Academic Year 2022/23

School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering

Degree Programme of:

Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)

Piacenza Campus

1. General Information

School School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering
Code Reference Law1085
NameSustainable Architecture and Landscape Design
Reference LawOrdinamento 270/04
Class of degreeLM-4 - Architecture and Architectural engineering
Degree level Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science)
First year of activation 2015/2016
Official length of the programme 2
Years of the programme already activated 1,2
Official language(s) The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme is offered in English but the degree programme meets the requirements of MIUR (Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) note of 11.07.2018 and the CUN opinion of 10.23.2018.
Campus Piacenza
Dean of the School Andrea Campioli
Coordinator of the Study programme Sara Protasoni
Website of the School
Website of the Study programme

Central Student Office - Piacenza
Address VIA G. B. SCALABRINI, 76 (PC)

2. General presentation of the study programme

The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, held in English and belonging to the Degree class LM-4 ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING/ARCHITECTURE, integrates the scientific and technical polytechnic culture of architectural studies with those of landscape design.

Aimed at training highly skilled professional figures in the specific fields of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, the Programme offers a clearly characterized training profile that can face the problems of architectural design, with special attention given to the role of public spaces, open places, productive landscapes and infrastructures. 

The Programme trains a design architect with a high degree of preparation level in urban design and in environmental science and technologies, with skills oriented towards  sustainable transformation and regeneration projects for the urban fabric and open spaces. The curriculum offers solid training in the knowledge, design and management of complex and inter-scalar operations, from those related to the transformation of the territory, to those more closely related to architectural and urban design, up to the study of construction components and elements of detail.

In this sense, the proposed LM-4 educational path is based on theoretical, methodological and technical-constructive principles aimed at forming an Architect in line with the tradition of European Polytechnic Schools, attentive to the issues of landscape design, with particular sensitivity to the issues of sustainability and environmental compatibility.

3. Learning objectives

The Programme offers a training path aimed at preparing a designer who is technically and culturally able to address innovative themes when designing in an architectural, urban and landscape scale. The professional profile is characterized by roots in Architecture studies with a polytechnic matrix, and proposes an active vision of sustainability as the regeneration of environmental values and landscape qualities in anthropic contexts at all scales: from public urban spaces to the agricultural land and to the uncertain landscapes of the new thresholds between urban and rural. This aim is in accordance with the European Landscape Convention of 2000, that is "applied to all the territories of the Parties and deal with natural, rural, urban and peri-urban spaces". In particular, the theme of sustainable architecture is confirmed in its meaning of 'complex' sustainability (physical, social and technical),  landscape is understood in its multiple meaning of 'represented' landscape, 'built' landscape, 'productive' landscape, absorbing in this manner the multiple articulations present in the involved disciplinary sectors.

The cultural horizon of reference is environmental regeneration and requalification, an extremely vast field that not only admits multiple thematic parts, but also requires the integration of numerous skills, forecasting an articulated range of educational profiles aimed at specific and competing application fields (that of sustainable architecture and that of landscape design).

The figure of architect and landscape designer who intends to propose must have historical-critical and technical-scientific skills updated and appropriate to the international professional context and, at the same time, know how to acquire new capacity for action on the issues of the territory in which the course of study is based: design of productive landscapes, transformation of the built environment and reuse of existing, design of public spaces and connections, protection of the territory, enhancement of ecological and historical-cultural resources, sustainable project for new forms of living: temporary, emergency, shared, etc..

In this perspective the educational path offers theoretical, methodological and building principles oriented to form an Architect attentive to the physical, environmental, ecological and social-cultural characters of the contexts. The MSc Course aims at developing design skills that are suitable for answering themes and topics regarding sustainable regeneration and transformation of the architectural, urban and rural landscape. At the same time, the Course investigates the new conditions of relationship between built space and open space at different scales of intervention - from the urban scale of public space to the intermediate scale of the liminal areas between the city and the countryside (natural, agricultural, residential), up to those directly related to the large scale of territorial settlement.

The educational path proposed to the student is therefore high-profile, created through the continuous updating of the categories, methodologies and tools necessary to respond to the highest and most qualified requests in a national, European and non-European level. 

Educational profiles

The Laurea Magistrale (MSc) programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design is designed in compliance with European directive 2013/55 relative to the recognition of professional qualifications, and forms a clearly characterized profile with a solid preparation, in theoretical-scientific and methodological-applicative terms, on sustainable architecture and landscape design.

After the State professional examination, the Laurea Magistrale (MSc) offered by the LM-4 class allows the student to register in the Order of Architects, Landscape Artists, Planners and Conservationists, in Section A of the Professional register, in the 'Architects' section.

Skills: The LM-4 path offers skills that focus on improving career prospects and the professional practice of a designer of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design.

Graduate students, having acquired 'methodological and operative skills', in various contexts, will be able to cover different responsibilities:

 a-The ability to apply theoretical and methodological principles in professional practices tied to the themes of architectural, urban and landscape design;

b-Skill in carrying out theoretical and historical-critical research on problems related to architectural, urban and landscape design, at different levels of complexity and intervention scale;

c-Skill in design applied to specific sites (urban, extra-urban, metropolitan), with particular consideration for the techniques connected with the sustainability of the anthropic environment;

d-Skill in design applied to themes tied to the requalification of public spaces and regeneration of the urban fabric, with special attention given to the techniques connected with construction sustainability and control of the environmental impact;

e-Skill in designing and requalifying open spaces (urban, peripheral and extra-urban), for public and/or private use, with special attention given to agricultural and production contexts, as well as the design of infrastructures in different intervention scales;

f-Skills in evaluating-diagnosing the architectural project and ability in the study of environmental impact, protecting ecological systems and protected areas, intervening in emergency areas or in environmental calamity conditions.

g-Ability in the development and advanced representation of the architecture project, the city, the landscape and the open space in general, through the use of updated and advanced (in relation to the structures that are present in and forecasted for the campus) communication systems.

4. Organization of the study programme and further studies

4.1 Structure of the study programme and Qualifications

4.2 Further Studies

The qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)

Graduate students in Architecture are offered different options for the progression of their studies:

- PhD, held in the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission subject to an entrance test;

- Second cycle Master's, held in the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission established by the structure that runs the programme;

- Specialisation course, held in the University or elsewhere, on themes of specific interest, with admission established by the structure that runs the programme.

5. Professional opportunities and work market

5.1 Professional status of the degree

The Laurea Magistrale (MSc) Programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design trains a highly qualified designer. The qualification is recognised by the European Union.

An EU graduate student in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design is a professional designer who can carry out managerial roles for public and private institutions and companies (State administration, local institutes, companies) and work as a freelancer in professional studios and design companies, developing the tasks relative to the construction, management, and transformation of cities and the territory.

After passing the State professional exam, graduate students can register in the Professional Associations of the EU countries. For more information, refer to the University site link (


The EU Graduate's professional areas are the freelance and the practitioner in institutions and in the public and private sectors (institutional agencies, public and private sector, private firms and studios), working in the field of urban and regional development and transformation.

5.2 Careers options and profiles

Graduate students of Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design can take part in the State professional exam for registration in the professional Order of Architects (students who graduated in Class LM-4 can register in Section A, Sector A - Architecture, B - Territorial planning, C - Landscape, D - Preservation of architectural and environmental assets). After passing the relative State professional exam, Class LM-4 graduate students can practice as an architect in the European Union member states (European Union Official Gazette no. 2004/C 322/02 of 29/12/2004).

The main professional career opportunities are in:

· Public institutions and public, local, national and international companies;

· Public and private companies and category associations;

· Freelancing and consultancy and research companies, ONG;

· Teaching (schools, universities and training and professional updating) and research.

One of the main opportunities is in public institutions, in the sectors of urban and landscape design, design of agricultural environments, design of river and forest environments. In addition to the local context, the programme - held in English and characterized by an international setting, both regarding professors and students - offers an excellent preparation for entering the national and international institution that specialise in sustainability, such as the European Union organisms (European Commission and Parliament, Regional Committee, etc.) and international cooperation bodies (Unesco, World Bank, etc.).


Another opportunity is to be found in companies, public and private, that operate in the building of infrastructures with a high territorial, landscape and environmental impact. In this setting, the Programme provides graduates with skills that allow them to integrate the work of a 'traditional' designer with a vision that can direct the project of the works in terms of impact mitigation and greater attention also on the social and cultural contexts of the sites. Considering the local setting, the sector of protection and development of agricultural and river areas is certainly privileged, also considering the theme of hydrogeological defense (e.g. the River Po and its branches). Public works, energy plant construction, railway and road infrastructure works companies, in addition to those companies that operate in the building field, can benefit from the skills developed by these professional figures.

Among the professional opportunities, the freelance sector is typical of this expert and is one of the privileged ones. The programme aims at specifically qualifying the educational profile, considering the high level of existing competition in the sector. On the one hand, the emphasis on multi-discipline is aimed at preparing students for situations that are characterized by team work and interaction with other professionals, often in international contexts. On the other hand, design skills are accompanied by other integrative skills, which distinguish professional profiles that are typical of consultancy societies (e.g. problem setting skills, visual representation of the solutions and communication, conflict management, evaluation of the intervention impacts). These skills allow students to aim towards placement in private research companies and think-tanks, operating - both nationally and internationally - to support the elaboration, actuation and evaluation of public policies. Also the regional context is characterized by the presence of multiple realities in this sphere, operating also at an international level. NGOs (non-governmental organizations) operating in the field of international cooperation are considered among these companies.

Finally, it is worth considering the field of teaching, in particular in the context of professional training and updating, without excluding more formal placement in teaching and research for public institutions.

5.3 Qualification profile


profile in a work context: The Laurea Magistrale qualification provides the possibility to answer to a wide range of offers in the work market of architecture, building production, companies that work in this sector, the organization of environments and settlement systems and in particular the wide range of services involved in these activities. Today, these last ones are undergoing a fast and deep change and the training offer wants to consider also these new tools and the new, more complex and articulated processes that are taking place in different contexts. The graduate student in Architecture is a professional profile able: -  to carry out managerial duties in public and private institutions and bodies (Public administration, Local authorities, enterprises); - to work as freelancer for design companies and firms, developing the relevant tasks concerning construction, management, transformation of urban and architecture systems, of cities, landscape and territory; - to work as consultant in the project of policies and plans for territory and as Project leader in landscape scale projects, in particular in the strategic projects of public, open spaces and infrastructures with a high territorial impact;  - to carry out teaching, research and professional development activities in Schools and Universities (in the fields of this sector) The suggested curriculum provides all these skills and highlights these fields of application that are particularly requested today, highlighting for graduate students the possibility of developing future in-depth training also through masters, specializing schools and Ph.D. programme. The Architecture Graduate student can be registered in professional associations upon passing the State examination. skills of this function: - coordinate complex project operations; - manage the different phases of the project, from creation to realization of product; - design the different levels of intervention, from the landscape point of view to that of the urban system, up to the architecture elements; - manage, with culture and sensitivity, the whole range of possible design interventions, from new construction to restoration, from reuse to re-qualification of what already built, from recovery to substitution of buildings; - face the problems involved in contexts, landscapes and ways of contemporary living, with particular attention to the requirements of environmental compatibility and sustainability. - read, understand and define the relationship between the parts and the whole, between the whole and its components, between size and organization of spaces. - face the architectural project as a transformative operator of the environment and inhabited space, in the physical-formal, socio-cultural, technical-constructive components according to the different levels that connect each intervention to a wider and more complex context. Job opportunities: There are many job opportunities, in general and in this specific sector, and they include self-employment as independent professional or as employee in professional firms, employment in companies, public administrations, public and private research and consultancy bodies. The laurea magistrale graduate students can find different opportunities for employment. - they can participate or activate structures of professional services (today under a deep reorganization) both with general characteristics as well as through the proposal of operative peculiarities with different levels of characterization (sectoral or specialistic ones);  - they can have different roles and competences, with significant responsibilities, in the wide range of duties available in the different institutions, bodies, enterprises, companies, service and design companies (private, public or both) available.

6. Enrolment

6.1 Access requirements

Laurea (First degree), or foreign comparable degree


The following are required for being admitted to a Laurea Magistrale (MSc) Programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design:

- a Class L-17 qualification (or Class 4 ex Min.Decree 509/1999), without curricular integrations, or a qualification obtained abroad that is recognised as being suitable;

- a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) or 3-year university qualification (Min.Decree 270/04, art. 6), subject to fulfilment of the essential educational activities as detailed in the table relative to the Laurea (BSc) in Architectural Sciences, class L-17, held to be a mandatory curricular requirement, in compliance with Directive 85/384 EEC and relative recommendations;

- having passed the obligatory entrance tests for enrolment in a Programme and/or single-cycle Laurea Magistrale (MSc),

Admission to the LM-4 Laurea Magistrale (MSc) programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design is only permitted if the selection test is passed; the selection test consists of a comparative assessment that considers the student's past career (on the basis of the documents presented by the applicant when pre-enrolling) and possible other important and suitably documented training or professional experiences.

To be admitted to the LM-4 Laurea Magistrale (MSc) programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, Politecnico di Milano has established a knowledge of English as a pre-requisite. The level requested and relative certifications accepted by the University are specified in the Guide to English Language, published on the University site at the link:

In the chapter 15 of this document there are the further specifications related to the admission to the Degree Programme.

First cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification

6.2 Requested knowledge

The English language certificate must be presented within the deadline for presenting the request for admission relative to the standard window.

6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places available

Programmed number for the Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design Programme. The table indicates the minimum number of places guaranteed for the educational path during academic year 2021/2022:



 no. students enrolled

Sustainable Architecture and

Landscape Design



120 (80 for extra-UE Students)


The ranking of merit system will be used to allocate places until all the available ones have been filled.

The periods during which an application for admission to one of the Course of Study of the AUIC School may be submitted are specified in the academic calendar.

Any student in a good position in the ranking (as specified in the technical annex to these rules) may only enrol in the reference period for applications.
Any unassigned places at the start of the first term will be available at the start of the second term and, in the event that the programmed number is reached in the first term, it will not be possible to submit an application for admission in the second term. Students with foreign educational qualifications must refer to the procedures posted on the Polinternational website (

6.4 Tutoring and students support

During the first and second semesters the school organises guidance and tutoring activities for students.

The dates of the meetings organised during the Study Plan presentation will be indicated on the School site (

Guidance site

7. Contents of the study Program

7.1 Programme requirements


The Programme guarantees the 120 credits specified in the Educational rules. In particular, the educational offer proposed in the Laurea Magistrale (MSc) in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design (total 120 ECTS credits) held at the Piacenza Campus, develops over two years, divided into four semesters, and proposes an articulated structure in Single-subject, Additional and Laboratory courses. The educational offer complies with the legal requirements for the LM-4 degree class. The legal minimum number of ECTS credits guaranteed for the educational activities is 48 (Architectural and Urban design, Historical Disciplines for Architecture, Analysis and Structural Design of Architecture, Cost Estimation Disciplines for Architecture and Urban Planning, Urban planning Designs and Territorial Planning, Representation of Architecture and the Environment, Theories and Techniques for Architectural Restoration, Physical-technical Disciplines for Architecture and Technical Installations for Architecture, Technological Disciplines for Architecture and Building, Economic, Social, Juridical Disciplines for Architecture). For equivalent activities, the legal guaranteed minimum is 12, and 16 ECTS credits for the internship and final exam. 

Attainment of the 120 Credits (ECTS) specified in the didactic regulations. In particular the minimum standard guaranteed by law for the specializing activities the minimum standard guaranteed by law is 48 Credits (Architectonical and Urban Design, Branches of History of Architecture, Urban Planning and Regional Planning, Analysis and Structural Building Planning, Environmental Technical Physics, Restoration, Building Mechanics, Topography and Cartography, Landscape Architecture). For the related or integrative activities, the minimum standard guaranteed by law is 12. 14 Credits for apprenticeship and the final exam.

7.2 Mode of study

The Programme is full time; it includes participation in training activities made up of lectures and practice, from Laboratory activities, Workshops, Seminars, study visits and internships.

Modules of innovative didactics are offered, attested in the diploma supplement of the graduates

Studio Courses

Attendance to Studio courses is mandatory for all Programmes; in case students do not obtain a certification declaring that they attended at least 70% of the total hours, they will have to take the whole course again. The certification of attendance is necessary in order to take the relative assessment test and is provided by the Studio Course professors. Any other attendance obligations can be indicated by the Programme in coherence with the School regulations. These obligations will be made known through the School Internet site ( and communicated to students by the professors responsible for the courses when the programmes begin. Uniformity of the attendance regulations for all sections of the same course is guaranteed. Verification of attendance is looked after by the professor in charge of the course, on the basis of criteria that are coherent with the teaching organisation, and which will be communicated to students at the start of the programme. These criteria can involve the student's presence in the classroom and his/her active participation.

Single-subject or multidisciplinary courses

Attendance is not obligatory for these courses, and the exam methods reserved for those who do not attend will be published on the professor's page, with communication given at the start of the programme.

Previous exams

For programmes with uninterrupted attendance, the School guarantees the possibility of taking exams even if the professor changes, the programme changes name or if it is cancelled, for a period of one year after the third exam session. After this an equivalent programme will be found to the one that was cancelled; in this case the identified professor will mark his/her bibliography and exam methods.

This Course requires a full-time involvement and includes Courses, constituted by lectures and practicing, and Laboratory activities with compulsory attendance, Seminars, and Visits.

7.3 Detailed learning objectives

1 Year courses - Track: SAL - Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
[2.0Innovative teaching]
[2.0Innovative teaching]
[2.0Innovative teaching]
[4.0Innovative teaching]
[4.0Innovative teaching]
[2.0Innovative teaching]

2 Year courses - Track: SAL - Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design

Code Educational activities SSD Course Title Language Sem CFU CFU Group
[4.0Innovative teaching]
[2.0Innovative teaching]
(Grp. Opz.)
050799----FINAL EXAMINATION--110.010.0
050799----FINAL EXAMINATION--210.0
[2.0Innovative teaching]
[2.0Innovative teaching]
[4.0Innovative teaching]

(a) Closed number subject
Closed number subject; Students regularly enrolled in the second year of the degree courses in ACI/BEI, ADU/AUD, COS/BA, ADH, SAL with an average of 27/30 or higher (weighted average of examinations taken acquired by 01/08/2022) - the first 50 students in the ranking list must present a portfolio and 24 students will be selected to take the course.

(b) Teaching dedicated to the Inclusivity Design Ambassadors program
(c) Teaching dedicated to the Inclusivity Design Ambassadors program
(d) Teaching dedicated to the Inclusivity Design Ambassadors program

PoliMI Ambassador in Inclusivity Design

The di Study Course in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design adheres to the Ambassador in Inclusivity Design program of the Politecnico di Milano, aimed at enhancing the skills related to the design of spaces and artifacts based on inclusivity strategies.
Ambassadors in Inclusivity Design are master's degree graduates with a high degree of systemic skills and interdisciplinary vision, capable of designing contexts, spaces, artifacts, infrastructures, technologies, products, and inclusive services for fragile subjects, the elderly, women, children, adolescents and the disabled, enhancing a sense of fairness. These are professional figures characterized by a particular awareness of the social responsibility of the design action with specific reference to the transformation processes of cities (from homes to workplaces, from public spaces to infrastructures) and the relationship with ecosystems, cultural structures, social and economic.
The training program is developed along the course of the Master's Degree (LM). It defines the minimum number of credits necessary to complete the training course of the chosen LM and, simultaneously, to acquire the certification of Ambassador in Inclusivity Design.
As part of the training course, the student must acquire at least 30 ECTS in training activities functional to the profile of Ambassador in Inclusivity Design, chosen from Tables A and B below.
Table A indicates the compulsory specialized courses offered by the Study Course in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design that provide skills in the "inclusivity design" field.
Table B indicates the transversal courses: among these, at least 18 ECTS must be selected. Of which eight will contribute to the achievement of the actual 120 ECTS required for the degree (credits for the exams chosen for the 2nd year of the course), and at least the other ten supernumeraries will allow to obtain the certification of PoliMI Ambassador in Inclusivity Design.
Students who access the Ambassador in Inclusivity Design training course, in compliance with the standard procedures for identifying the topic and the thesis supervisor required for the Master in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, may decide to develop the final thesis in line with the training contents of the course training Ambassador in Inclusivity Design, in agreement with their thesis supervisor.
The Ambassador in Inclusivity Design certification will be reported in the Student's Diploma Supplement, and a specific electronic badge will be issued by the University.
Failure to acquire ten supernumerary credits and at least 30 credits in training activities functional to the Ambassador in Inclusivity Design profile will not preclude the student from obtaining the degree.

Track: * - Table A
Code Course Title CFU Language Programme Track Semester(s) Campus

Track: * - Table B
Code Course Title CFU Language Programme Track Semester(s) Campus
054530 CONFLICTS MANAGEMENT AND RESOLUTION 6.0 EN Any programme Any Track 1 MI
054568 IC URBAN ETHNOGRAPHY 8.0 EN Any programme Any Track 1 MI

7.3.1 Honours Programme Advanced School of Architecture (ASA) 

The Honours Programme Advanced School of Architecture (ASA) is a training course for 20 students enrolled in the following Programmes of the Laurea Magistrale (LM) (equivalent to Master of Science) LM/4







The Advanced School of Architecture (ASA) has the objective to strengthen and develop architect-designers, through design and research work that put the student in direct contact with the professional processes, reality and complexity in European and non-European realities.

The programme is divided into four experimental training experiences, with compulsory attendance:

  • Three week-long Master Classes, during which students will develop a themed project under the guidance of an invited professor, for a total of 12 additional ECTS, which will be part of the Diploma Supplement.

- Master Class 1: in September, at the beginning of the second LM /fifth academic year LM-CU;

- Master Class 2: in January-February, in the middle of the second academic year LM /fifth academic year LM-CU;

- Master Class 3: in June-July at the end of the second academic year LM /fifth academic year LM-CU.

  • an advanced project practice, to be carried out in an architectural studio of international excellence, for at least 600 hours, some of this will comprise the ECTS of the Curricular Internship and the rest will be an Extracurricular Internship which will be part of the Diploma Supplement.

Students can apply for the ASA selection through a call published every year on the Politecnico and AUIC School websites.

7.4 Foreign language

To be admitted to the LM-4 Laurea Magistrale (MSc) programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design, Politecnico di Milano has established a knowledge of English as a pre-requisite. The level requested and relative certifications accepted by the University are indicated in the Guide to the English language, published on the University site at the link:

Certified English language knowledge is necessary in order to be evaluated for admission.

7.5 Degree examination

As is customary, a designated member of the Order of Architects takes part in the Degree Exam Board as an observer. International experts and professors can also take part, but always as observers. The presence of members who are not part of the Board does not influence the legal number of Board members. The Board members are nominated for all the sessions of the same academic year, and each request for modification of the subsequent year must be addressed to the Dean within the month of May of each year.  The Board can also include foreign professors, as a result of the Double Degree agreements in force.  The Laurea Magistrale (MSc) exam methods are available on:

The information on general norms, regulations, exam session calendar, enrolment and thesis submission are available on

8. Academic calendar

We advise periodically consulting the notice boards of the site of your School or Campus to check for variations in the dates given in the calendar and the schedule

9. Faculty

The names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September.
The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.

10. Infrastructures and laboratories

Campus classrooms and teaching areas

The structures of the Piacenza Campus are articulated in the same manner as the University Campus, distributed over Arata Campus and Caserma della Neve (respectively no. 113 and 76 via Scalabrini, Piacenza). Covered and collective open spaces alternate in the two areas, simplifying interdisciplinary exchanges between professors, students and researchers. The presence of pavilion buildings facilitates laboratory-type applied teaching, which covers an important role in the training of architects and landscape designers.

In addition, the presence in Arata Campus of prestigious public institutions such as the office of the Urban Center, the Order of Architects, Landscape Artists, Planners and Conservationists in the Province of Piacenza, the Planning Office of the Municipality of Piacenza and a natural history museum, contribute in characterising the whole cultural system that is present, as well as favouring the interaction between different services and public infrastructures.

Briefly, the Piacenza Campus has the following infrastructures:

- classrooms for lectures;

- classrooms for architectural design;

- computerised classrooms;

- study areas (for groups and individuals);

- laboratories;

spaces for conventions, seminars and exhibitions;

- library.

 Classrooms for lectures

Present in both campuses: Arata Campus and Caserma della Neve.

 Classrooms for architectural design

Present in both campuses, Arata Campus (pavilion-type) and Caserma della Neve.

 Computerised classrooms

In the Caserma della Neve Campus. The Piacenza Campus has five computerised classrooms, two of which specifically for using CAD/CAM software. Thanks to the evening opening service, the classrooms can be used from 7.30 am until 12.00 midnight. The computerised classrooms are managed by the Computer service area.


 Study areas

There are study areas in both Padiglione Baciocchi in Arata Campus, and in Caserma della Neve.

 Modelling laboratory

Active since academic year  2014/15, the modelling laboratory and fablab are at the service of the Programme teaching and laboratory activities. They are managed by dedicated expert staff and have equipment for working different materials, 3D printers, and numeric control machines for laser cutting.

The Modelling Laboratory (LABMOD) is configured through the articulation of these spaces:

- 1 classroom-laboratory for applicative work, fitted suitably for the preparation, production and assembly of models according to the different needs and requests. This space was designed paying attention to the different "manual", "electric" and "computer" tools/equipment needed for cutting the materials, in order to produce models in all scales.

- 1 Logistics Room for archiving, research, updating. There are two work stations with hardware in this room (Personal Computer and relative 2D - CAD - and 3D modelling design software).

The two LABMOD rooms can be integrated further on through the presence, in the same Pavilion, of a small FABLAB with equipment suitable for 3D printing in rapid prototyping, in order to speed up the design process and make it coincide with the product development and production times.

A pavilion is being created for the production of models requiring special materials.

 Spaces for conventions, seminars and exhibitions

The Campus has a pavilion dedicated to conventions, seminars and exhibitions, equipped all year round for organising and preparing public and collective events tied to teaching and research. The flexibility of the other pavilion teaching spaces in Arata Campus make it possible to present, in parallel with teaching, events and exhibitions both internally and externally.


The Piacenza Campus library system gives acces to the texts used in and recommended for the teaching programme bibliographies relative to the degree Programmes that are active in the campus. The library currently holds approximately 5,000 volumes (collected in a dedicated pavilion), a number that is still growing. It includes Italian and foreign scientific works on engineering, themes, chemistry, economy, transport, logistics, energy systems, architecture. Consultation is of the open shelf type. In spite of the small number of paper texts in the Piacenza Campus, the inter-library lending system allows students to obtain volumes from all the Politecnico libraries and other Italian and foreign institutions in very short times. Using the computer posts, students can consult the electronic periodicals of the Politecnico, the online catalogue (OPAC) and international online data banks. There is also an e-book service.

Contact person and loan service:

Dr. Silvia Scotti, tel. 0523-356871 – Fax 0523-356377


 Food service

The presence of bars and restaurants, also having agreement with the University, next to both Campuses (Arata and Caserma della Neve) guarantees the quality of the food available in the university area. Within the Campus, a space is being opened for the distribution of food and drinks.


Piacenza Campus offers great possibilities of welcome for students and visiting professors, with lodgings inside Arata Campus, the Collegio di Piacenza (Casa della Giovane, Francescani, Morigi, Orsoline, Ostello Papa Giovanni XXIII, Protezione della Giovane, Scalabriniani), and other affiliated guest structures distributed throughout the city. For Politecnico students, there are also some lodgings next to the campus that made available by the municipal Administration as cooperative community housing.

11. International context

The educational profiles that are offered have been elaborated and analysed in relation to the following international sector studies and the relative professions and skills:

 “The northern Italian region of Lombardia (including the city of Milan) and the French capital city region of the Île de France recorded the highest number of persons employed in 2010 in the construction sector, across the NUTS level 2 regions of the EU. In Lombardia, the construction workforce was 342.2 thousand strong, while in the Île de France it numbered 328.4 thousand persons, which represented close to 3 % of the EU-27 total in both cases.”

 _ Architectural, engineering, technical testing and analysis services statistics - NACE Rev. 2 / European Commission (,_engineering,_technical_testing_and_analysis_services_statistics_-_NACE_Rev._2)

 “The EU-27’s architectural and technical services sector (Division 71) comprised 970.9 thousand enterprises in 2010, employed 2.9 million persons and recorded value added of EUR 146.0 billion. Within the non-financial business economy (Sections B to J and L to N and Division 95) the architectural and technical services sector represented 2.2 % of the total number of persons employed and 2.5 % of value added. Based on these value added and employment measures, the architectural and technical services sector was the second largest activity among the seven NACE divisions included within professional, scientific and technical activities (Section M), smaller only than legal and accounting services (Division 69). Architectural and technical services employed 26.7 % of the professional, scientific and technical activities workforce and accounted for 26.0 % of its value added.” (Para. “1. Main statistical findings Structural Profile”).

 _ The future for architects? / Royal Institute of British Architecs (2011)


 “…working towards a broader definition of an architect would position graduates to move into career paths leading to a wider range of roles in the built environment professions and to better respond to the changing nature of practice” (pag. 29, Par. “2.0 Propositions for 2025 - 2.02 What roles might those trained in architecture have in 2025?”)

Finally, the profile that results from the new "Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design" Programme integrates polytechnical culture, with the training experience proposed at European Schools of Architecture and with which the Campus has established research (PhD) and teaching (Visiting Professor, Faculty Exchange) relationships, in particular with EscuelaTécnicaSuperior de Arquitectura de Sevilla - Doctorado en Arquitectura),  AaltoUniversity - Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics (Helsinki),  ETSAB - EscuelaTécnicaSuperior de Arquitectura de Barcelona - Biennale Europea del Paesaggio.

12. Internationalization

International Mobility

The Politecnico di Milano offers the students various opportunities to spend periods studying abroad. The credits (ECTS) acquired, subject to the approval of a Learning Agreement, are recognized as an integral part of the curriculum.

International mobility may be for study (a) or a Double Degree (b):

a) period of study at partner universities in EU countries (Erasmus) and non-EU countries (bilateral agreements);

b) Double Degree projects with EU and non-EU universities.

Aside from these opportunities, international mobility  periods of variable lengths and natures are also possible, within international networks which the Politecnico is part of (Alliance4Tech, Athens, Idea League, UniTech).

The mobility for study generally lasts one term. It is potentially extendable, if allowed by the agreement with the partner university, for a further term, subject to authorization from the School Bodies (the Politecnico Teachers who promote the mobility for the partner university).

During the mobility for study, it is possible to acquire credits (ECTS) and/or carry out part of the thesis at the partner university. This opportunity for some universities is specified in the call and is coordinated by the proposing professor; where it is not specified, students may nominate a co-supervisor in the partner university, as long as the objectives and content are agreed with the supervisor, who must be a professor of the Politecnico di Milano. The final discussion of the thesis must take place at the Politecnico di Milano.

Students who take part in the Double Degree programme will obtain the Degree title from the Politecnico di Milano as well as from the partner university, after having acquired a total of 150 or 180 ECTS credits - according to the agreement - across the two universities.  Following the discussion of the thesis - in the ways agreed with the partner university - students will be awarded with two degree with two separate marks.

The marks of the exams sat abroad are validated in the ways posted on the AUIC School’s website which involve a weighted score conversion tool.

Students who have carried out a period of international mobility for study abroad during their Laurea (Bachelor of Science) can apply again during their Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science).


The universities available under the specific agreements for each Programme are posted on the Degree Programme  (Manifesto degli Studi) (***&lang=EN&tipoCorso=ALL_TIPO_CORSO&semestre=ALL_SEMESTRI&c_accordo=-1and on the International Mobility Agreements Map (

Students are requested to read this information before submitting their application.

International mobility is supported by both the Politecnico and the European Union with the payment of a scholarship, the amount of which varies from year to year.

In order to be able to participate in international mobility programmes, either for study or for Double Degrees, students must submit their applications via the call for International Mobility, posted periodically on the Politecnico website and on the AUIC School’s website

Students selected for mobility cannot carry out the exchange during the first term of their first year of their Master Programme.

The selected students must agree with the Professor of Politecnico, Promoter of the partnered university where they have been assigned, a Learning Agreement, i.e. a Study Plan equivalent to the teachings at the foreign university.

The Politecnico does not require a minimum number of ECTS credits, though this may depend on the partner university or on administrative restrictions to obtain a visa that may be necessary for non-EU countries. 

When returning from the mobility for study, a maximum of 42 credits of teachings obtained abroad can be validated.

For students with previous career, the total sum of the credits from previous career and from international mobilitry cannot overcome the number of 42 credits.

For students who have not been selected for international mobility but who nonetheless wish to work on their thesis abroad, financial support is available thanks to the “Tesi all’estero” scholarship posted on the Politecnico di Milano website and the AUIC School’s website

 International Mobility for Internships

The Erasmus+ for Traineeship Programme allows students to do an internship (which can replace the obligatory internship, or as an optional internship or post-graduate internship) in Europe of a minimum duration of 2 months thanks to a scholarship funded by the European Commission.


“FREE MOVER" mobility

Students who carry out an international mobility by organizing their own study period abroad are defined as "free movers".

This international mobility is not linked to an exchange program organized by Politecnico di Milano.

The freemover mobility must be approved, for the purpose of the recognition of credits and further constraints, by a referent of your course of study and will be recognized only the activities of:

- teaching attendance

- performance of thesis work

For information, students can contact the International Mobility Unit – Via Golgi 42, Milan

International Mobility for Internships

The Erasmus+ for Traineeship Programme allows students to do an internship (which can replace the obligatory internship, or as an optional internship or post-graduate internship) in Europe of a minimum duration of 2 months thanks to a scholarship funded by the European Commission 

“FREE MOVER" student mobility

“Free Movers” are students who carry out international mobility independently organizing their study period abroad.

This mobility is not tied to a Politecnico di Milano organized exchange programme.  

To have credits validated and other issues recognized, Free Mover mobility must be approved by a contact person from your Course of Study. Only the following activities will be recognized:

l  attending lectures

l  thesis work

For full regulations - 

For information, students can contact the International Mobility Unit – Via Golgi 42, Milan

13. Quantitative data

The Studies Service and the University Assessment Nucleus carry out periodic analyses of the overall results and the quality level of Programme teaching, monitoring educational activities and the ability of graduates to find work. Reports and studies are available on the Politecnico di Milano website.

14. Further information



1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees

1.1        Programme Requirements and Specifications

1.2        Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates

1.2.1 Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options

1.3        Assessment Parameters

1.3.1 Graduates from the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission

1.3.2 Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

1.4      Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission to the Programme

1.5      Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

1.5.1 Students of the Politecnico di Milano

1.5.2 Students from Other Universities

1.5.3 Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions

1.6      Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted

1.6.1 Ranking system

1.7     Examination Validation

2    Admission to the Programme – Students with Foreign Degrees

3    Transfers and Changes

4     Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures

5     Study Plan

5.1      Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission

5.2      Half-year Change of Study Plan

5.3      Additional Payment

5.4      Attendance

5.4.1 Studios

5.5      Courses as Extra


6.1      Studios

6.2      Single-subject and Integrated Courses

6.3      Course Priorities

7       Elective Activities

7.1      Optional Courses

7.2      Workshops

8       Traineeship

9       Examinations

9.1    Procedures

10     Final Test 




1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees


All candidates for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are required to submit an application for career assessment using the specific function available on the University website, in the Online Services section (


1.1       Programme Requirements and Specifications

The requirements are those previously described in paragraph 6.1 of the Educational Rules.


General University information on admission and enrolment PROCEDURES is available on the University website:



1.2      Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates


1.2.1 Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options


Starting from the academic year 2017/18, candidates submitting an application for assessment must choose their Programme (CdS) together with their Previously Approved Study Plan (PSPA) options where required.

The University rules establish a maximum of three options for application for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes. It is therefore possible to indicate up to three Programme preferences.

If required, for each Programme, it is possible to specify the available Previously Approved Study Plans in order of preference.

For AUIC School Programmes, the various Previously Approved Study Plan options within the same Programme are only counted once towards the maximum of three preferences that may be expressed.

Students may, within the established deadline, change/overwrite their choices up until the time the application is processed for assessment by the Commission.


The Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio Programme involves a single educational path and it is therefore sufficient to indicate the Programme.



1.3      Assessment Parameters

1.3.1 Graduate Students of the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission

Students who have gained a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science), in accordance with the admission requirements, from the Politecnico di Milano are automatically entitled to admission to their first-choice Programme and precede all other candidates in the ranking list, provided that they:

  • graduated within 4 years of their initial enrolment;
  • have a fulfilled N/V parameter* by October 10th of the second calendar year after their initial enrolment;
  • hold certification of English language learning by the established deadline.


For the “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio” Programmes, the N and V parameters are as follows:

- Students enrolled from the A.Y. 2003/04 to the A.Y. 2009/10: N/V 104/25

- Students enrolled since the A.Y.  2010/11: N/V 104/27


Admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of category LM-4 is not permitted for graduate students in categories L-21 and L-23 (with the exception of graduate students in Architecture and Building Production from the Politecnico di Milano, admitted with educational debits), even with a fulfilled N/V parameter, or from other non-compliant degree categories.


*The N and V parameters (number of ECTS and weighted average) required can be found in the student’s Study Plan. These may vary depending on the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme applied for.


1.3.2 Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

Students not automatically entitled to admission, external students and students transferred from another Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme are subject to assessment of merit.

Assessment is performed by the relevant Programme, which may award up to 150 points:


- up to 110 points = assessment of the educational curriculum(weighted average of examination scores on a basis of at least 145 credits earned). The average of the examination scores recorded in the Plan at the time of assessment will be considered valid;

- up to 20 points = assessment of a portfolio of work including text and iconographic material, which will be assessed according to the criteria of content originality and coherence, formal quality, discursive and graphic ability and linguistic expression;

- up to10 points = assessment of experiences of traineeshipor extra-curricular work fully documented, certified by the company, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career; the starting/end date of each intership experience/extracurricular activity must be specified;

- up to10 points = assessment of other qualifications (certified) in research or extra-curricular training thoroughly documented, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career.


Students required to submit a portfolio are eligible for admission with a minimum score of 100. At each deadline date, the top ranked students are accepted according to the planned number of admissions for that semester. Should there be eligible students with equal scores, their precedence in the ranking will take into account their weighted average until all available places have been filled.


1.4      Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission to the Programme

All students automatically entitled to admission must submit an admission application. Assessment is based solely on the educational curriculum (Study Plan) for identification of any examination or attendance validation requirements.

No documents should be attached to the career assessment application.


1.5      Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit

1.5.1 Students of the Politecnico di Milano

Admitted with assessment of merit

  •                   Curriculum Vitae, European format
  •                   Portfolio
  •                   Professional and training activities


The guidelines for submission of the portfolio are published on the AUIC School website:


1.5.2 Students from Other Universities

Admitted with assessment of merit

  •                   Self-certification of the degree held (graduate students only)
  •                   Self-certification of examinations passed for at least 145 credits. Other certifications of any university degrees held: Masters, PhDs, and Postgraduate Schools

The documentation may be self-certified in accordance with the statutory provisions governing Substitute Declarations (Dichiarazioni sostitutive). It must contain the exact titles of the examinations taken, the Disciplinary Scientific Sectors, the number of credits per scientific sector, the score and the examination recording date. The applicant must sign the documents, otherwise they are not legally binding and cannot be accepted by the Selection Committee.

  •                   Curriculum Vitae, European format
  •                   Portfolio
  •                   Professional and training activities


The guidelines for submission of the portfolio are published on the AUIC School website:


1.5.3 Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions

Students wishing to confirm the score obtained by a portfolio submitted during previous semesters must to re-enter the previously-assessed portfolio indicating  in the "student's notes”:

“I confirm the portfolio assessment previously obtained during semester ….  of the academic year ……”

 Students who have already applied for admission in previous application windows, and wish to integrate their portfolio, should upload the portfolio used for previous applications/s, adding a section dedicated to integrations. In the notes of the application, it should be specified:

“Integration to the portfolio already evaluated for application to the academic year ……, ….semester.”


The application wil not be considered, should the student not specify one or the other indication in the notes of the application.



1.6      Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted

With regard to the points above, at the end of the evaluation sessions, a merit based ranking will be published, in order to the determine the number of admitted students in relation to the places available.

For Politecnico di Milano graduating students: in order to be included in the merit ranking must have obtained a number of credits equal to or greater than 172; will be taken into account just the credits registered by the time the ranking list is generated.

In order to guarantee the foreseen number of places, a student that has been positively evaluated for admission (green check) might not be able to enroll. Enrolment will be enabled to students who appear in the merit based ranking as “admitted to enrolment”.

The ranking reporting the indication of the admitted students will be published at the end of the evaluation session at the page:

Admitted students should proceed with enrolment following the modalities and deadlines set by the University. graduating students can enrol with reserve by following the instructions published on the website.

Appeals to enroll after the deadline will not be accepted.

1.6.1 Ranking system


The places allocated to students with an Italian qualification, which may not be used to reach the number of places available within the Course of Study for the academic year 2021/22, are made available for related ranking list purposes.


The following will be excluded from the ranking list of individual Courses of Study:

- students already enrolled in one of the University's Courses of Study

- students already eligible for enrolment (but who have not exercised the right of enrolment )  in the Course of Study using the ranking list.


Students who have expressed more than one CdS/PSPA option and who are eligible for the ranking list will be selected, only once, based on their first available option in the ranking.

Students eligible in the ranking can enroll and present their study plan in the period indicated in the academic calender.

1.7      Examination Validation

The deliberation n. 14779 23/03/2015 of the Academic Senate, establishes that in case of abbreviation of a study career, it is necessary to achieve at least 60 ECTS credits at Politecnico di Milano, in order to achieve a degree at this University: the 60 ECTS credits include curricular subjects, except for the internship and final thesis, which must be carried out in addition to the 60 ECTS credits. The School establishes that credits which can be validated from a previous career are only those belonging to a Master of Science career carried out in a country of the European Union.

Validated credits will automatically appear in the student’s study plan.

2 Admission to the Programme - Students with Foreign Degrees

Students with foreign degrees should follow the pre-enrolment procedure described on the Polinternational website (, observing the established deadlines. By following this procedure, students can apply for merit scholarships and obtain further information on organising their stay in Italy during the post-admission phase.

As of the Academic Year 2021/2022, the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering will only accept new admissions of students with non-Italian qualifications in the first semester (September). 

The School will consider requests for admission deferment to the second semester (defer). Obtaining a deferment is subject to the availability of planned places. Students may apply for deferment from June to August. 

Students will be informed of the outcome of their request at the beginning of October 2022:  

  • Students who have been granted the deferment will be asked to confirm it by paying the non-refundable administrative fee of €172.20 by a provided deadline.
  • Students who have not been granted the deferment may reapply for the following academic year. 


3 Transfers and Changes

Transfer from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or other universities is only permitted through submission of an admission application.

Transferred students’ previous examinations may be validated if deemed compatible with the course catalogue of the degree programme applied for.

Enrolment on a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is not a guarantee of transfer without educational debits. The Commission will always take into account the first-level Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) gained, applying current regulations.

Transfer to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design is not permitted for candidates enrolled at Italian universities on single-cycle Laurea Magistrale Programmes. Students from foreign universities in countries with educational systems that do not include Laurea Triennale (equivalent to three-year Bachelor’s Degree) Programmes must guarantee enrolment on the 4th year of the programme, passing of examinations worth at least 180 ECTS credits and meeting of the minimum curricular requirements for category L-17.


4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures

The deadlines for the new academic year will be published on the school and university website.


5 Study Plan

Students are required, under their own responsibility, to submit their individual Study Plan. The study plan submitted in September, according to the deadlines set by the School, must include the teachings for the entire academic year.

The Study Plan is taken by the School as a supporting document for all intents and purposes. Its compilation also attests to the compliance of the choices made by the student with the rules specified by law and the provisions of the Programme Rules.

The Study Plan of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio” consists of 120 ECTS, to be included in the Plan as required credits, subdivided as follows:

-          single-subject or integrated courses

-          studios

-          elective activities

-          traineeship

-          final test


It is necessary to include a course in the Study Plan in order to benefit from the associated educational services, i.e. attend lectures, appear on the Professor’s lists, participate in exercises, participate in practical and complementary activities (studios, seminars, projects, etc.), be admitted (through enrolment in exam sessions)to in-course assessments and examinations, and receive an examination assessment.

Please note: It is advisable to always save and print the Study Plan submitted.

Plan alteration requests will not be accepted. Submission of the Study Plan is definitive and must be performed within the deadlines and according to the procedures established by the School. When choosing courses, the teaching timetable must be consulted in advance in order to avoid timetable clashes.


5.1      Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission

Study Plan submission is performed through Online Services ( > Customized Services > Career Data > Study Plan Submission), exclusively during the specific periods established by the academic calendar.


5.2      Half-year Change of Study Plan

In a specific window set by the academic calendar, it will be possible to change the Study Plan submitted during the academic year in progress.

Half-year change of Study Plan is optional. Students not wishing to make any alterations do not need to change the Study Plan.


It is possible to change only courses included in the current academic year. It is not possible to add or deselect first-semester courses. Students must deselect the second-semester courses they wish to change.

It will therefore be possible to add or remove, within the second semester only, optional and compulsory courses not subject to allocation of merit, final test and traineeship.


5.3      Additional Payment

Through resolution of the Board of Governors, an additional payment of 100.00 euros is applicable for failure to submit the Study Plan within the deadlines established by the academic calendar.

The payment will be required with the second instalment.


5.4      Attendance

Once included in the study plan, teachings are listed as acquired attendance in the following years, giving the possibility to take the examination with the original professor as long as the latter remains active. If the student wishes to attend the teaching again, when filling the study plan for the following academic year (September), they can delete the previously acquired attendance and insert the same teachings (according to the active educational offer) as new attendance.

The final test and traineeship are entered only once during the entire university career.

5.4.1 Studios

Attendance of at least 70% of the Studio hours is compulsory. The attendance achieved does not expire but the examination must be taken within the three sessions of the academic year following the one in which attendance takes place. Should this time expire, the Studio must be entirely re-attended and re-entered in the Study Plan.


5.5      Courses as Extra

It is possible to add courses/educational activities to the Study Plan as extras. These courses will not count towards the overall credits required for admission to the final test and will not be used in calculation of the score average.

It is possible to change the status of a course from required to extra, and vice versa, during the annual Study Plan submission period.

For all regulations, reference should be made to the specific University guide.



6 Allocations


6.1      Studios


Upon submission of the Study Plan, students must choose a number of Studio options equal to the number of sections available.

Students will be allocated based on merit, taking into account the parameters indicated in the following table:

Order by decreasing values of parameter G


G=Σ  Vi •Ci


where Vi is the score obtained in the i-th examination, Ci is the number of credits corresponding to the i-th examination, and is the number of examinations taken.


First year: the parameter G will be calculated based on the career followed at deadline of request of admission.

Second year: the parameter G will be calculated based on the career followed during the summer session.


For all students returning from Erasmus, it will not be possible to take the scores into account unless previously validated on the Plan prior to allocation.

Any admitted students who, for whatever reason, delay enrolment beyond the established deadlines will be automatically placed in the available sections.

Students are not permitted to attend studios or courses not included in the Plan. Under no circumstances may assessments relating to activities not included in the Study Plan, or not attended in accordance with the section allocations, be recognised or validated.

The School defines the number of students in each studio’s section. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.

6.2      Single-subject and Integrated Courses

In sections in which there are elective courses or various sections of the same single-subject or integrated course, students must express their preferences as set out by the online system and will be allocated places according to merit in accordance with the criteria indicated in the above point.   

The School defines the number of students who may enrol in each programme. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.


6.3      Course Priorities


The University, upon resolution of the Academic Senate, has established the following priority types:

Suggested priority

Does not establish any formal restriction. Aims to provide students with useful information on the sequence of courses but does not affect the composition of the Study Plan or examination recording.

Study Plan composition priority

Establishes a restriction which must be observed when choosing courses upon submission of the Study Plan. It is not possible for course ‘B’ to be included in the Study Plan if course ‘A’ (even if not passed) has not been included. This does not affect examination recording.

Examination recording priority

Establishes a restriction which must be observed both during Study Plan compilation and during 'positive' examination recording (passing of the course). It is not possible for ‘B’ to be recorded if ‘A’ has not been recorded.



For the Laurea Magistrale(equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio”, the course progression established by the Degree Programme must be observed.


7 Elective Activities

In their educational path, students are required to include optional courses designed to further explore and complete the specific topics studied. The course catalogue of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering offers numerous courses termed ‘optional’ which serve to complete the elective course ECTS.

As an alternative, the School recognises Workshops as specified below.

Elective courses can be selected within a wide and articulated didactic offer, enhanced by the elective courses held within different Study Programmes of the School.


7.1      Optional Courses

During Study Plan compilation, students may add a number of optional courses dependant on the course catalogue included in the Degree Programme.

A list of the courses offered and their programmes may be consulted in the Degree Programme.

The School defines the number of students who may enrol in each programme. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.


7.2      Workshops

Workshop activities are of two types:

- workshops recognized as optional courses or excess courses;

- workshops recognized as traineeship.

In relation to degree sessions, workshops can be accredited only if they end at least a month before graduation day.

Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students cannot request the accreditation of a workshop attended while being enrolled in a Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme; if the workshop has been carried out as an “excess course” during the Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme, it cannot be validated within the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme.

Educational credits earned from workshops may only be recognized if authorized in advance by the School Board, following a reasoned and supported programme proposal by a Professor (of the School or the Politecnico di Milano) coordinating the activities.

A list of the workshops accredited by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is available in the dedicated section of the School’s website and updated several times during the year:

In order to participate in workshops, students must follow the procedures indicated in each workshop summary sheet and refer to the relevant Professors indicated by the Professor responsible.

Students who have attended or wish to attend a workshop must observe the following procedures:

- students enrolled starting from the 2016/17 academic year, must have entered the “Workshop” line when completing the study plan.

- students enrolled in academic years prior to 2016/17, during Study Plan compilation, they may have entered the “Workshop” line or, alternatively, an optional course. Students may replace the optional course with attendance of a workshop. In this case, the appropriate Offices will do the change of line in the Plan during recording of credits.

Validation must be requested at least one month before the graduation date by attaching the certificate of participation, specifying in the application whether validation is required as a WORKSHOP or as a COMPULSORY INTERNSHIP (only if this option is provided for in the workshop summary sheet). The application must be sent to the email address (in case of validation as a workshop) or to (in case of validation as an internship)


For the Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design Programme, recognition of a maximum of 8 ECTS earned from participation in workshops is permitted.


8 Traineeship

Students can carry out their traineeship from the first semester of the first year or at a later time, provided that it has been inserted in the Study Plan during the submission and change periods.

The School cooperates with professional associations, public administrations, local authorities and companies to organise external traineeship activities in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to earn the credits required by the educational system.

In addition, students may carry out a Practical Activity (traineeship) within the Departments of the Politecnico di Milano.

The rules on traineeship duration will be established by the Programmes, in accordance with the directives of the School. All further information is available at the Traineeship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the dedicated section of the School’s Website School: Internships (


The University also organises Erasmus scholarships for traineeships abroad. For further information:


9 Examinations

15.9.1      Procedures

The uniformity of procedures for checking of learning across all sections of the same course and planning of these procedures is ensured through appropriate forms of coordination, in line with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.

At the start of the academic year, each Professor will communicate the procedures for checking of learning, the content of the examination and the assessment criteria.

For each course (programmes or laboratories) there are three exam sessions. Each exam session involves one or more exam session date as established by the School’s academic calendar.

Students may only participate in the exam sessions if duly registered, within the deadlines provided through the Online Services. At the end of the exam registration procedure, the system issues a receipt, to be saved and storedthat confirms the enrollment. 


Students can register to an exam only if: 


  • they paid all university tuition fees 

  • that course is included in their Study Plan 

  • they passed all propaedeutic exams related to the one to which they want to be registered 

  • they attended the course, in case the attendance is compulsory 


Students may also register after the deadline set by the School. In factthey may register up until midnight of the actual exam date. In this case, the registration will be accepted¿as conditional, and it will be up to the teacher’s unappealable decision whether or the student not may be admitted to the exam in question. 

10    Final Test


The Laurea Magistrale(equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design concludes with a Final Test involving presentation and discussion of the graduation work.

For all information on the Final Test, reference must be made to the Additional Regulations of the Final Test for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design.

15. Errata corrige