1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees
1.1 Programme Requirements and Specifications
1.2 Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates
1.2.1 Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options
1.3 Assessment Parameters
1.3.1 Graduates from the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission
1.3.2 Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit
1.4 Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission to the Programme
1.5 Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit
1.5.1 Students of the Politecnico di Milano
1.5.2 Students from Other Universities
1.5.3 Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions
1.6 Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted
1.6.1 Ranking system
1.7 Examination Validation
2 Admission to the Programme – Students with Foreign Degrees
3 Transfers and Changes
4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures
5 Study Plan
5.1 Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission
5.2 Half-year Change of Study Plan
5.3 Additional Payment
5.4 Attendance
5.4.1 Studios
5.5 Courses as Extra
6 Allocations
6.1 Studios
6.2 Single-subject and Integrated Courses
6.3 Course Priorities
7 Elective Activities
7.1 Optional Courses
7.2 Workshops
8 Traineeship
9 Examinations
9.1 Procedures
10 Final Test
1 Admission to the Programme - Students with Italian Degrees
All candidates for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are required to submit an application for career assessment using the specific function available on the University website, in the Online Services section (
1.1 Programme Requirements and Specifications
The requirements are those previously described in paragraph 6.1 of the Educational Rules.
General University information on admission and enrolment PROCEDURES is available on the University website:
1.2 Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates
1.2.1 Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan Options
Starting from the academic year 2017/18, candidates submitting an application for assessment must choose their Programme (CdS) together with their Previously Approved Study Plan (PSPA) options where required.
The University rules establish a maximum of three options for application for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes. It is therefore possible to indicate up to three Programme preferences.
If required, for each Programme, it is possible to specify the available Previously Approved Study Plans in order of preference.
For AUIC School Programmes, the various Previously Approved Study Plan options within the same Programme are only counted once towards the maximum of three preferences that may be expressed.
Students may, within the established deadline, change/overwrite their choices up until the time the application is processed for assessment by the Commission.
The Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio Programme involves a single educational path and it is therefore sufficient to indicate the Programme.
1.3 Assessment Parameters
1.3.1 Graduate Students of the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission
Students who have gained a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science), in accordance with the admission requirements, from the Politecnico di Milano are automatically entitled to admission to their first-choice Programme and precede all other candidates in the ranking list, provided that they:
- graduated within 4 years of their initial enrolment;
- have a fulfilled N/V parameter* by October 10th of the second calendar year after their initial enrolment;
- hold certification of English language learning by the established deadline.
For the “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio” Programmes, the N and V parameters are as follows:
- Students enrolled from the A.Y. 2003/04 to the A.Y. 2009/10: N/V 104/25
- Students enrolled since the A.Y. 2010/11: N/V 104/27
Admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of category LM-4 is not permitted for graduate students in categories L-21 and L-23 (with the exception of graduate students in Architecture and Building Production from the Politecnico di Milano, admitted with educational debits), even with a fulfilled N/V parameter, or from other non-compliant degree categories.
*The N and V parameters (number of ECTS and weighted average) required can be found in the student’s Study Plan. These may vary depending on the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme applied for.
1.3.2 Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit
Students not automatically entitled to admission, external students and students transferred from another Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme are subject to assessment of merit.
Assessment is performed by the relevant Programme, which may award up to 150 points:
- up to 110 points = assessment of the educational curriculum(weighted average of examination scores on a basis of at least 145 credits earned). The average of the examination scores recorded in the Plan at the time of assessment will be considered valid;
- up to 20 points = assessment of a portfolio of work including text and iconographic material, which will be assessed according to the criteria of content originality and coherence, formal quality, discursive and graphic ability and linguistic expression;
- up to10 points = assessment of experiences of traineeshipor extra-curricular work fully documented, certified by the company, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career; the starting/end date of each intership experience/extracurricular activity must be specified;
- up to10 points = assessment of other qualifications (certified) in research or extra-curricular training thoroughly documented, relevant and significant to the training of an architect and not used to validate required credits during the previous career.
Students required to submit a portfolio are eligible for admission with a minimum score of 100. At each deadline date, the top ranked students are accepted according to the planned number of admissions for that semester. Should there be eligible students with equal scores, their precedence in the ranking will take into account their weighted average until all available places have been filled.
1.4 Documents Required for Students Automatically Entitled to Admission to the Programme
All students automatically entitled to admission must submit an admission application. Assessment is based solely on the educational curriculum (Study Plan) for identification of any examination or attendance validation requirements.
No documents should be attached to the career assessment application.
1.5 Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit
1.5.1 Students of the Politecnico di Milano
Admitted with assessment of merit
- Curriculum Vitae, European format
- Portfolio
- Professional and training activities
The guidelines for submission of the portfolio are published on the AUIC School website:
1.5.2 Students from Other Universities
Admitted with assessment of merit
- Self-certification of the degree held (graduate students only)
- Self-certification of examinations passed for at least 145 credits. Other certifications of any university degrees held: Masters, PhDs, and Postgraduate Schools
The documentation may be self-certified in accordance with the statutory provisions governing Substitute Declarations (Dichiarazioni sostitutive). It must contain the exact titles of the examinations taken, the Disciplinary Scientific Sectors, the number of credits per scientific sector, the score and the examination recording date. The applicant must sign the documents, otherwise they are not legally binding and cannot be accepted by the Selection Committee.
- Curriculum Vitae, European format
- Portfolio
- Professional and training activities
The guidelines for submission of the portfolio are published on the AUIC School website:
1.5.3 Students who have Submitted an Admission Application during Previous Sessions
Students wishing to confirm the score obtained by a portfolio submitted during previous semesters must to re-enter the previously-assessed portfolio indicating in the "student's notes”:
“I confirm the portfolio assessment previously obtained during semester …. of the academic year ……”
Students who have already applied for admission in previous application windows, and wish to integrate their portfolio, should upload the portfolio used for previous applications/s, adding a section dedicated to integrations. In the notes of the application, it should be specified:
“Integration to the portfolio already evaluated for application to the academic year ……, ….semester.”
The application wil not be considered, should the student not specify one or the other indication in the notes of the application.
1.6 Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted
With regard to the points above, at the end of the evaluation sessions, a merit based ranking will be published, in order to the determine the number of admitted students in relation to the places available.
For Politecnico di Milano graduating students: in order to be included in the merit ranking must have obtained a number of credits equal to or greater than 172; will be taken into account just the credits registered by the time the ranking list is generated.
In order to guarantee the foreseen number of places, a student that has been positively evaluated for admission (green check) might not be able to enroll. Enrolment will be enabled to students who appear in the merit based ranking as “admitted to enrolment”.
The ranking reporting the indication of the admitted students will be published at the end of the evaluation session at the page:
Admitted students should proceed with enrolment following the modalities and deadlines set by the University. graduating students can enrol with reserve by following the instructions published on the website.
Appeals to enroll after the deadline will not be accepted.
1.6.1 Ranking system
The places allocated to students with an Italian qualification, which may not be used to reach the number of places available within the Course of Study for the academic year 2021/22, are made available for related ranking list purposes.
The following will be excluded from the ranking list of individual Courses of Study:
- students already enrolled in one of the University's Courses of Study
- students already eligible for enrolment (but who have not exercised the right of enrolment ) in the Course of Study using the ranking list.
Students who have expressed more than one CdS/PSPA option and who are eligible for the ranking list will be selected, only once, based on their first available option in the ranking.
Students eligible in the ranking can enroll and present their study plan in the period indicated in the academic calender.
1.7 Examination Validation
The deliberation n. 14779 23/03/2015 of the Academic Senate, establishes that in case of abbreviation of a study career, it is necessary to achieve at least 60 ECTS credits at Politecnico di Milano, in order to achieve a degree at this University: the 60 ECTS credits include curricular subjects, except for the internship and final thesis, which must be carried out in addition to the 60 ECTS credits. The School establishes that credits which can be validated from a previous career are only those belonging to a Master of Science career carried out in a country of the European Union.
Validated credits will automatically appear in the student’s study plan.
2 Admission to the Programme - Students with Foreign Degrees
Students with foreign degrees should follow the pre-enrolment procedure described on the Polinternational website (, observing the established deadlines. By following this procedure, students can apply for merit scholarships and obtain further information on organising their stay in Italy during the post-admission phase.
As of the Academic Year 2021/2022, the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering will only accept new admissions of students with non-Italian qualifications in the first semester (September).
The School will consider requests for admission deferment to the second semester (defer). Obtaining a deferment is subject to the availability of planned places. Students may apply for deferment from June to August.
Students will be informed of the outcome of their request at the beginning of October 2022:
- Students who have been granted the deferment will be asked to confirm it by paying the non-refundable administrative fee of €172.20 by a provided deadline.
- Students who have not been granted the deferment may reapply for the following academic year.
3 Transfers and Changes
Transfer from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes or other universities is only permitted through submission of an admission application.
Transferred students’ previous examinations may be validated if deemed compatible with the course catalogue of the degree programme applied for.
Enrolment on a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is not a guarantee of transfer without educational debits. The Commission will always take into account the first-level Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) gained, applying current regulations.
Transfer to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design is not permitted for candidates enrolled at Italian universities on single-cycle Laurea Magistrale Programmes. Students from foreign universities in countries with educational systems that do not include Laurea Triennale (equivalent to three-year Bachelor’s Degree) Programmes must guarantee enrolment on the 4th year of the programme, passing of examinations worth at least 180 ECTS credits and meeting of the minimum curricular requirements for category L-17.
4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures
The deadlines for the new academic year will be published on the school and university website.
5 Study Plan
Students are required, under their own responsibility, to submit their individual Study Plan. The study plan submitted in September, according to the deadlines set by the School, must include the teachings for the entire academic year.
The Study Plan is taken by the School as a supporting document for all intents and purposes. Its compilation also attests to the compliance of the choices made by the student with the rules specified by law and the provisions of the Programme Rules.
The Study Plan of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio” consists of 120 ECTS, to be included in the Plan as required credits, subdivided as follows:
- single-subject or integrated courses
- studios
- elective activities
- traineeship
- final test
It is necessary to include a course in the Study Plan in order to benefit from the associated educational services, i.e. attend lectures, appear on the Professor’s lists, participate in exercises, participate in practical and complementary activities (studios, seminars, projects, etc.), be admitted (through enrolment in exam sessions)to in-course assessments and examinations, and receive an examination assessment.
Please note: It is advisable to always save and print the Study Plan submitted.
Plan alteration requests will not be accepted. Submission of the Study Plan is definitive and must be performed within the deadlines and according to the procedures established by the School. When choosing courses, the teaching timetable must be consulted in advance in order to avoid timetable clashes.
5.1 Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission
Study Plan submission is performed through Online Services ( > Customized Services > Career Data > Study Plan Submission), exclusively during the specific periods established by the academic calendar.
5.2 Half-year Change of Study Plan
In a specific window set by the academic calendar, it will be possible to change the Study Plan submitted during the academic year in progress.
Half-year change of Study Plan is optional. Students not wishing to make any alterations do not need to change the Study Plan.
It is possible to change only courses included in the current academic year. It is not possible to add or deselect first-semester courses. Students must deselect the second-semester courses they wish to change.
It will therefore be possible to add or remove, within the second semester only, optional and compulsory courses not subject to allocation of merit, final test and traineeship.
5.3 Additional Payment
Through resolution of the Board of Governors, an additional payment of 100.00 euros is applicable for failure to submit the Study Plan within the deadlines established by the academic calendar.
The payment will be required with the second instalment.
5.4 Attendance
Once included in the study plan, teachings are listed as acquired attendance in the following years, giving the possibility to take the examination with the original professor as long as the latter remains active. If the student wishes to attend the teaching again, when filling the study plan for the following academic year (September), they can delete the previously acquired attendance and insert the same teachings (according to the active educational offer) as new attendance.
The final test and traineeship are entered only once during the entire university career.
5.4.1 Studios
Attendance of at least 70% of the Studio hours is compulsory. The attendance achieved does not expire but the examination must be taken within the three sessions of the academic year following the one in which attendance takes place. Should this time expire, the Studio must be entirely re-attended and re-entered in the Study Plan.
5.5 Courses as Extra
It is possible to add courses/educational activities to the Study Plan as extras. These courses will not count towards the overall credits required for admission to the final test and will not be used in calculation of the score average.
It is possible to change the status of a course from required to extra, and vice versa, during the annual Study Plan submission period.
For all regulations, reference should be made to the specific University guide.
6 Allocations
6.1 Studios
Upon submission of the Study Plan, students must choose a number of Studio options equal to the number of sections available.
Students will be allocated based on merit, taking into account the parameters indicated in the following table:
Order by decreasing values of parameter G
G=Σ Vi •Ci
where Vi is the score obtained in the i-th examination, Ci is the number of credits corresponding to the i-th examination, and n is the number of examinations taken.
First year: the parameter G will be calculated based on the career followed at deadline of request of admission.
Second year: the parameter G will be calculated based on the career followed during the summer session.
For all students returning from Erasmus, it will not be possible to take the scores into account unless previously validated on the Plan prior to allocation.
Any admitted students who, for whatever reason, delay enrolment beyond the established deadlines will be automatically placed in the available sections.
Students are not permitted to attend studios or courses not included in the Plan. Under no circumstances may assessments relating to activities not included in the Study Plan, or not attended in accordance with the section allocations, be recognised or validated.
The School defines the number of students in each studio’s section. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.
6.2 Single-subject and Integrated Courses
In sections in which there are elective courses or various sections of the same single-subject or integrated course, students must express their preferences as set out by the online system and will be allocated places according to merit in accordance with the criteria indicated in the above point.
The School defines the number of students who may enrol in each programme. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.
6.3 Course Priorities
The University, upon resolution of the Academic Senate, has established the following priority types:
Suggested priority
Does not establish any formal restriction. Aims to provide students with useful information on the sequence of courses but does not affect the composition of the Study Plan or examination recording.
Study Plan composition priority
Establishes a restriction which must be observed when choosing courses upon submission of the Study Plan. It is not possible for course ‘B’ to be included in the Study Plan if course ‘A’ (even if not passed) has not been included. This does not affect examination recording.
Examination recording priority
Establishes a restriction which must be observed both during Study Plan compilation and during 'positive' examination recording (passing of the course). It is not possible for ‘B’ to be recorded if ‘A’ has not been recorded.
For the Laurea Magistrale(equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in “Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design - Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio”, the course progression established by the Degree Programme must be observed.
7 Elective Activities
In their educational path, students are required to include optional courses designed to further explore and complete the specific topics studied. The course catalogue of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering offers numerous courses termed ‘optional’ which serve to complete the elective course ECTS.
As an alternative, the School recognises Workshops as specified below.
Elective courses can be selected within a wide and articulated didactic offer, enhanced by the elective courses held within different Study Programmes of the School.
7.1 Optional Courses
During Study Plan compilation, students may add a number of optional courses dependant on the course catalogue included in the Degree Programme.
A list of the courses offered and their programmes may be consulted in the Degree Programme.
The School defines the number of students who may enrol in each programme. The School reserves the right to change this number if it is helpful for teaching.
7.2 Workshops
Workshop activities are of two types:
- workshops recognized as optional courses or excess courses;
- workshops recognized as traineeship.
In relation to degree sessions, workshops can be accredited only if they end at least a month before graduation day.
Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) students cannot request the accreditation of a workshop attended while being enrolled in a Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme; if the workshop has been carried out as an “excess course” during the Laurea Triennale (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) programme, it cannot be validated within the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programme.
Educational credits earned from workshops may only be recognized if authorized in advance by the School Board, following a reasoned and supported programme proposal by a Professor (of the School or the Politecnico di Milano) coordinating the activities.
A list of the workshops accredited by the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering is available in the dedicated section of the School’s website and updated several times during the year:
In order to participate in workshops, students must follow the procedures indicated in each workshop summary sheet and refer to the relevant Professors indicated by the Professor responsible.
Students who have attended or wish to attend a workshop must observe the following procedures:
- students enrolled starting from the 2016/17 academic year, must have entered the “Workshop” line when completing the study plan.
- students enrolled in academic years prior to 2016/17, during Study Plan compilation, they may have entered the “Workshop” line or, alternatively, an optional course. Students may replace the optional course with attendance of a workshop. In this case, the appropriate Offices will do the change of line in the Plan during recording of credits.
Validation must be requested at least one month before the graduation date by attaching the certificate of participation, specifying in the application whether validation is required as a WORKSHOP or as a COMPULSORY INTERNSHIP (only if this option is provided for in the workshop summary sheet). The application must be sent to the email address (in case of validation as a workshop) or to (in case of validation as an internship)
For the Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design Programme, recognition of a maximum of 8 ECTS earned from participation in workshops is permitted.
8 Traineeship
Students can carry out their traineeship from the first semester of the first year or at a later time, provided that it has been inserted in the Study Plan during the submission and change periods.
The School cooperates with professional associations, public administrations, local authorities and companies to organise external traineeship activities in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to earn the credits required by the educational system.
In addition, students may carry out a Practical Activity (traineeship) within the Departments of the Politecnico di Milano.
The rules on traineeship duration will be established by the Programmes, in accordance with the directives of the School. All further information is available at the Traineeship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the dedicated section of the School’s Website School: Internships (
The University also organises Erasmus scholarships for traineeships abroad. For further information:
9 Examinations
15.9.1 Procedures
The uniformity of procedures for checking of learning across all sections of the same course and planning of these procedures is ensured through appropriate forms of coordination, in line with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programme.
At the start of the academic year, each Professor will communicate the procedures for checking of learning, the content of the examination and the assessment criteria.
For each course (programmes or laboratories) there are three exam sessions. Each exam session involves one or more exam session date as established by the School’s academic calendar.
Students may only participate in the exam sessions if duly registered, within the deadlines provided through the Online Services. At the end of the exam registration procedure, the system issues a receipt, to be saved and stored, that confirms the enrollment.
Students can register to an exam only if:
that course is included in their Study Plan
they passed all propaedeutic exams related to the one to which they want to be registered
they attended the course, in case the attendance is compulsory
Students may also register after the deadline set by the School. In fact, they may register up until midnight of the actual exam date. In this case, the registration will be accepted¿as conditional, and it will be up to the teacher’s unappealable decision whether or the student not may be admitted to the exam in question.
10 Final Test
The Laurea Magistrale(equivalent to Master of Science) Programme in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design concludes with a Final Test involving presentation and discussion of the graduation work.
For all information on the Final Test, reference must be made to the Additional Regulations of the Final Test for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design.