Academic Year 2024/25 School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering Degree Programme of: Building Engineering for Sustainability Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering | Code Reference Law | 1013 | Name | Building Engineering for Sustainability | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | LM-24 - Construction engineering | Degree level | Laurea Magistrale (Equivalent To Master Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 2 | Years of the programme already activated | 1 | Official language(s) (¹) | Italian/English | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Andrea Campioli | Coordinator of the Study programme | Giuliana Iannaccone | Website of the School | http://www.auic.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | | (¹) The degree course offers some tracks in Italian and others in English.Central Student Office - Milano Leonardo Address | VIA C. GOLGI, 42 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeThe complexity that characterizes the building sector today requires a growing number of technical graduate students and an organic diversification of their educational paths
A Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) graduate in Building Engineering for Sustainability is a professional with a solid scientific and technical preparation, and a professional attitude that allows him/her to:
· engineer the architectural design of buildings and manage the complexity of innovative, large projects, addressing new construction, or redevelopment of existing buildings, from performance design to executive detail;
· supervise the design integration of building, structural and MEP components;
· participate actively in the planning and management of the whole life cycle of the buildings and mitigation of their impacts in the different stages;
· plan and control the production-operation-maintenance process of a building.
3. Learning objectivesThe Building Engineer for Sustainability is a high-level professional, who has developed an interdisciplinary background and an engineering approach, capable of identifying the problems of interventions in the transformation of the built environment and defining "sustainable" solutions in the broadest possible meaning: that ensure quality and add value to building systems in their physical, performance (social impact), process-related, environmental and economic aspects.
To this end, the educational offer has been structured with the aim of providing students with:
- knowledge in the disciplines of building systems engineering, such as further theoretical-scientific foundations in the physical and applied sciences for solving the problems of environmental comfort and habitability of built spaces, seismic engineering, structures in relation to the types of buildings and their intended use, their foundations and the other structures that interact with the soil;
- in-depth knowledge of practices, procedures and methodologies for expert technical support in construction litigation;
- knowledge of the cognitive foundations and application tools of infographic modelling, BIM and HBIM, virtual representation and reverse modelling, as well as of the technologies functional to the acquisition, management and interpretation of data and information flows related to design and construction processes;
- knowledge relating to the analysis of risks related to construction activities, safety in the design phase, on construction sites, in workplaces, procedures and technical-operational measures necessary for the mitigation/elimination of hazardous conditions;
- interdisciplinary knowledge aimed at the design and experimental validation of the theoretical formulations acquired.
All the above activities are integrated in the course. The differentiation into four specialization fields allows to deepen the knowledge in one of the four themes that characterize this course, namely structural engineering, digitalization of the building process, building envelope design, energy and environmental performance modeling, all calibrated to acquire skills that meet the demand of the labour market.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsThe programme is divided into a series of courses that involve the typical disciplinary fields of Building Engineering, namely:
- of structural engineering that delves into the topics of the design of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, steel, wood, and masonry structures and the analysis of their dynamic and earthquake behavior as well as their interaction with the ground;
- of materials technology, which delves into the issues of performance control of construction materials with a specific focus on their life cycle impacts and disposal and recycling issues;
- of building design, which includes the teachings that fine-tune and deepen knowledge on the operation, including in the life cycle, implementation, and control of the performance offered by the building organism and its parts, with a specific focus on the envelope;
- of building process management and production, which delves into the technological-productive, organizational, procedural, economic, financial and programmatic aspects of building interventions, and management of interventions according to the principles of project, construction, maintenence and control management;
- of building physics, which delves into the topics of modeling energy and matter flows through building envelopes and controlling the performance of confined spaces, those of designing systems that make them habitable during the most climatically challenging hours and periods, and systems, integrated into buildings, that can produce and distribute energy from renewable sources.
More in detail, the topics corresponding to the Previously Approved Study Plans (PSPA) are:
- Materials, Technologies and Structures (PSPA MTS, taught in Italian) will enable the student to acquire skills in the analysis and design of the structural components of a building (or of their rehabilitation, reinforcement or consolidation); he/she will be an expert in the technologies of their realization and validation to ensure their sustainability in the broadest meaning, and will be able to lead or supervise their implementation operations.
- Digital Innovation for the Construction Industry (PSPA IDIC, taught in Italian) will enable the student to be a high-level expert in the creation of advanced information models of buildings and the processes of building implementation, management and decommissioning to support design, planning and control activities.
- Innovative envelope and facade (PSPA IEF, taught in English) will enable the student to acquire skills in the construction design of high-value and performance building components, including prefabricated ones and be an expert in the technologies and performance control of envelope systems, capable of leading, or interacting with managers, industrial and manufacturing processes, assembly (and disassembly or maintenance) operations at the construction site.
- Performance modeling and design (PSPA PMD, taught in English) will enable the student to acquire skills in the study and prediction of the behavior of the building-services system, its interaction with users and the environment; s/he will be a high-profile expert - not simply a user - of systems for verifying and certifying the energy, environmental and social impacts of a building and building transformation operations and their management and optimization based on the use of data. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification enables students to access Research Doctorate, Level II Specialisation Courses and Level II University Master's programmes.
After obtaining a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability, graduate students can enter the University at the third level of university training by doing the Ph.D. programs in the construction and the Real Estate Market sectors.
The qualification grants access to "Dottorato di Ricerca" (Research Doctorate), "Corso di Specializzazione di secondo livello" (2nd level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di secondo livello" (2nd level University Master)
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe Building Engineer for Sustainability is high profile professional who, through his/her interdisciplinary preparation and the acquisition of a pure engineering methodology, is able to identify the problems and find suitable design and organization solutions, remaining in line with the innovative dynamics of the sector, to improve the physical, technical, performance, processing and economic values of building quality.
A Building Engineer for Sustainability finds different occasions for professional insertion as: a consulting engineer;
· consulting engineer;
· design engineer;
· project manager;
· construction manager;
· cost engineer;
· facility manager;
· safety engineer
and many other professional opportunities that arise from the innovation development trends that characterize the building world today.
When they have passed the State professional examination, all graduate students with a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability can enrol in the Engineering register, Civil - Environmental sector, section A, as an Engineer and practice the pertinent professional activities. 5.2 Careers options and profilesThe Building Engineer for Sustainability can operate with decisional independence and in an effective manner in the processes and activities related to:
· the design of complex construction systems, the technological, structural, environmental quality aspects,
· with special attention paid to the conditions of wellbeing, useful service life and energy and environmental impact problems;
· the restoration, redevelopment, maintenance and management of the existing building stock; the development of the operative, management and economic aspects of the building process;
· the management of the technological and production processes regarding the building section (new constructions, existing buildings), with special attention given to the problems of safety;
· the study, development and use of building, structural and plant systems and components with new or better performances;
· the experimentation on and the quality control of the products and works;
· the generation and management of the digital representation of the functional and physical elements of building organisms.
There are multiple job opportunities:
· professional architecture and engineering studios;
· consultancy studios in the technology, safety, heat engineering, quality control sectors;
· engineering companies, building and maintenance companies;
· companies that produce building materials and components;
· public administrations and technical offices of public and private clients;
· companies that manage building heritage and services for quality control; insurance companies;
· test and experimentation laboratories; category associations;
· standardisation institutes;
and, more in general, the freelance sector. 5.3 Qualification profileBuilding Engineer for Sustainability
1) Profile in a work context:
The Building Engineer for Sustainability is a professional figure corresponding to that of a high-profile technician who can work, as an innovator, in all the traditional roles of:
· building and structural engineer,
· project manager,
· construction manager,
· cost engineer,
· facility manager,
· safety engineer,
· consulting engineer.
He is an expert:
· of the structural safety of buildings, their design, implementation and management, and their upgrading, strengthening or consolidation;
· of the design, implementation and management of buildings and in particular on the performance and optimization of its key components: the envelope and their facades in particular;
· of environmental and energy performance and systems of verification and certification of the energy, environmental and social impacts of the transformation of the built environment;
· of the sustainability of transformation of the built environment, capable of working in rehabilitation, redevelopment and new construction projects from multiple perspectives;
· in the management of production and site processes, with particular attention to safety issues, in technological innovation and experimentation, and in quality control of products and works.
2) Skills of this function:
The Building Engineers for Sustainability know and areable to address the cross-cutting challenges of sustainability and digitization, and have honed their skills as designers and innovators through a period of in-company training and the development of a thesis for further study.
They are up-to-date about innovative technologies and the main evolutions in the sector, but above all they are able to propose themselves, in all phases of the process of conception, implementation and management of building infrastructures, as innovators: capable of generating added value (both economically and socially), with a renewed sensitivity and respect for the various issues of containing environmental impacts and costs.
The Building Engineers for Sustainability:
· possess in-depth knowledge of structural technologies and materials, including non-traditional and innovative ones;
· know the concepts of parametric form and design generation for the automation of production and optimization for constructability of works;
· have the ability to understand the static and dynamic behavior of building structures, their problems of interaction with the ground and the achievement of the main limit states, as well as to optimize their economic and environmental impacts in their life cycle, including those at its end, demolition or recovery, and will be able to conduct or supervise their construction operations;
· have the ability to predict the sustainability and constructability of a building construction and services system, are familiar with renewable energy systems knows how to use these skills for the purpose of optimizing choices.
Finally, they have expertise in the digitalization of processes in a broad sense and will have specialized their skills not only in the creation of simple information models of building objects, but more importantly in the use of such data to support the design, planning and control of the processes of making, managing and decommissioning a building, in its built and natural environment.
3) Job opportunities: The Building Engineer for Sustainability finds opportunities for professional insertion in architectural and engineering firms and companies; in construction, management, and maintenance companies; in companies that design and implement systems in buildings; in insurance companies and service companies that offer consulting in energy, environment, safety, and quality, including in the field of expertise; in companies that manufacture and market construction products and systems; and in public administration and entities involved in international cooperation and owners:
· in the functional, technological, structural, and MEP design and management of building systems and subsystems as well as the built environment;
· in the digital management of conceptual and implementation processes of new or recovering building systems and subsystems;
· in the analytical assessment of technological-environmental, energy, and safety performance;
· in the management and planning of construction processes of works and facilities;
· in the management, maintenance and rehabilitation of building works, systems, facilities and services;
· in the management of structural and plant safety of buildings and their contexts;
· in expert technical support to litigation in construction;
· in the automation and management of construction processes and the organization of temporary construction sites;
· in the assessment of environmental impacts.
Upon passing the State Examination, he/she may register in the Register of Engineers, Civil Environmental Sector Section A, with the title of Engineer, practice as a freelance professional and assume responsibilities for activities required by laws and regulations.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsFirst cycle degree (level 6 EQF) or comparable qualification
Admission to the Program Architectural Engineering is subject for all candidates to the evaluation of their curriculum by a Commission.
The evaluation criteria are indicated in the Technical Attachment (point 14 of this document).
In case of international students, in addition to the knowledge of the English language, knowledge of the Italian language is also required.
General information relating to admission and enrolment is available on the Guidance and Counselling Office’s page https://www.polimi.it/en/prospective-students
Admission Regulations to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are published on http://www.auic.polimi.it/en/ The admission requirements for accessing the Master of Science Course referred to in this Regulation are valid only for the Academic Year 2024/2025 and may change in subsequent Academic Years.6.2 Requested knowledgeThe knowledge required is given by a Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) in Building Engineering or in Construction Engineering
The Course is also open to Civil Engineers and Architects interested in improving their ability to be part of multidisciplinary design teams, to manage complex design processes, and to expand their skills in construction engineering and energy and structural modeling.
The knowledge required of incoming students thus covers, from a general point of view, the areas of mathematics, building physics, structural engineering and construction technology.
Interested students should carefully consider the knowledge required to pass the exams, be open to international experiences and ready to work in multidisciplinary teams.
Any knowledge gaps pointed out by the Committee in charge of the Admission to the Program may be filled through the assignment of educational debts or obligations. 6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availablePlease find detailed information about the admission procedures at this page of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering:
and in the Polinternational website for prospective students: https://www.polimi.it/en/prospective-students 6.4 Tutoring and students supportGuidance
Please visit the Polinternational website:
for information about the educational offer, the application procedures, the exchange opportunities and the practical aspects of life at Politecnico and in Italy.
Each September, Politecnico di Milano holds a Welcome Week for international students, introducing them to life in Italy and at Politecnico.
For some courses, students can be tutored by highly qualified researchers and professionals.
The School faculty manage the individual Study plans and the international exchange programs.
Detailed information can be found on the AUIC School website.
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirements120 ECTS credits are required to earn the degree of Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability.
In general, the following subjects are taught:
- Durability and maintenance of building components
- Building materials
- Building pathology and diagnostics
- Building physics
- Design of tbuilding services
- Recovery and preservation
- Structural design
- Rehabilitation and structural consolidation
- Architectural Engineering
According to Law No. 33 of April 12, 2022, simultaneous enrollment in two programs is allowed. Enrollment in two programs is possible only if they are of different degree classes (classi di laurea) and differ in at least two-thirds of their educational activities regarding academic credits.
Consistent with what is defined by Law No. 33, at the student's instance, the maximum number of CFUs already taken in the other program and validatable is 40 CFUs for MSc programmes.
Please note that courses belonging to programs of a different level or type from the program you are enrolled in cannot be validated.
Full details on when to apply for validation and the administrative fees to be paid are available on the Polimi website: https://www.polimi.it/contemporanea-iscrizione 7.2 Mode of studyThis Course requires a full time attendance and involves classroom and laboratory activities.
In some cases innovative forms of teaching are adopted. 7.3 Detailed learning objectives1 Year courses - Track: IEF - Innovative Envelope and Facade
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 062364 | B,C | ICAR/09 | STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062365 | B,C | ING-IND/11 | APPLIED BUILDING PHYSICS | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062366 | B,C | ICAR/10 | INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062367 | -- | MAT/08 | SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING FOR BUILDING ENGINEERING | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062368 | C | ING-IND/22 | CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062369 | B,C | ICAR/11 | PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT | | 2 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062370 | B,C | ICAR/10 | ADVANCED BUILDING ENVELOPE ENGINEERING | | 2 | 12,0 | 12,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: PMD - Performance Modeling and Design
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 062364 | B,C | ICAR/09 | STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062365 | B,C | ING-IND/11 | APPLIED BUILDING PHYSICS | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062366 | B,C | ICAR/10 | INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE BUILDING DESIGN | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062367 | -- | MAT/08 | SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING FOR BUILDING ENGINEERING | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062368 | C | ING-IND/22 | CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS, INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABILITY | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062369 | B,C | ICAR/11 | PROJECT AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT | | 2 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062377 | B,C | ICAR/10 | BUILDING ENVELOPE AND MODELING | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062378 | B,C | ING-IND/11 | BUILDING SERVICES AND RENEWABLES | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: IDC - Innovazione digitale per l'industria delle costruzioni
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 062349 | B,C | ICAR/09 | ANALISI E TECNICA DELLE STRUTTURE | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062350 | B,C | ING-IND/11 | COMPLEMENTI DI FISICA DELL'EDIFICIO | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062351 | B,C | ICAR/10 | PROGETTAZIONE EDILIZIA INTEGRATA SOSTENIBILE | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062352 | -- | MAT/08 | METODI COMPUTAZIONALI PER L'INGEGNERIA EDILE | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062353 | C | ING-IND/22 | MATERIALI DA COSTRUZIONE, INNOVAZIONE E SOSTENIBILITA' | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062354 | B,C | ICAR/11 | GESTIONE E DIGITALIZZAZIONE DELLA COMMESSA | | 2 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062358 | B,C | ICAR/11 | GESTIONE DIGITALE DEL PROCESSO EDILIZIO | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062359 | B,C | ICAR/10 | GESTIONE E VALIDAZIONE DEL PROGETTO | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 |
1 Year courses - Track: MTS - Materiali, tecnologie, strutture
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 062349 | B,C | ICAR/09 | ANALISI E TECNICA DELLE STRUTTURE | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062350 | B,C | ING-IND/11 | COMPLEMENTI DI FISICA DELL'EDIFICIO | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062351 | B,C | ICAR/10 | PROGETTAZIONE EDILIZIA INTEGRATA SOSTENIBILE | | 1 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062352 | -- | MAT/08 | METODI COMPUTAZIONALI PER L'INGEGNERIA EDILE | | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062353 | C | ING-IND/22 | MATERIALI DA COSTRUZIONE, INNOVAZIONE E SOSTENIBILITA' | | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062354 | B,C | ICAR/11 | GESTIONE E DIGITALIZZAZIONE DELLA COMMESSA | | 2 | 9,0 | 9,0 | | 062355 | B,C | ICAR/09 | PROGETTAZIONE SISMICA DELLE COSTRUZIONI | | 2 | 12,0 | 12,0 |
7.3.1 Politecnico di Milano Ambassador Program
The Program takes part in the Ambassador programs in Green Technologies of the Politecnico di Milano, aimed at enhancing the skills related to "green" technologies in university courses. The Ambassadors in Green Technologies are master's degree graduates with a high degree of systemic skills, interdisciplinary vision, and attention to innovation for environmental sustainability and the decarbonization of the economy. The Ambassador profile in Green Technologies corresponds to a professional figure who possesses both advanced and specialized skills in the "green" field, and transversal skills, complementary to the specialized ones, which allow him to broaden his knowledge and adopt a systemic approach to design, to the management, innovation and study of the life cycle of “green” technologies. The training program develops along the course of the Master's Degree (LM) and defines the minimum number of credits necessary to complete the training course of the chosen LM and, at the same time, to acquire the certification of Ambassador in Green Technologies. As part of the training course, the student must acquire at least 30 ECTS in training activities functional to the profile of Ambassador in Green Technologies, chosen from Tables A and B below. Table A indicates the compulsory specialized courses offered by the Study Course that provide skills in the "green" field. Table B indicates the transversal courses: among these, at least 16 ECTS must be selected, of which 6 will contribute to the achievement of the actual 120 ECTS required for the degree (credits for the exams chosen for the 2nd year of the course), and at least the other 10 in excess will allow obtaining the certification of PoliMI Ambassador in Green Technologies. The certification of Ambassador in Green Technologies will be reported in the Student's Diploma Supplement, and a specific electronic badge will be issued by the University. Failure to take 10 extra credits and obtain at least 30 credits in training activities functional to the Ambassador profile in Green Technologies, will not preclude the student from obtaining the degree.
Ambassador Program in Green Technologies
Track: PMD - Table A
Code |
Course Title |
Language |
Programme |
Track |
Semester(s) |
Campus |
062366 |
9,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
MI |
062368 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
Track: IEF - Table A
Code |
Course Title |
Language |
Programme |
Track |
Semester(s) |
Campus |
062366 |
9,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
MI |
062368 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
Track: * - Table B
Code |
Course Title |
Language |
Programme |
Track |
Semester(s) |
Campus |
057164 |
6,0 |
IT |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
LC |
057696 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
058248 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
058250 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
BV |
058260 |
5,0 |
IT |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058263 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
058264 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058265 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058268 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
BV |
058269 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
BV |
058270 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
BV |
058271 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058272 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
BV |
058273 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058275 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
-- |
058277 |
10,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
LC |
058278 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
LC |
058281 |
5,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
058282 |
10,0 |
IT |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
MI |
058283 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
MI |
058284 |
8,0 |
IT |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1 |
MI |
058285 |
8,0 |
IT |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
MI |
058326 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
1, 2 |
PC |
058327 |
8,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
BV |
097619 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
LC |
097628 |
6,0 |
EN |
Any programme |
Any Track |
2 |
LC |
7.4 Foreign languageCertified English language knowledge is necessary for admission.
Please find information about the English language requirements here: https://www.polimi.it/en/current-students/language-requirements-english-and-italian
In particular, students with a University qualification obtained outside Italy should provide an English language proficiency certificate as explained here:
7.5 Degree examinationPresentation and discussion of a thesis, developed independently by the student from his/her specifically attributed credits. The Degree Thesis consists of the elaboration of a project in which all the main aspects of the future profession of Engineer are faced, namely the detailed study of particular aspects of the disciplines that characterise the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science).
The examination for a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is regulated according to the methods indicated by the Regulations of the Final Exam of the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering, and by the integrative regulations of the Building Engineering for Sustainability published on
8. Academic calendarThe Academic calendar is available here:
9. FacultyThe names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, are available in the Educational Rules which are published each year on the website of Politecnico di Milano in the course catalogue:
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesDetailed information about the research labs are available at the following link:
Labora Lab
Materials Testing Lab (LPM)
Urban Simulation Lab (LABSIMURB)
TEXTILES HUB – Interdepartmental Textiles and Polymers Research Laboratory
CECH (Climate and Energy for Cultural Heritage)
11. International contextThe Master's Degree in Building Engineering for Sustainability is present under the names of Building Engineering or Architectural Engineering in the educational offer of many foreign universities, particularly American universities, both as a degree in itself and as a specific curriculum of other degrees.
Regarding degree-related research and development activities, the main reference is that of the International Council for Building, a global research organization that gathers researchers and educators from almost every country in the world into its committees.
12. InternationalizationInternational Mobility
The Politecnico di Milano offers the students various opportunities to spend periods studying abroad. The credits (ECTS) acquired, subject to the approval of a Learning Agreement, are recognized as an integral part of the curriculum.
International mobility may be for study (a) or a Double Degree (b):
a) period of study at partner universities in EU countries (Erasmus) and non-EU countries (bilateral agreements);
b) Double Degree projects with EU and non-EU universities.
Aside from these opportunities, international mobility periods of variable lengths and natures are also possible, within international networks which the Politecnico is part of (Alliance4Tech, Athens, Idea League, UniTech).
The mobility for study generally lasts one term. It is potentially extendable, if allowed by the agreement with the partner university, for a further term, subject to authorization from the School Bodies (the Politecnico Teachers who promote the mobility for the partner university).
During the mobility for study, it is possible to acquire credits (ECTS) and/or carry out part of the thesis at the partner university. This opportunity for some universities is specified in the call and is coordinated by the proposing professor; where it is not specified, students may nominate a co-supervisor in the partner university, as long as the objectives and content are agreed with the supervisor, who must be a professor of the Politecnico di Milano. The final discussion of the thesis must take place at the Politecnico di Milano.
Students who take part in the Double Degree programme will obtain the Degree title from the Politecnico di Milano as well as from the partner university, after having acquired a total of 150 or 180 ECTS credits - according to the agreement - across the two universities. Following the discussion of the thesis - in the ways agreed with the partner university - students will be awarded with two degree with two separate marks.
The conversion of the grades of the exams passed abroad is carried out, whenever possible, through the procedure reported in the "ECTS user guide". For further information: https://op.europa.eu/it/publication-detail/-/publication/da7467e6-8450-11e5-b8b7-01aa75ed71a1/language-en
If this conversion is not possible, the validations will be processed "without grade".
Students who have carried out a period of international mobility for study abroad during their Laurea (Bachelor of Science) can apply again during their Laurea Magistrale (Master of Science).
The universities available under the specific agreements for each Programme are posted on the Degree Programme (Manifesto degli Studi) (https://www4.ceda.polimi.it/manifesti/manifesti/controller/extra/ScambiInternazionaliPublic.do?evn_default=EVENTO&aa=2019&k_cf=-2&k_corso_la=-2&ac_ins=0&k_indir=***&lang=EN&tipoCorso=ALL_TIPO_CORSO&semestre=ALL_SEMESTRI&c_accordo=-1)
and on the International Mobility Agreements Map (https://www.polimi.it/en/services-and-opportunities/experience-abroad/map-of-partner-universities-and-mobility-agreements/).
Students are requested to read this information before submitting their application.
International mobility is supported by both the Politecnico and the European Union with the payment of a scholarship, the amount of which varies from year to year.
In order to be able to participate in international mobility programmes, either for study or for Double Degrees, students must submit their applications via the call for International Mobility, posted periodically on the Politecnico website and on the AUIC School’s website
Students selected for mobility cannot carry out the exchange during the first term of their first year of their Master Programme.
The selected students must agree with the Professor of Politecnico, Promoter of the partnered university where they have been assigned, a Learning Agreement, i.e. a Study Plan equivalent to the teachings at the foreign university.
The Politecnico does not require a minimum number of ECTS credits, though this may depend on the partner university or on administrative restrictions to obtain a visa that may be necessary for non-EU countries.
When returning from the mobility for study, a maximum of 42 credits of teachings obtained abroad can be validated.
For students with previous career, the total sum of the credits from previous career and from international mobilitry cannot overcome the number of 42 credits.
For students who have not been selected for international mobility but who nonetheless wish to work on their thesis abroad, financial support is available thanks to the “Tesi all’estero” scholarship posted on the Politecnico di Milano website and the AUIC School’s website
International Mobility for Internships
The Erasmus+ for Traineeship Programme allows students to do an internship (which can replace the obligatory internship, or as an optional internship or post-graduate internship) in Europe of a minimum duration of 2 months thanks to a scholarship funded by the European Commission. https://cm.careerservice.polimi.it/career-program/erasmus-for-traineeship/
“FREE MOVER" mobility
Students who carry out an international mobility by organizing their own study period abroad are defined as "free movers".
This international mobility is not linked to an exchange program organized by Politecnico di Milano.
The freemover mobility must be approved, for the purpose of the recognition of credits and further constraints, by a referent of your course of study and will be recognized only the activities of:
- teaching attendance
- performance of thesis work
For information, students can contact the International Mobility Unit – Via Golgi 42, Milan
13. Quantitative dataThe Didactic Observation Unit and the Evaluation Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di Milano.
1 Admission to the Program - Students with Italian Degrees
All candidates for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programmes at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering are required to submit an application for career assessment using the specific function available on the University website, in the Online Services section (www.polimi.it/servizionline).
1.1 Program Requirements and Specifications
The requirements are those previously described in paragraph 6.1 of the Educational Rules.
It is specified that admission to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability is subject to the assessment of the previous career and is permitted without educational debits.
General University information on admission and enrolment procedures are available on the University website: https://www.polimi.it/en/prospective-students
1.2 Procedures for Submission of Admission Applications for AUIC School Candidates
1.2.1 Programme and Previously Approved Study Plan (PSPA) Options
Candidates submitting an application for assessment must choose their Programme (CdS) together with their Previously Approved Study Plan (PSPA) options where required.
The Program Building Engineering for Sustainability offers four PSPA:
PSPA MTS – Materials, technologies, structures (taught in Italian)
PSPA IDIC – Digital innovation for the construction industry (taught in Italian)
PSPA IEF – Innovative envelope and façade (taught in English)
PSPA PMD – Performance modeling and design (taught in English).
The University rules establish a maximum of three options for application for admission to Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programs. It is therefore possible to indicate up to three Program preferences.
For each Program, it is possible to specify the available Previously Approved Study Plans in order of preference.
For AUIC School Programs, the various Previously Approved Study Plan options within the same Program are only counted once towards the maximum of three preferences that may be expressed.
- Program B: (non-AUIC program)
- Program A: (AUIC program) ITA Track
- Program A: (AUIC program) ENG Track
- Program C: (AUIC program) X Track
- Program C: (AUIC program) Y Track
5 Program-Previously Approved Study Plan options entered / 3 Program preferences counted
Students may, within the established deadline, change/overwrite their choices.
1.2.2 Establishment of the Ranking List
The Commission, having assessed the candidate’s previous career, will admit him/her to one or more of the Previously Approved Study Plans indicated.
If the student has indicated, in order of preference, more than one PSPA choice, the first PSPA choice expressed will be considered. Students not admitted on the first choice of PSPA due to completion of available positions will be considered on the second choice following the scrolling of the merit list.
1.3 Assessment Parameters
1.3.1 Graduate Students from the Politecnico di Milano Automatically Entitled to Admission
There is no automatic entitlement to admission.
1.3.2 Students Admitted with an Assessment of Merit
Assessment is performed by the relevant Programme, which may award up to 100 points:
1. Order of the preferences expressed at the time of application for admission: up to 10
2. Duration of your three-year degree career: up to 10
3. Average at the end of the student’s 3-year course apportioned on a score of 40: up to 40
4. Previous curriculum, i.e. Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) of origin: up to 40
Students with a minimum score of 62 are eligible for admission.
At each deadline date, the top ranked students are accepted based on the number of planned admissions. Should there be eligible students with equal scores, their precedence in the ranking will take into account their weighted average until all available places have been filled.
1.4 Documents Required for Students Admitted with Assessment of Merit
1.4.1 Students of the Politecnico di Milano
Certificate of English language. The previous career will be supplied to the Assessment Commissions by the Registrar's Office.
1.4.2 Students from Other Universities
- Certificate of English language
- Self-certification of the degree held (graduate students only)
- Self-certification of examinations passed for at least 145 credits.
- Other certifications of any university degrees held: Masters, PhDs, and Postgraduate Schools
The documentation may be self-certified in accordance with the statutory provisions governing Substitute Declarations (Dichiarazioni sostitutive) (see example). It must contain the exact titles of the examinations taken, the Disciplinary Scientific Sectors, the number of credits per scientific sector, the score and the examination recording date. The applicant must sign the documents, otherwise they are not legally binding and cannot be accepted by the Selection Committee.
1.5 Results and Publication of the Ranking List of Students Admitted
With regard to the points above, at the end of the evaluation sessions, a merit-based ranking will be published, in order to the determine the number of admitted students in relation to the places available.
In order to guarantee the foreseen number of places, a student that has been positively evaluated for admission (green check) might not be able to enrol. Enrolment will be enabled to students who appear in the merit-based ranking as “admitted to enrolment”.
It is not possible to re-assign places in the ranking, in case not all admitted students proceed with enrolment. Vacant places will be added to those foreseen for the second semester.
Admitted students should proceed with enrolment following the procedures and deadlines set by the University.
Graduating students can enroll with reserve by following the instructions published on the website:
1.6 Examination Validation
Following enrolment on one of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programs, examinations taken during the previous career (not used as required credits) may be assessed and recognized as validation or attendance validation, if compatible with the course catalogue of the Laurea Magistrale Programme enrolled upon.
Validations will be indicated in the career assessment and automatically uploaded to the Study Plan.
1.8 Single Courses
Enrollment in Single Courses is incompatible with enrollment in Bachelor Degree Courses, Specialist/Master Degree Courses and the Master Degree Single Cycle of the Politecnico di Milano.
Any recognition by the Commissions responsible for evaluating the Degree Programmes, of acquired credits cannot exceed 32 credits in order to guarantee the overall adequacy of the study plan, and is subject to
- being found suitable in the rankings for access to the specific Degree Programme
- the possession of all the pre-requisites required for access to the specific Degree Programme
2 Admission to the Programme - Students with Foreign Degrees
International students from foreign universities are selected according to the times and methods indicated at https://www.polimi.it/en/prospective-students
Assessment is performed by the relevant Admission Board of Program, which may award up to 100 points:
- Suitability/coherence of previous Curriculum Vitae, i.e. Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) of origin: up to 70 points
- Duration of university education: up to 10 points
- Order of the preferences expressed at the time of application for admission: up to 10 points
- Other documents in support of the application: up to 10 points
The score resulting from the evaluation by the Admissions Committee of the Master program is then weighed with the grade defined by the International Projects Office (SPI), which is based on previous academic performance and on the quality of the institution. The weights are as follows: study programme 50%, SPI 50%.
The minimum score for admission is 62/100.
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) programs in the School of Architecture, Urban Planning and Construction Engineering will only accept new admissions of students with non-Italian qualifications in the first semester (September).
The School will consider requests for admission deferment to the second semester (defer). Obtaining a deferment is subject to the availability of planned places. Students may apply for deferment from June to August.
Students will be informed of the outcome of their request at the beginning of October:
- Students who have been granted the deferment will be asked to confirm it by paying the non-refundable administrative fee of €172.20 by a provided deadline.
- Students who have not been granted the deferment may reapply for the following academic year.
3 Transfers and Changes
Transfer from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Programs or other universities is only permitted through submission of an admission application.
Transferred students’ previous examinations may be validated if deemed compatible with the course catalogue of the degree program applied for.
As per University regulations, students transferred from other universities are required to take examinations at the Politecnico di Milano for at least 60 credits, plus the traineeship and final test.
Enrolment on a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) is not a guarantee of transfer without educational debits. The Committee will always take into account the first-level Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) gained, applying current regulations.
Transfer to the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability is not permitted for candidates enrolled at Italian universities on single-cycle Laurea Magistrale Programs. Students from foreign universities in countries with educational systems that do not include Laurea Triennale (equivalent to three-year Bachelor’s Degree) Programs must guarantee enrolment on the 4th year of the program, passing of examinations worth at least 180 ECTS credits and meeting of the minimum curricular requirements for category L-23.
The transition from a PSPA (Preventively Approved Study Plan) to another within the course of study involves the same procedures as for a transfer from other Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) course.
Neither transfers nor changes are allowed during Semester Two.
4 Deadlines for First-Year Enrolment Administrative Procedures
Deadlines for the new academic year will be published on the School’s and University’s website.
5 Study Plan
Students are required, under their own responsibility, to submit their individual Study Plan (www.polimi.it Online Services, Study Plan Submission).
The study plan submitted in September, according to the deadlines set by the School, must include the teachings for the entire academic year.
The Plan is taken by the School as a supporting document for all intents and purposes. Its compilation also attests to the compliance of the choices made by the student with the rules specified by law and the provisions of the Programme Rules.
The Study Plan for the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability consists of 120 ECTS, to be included in the Plan as required credits, subdivided as follows:
- single-subject or integrated courses
- traineeship
- final test
The minimum number of credits for which students may enrol each year is 30 (15 for entry in March). Simultaneous enrolment on courses for a maximum of 80 credits per year is permitted.
Please note: It is advisable to always save and print the Study Plan submitted.
Plan alteration requests will not be accepted. Submission of the Study Plan is definitive and must be performed within the deadlines and according to the procedures established by the School. When choosing courses, the teaching timetable must be consulted in advance in order to avoid timetable clashes.
5.1 Deadlines for Annual Study Plan Submission
Study Plan submission is performed through the Online Services, exclusively during the specific periods established by the academic calendar and indicated on Politecnico’s website.
5.2 Half-year Change of Study Plan
It is possible to change the Study Plan submitted during the academic year in progress only in a specific period before the start of the spring semester, as specified in the Academic Calendar and on Politecnico’s website.
The following operations will be possible for courses offered in the second semester: add or remove optional and compulsory courses, final test and traineeship.
5.3 Additional Payment
Through resolution of the Board of Governors, an additional payment of 100.00 euros is applicable for failure to submit the Study Plan within the deadlines established by the academic calendar.
The payment will be required with the second instalment.
5.4 Attendance
Once included in the study plan, teachings are listed as acquired attendance in the following years, giving the possibility to take the examination with the original professor as long as the latter remains active. If the student wishes to attend the teaching again, when filling the study plan for the following academic year (September), they can delete the previously acquired attendance and insert the same teachings (according to the active educational offer) as new attendance.
5.5 Elective activities
The elective courses (12 ECTS credits in total) can be selected among those offered by the Study Program and by other programs offered at Politecnico in the same educational class (LM-24 according to the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research).
5.6 Courses as Extra
It is possible to add courses/educational activities to the Study Plan as extras. These courses will not count towards the overall credits required for admission to the final test and will not be used in calculation of the score average.
It is possible to change the status of a course from required to extra, and vice versa, during the annual Study Plan submission period.
For all regulations, reference should be made to the specific University guide.
5.7 Course Priorities
The Building Engineering for Sustainability Program does not impose strict constraints. The optimal sequence to be followed for the Program is the one suggested by the course sequence established in the Degree Program.
6 Traineeship
Students can carry out their traineeship from the first semester of the first year or at a later time, provided that it has been inserted in the Study Plan during the submission and change periods.
The School cooperates with professional associations, public administrations, local authorities and companies to
organise external traineeship activities in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to earn the credits required by the educational system.
In addition, students may carry out a Practical Activity (traineeship) within the Departments of the Politecnico di Milano.
The rules on traineeship duration are established by the Programmes, in accordance with the directives of the School. All further information is available at the Traineeship Office of the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering and in the dedicated section of the School’s Website https://www.auic.polimi.it/en/education/internships-and-workshops/internships
The University also organises Erasmus scholarships for traineeships abroad. For further information: https://www.polimi.it/en/campuses-and-services/international-mobility
7 Examinations
7.1 Procedures
The uniformity of procedures for checking of learning across all sections of the same course and planning of these procedures is ensured through appropriate forms of coordination, in line with the directives of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) Program.
At the start of the academic year, each Professor will communicate the procedures for checking of learning, the content of the examination and the assessment criteria.
For each course (individual courses or studios) there are three exam sessions. Each exam session involves one or more exam session date as established by the School’s academic calendar.
Students may only participate in the exam sessions if duly registered, using the dedicated ‘online services’ function, for the examination date. Failure to register makes it absolutely impossible to take the test and record a score in the career.
Students can register to an exam only if:
- they paid all university tuition fees
- that course is included in their Study Plan
- they passed all propaedeutic exams related to the one to which they want to be registered
- they attended the course, in case the attendance is compulsory
Students may also register after the deadline set by the School. In fact, they may register up until midnight of the actual exam date. In this case, the registration will be accepted as conditional, and it will be up to the teacher’s unappealable decision whether or the student not may be admitted to the exam in question.
Graduating students must observe the specific deadlines established by the academic calendar in order to permit completion, within the established deadlines, of the procedures for registration for the degree exam session.
8. International Mobility
All students duly enrolled in the Building Engineering for Sustainability Program, and complying with the academic performance indicated below, are entitled to submit an application to access the international exchange programs offered by the Politecnico di Milano.
Minimum academic requirement to be able to apply for mobility calls (both Double Degree programme and Short Mobility): Total average greater than or equal to 24. In the absence of data on the Total Average, the Degree value will be adopted, as defined in the University call for tenders, which must be greater than or equal to 27.
The formula for calculation of the Total Average is clearly defined each year in the University call for international mobility and takes into account the average of the exams of three-year Laurea and Laurea Magistrale, and the number of ECTS acquired.
9 Final Test
The Final Test of the Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) in Building Engineering for Sustainability consists of presentation and discussion of a final work (graduation work).
Detailed information can be found in the AUIC School’s Rules on the Final Test for the Laurea (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) and in the Additional Regulations for the Laurea Magistrale in Building Engineering for Sustainability, both available at: https://www.auic.polimi.it/en/students/bachelor-and-master-graduation-exams
Only the original in Italian is valid.
15. Errata corrige