;
  • double-degree programmes, which award a double Master’s degree after a three-years period, two years of which are spent at partner institutes abroad;
  • internships with foreign companies or university laboratories;
  • Master thesis preparation abroad.

Information on exchange programmes, double degree projects and international internships, European research and international relations projects are available at

13. Quantitative data

    The “Osservatorio della Didattica” (Educational Observation Unit) and the “Nucleo di Valutazione” (Evaluation Unit) of POLIMI perform periodic analysis on the overall results, through the analysis of teaching activities and the successful employment of graduates into the labour market.

    Reports and studies are available on the POLIMI’s Career Service website: 

and more specifically for Electronics Engineering in:

14. Further information

    For any further information, please visit the website of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering on

  Detailed information on the loss of student status is available on

15. Errata corrige
