Academic Year 2022/23 School of Industrial and Information Engineering Degree Programme of: Energy Engineering Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Industrial and Information Engineering | Code Reference Law | 352 | Name | Energy Engineering | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | L-9 - Industrial Engineering | Degree level | Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 3 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2,3 | Official language(s) | Italian | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Antonio Capone | Coordinator of the Study programme | Luigi Pietro Maria Colombo | Website of the School | http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | |
Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeEnergy engineering is the branch of engineering concerned with the management and design of energy plants and their components in order to ensure the best use of the resources available with the minimum environmental impact. Energy plants are systems in which energy is produced, transformed or used. For example, large thermal power stations, air-conditioning and climate control equipment for civil and industrial buildings, vehicle engines, airplane propellers, solar panels etc.
Energy generation and use are associated with a significant impact on the environment. The environmental sustainability of energy systems is one of the most crucial factors of human development for evolved societies as well as developing and third-world countries. The focus is on continuous technological advances and changes of scenarios. Accordingly, energy issues are at the forefront of scientific, technical and economic development and are expected to continuously grow. In the international scenario, the Italian situation is very critical mainly because of its strong dependence on foreign countries for energy supply. For this reason, there is urgent need of energy engineers up-to-date with the newest scientific and technological advances in order to promote innovation in the industry, conscious development of energy and industrial policies, increased awareness and responsibility to protect the environment.
3. Learning objectivesEnergy engineers, professionally categorised in the industrial engineering field, must know thermodynamic conversion methods of the various forms of energy, the environmental effects caused by energy conversion, the technical and operative issues involving plants and components where power is generated and used, as well as the methods of economic analysis employed to assess investments in the energy sector. They have to use up-to-date techniques and tools to identify and solve engineering problems in the energy field. Basic education emphasizes the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and applied economics for engineering. On these bases, specific energy engineering skills are developed, focusing on applied thermodynamics, heat transfer, thermal machines, energy processes, closely linked to other more traditional industrial engineering subjects (solid and fluid mechanics, applied mechanics, mechanical technologies, electrical engineering, materials).
The programme therefore aims at training technicians able to work in the many areas associated with energy, which requires wide knowledge in the various branches of mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering together with an exploration of the more specific subjects required by the energy industry. The expected learning outcomes, expressed by European Qualification Descriptors, are:
- Knowledge and understanding: The laurea-graduated student (in the following simply referred to as graduate student) in Energy Engineering has a sound knowledge of basic mathematical and scientific principles and has understood their implications. The graduated student will therefore be able to interpret, analyse, model and solve problems concerning design, management and application of energy machines, plant and processes. He/she will also have sufficient knowledge to understand the innovations and technological advances in the energy sector.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: The graduated student is able to apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis of energy generation and management processes in their various forms aimed at performance evaluation in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact without neglecting economic aspects.
- Making judgements: the graduate student will be able to autonomously choose (and therefore apply) appropriate modelling methods (analytical and numerical) in order to implement projects satisfying specific requisites.
- Communication skills: The graduated student is able to work in a project team, to interpret and write technical reports of projects, to consult and possibly formulate technical norms and manuals.
- Learning skills: The Degree programme provides the tools to continue studies at a higher level, starting with the Master of Science in Energy Engineering. In any case, the graduate student is able to update his/her knowledge continuously in his/her application sector.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsThe academic organisation consists of the Laurea, equivalent to Bachelor of Science (duration: three years), followed by the Laurea Magistrale, equivalent to Master of Science (duration: two years), after which it is possible to apply for the Dottorato di Ricerca, i.e. PhD (Figure 1).
| Figure 1: Academic organisation of the Degree Programme |
At the third year of the study programme, there is a selection between the tracks E1N, E4N and E5N, differently focusing on energy engineering disciplines, and track E3N specifically devoted to the access to the Master of Science in Nuclear Energy without additional requirements. The tracks focusing on energy engineering disciplines differ in the following:
- E1N track completes the basic education, which enables accessing to the Master of Science in Energy Engineering without additional requirements.
- E4N and E5N tracks are aimed at developing learning objectives like engineering analysis and practice in technical fields that are closer to the typical work environment of the Energy Engineer as they result from the survey on the job market. For these reasons, the teaching programme includes a compulsory internship in a company belonging to the Energy sector in order to give the opportunity of applying knowledge and design abilities to a real context and to make the first experience in a working environment. The internship selection mainly (but not exclusively) relies upon the Career Service in order to look for the current availabilities that will be checked by a professor (academic tutor) appointed by the board of the study programme. It is important to stress that the assignment of an internship is bound to the consistency between the proposed subject and the study programme, i.e. the study plan must include the subjects dealing with the fundamentals and developing the design abilities suited to the internship activity. Access to the MSc programme in Energy Engineering is allowed provided that additional subjects are taken as specified in the admission rules.
- E3N track is suitably devoted to prepare for accessing the MSc in Nuclear Engineering by 30 credits related to specific subjects. However, it also enables enrolling to the MSc in Energy Engineering without additional requirements.
Students with an average score less than 24/30 or with credit deficits larger than 10 at the end of the second year are strongly advised not to choose the E1N track. To prepare for the MSc programme, there will be further studies in mathematics, mechanics and energy sciences. The two-year Master of Science programme aims at training engineers with advanced technical and scientific qualifications, as well as with a natural tendency for technological innovation and advanced methodologies. The first year focuses on deepening the general background with reference to various industrial engineering disciplines, whereas the second year is focused on specialisation, through six different tracks, and includes the development of the degree thesis. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master)
4.2.1 Admission to MSc programmes at Politecnico di Milano For admission to the Master's Degree in Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica, BSc graduates in Energy, Aerospace, Mechanical and Industrial Production Engineering from Politecnico di Milano with a preparatory ("propedeutico") study plan are admitted without curricular supplements provided they have achieved a weighted average of the marks higher than the threshold, the calculation of which is reported in the Didactic Regulations of the aforementioned LM, without prejudice to the English language certification.
In all other cases, in addition to the requirement for exceeding the threshold, curricular supplements will be assigned as specified in the Didactic Regulations of the aforementioned LM.
Students wishing to continue on the Master's Degree in Nuclear Engineering may choose the E3N preparatory study plan in the 3rd year. It should be noted that this study plan allows admission without curricular supplements, subject to compliance with the relative thresholds, to both Master's degree courses in Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica and Nuclear Engineering.
Students wishing to continue on a Master's Degree of Politecnico di Milano other than Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica and Nuclear Engineering may submit an autonomous plan that differs from the regular ones by 16 credits, as specified in the notes to the subject tables, published in section 7.3. The choice of autonomous courses must correspond to the indications of the Commission for the study plans of the Master's Degree course of destination. In any case, the following is specified:
- Admission to another Master's Degree Course is subject to the rules of that Course, which can be found in the relative Didactic Regulations.
- The submission of the autonomous plan no longer guarantees admission without curricular supplements to the LM in Energy Engineering - Ingegneria Energetica.
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd Degree or Master of Science Degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Degree Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master). A graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Energy Engineering is a technician with a university training, perfectly able to autonomously develop executive design, testing, maintenance and management of any process or system where energy is generated, carried or used, as well as for building envelope components with related service systems, indoor microclimate control, and comfort achievement. The graduate in Energy Engineering can also be appointed as the Energy Responsible in both public and private companies. Finally, he receives a legal acknowledgment to practice free profession of junior industrial engineer after to have passed a qualification examination and to be enrolled in the professional order of industrial engineers (section B, i.e., junior). 5.2 Careers options and profilesProfessional opportunities
There are many opportunities in the job market for energy engineers: generation, distribution and rational use of energy are the major fields of application. Energy industry is undergoing great changes (the liberalization of markets, increased competition, decentralization, increased awareness of environmental impact issues, and the reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases) that require an increasing number of skilled engineers. In particular, there are many companies working in the energy field with a high concentration in Lombardy and Milan areas (from the large-scale boards involved in the production, transport and distribution of power, to the many companies, even small to medium-sized ones, that work in the areas of industrial and civil plants, air-conditioning systems and system components).
The professional opportunities for a graduated engineer are:
- in the energy management sector, in industry and in companies and public boards that supply energy; in reference to this, Italian legislation (law 10/91) has made it obligatory for companies with significant energy consumption to have a “technician who is responsible for the conservation and efficient use of energy” (an energy manager);
- in activities surrounding design, testing, use and maintenance of energy plants, for example heating and air-conditioning systems, food preservation systems, small and medium-sized plants that produce, distribute and use energy;
- in the design and planning of heating and cooling systems in buildings;
- in industries producing and marketing equipment and components such as boilers, air-conditioning units, refrigerators, motors, heat exchangers, gas or steam powered compressors and turbines;
- in energy companies operating in the thermal power, hydropower, motoring, oil and natural gas fields on a production, transmission and distribution level.
Master of Science
Master of Science graduate engineers will have the same professional opportunities, albeit with access to increased responsibility roles in both the design of plants and components and their running. They will be allowed to carry out research and development activities, in addition to those in the study and design of more specialist and complex applications (large-scale plants, innovative processes and the development of technologically advanced machinery and components). The more extensive and flexible preparation provided by the Master of Science programme will also open up employment possibilities in other sectors linked to the energy industry.
Research Ph.D.
After the Master of Science, graduates can proceed to the Research Ph.D. in Energy and Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, orientated towards preparing engineers with an extremely in-depth education of a high scientific level, destined to fill positions of high responsibility in companies active in the research and development fields. They collect the experiences of the previous Ph.D. in Energetics that, together with that of the nuclear school, has been important in the university’s 25 year teaching history. Admission is run by public notice, opened yearly. 5.3 Qualification profileEnergy engineer profile in a work context:
The energy engineer is a technician who has the skills to work in the multi-disciplinary field that characterizes modern energy applications, with specific background in many fields of mechanical, chemical and electrical engineering, together with a detailed knowledge of the most specific issues required by energy industry.
This professional profile is able to identify, understand and solve engineering problems related to the production and use of energy by the use of updated methods, techniques and tools.
The Energy Engineering Study Programme prepares for the professions of industrial engineer in the energy sector. The graduate students of 1st level in Energy Engineering can take the State Examination for professional qualification in Section B of the Register (Junior Engineers) in the Industrial Engineering sector.
skills of this function:
Specific skills:
- carry out the executive design, test, operation and maintenance of plants for production, distribution and use of energy, heating and air conditioning systems, their components and civil and industrial thermotechnological systems;
- manage the existing technologies in the above contexts, suggesting the appropriate improvements according to the technological innovation of the sector;
- collaborate for the purposes of proper energy planning in specific areas;
- evaluate the impact, environmental sustainability and safety of energy installations.
Job opportunities:
The job market offers a wide range of opportunities to the Energy engineers: the production, distribution and correct use of energy are actually essential topics, even if with many problems, of our age. However, the energy industry must continuously adapt to the increasing demands in terms of competition in the liberalised markets, decentralization of production, greater attention to environmental impact problems and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, convergent needs in the request for technicians with specific skills.
Therefore, the possible career opportunities for the Engineer with a Laurea are:
- in the design, test and operation of thermal, thermoelectric, air-conditioning and refrigeration plants, both in industrial and civil-commercial sectors;
- in the field of production and sale of machinery and components for the energy sector such as boilers, air-conditioners, refrigerators, engines, heat exchangers, compressors and gas or steam turbines;
- in the renewable or fossil energy generation industry, in the oil and natural gas sector, in terms of production, dispatching or distribution services;
- energy management activities in companies or institutions, with production purposes that can be very different from those of energy. It should be noted here that the Italian Legislation (Law 10/91) provides for the obligation of the profile of "responsible technician for conservation and rational energy use" (Energy Manager) for companies with significant levels of consumption.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsItalian secondary school leaving qualification or other comparable foreign qualification (level 4 EQF)
According to article 6 of Ministerial Decree 270/04, admission to Bachelor of Science programmes is subject to possession of a four or five-year high school diploma or other qualification obtained abroad and recognised to be suitable.
To enrol in the first year an admission test, aimed at ascertaining student aptitude and preparation, must be passed. To this end, the university organises a Test On-Line (TOL) in sessions (approx. one per month) for high school students. The test comprises a section aimed at verifying knowledge of English at a sufficient level to be able to understand an elementary technical text.
Minimal knowledge of English will therefore be considered a prerequisite which is satisfied by passing the test. A result below the pass threshold causes assignment of compulsory supplementary education (CSE) which can be satisfied by passing the test in a subsequent session. Candidates having obtained the minimum required score defined each year by the university in one of the following internationally recognised tests may be exempt from the admission test: SAT, GRE, GMAT. Necessary details are defined each year by the Academic Senate and are available on the university website.
Students who are already enrolled on other degree programmes of the Politecnico di Milano or at other Universities and wish to move to the Programme can request acknowledgement of any ECTS they have already earned. Requests from Politecnico di Milano students who want to move to the Bachelor Degree are accepted only if the student has reached, by the 15th of August, a number of registered ECTS greater or equal to 30, including supplementary courses in the student's study plan. The Commission in charge of student transfers for the Degree Programme will determine which of these courses will be acknowledged as useful for attaining the degree.
The commission will accept any transfer requests only after evaluating the student's educational curriculum and considering the number of available seats. 6.2 Requested knowledgeThe engineering test of the Politecnico di Milano is carried out exclusively on-line (TOL) and it consists of 65 multiple-choice questions aimed at ascertaining a firm understanding of the fundamental concepts of mathematics and physics, an aptitude for logical-abstract reasoning and proficiency in English. The 65 questions are divided as follows:
- 30 on English (15 minutes);
- 25 on Logic, Mathematics, Statistics (75 minutes);
- 5 on verbal comprehension (15 minutes);
- 5 on Physics (15 minutes).
Link to admission procedures for the Degree programmes offered by the Politecnico di Milano’s Schools of Engineering (in Italian)
http://www.polinternational.polimi.it/ 6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availableThe maximum number of incoming first year students for the current academic year is 340. In addition, 10 further positions are available for extra-UE students. 6.4 Tutoring and students supportThe School of Industrial Engineering provides tutoring services to assist students during their studies, particularly in the first three years. This service involves students-tutor and professor-tutor. Further information can be found on the school website www.ingindinf.polimi.it .
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirements180 credits are required for qualification. Specific activities are detailed in the Course Program Guidelines and they mainly include from 48 to 62 credits on basic subjects (mathematics, statistics, informatics, physics, chemistry), at least 60 credits for basic engineering subjects (theoretical and applied mechanics, solid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, electrical engineering, power plants, economy), 50 credits for specialist subjects and 12 credits to be chosen by students. This Course requires a full time attendance and involves classroom and laboratory activities.
The route is the same for everyone for the first two years and in the third year students may choose to follow a preparatory track, aimed at students who intend to continue with their studies in the Master of Science programme, or professional tracks aimed at producing technicians with sufficient skills to enter the job market. The first track enters into detail in the mathematics subjects needed to study the more advanced courses, whilst the second track includes a compulsory three-month traineeship at a company operating in the energy industry and a wide selection of courses, allowing students to specialise (albeit to a limited level) their preparation in the various branches relating to energy.
For graduation 180 credits are required. Activities necessary to acquire these credits are detailed in these Educational Rules and can be summarised as: basic scientific preparation (mathematics, physics, chemistry, information technology: 46-62 credits); industrial engineering general knowledge (theoretical mechanics, solid and fluid mechanics, technologies, electrical engineering, economics, technical physics, machines: minimum 60 credits); specific sector knowledge (air-conditioning, energy systems and various explorations of energy subjects to reach 180 credits). 7.2 Mode of studyThe attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended. The teaching method includes attendance in courses with lessons, recitations, laboratory activities, seminars and visits, as defined in the specific programme on School website.
Programme teaching is delivered with conventional and innovative methods (lectures, exercises, IT, experimental and design laboratories, flipped classrooms, MOOCs). In any case, the teaching methods are appropriate for achieving the expected learningoutcomes defined by the Dublin descriptors. Attendance is not compulsory but is highly recommended. Attendance is in fact very important in facilitating learning and in acquiring the essential critical abilities. Certain courses may require attendance for certain specific activities (e.g.: laboratories) and foresee compulsory mid-term exams; these requisites will be highlighted in the course programmes (http://www.polimi.it/en/programmes/schools/school-of-industrial-and-information-engineering/). 7.3 Detailed learning objectivesThe following tables set out the study track structure, foreseen by the Degree Programme board (indicated by the Italian acronym CCS). The course timetables can be found on the School of Industrial Engineering website (http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it/) where general notices to students are periodically published. In column AF (Educational Activities) basic subjects (A), characterising subjects (B), similar subjects (C) and other activities (D), comprising optional courses (S) are indicated. When study tracks are submitted, as regards the courses chosen by students, the Degree Programme board may take into consideration justified proposals made by students to follow courses outside of the recommended study tracks (independent study tracks).
The first year is equivalent to the Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering and for 46 credits to that of Aerospace Engineering, in order to allow students a wide mobility within the School of Industrial Engineering, after the first year.
Students from other universities or other Politecnico di Milano programmes can request that their already acquired university credits are recognised. These cases will be assessed individually by the Degree Programme board.
1 Year courses - Track: ENN - Energetica
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 081360 | A | MAT/03 MAT/05 | ANALISI E GEOMETRIA 1 | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 081369 | A | ING-INF/05 | INFORMATICA B | | 1 | 7,0 | 7,0 | | 081374 | A | CHIM/07 | FONDAMENTI DI CHIMICA | | 1 | 7,0 | 7,0 | | 081376 | B | ING-IND/15 | METODI DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE TECNICA | | 1 | 7,0 | 7,0 | | 052431 | A | MAT/03 MAT/05 | ANALISI E GEOMETRIA 2 | | 2 | 10,0[1,0 ] | 10,0 | | 081389 | A | FIS/01 | FONDAMENTI DI FISICA SPERIMENTALE | | 2 | 12,0 | 12,0 | | 081377 | B | ING-IND/21 | METALLURGIA E MATERIALI NON METALLICI | | 2 | 7,0 | 7,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: ENN - Energetica
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 094847 | B | ING-IND/13 | FONDAMENTI DI MECCANICA TEORICA ED APPLICATA | | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 094848 | C | ICAR/08 | MECCANICA DEI SOLIDI | | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 094849 | C | ICAR/01 | MECCANICA DEI FLUIDI | | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 095042 | A,C | MAT/06 SECS-S/01 | STATISTICA | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | 054058 | A | FIS/03 | ONDE E OTTICA | | 1 | 6,0 | | 083795 | B | ING-IND/10 | FISICA TECNICA | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 083720 | C | ING-IND/17 ING-IND/35 | IMPIANTI INDUSTRIALI E ORGANIZZAZIONE D'IMPRESA | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 097336 | B | ING-IND/31 ING-IND/33 | PRINCIPI DI SISTEMI ELETTRICI | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 |
3 Year courses - Track: E1N - Propedeutico
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 090856 | B | ING-IND/08 | MACCHINE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086012 | B | ING-IND/11 | FONDAMENTI DI CLIMATIZZAZIONE AMBIENTALE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086211 | B | ING-IND/14 ING-IND/16 | PRINCIPI DI PROGETTAZIONE E TECNOLOGIA MECCANICA | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 072574 | B | ING-IND/09 | SISTEMI ENERGETICI E IMPATTO AMBIENTALE | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086214 | A | MAT/05 MAT/08 | METODI ANALITICI E NUMERICI PER L'INGEGNERIA | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 052341 | B | ING-IND/12 | MISURE E STRUMENTAZIONE INDUSTRIALE | | 2 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 052342 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | LABORATORIO DI ENERGETICA (a) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] | 5,0 | 052344 | B | ING-IND/12 | LABORATORIO DI MISURE PER ENERGETICA (b) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] | 052345 | B | ING-IND/09 ING-IND/31 | LABORATORIO DI MICRORETI (c) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] |
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject
Note. The subject 086214 - METODI ANALITICI E NUMERICI PER L'INGEGNERIA can be replaced submitting an autonomous study plan in agreement with the reponsible for the shudy plans. However, replacing the subject will prevent free enrollment to the MSc in Energy Engineering.
3 Year courses - Track: E3N - Ingegneria Nucleare
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 090856 | B | ING-IND/08 | MACCHINE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 054647 | B | ING-IND/19 | INTRODUCTION TO NUCLEAR ENGINEERING A+B | | 1 | 10,0[2,0 ] | 10,0 | | 093808 | B | ING-IND/19 | RADIOATTIVITA' E RADIOPROTEZIONE (C.I.) | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 072574 | B | ING-IND/09 | SISTEMI ENERGETICI E IMPATTO AMBIENTALE | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086214 | A | MAT/05 MAT/08 | METODI ANALITICI E NUMERICI PER L'INGEGNERIA | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 052346 | B | ING-IND/12 ING-IND/19 | MISURE ED ELETTRONICA PER APPLICAZIONI INDUSTRIALI | | 2 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 052343 | B | ING-IND/19 | LABORATORIO DI INGEGNERIA NUCLEARE (a) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] | 5,0 | 052344 | B | ING-IND/12 | LABORATORIO DI MISURE PER ENERGETICA (b) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] | 052345 | B | ING-IND/09 ING-IND/31 | LABORATORIO DI MICRORETI (c) | | 2 | 5,0[3,0 ] |
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject
3 Year courses - Track: E4N - Applicativo: Macchine e Sistemi Energetici
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 090856 | B | ING-IND/08 | MACCHINE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086211 | B | ING-IND/14 ING-IND/16 | PRINCIPI DI PROGETTAZIONE E TECNOLOGIA MECCANICA | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 055851 | B | ING-IND/08 | FONDAMENTI DI MOTORI A COMBUSTIONE INTERNA | | 1 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 070783 | B | ING-IND/27 | COMBUSTIBILI E PROCESSI DI COMBUSTIONE | | 1 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 075950 | B | ING-IND/08 | FONDAMENTI DI TURBOMACCHINE | | 2 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 086469 | B | ING-IND/09 | SISTEMI ENERGETICI L | | 2 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 052433 | -- | -- | AVVIAMENTO AL TIROCINIO | | 1 | 2,0[2,0 ] | 16,0 | 054964 | B | ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | TIROCINIO | | 1 | 14,0 | 052433 | -- | -- | AVVIAMENTO AL TIROCINIO | | 2 | 2,0[2,0 ] | 054964 | B | ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | TIROCINIO | | 2 | 14,0 | | 051180 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | PROVA FINALE PER INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA - ORIENTAMENTI APPLICATIVI | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 051180 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | PROVA FINALE PER INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA - ORIENTAMENTI APPLICATIVI | | 2 | 4,0 |
Note. The subjects 052433- INTERNSHIP PREPARATION and 054964 - TIROCINIO can be replaced in order to prepare for application to a different Master of Science. Please, contact the responsible for the study plans to get advice.
3 Year courses - Track: E5N - Applicativo: Efficienza e Impianti Energetici negli Edifici
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 090856 | B | ING-IND/08 | MACCHINE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086012 | B | ING-IND/11 | FONDAMENTI DI CLIMATIZZAZIONE AMBIENTALE | | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 051184 | B | ING-IND/10 | TECNOLOGIE INNOVATIVE PER L'ENERGIA | | 1 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 070783 | B | ING-IND/27 | COMBUSTIBILI E PROCESSI DI COMBUSTIONE | | 1 | 5,0 | 5,0 | | 051189 | B | ING-IND/11 | PROGETTAZIONE DI IMPIANTI ENERGETICI NEGLI EDIFICI - DIAGNOSI E CERTIFICAZIONI ENERGETICHE | | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 052433 | -- | -- | AVVIAMENTO AL TIROCINIO | | 1 | 2,0[2,0 ] | 16,0 | 054965 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 ING-IND/12 | TIROCINIO E5N | | 1 | 14,0 | 052433 | -- | -- | AVVIAMENTO AL TIROCINIO | | 2 | 2,0[2,0 ] | 054965 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 ING-IND/12 | TIROCINIO E5N | | 2 | 14,0 | | 051180 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | PROVA FINALE PER INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA - ORIENTAMENTI APPLICATIVI | | 1 | 4,0 | 4,0 | 051180 | B | ING-IND/08 ING-IND/09 ING-IND/10 ING-IND/11 | PROVA FINALE PER INGEGNERIA ENERGETICA - ORIENTAMENTI APPLICATIVI | | 2 | 4,0 |
Note. The subjects 052433- INTERNSHIP PREPARATION and 054965 - TIROCINIO can be replaced in order to prepare for application to a different Master of Science. Please, contact the responsible for the study plans to get advice.
Exam precedence
The following table contains the precedences requested by the Courses. All precedences are of the "composition kind", which means that it is not possible to insert in the Study Programme a Course without adding all requested precedences. In addition, some Courses require that Calculus 1 must have been already recorded, i.e., it is a "reporting precedence".
Course name
Recommended precedences
Calculus 2
Calculus 1
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
Calculus 1
Thermodynamics and heat transfer
Calculus 1*
Calculus 2
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Fluid mechanics
Calculus 1*
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
Fundamentals of mechanics
Calculus 1*
Calculus 2
Power system fundamentals
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
Calculus 2
Mechanics of solids
Calculus 1*
Calculus 2
Fundamentals of Experimental Physics
Hydraulic and thermal machinery
Thermodynamics and heat transfer
Fluid mechanics
Energy systems and environmental impact
Hydraulic and thermal machinery
Fundamentals of Chemistry
Fundamentals of indoor environment control
Thermodynamics and heat transfer
Principles of machine design and manufacturing
Mechanics of solids
Metallurgy and non metallic materials
Introduction to nuclear engineering
Hydraulic and thermal machinery
Integrated course of radioactivity + radiation protection
Calculus 2
Design of energy plants in buildings - Energy diagnostics and certification
Fundamentals of indoor environment control
Analitycal and numerical methods for engineering
Calculus 2
Laboratory of Statistics for Energy Engineering
(*) This is a reporting precedence: Calculus 1 must have been already reported before reporting this course. 7.4 Foreign languageUniversity regulations are set out in the document “Foreign Languages – Regulations on meeting the compulsory academic requirement to learn a European Union language” which is published on the university website ( http://www.polimi.it/en/students/from-enrolment-to-degree/english-language/ ). Students are invited to read this document carefully because they must comply with the regulations. 7.5 Degree examinationFor students having carried out an internship in industries in the energy sector, the final exam consists of preparing, presenting and discussing a report on the activity of the same. For all other students, the final exam consists of preparing, presenting and discussing an activity carried out autonomously within the scope of third year courses (normally in Laboratories, in Industrial Measurement and Instrumentation and Statistics).
8. Academic calendarThe Academic Calendar of the Schools of Engineering is available at the university link.
9. FacultyThe names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September. The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.
The lecturers of the course for the on-going academic year are indicates on the School webpage.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesCentral Student Office
Toll-free number: 800.420.470 (Monday to Friday, 9:30am-12:30pm)
Student services
Student services provide students enrolled on Bachelor and Master of Science programmes with guidance and counselling, career services, information on rights to study, international mobility and all services providing support to university life.
Student IT services.
Information Area for Students and Professors
11. International contextBachelor of Science Programmes in Energy Engineering, whilst reasonably widespread in Italian Universities, have few equivalents in European Universities which often offer much more open courses. It is therefore easy to find very similar contents in BSc's in Industrial Engineering (and similar) offered by many foreign universities, with particular reference to Northern Europe (Germany and Scandinavian countries), considering moreover the significant attention given to basic courses and to those fundamental to Industrial Engineering in this programme.
12. InternationalizationThe School of Industrial and Information Engineering of Politecnico di Milano promotes actively student mobility programs, given the great importance of an international experience within the degree programme.
Students, from the third year of the Bachelor programme, can continue their studies for a time length of one semester up to 2 years in a foreign University which the School considers of acceptable level and with which the School has signed an exchange agreement. The time spent abroad is recognized in full and the exams passed in the foreign University substituted for the courses of Politecnico di Milano are specified case by case. The grades, when they can be converted to the Politecnico basis, are considered for the degree final grade.
Details are published at:
13. Quantitative dataThe Didactic Observation Unit and the Evaluation Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di MIlano.
14. Further information
15. Errata corrige