Academic Year 2024/25 School of Design Degree Programme of: Communication Design Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Design | Code Reference Law | 1088 | Name | Communication Design | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | L-4 - Industrial Design | Degree level | Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 3 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2,3 | Official language(s) | Italian | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Francesco Zurlo | Coordinator of the Study programme | Elena Caratti | Website of the School | http://www.design.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | |
Student Office (Study programme) - Milano Bovisa Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeThe fast and continuous development of the media system, the world wide web and digital and mobile communication, the expansion of the services overseeing their production and management, and the increase in devices and opportunities for communication and interaction, make communication a complex professional sector that is constantly expanding and diversifying. The communication and information system shows a widespread presence, a pervasive diffusion, a robust and powerful structure. In the contemporary scenario, the communication and information industry is one of the main pillars of social, economic and cultural development. The artefacts and systems designed by communication designers are a constant and cross-cutting presence. Communication design is in the culture transmitted through the various forms of “advanced” publishing (both online and offline), in the digital transformation of media and many other industries, in new methods of data and information production and dissemination. Communication design shapes the interfaces between products and services and the user, and - in perspective - also the interfaces between them and the context, to promote conscious access and use; Communication Design is in the physical, virtual and digital places of goods distribution where the consumer encounters products; it is in the entertainment industry, in the design of identity and in the narrative systems underlying major events, as well as in their dissemination across different media. Communication designers are cultural operators who, with their contributions, act on the relationships of individuals in society, always in close connection with the content conveyed by any message, whether informative, persuasive or prescriptive. The communication designer must take into account phenomena such as visual pollution, communicative saturation, information overload, transformation of content sharing logics and their production, implications of a system in which technologies and apparatuses require vision and direction, conscious choices, designed orientations. The 'communication designer' is a designer who knows how to navigate all aspects of Communication Design: editorial graphics, television, audiovisual, and multichannel publishing, corporate image and brand identity coordination, packaging and product communication, typography design, web design, data and information visualisation, design of interactive communication artefacts, interfaces that build complex communication services and systems, such as social networks and collaborative platforms. All this is within a vision of communication as a fundamental strategic lever in contemporary society, to be designed through the use of specific tools and methods and the ability to engage with the most current visualisation and communication technologies. The educational offer includes a Laurea programme (equivalent to Bachelor of Science, hereinafter L) in Communication Design and a Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science, hereinafter LM) programme in Communication Design; these programmes are aimed at students with a solid cultural background and a high level of interest in the topics of design culture in general and, in particular, in the forms of communication in all their aspects, open to learning innovative techniques, methods and languages.
3. Learning objectivesThe L programme in Communication Design is aimed at training graduates who possess adequate mastery of general scientific methods and content in accordance with the requirements of L4 Degree Class. The training aims to train a professional designer operating in the field of visual communication, graphic design and digital media. Fundamental goals in the education of the graduate in Communication Design include the acquisition of: - knowledge concerning the integrated communication system covering the fields of two-dimensional and three-dimensional images (static and dynamic), lettering, perception and visual variables, information design, static and dynamic visual representation techniques (photography; motion graphics; movie design), the design of communicative products on analogue devices, digital interfaces, offline and online Web and other Internet platforms, in all their adaptive forms, the basic principles of operation of information systems and knowledge of hardware and software, as well as basic languages that support analogue and digital graphic design; In the design process, this knowledge is used in the analysis phase (in the concept definition phase) to frame the problematic context in terms of design opportunities, constraints, possibilities, selection and prioritization; to analyse the user-communication interaction; - knowledge related to the media system starting from the world of communication users, from social, cultural, relational, symbolic and perceptual aspects that characterise different communicative forms; the ability to read the specificities of usage contexts; the ability to translate analysis elements and the framework of informational contents into the production of new artefacts, the elaboration of new communicative formats, typological innovation of formats, both through the application of communicative technologies and by resorting to the integration of different systems and different supports for 'cross-media' solutions; - the ability to analytically visualise the design idea in its conceptual and realisation phases: from the choice of the design field to the reference communication scenarios and the elaboration of the concept, up to the simulation and implementation of artefacts.
Therefore, fundamental are the knowledge and skills related to languages żżand visual and representational cultures that underlie the construction of appropriate ways of expression; - the ability to control choices among technological, media, support, productive and implementation alternatives that accompany the project, allowing them to be interpreted also from a socio-economic sustainability perspective by deepening knowledge of economic systems, business contexts, markets and marketing issues; it also delves into techniques related to the economic feasibility analysis of communicative products; - the ability to read the design project in its reference context in relation to the evolution of languages in the artistic, architectural, visual communication, design and fashion worlds and to interpret the social and cultural contexts in which designed products and systems of meaning are introduced around communicative artefacts in their aesthetic-cultural component. The three-year education programme (180 ECTS) includes mandatory courses, didactic workshops and single-subject courses in the first year; these are necessary to provide students with knowledge of design culture, visual perception and representation theories and techniques, and enable them to acquire knowledge related to the typological, morphological and functional articulation of communicative artefacts and the production and manipulation of digital images. Other courses are also delivered that provide the basics to understand and manage the language of parametric geometry and to know the fundamentals of computer science. In the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, courses related to historical-critical disciplines provide students with knowledge regarding the evolution of design culture and its relation with the evolution of languages in the artistic, cinematographic and visual communication world. Through the historical method, these courses give students the ability to read the design project in its reference context. In the second year, students are offered mandatory courses, educational workshops and single-subject courses that will provide them with the necessary knowledge to: frame the challenging context in terms of design opportunities, constraints, possibilities, selection and ordering of priorities; analyse user-communicative artefact interaction; deepen design experiences related to specific artefact sectors of Communication Design; acquire the necessary knowledge for design project economic management. In the third year, students will attend a Synthesis Studio that will allow them to integrate the acquired knowledge into a systematic framework, following a paradigmatic path that will provide them with a method to address different design topics, at a medium level of complexity, leading them to develop a graduation essay. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to complete their training by selecting optional courses. The curriculum includes a traineeship-like workshop, which is a classroom activity focused on topics defined by the Study Programme, often in collaboration with local organisations, associations and institutions. International mobility programmes allow students to enhance their education by studying abroad at qualified European Universities.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsThe programme in Communication Design aims at the theoretical, scientific and professional preparation of designers: the designer is a professional who expresses knowledge and skills in the fields of design, production, distribution, and enhancement of communicative content and artefacts. Design encompasses all elements that mediate any form of communication and relationship, from constructing “meaning” around a product or service, touching on aspects of graphic design and identity design, to interfaces that convey digital content online through the Web and mobile applications.
Education in Communication Design responds to the demand for knowledge and skills expressed by the media, publishing, consumer product industries, public administrations, non-profit organisations, design firms and communication consulting firms, including the phases of marketing and distribution of content and interfaces.
The proposed educational programmes are structured into two levels, known as the 3+2 system, including a first-level university Laurea programme (equivalent to Bachelor of Science) and the subsequent two-year Laurea Magistrale programme (equivalent to Master of Science) (hereinafter referred to as L and LM, respectively).
The L programme prepares Project Technicians, i.e., graduates who can support all technical and design activities that, from the concept phase, lead to the production and distribution of communication contents and artefacts.
The first-level degree programme (L) is divided into 6 semesters and covers 180 university credits (ECTS)
On enrolment, students are grouped into Sections, to which they will belong until the end of the programme.
The programme offers different Studios and Courses among which students can choose which ones to attend in order to personalise their education.
The School of Design L programmes share 60 ECTS distributed between the 1st year and the 1st semester of the 2nd year. The courses introduce students to the basic theoretical-practical and instrumental culture for approaching Design projects.
Other courses are specific to each L programme and aim to achieve the programme’s educational mission and goals.
In the 3rd year Final Synthesis Studio, students put into practice the skills acquired, preparing a project that will be discussed at graduation.
The programme concludes with a traineeship-like workshop and a final exam with the discussion of the graduation essay. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master)
The LM programme in Communication Design is the natural continuation of the 3-Year L programme in Communication Design, and the two programmes have a single Study Programme Board.
The LM programme prepares graduates with management skills and strategic finalisation of design activities. These graduates are able to coordinate complex design activities aimed at the conception of articulated and varied interfaces and communicative artefacts in accordance with the identity of organisations and services and with market diffusion strategies and societal relations.
In addition to these two programmes, there is a rich offering of first level Specialising Masters, accessible after the 3-year L programme, and second-level Specialising Masters, accessible after the LM programme. Finally, after obtaining the second-level LM degree, it is possible to access the PhD programme of the Department of Design, which offers highly qualified training in the field of design research.
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeCommunication Designers work in the field of visual communication, graphic design, multimedia and digital and analogue interaction. Communication Designers are specialists in the executive design of communication and operate through the main computer tools and methodologies for representing graphic projects. They can work as project assistants in the field of traditional and multimedia publishing; assistants in the visual design of multimedia tools; assistants in the design of advertising campaigns; project assistants for the promotional communication of products, institutions, services and companies; designers of graphic interfaces, logos, signage, advertising posters, etc. 5.2 Careers options and profilesThe Programme meets the demand for education and training expressed by the industry of communicative artefacts and its supply chains, graphic design and multimedia communication professional firms and the distribution and marketing system of products concerning aspects of product-related communication.
These profiles have job opportunities in companies or institutions with a strong focus on corporate communication or online presence, including e-commerce; they have a wide range of job opportunities in the market of multimedia and traditional publishing, advertising and communication agencies, IT consulting firms, cultural institutions, museums and promotion/service organisations for cultural assets. 3-Year L graduates in Communication Design may continue their studies in the continuity LM programme or in any other LM programme in Design.
The Programme meets the demand for education and training expressed by the industry of communicative artefacts and its supply chains, graphic design and multimedia communication firms and the distribution and marketing system of products concerning aspects of product-related communication.
These profiles have job opportunities in companies or institutions with a strong focus on corporate communication or online presence, including e-commerce; they have a wide range of job opportunities in the market of multimedia and traditional publishing, advertising and communication agencies, IT consulting firms, cultural institutions, museums and promotion/service organisations for cultural assets. 3-Year L graduates in Communication Design may continue their studies in the continuity LM programme or in any other LM programme in Design. 5.3 Qualification profileGraduates from the three-year L programme in Communications Design have specific skills to: - address the media system starting from the world of communication users, considering the social, cultural, relational, symbolic and perceptual aspects that characterise different forms of communication. - understand the specificities of usage contexts that direct and guide communicative action (communicating in commercial, cultural, social contexts, etc.). - translate analysis elements and the framework of informational content into the production of new artefacts, with the development of new communicative formats, both through the application of analogue and digital communication technologies and by resorting to the integration of different systems and supports for 'cross-media' solutions. - choose among technological, media, support, productive and implementation alternatives accompanying the design, enabling their interpretation also from a socio-economic sustainability perspective.
- work in teams, interpret project directives and accurately translate them into the economic, ergonomic, productive, material, representational and modelling requirements needed for production.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsItalian secondary school leaving qualification or other comparable foreign qualification (level 4 EQF) 6.2 Requested knowledgeAn adequate initial preparation is required, which is assessed through an entrance test.
In order to optimise the use of available resources in different University Campuses, the total number of students that can be enrolled in the first year of each study programme is determined by the Academic Senate during the definition of the educational offer, based on the indications provided by the relevant School. Enrolment in the first year of the L programme in School of Design at Politecnico di Milano is subject to passing a test that assesses the possession of the required knowledge for admission and aptitude for studies. The verification of possession of the required knowledge for admission is carried out through a specific test (TOLD). The TOLD consists of multiple-choice questions and takes place in computer rooms at Politecnico.
There are two different time-windows to take the TOLD: • First time-window from March to April: for students that are in the last year of upper secondary school or upper secondary school leavers; • Second time-window from April to May: open to already upper secondary school leavers. Non-EU candidates can only sit the test on a specific date reserved for them at the end of August/beginning of September.
At the time of registering for the test (one test for each time window), the candidate must indicate, in order of preference, one or more programmes among the four Design programmes for which they want to be considered. The test, formulated in English, consists of 90 multiple-choice questions, and the candidate must choose the correct answer from the five options provided. The total duration of the test is 1 hour and 25 minutes (85 minutes). The subject areas and questions covered in the test will be: • geometric-mathematical and representation • logic • verbal comprehension • history of design, history of art • general culture • knowledge of the English language Scores are calculated by assigning: • 1 point for every correct answer • 0 points for every answer not given • 0.25 points for every wrong answer At the end of the test , a ranking list is drawn up, and those who have met the requirements specified in the call for applications are admitted. There are 2 enrolment periods: - Enrolment for Italian candidates and equivalents who have taken the test in the March/May period and have obtained a position high up in the ranking list: these can enrol upon obtaining an upper secondary school leaver’s certificate. - Enrolment for non-EU candidates who have taken the test at the end of August/beginning of September and have obtained a position high up in the ranking list.
Proof of knowledge of the English language
Politecnico di Milano requires that students are proficient in the English language.
During the entrance test, students must sit the English language test. The TENG English test must be taken even by students already holding external certifications attesting to their knowledge of the English language. Candidates who answer correctly less than 24 questions will be given Additional Educational Obligations called OFA IN ENGLISH. The OFA in English can be fulfilled by presenting one of the English language proficiency certificates recognised by Politecnico di Milano.
(further details on the English language in paragraph 7.4) How to access it http://www.poliorientami.polimi.it/cosa-si-studia/corsi-di-laurea/6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places availableThere are 180 places (of which 5 are reserved for non EU students). 6.4 Tutoring and students supportOrientation and ongoing tutoring include all activities aimed at providing assistance to students before and during their university career so that it can take place within the timeframe envisaged by the teaching regulations and in a way that is profitable from the point of view of the development of professional and human skills. Tutoring activities are, therefore, distinct from institutional teaching activities, even though they may serve or complement them. Tutoring activities can be carried out by Masters Degree students, PhD students, lecturers and external staff.
Tutoring activities are planned and managed by the School in close coordination with the Course of Study.
At the University level, the Financial Aid and International Mobility Service interacts with the Schools on the administrative aspects of tutoring Master’s degree students.
The School appoints the President of the Joint Committee as the School Tutoring Representative to conduct a statistical analysis of the data (learning analytics), initiate discussions with the student representatives on the Joint Committee, discuss with the CCS Tutoring Representatives and plan tutoring activities of maximum effectiveness.
Tutoring activities are divided into the following services:
- educational guidance for first-year and postgraduate students (including Peer-to-Peer Tutoring where more experienced third-year student tutors provide help on the core subjects of the first two years of all three-year degree programmes);
- guidance and support for 3rd-year students wishing to undertake curricular internships in place of the internship activity (internship/interdisciplinary workshop) provided for in the study plan;
- educational support meetings held by professors (to facilitate the choices of including optional courses to personalise the study plan);
- assistance/reception activities for first-year students on three-year degree courses, both at the desk and through the new communication channels set up by the School;
- support for internationally mobile students;
- assistance for revision and catch-up seminars;
- assistance in computerised classrooms, libraries and laboratories;
- assistance in finding and developing teaching materials.
Open Days are organised for students wishing to enrol in the School of Design’s courses of study, during which each course of study presents its teaching programme through presentations and/or open lectures.
An orientation service is available to introduce students to the educational and training activities of their courses of study in order to clarify the missions, goals and professional outlets for future students
Every year, a Welcome Day is organised for first-year students, during which the following are presented: the organisation of the School, the offices and their responsibilities, the international exchange programmes, the communication tools of the School and the Politecnico, the School of Design website, Trouble Ticketing, chat, the Beep portal, the library services, the instrument laboratories and Safety Week (the week in which students obtain authorisation to access the laboratories). During this meeting, space is given to the Joint Committee and Student Representation presentation.
The Student Representatives of the School Council have prepared a handbook to introduce themselves and summarise the services students can access.
For current students, presentations of optional courses and Synthesis Workshops are prepared. In addition to the Teaching Fact Sheets, which detail how the classes are conducted, students can access the School’s website and view slides and videos prepared by the lecturers to summarise the topics covered in the course.
The School organises “Lesson 0” to provide information on the University’s facilities and services and to explain the organisation of the course of study; it is left to the coordinators to organise such a Lesson in collective mode with the other courses of study or on the first day of class of one of the subjects of the specific degree course. Students in subsequent years are provided with information on the range of courses on offer and on initiatives specific to their own year.
The focuses of Lesson 0 are:
- Course Organisation and University Services (I L);
- experience abroad (II and III LT);
- postgraduate: Master’s Degree and Level I master’s degree;
- job market and Career service (III LT)
- LM admission: criteria and parameters N and V (II e III LT);
- student opinion questionnaire (I, II, III LT);
- questionnaire on services and overall training pathway (III LT);
- final examination: type, choice of supervisor and final grade (III LT).
For current students, the School has initiated activities aimed at:
- contribute to removing obstacles to successful course attendance, including through initiatives tailored to the needs, aptitudes and requirements of individuals;
- make students more actively involved in the learning process.
Course Tutoring Contact Person(s) is the institutional reference point for guidance at the School; the service is organised within the framework of the course of study and, in particular, deals with:
- support service to students where they need help in solving problems or deepening concepts;
- approval and possible drafting of texts concerning the presentation of the degree course for which the professor is the contact person;
- identification of student projects from their degree course to be used as orientation tools during Open Days and for the School’s institutional communication.
The School of Design participates in the national PotDesign project - Guidance and Tutoring Plans - set up by Miur.
For further details on the Tutoring Actions put in place by the School:
https://www.design.polimi.it/it/didattica/servizi/tutorato Tutoring https://www.design.polimi.it/en/1/teaching/services/tutoring
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirementsThe L degree is awarded through the acquisition of 180 ECTS. Graduates in the Communication Design L programme must have a solid basic training in the field of design disciplines aimed at deepening both methodological and technical-operational aspects. In particular, they must be adequately familiar with the tools, techniques and technologies for Communication Design: from visual, graphic, photographic, typographic and video representation techniques to image manipulation and visual language techniques, from knowledge of perceptual mechanisms to knowledge of chromatic systems. They must also master the necessary tools to address the practice of design in different areas of communication: editorial products, signage, corporate identity, as well as communication systems and interactive and multimedia applications based on digital and web technologies. They must have acquired scientific-technological skills (offline and online tools and technologies for visual and multimedia design ; communication formats and architecture of computer technologies; prototyping techniques, product reproduction and serialisation; printing and pre-printing processes and online publishing of communicative artefacts; elements of economic-production systems with particular attention to knowledge related to production systems and cycles, industrialisation and business culture in its economic, managerial and organisational aspects, etc.) and theoretical-critical knowledge (historical knowledge of graphics and communication, their evolution, semiotics study, online and offline communication language, etc.).
According to Law No. 33 of April 12, 2022, simultaneous enrollment in two programs is allowed. Enrollment in two programs is possible only if they are of different degree classes (classi di laurea) and differ in at least two-thirds of their educational activities regarding academic credits.
Consistent with what is defined by Law No. 33, at the student's instance, the maximum number of CFUs already taken in the other program and validatable is 60 CFUs for BSc programmes.
Please note that courses belonging to programs of a different level or type from the program you are enrolled in cannot be validated.
Full details on when to apply for validation and the administrative fees to be paid are available on the Polimi website: https://www.polimi.it/contemporanea-iscrizione 7.2 Mode of studyThe Study programme has a full-time attendance that is divided over two semesters. The teaching methods are: Single Subject Courses, characterised by theoretical contents that are communicated with ex-cathedra lectures and verified during the year with tests and interviews; Integrated Courses, which refer to more than one discipline or specific area and sometimes are provided by two or more professors, each one providing their contribution; Design Studio, where the students carry out project activities, under the guidance of the team of professors, each one providing their contribution applied to the project topic (the Design Studio use Experimental Laboratories that offer the opportunity to experiment and use tools, technologies and machinery useful for the project). Workshops are also included within the curricular offer, or full-time courses lasting a week in which students develop a project under the guidance of a foreign visiting professor, a professional with evident reputation or in co-tutorship with a company. By participating in this activity, the student fulfils the traineeship activity required by the educational system. The Erasmus Programme and other international mobility programmes allow students to spend a study semester abroad at qualified European universities. Guida al Piano degli studi e allocazioni in sezioni e insegnamenti opzionali per i Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale https://www.design.polimi.it/en/1/teaching/studying-design/career-guides Internship https://www.design.polimi.it/en/1/teaching/studying-design/curricolar-internships7.3 Detailed learning objectivesAt the enrollment, the student is placed in a Section (PSPA, Pre-approved study plan): the division into Sections is necessary to divide the total number of enrolled students in the Laboratories and Single Subject/Integrated multi-section courses. The allocation in the Section is kept during the career: the student can choose optional courses and Synthesis Laboratories. Students’ ability to choose the courses and credits to be included into their Study plans is ruled by the regulations of the School, which makes available a credit offer for each year of the course (“nominal offer”). Each year, students can choose courses for a different number of credits than that specified by the nominal courses to graduate their study programmes according to their needs. The minimum number of credits a student can enrol on is 30 unless the number of credits needed for course completion is fewer than this. The maximum number of credits a student can enrol on is 80, respecting exam priorities. The current framework of the study plan requires the course exam sequence to be respected. Courses designed for later years of the programme cannot be included in the Study Plan of the following year (“advance inclusion”) unless all previous and current year courses have also been included in it. In order to include the 2nd year Design Studios, it is necessary to have passed all 1st year Design Studios; to include the Final Synthesis Studio of the 3rd year, it is necessary to have passed the 2nd year Laboratories and all the 1st year courses. As a result of this rule, there may be a change in the number of credits a student may nominally enrol for. The Educational Regulations also require that a specific number of credits are allocated to types of activity, which can be categorised as follows: - educational activities chosen independently by students (optional courses); - educational activities related to the preparation of the final exam; - activities related to educational work experience and guidance.
1 Year courses - Track: C1 - C2 - C3
2 Year courses - Track: C1 - C2 - C3
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 062203 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI MOVIE DESIGN | | 2 | 12.0 | 12.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 062204 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI WEB E DIGITAL DESIGN | | 2 | 12.0 | 062205 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI CORPORATE IDENTITY | | 2 | 12.0 | | 062198 | A,B | ICAR/13 ICAR/17 ING-INF/05 | LABORATORIO DI COMPUTER GRAFICA PER IL GAME DESIGN | | 1 | 12.0 | 12.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 062199 | A,B | ICAR/13 ICAR/17 ING-INF/05 | LABORATORIO DI COMPUTER GRAFICA PER L'INFORMATION DESIGN | | 1 | 12.0 | 062200 | A,B | ICAR/13 ICAR/17 ING-INF/05 | LABORATORIO DI COMPUTER GRAFICA PER IL 3D | | 1 | 12.0 |
3 Year courses - Track: C1 - C2 - C3
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 051223 | C | L-ART/06 | STORIA DELL'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA | | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 | | 051224 | -- | -- | PREPARATION OF FINAL WORK FOR GRADUATION | -- | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 |
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | Laboratori di sintesi finale | 054806 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI SINTESI FINALE - SEZ.1 | | 1 | 18.0[4.0 ] | 18.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 054807 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI SINTESI FINALE - SEZ.2 | | 1 | 18.0[4.0 ] | 054808 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LABORATORIO DI SINTESI FINALE - SEZ.3 | | 1 | 18.0[4.0 ] | | 052821 | -- | -- | WORKSHOP TIROCINANTE | | 2 | 6.0[6.0 ] | 6.0 | | Gruppo 1 | 054667 | A | MAT/08 | COMPUTER ANIMATION | | 1 | 6.0[1.0 ] | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 059597 | A,B | ICAR/13 SECS-P/08 | DESIGN STARTUP | | 1 | 6.0 | 061566 | A,B | ICAR/13 | DESIGNING IN A MULTISPECIES WORLD | | 2 | 6.0 | 053823 | A,B | ICAR/13 | ERASMUS EXPERIENCE (a) | | 1 | 6.0[2.0 ] | 056421 | A,B | ICAR/13 | FOTOGIORNALISMO: NARRARE PER IMMAGINI | | 1 | 6.0 | 056381 | -- | IUS/01 | IL DIRITTO DEL DESIGN | | 1 | 6.0 | 057387 | A,B | ICAR/13 | INTERIOR CAR DESIGN FOR THE NEW MOBILITY | | 2 | 6.0 | 059729 | -- | ING-IND/22 | MATERIALI ED APPLICAZIONI EMERGENTI E SOSTENIBILI | | 2 | 6.0 | 057355 | -- | SECS-P/08 | RETAIL DESIGN | | 1 | 6.0 | 062734 | A,B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DELLA COMUNICAZIONE PER LA SOSTENIBILITÀ | | 2 | 6.0 | 056419 | A,B | ICAR/13 | TECNICHE GRAFICHE AVANZATE & SOFTWARE DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 | 056439 | -- | ICAR/16 | TEMPORARY EXHIBITION DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 | 051949 | A,B | ICAR/13 | WOOD DESIGN | | 1 | 6.0 | | Gruppo 2 | 059794 | -- | M-DEA/01 | ANTROPOLOGIA DEL QUOTIDIANO | | 2 | 6.0 | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 056449 | A,B | ICAR/13 | BRAND OF ME | | 2 | 6.0 | 051951 | B,C | M-PSI/01 | COLORE E PERCEZIONE | | 1 | 6.0 | 057556 | A,B | ICAR/13 | DAL WAYFINDING AL PHYSICAL BRANDING: TRA COMUNICAZIONE E INTERIOR DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 | 062702 | A,B | ICAR/13 | BELLEZZA ITALIANA E DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 | 053824 | A,B | ICAR/13 | ERASMUS EXPERIENCE (b) | | 2 | 6.0[2.0 ] | 055187 | A,B | ICAR/13 | ITALIAN DESIGN WAY: AN INTRODUCTION | | 2 | 6.0 | 062736 | A,B | ICAR/13 | FENOMENOLOGIA DEL DESIGN:SPAZIO E TEMPO | | 1 | 6.0 | 056436 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LIFE STYLE AND FASHION | | 1 | 6.0 | 062703 | A,B | ICAR/13 | NEUROMARKETING E NEURODESIGN | | 1 | 6.0 | 059779 | A,B | ICAR/13 | OLTRE IL CINEMA: L'IMMAGINE FILMICA E IL SUO SENSO | | 2 | 6.0 | 051819 | A,B | ICAR/13 | RELAZIONI EFFICACI: CONOSCERE SE STESSI E GLI ALTRI PER COMUNICARE CON SUCCESSO | | 1 | 6.0 | 059776 | A,B | ICAR/13 | STRATEGIC IDENTITY DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 | 059773 | B,C | M-PSI/01 | THE IDEAL TEAM: HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OUT OF OUR INNER TEAM BUILDING SKILLS | | 2 | 6.0 | 061567 | -- | ICAR/21 | TRANSFORMATIVE CITY MAKING | | 2 | 6.0 | | Gruppo 3 | 053825 | A,B | ICAR/13 | ERASMUS EXPERIENCE (c) | | 2 | 6.0[2.0 ] | 6.0 (Grp. Opz.) | 062709 | A,B | ICAR/13 | DESIGN DELLA COMUNICAZIONE PER LA SOSTENIBILITÀ | | 2 | 6.0 | 051901 | A,B | ICAR/13 | DIGITAL STRATEGY | | 2 | 6.0 | 054980 | A,B | ICAR/13 | LICENSING E BRAND EXTENSION | | 2 | 6.0[6.0 ] | 059775 | B,C | M-PSI/01 | TECNICHE DI NARRAZIONE (NARRATIVE TECHNIQUES) | | 1 | 6.0 | 056396 | A,B | ICAR/13 | TYPE DESIGN | | 2 | 6.0 |
(a) This course is dedicated to students selected for the Erasmus project who wish to have their optional course validated with a course taken abroad (b) This course is dedicated to students selected for the Erasmus project who wish to have their optional course validated with a course taken abroad (c) This course is dedicated to students selected for the Erasmus project who wish to have their optional course validated with a course taken abroad.
7.4 Foreign languageFor first level L programmes, the assessment takes place at the entrance test venue. Failure to pass will result in the student being assigned an Additional Educational Obligation (OFA), to be fulfilled before being admitted to the 2nd-year course plan.
The English OFA is fulfilled by submitting the Registrar's Office one of the English language certificates recognised by Politecnico di Milano. Should a student not fulfil the OFA, at the time of submitting the Study Plan, the student will not be able to include courses from subsequent years beyond the 1st year.
Students are invited to read the specified document carefully, and must respect the rules reported therein. In particular, it should be noted that: “Pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04, Politecnico di Milano recognises English as a language of the European Union that must be known in addition to Italian”. 7.5 Degree examinationThe examination consists of the presentation of a work (poster, prototype, video, etc.) representing the project(s) developed during the Final Synthesis Workshop and a portfolio containing projects and personal experiences significant to the chosen training pathway. Both products are drawn up under the guidance of the lecturer, assisted - as far as the portfolio is concerned - by the lecturer responsible for drawing it up, where the CCS has so provided. It will be possible, at the discretion of the lecturers, to supplement the work with technical drawings, booklets, research, models, etc.
Students may perfect their work and portfolios during the ELP, following the instructions given by each lecturer and by the teacher responsible for drawing up the portfolio, if the CCS so decides.
The work must demonstrate the maturity of the student both as regards the methodological approach of the project and the acquisition of the technical and cultural tools specific to the course of study.
The dissertation and the portfolio are normally written in Italian. At the request of the student, the work may be written in other languages, subject to authorisation from the Responsible for Degrees.
In this case as well, the degree dissertation shall be discussed in Italian. If the dissertation and portfolio are prepared in a foreign language, the student must prepare a short report in Italian.
The student must provide the Commission with at least one copy of the dissertation and the portfolio. The portfolio may also include a report on the activities carried out in companies or professional studios, for students who have carried out an internship in place of internal internship courses. The work and the portfolio will be presented in one of the COs (Operating Commitees) set up by the degree course to which the student belongs.
There is only one supervisor and he/she must be a professor or researcher with a contract at the University (in the current or previous academic year) and may be part of the Degree Committee. He/she may be assisted by one or more co-rapporteurs or "experts" on specific topics, including those from outside the School.
The Supervisor is normally included in the Degree Committee that will judge the student, make his/her proposal for a mark and has the right to propose to the Committee that a maximum of 2 points be awarded to the work and portfolio.
A lecturer who is not part of the Final Synthesis workshop followed by the student may not be chosen as a supervisor. Any justified requests for exceptions must be approved by the School Council.
Following the evaluation, presentation and discussion of the dissertation, as well as the student's entire career within the Degree Programme, the Degree Committee assigns a mark. The score assigned by the Degree Committee shall have a minimum value of -1 (minus one) hundredth of a decimal point and a maximum value of 8 (eight) hundredths of a decimal point. The degree mark awarded by the Graduation Committee is expressed in 100ths.
It is made up of the sum of the average marks obtained by the student in the courses, weighted by the credits and expressed in hundredths and hundredths of a hundredth of a hundredth (without taking into account any supernumerary activities and praise) - and the mark awarded by the CL and expressed in hundredths and hundredths of a hundredth of a hundredth.
This sum shall be rounded up to the nearest whole number (0.50 is rounded up to 1.00) and limited to 110.
The minimum graduation mark will always be 66.
The Degree Committee may also award honours.
An honourable mark, which may also be proposed by the supervisor, shall be awarded in recognition of the graduate's preparation and maturity, his brilliant curriculum vitae, his exposition methods, his argumentation skills and the quality and originality of his dissertation.
Honours may only be awarded if the grade, formulated as per Art. 8, is, before rounding off, greater than or equal to 111 (one hundred and eleven) hundred decimal points. Honours shall be awarded by unanimous decision of the members of the Degree Committee.
Further information can be found in the Degree Examination Regulations available on the School's website: https://www.design.polimi.it/it/didattica/documenti/guide-alla-carriera.
8. Academic calendarThe Laurea course calendar is drawn up in accordance with study assessment methods which, for the Design School's Laurea programmes involve “ongoing” assessments performed during each semester. The academic year is made up of two semesters each of which consists of a teaching session and learning assessment sessions (exam sessions). The teaching sessions of each semester are made up of two periods of lessons, practice and laboratory work, with exam sessions with the related curricular workshop activities. The teaching periods are approximately mid-September-December and end-February-early June. In September, before the start of lectures, there will be a period for presentation of Study Plan. The degree exam sessions are scheduled in these periods: February, July, September. Lesson timetable, calendars and deadlines https://www.design.polimi.it/en/teaching/studying-design/lessons-timetable-calendars-and-deadlines
9. FacultyThe professors' names of the Study Programme and what they teach will be made available on the degree programme from September onwards. The Degree Programme is published each year on Politecnico di Milano's website.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesThe School of Design is based at Campus Bovisa-Candiani where the educational activities are held and where there are services for students (Experimental laboratories, Library, Study room, Press Service,..) https://maps.polimi.it/maps/
Design Laboratories The creation of big experimental laboratories supporting design education is in line with the Politecnico di Milano School of Design's experimental tradition, its inductive teaching model, in which 'knowledge' and 'know-how' are mutually supportive. The purpose of these laboratories is the practice of activities which allow students to verify their design hypotheses and learn how to use the technical tools required for experimentation, representation and design communication. The laboratories managed by the Design Department occupy an approximately 10,000 square metre space in the Milan Bovisa campus.
11. International contextBuilding an international dimension for the School of Design and its Study Programmes has been one of its priority objectives since it was founded in the year 2000.
There are many reasons for this purpose: the nature of design which inherently draws its very lifeblood from its multicultural and multi-local character, its proximity to both the world of manufacturing - which has now taken on a global dimension - and the sphere of consumption whose dynamics and tendencies are visible in a range of local specific contexts; the very DNA of the design community which has always been international; Milan's acknowledged status as design capital, a crucible for designers from all over the world who have come here to study or open a studio; the desire to make educational trajectories increasingly permeable to impulses deriving from this stimulating context as in other dynamic foreign contexts, with the aim to teach to international professors and designers.
To these should be added more highly structured activities which aim to strengthen collaborative relations, in the didactic and research fields, with selected universities: this is the case of the MEDes_Master of European Design educational programme (with 6 partner universities), the LM Double Degree Programmes.
The School of Design is a member of Cumulus, a network of European design schools, and of the main international design associations. http://www.cumulusassociation.org/
12. InternationalizationFor the School of Design, internationalization has a double meaning: supporting student (and teaching and technical staff) mobility outwards and, on the opposite direction, attracting students, researchers, professors and visiting professors from abroad.
In recent years, the School of Design has committed itself to widen its international contact network and it now works with 200 design universities from all over the world in Erasmus exchange programmes (with 150 European universities), in bilateral exchange projects (with 60 non European universities), joint workshops with other schools, international internships and so on. Double Degree programs have been opened at the Master level. To encourage the internationalization most of the Master programmes are offered in English or have at least an English track.
In addition to these actions, the School of Design invites Visiting Professors from all over the world, within its programs, and promotes innovative and international teaching activities through Collaborative Classes program which foresees a collaboration online of students and teachers. International exchanges The School of Design takes part in international student exchange programmes which offer students the opportunity to go abroad for a period, both during L and LM study programme, at one of the Politecnico's partner universities. A list of the School's partner universities is available on the Politecnico's web site and on the School of Design web site in the International Area. The Erasmus+ Programme The Erasmus + program establishes the possibility for a European university student to carry out a period of study in a foreign university within the European Union, from 2 up to 12 months, legally recognized by their university.
In particular, Erasmus for study allows university students to complete a period of study at a university that has signed an agreement with the home university. This mobility may give the right to an economic contribution (with conditions specified in the Call for international mobility) and to free enrollment in the host university. The student can thus follow courses and carry out exams in the partner university and then have the exams taken also in the university of their country recognized. The mobility can be carried out for a maximum of 12 months in each level of study. Bilateral exchanges The School of Design has also activated some bilateral agreements with non-EU universities. These are intended for both the use of Laurea (Bachelor) or Laurea Magistrale (Master) students. The procedures for admission to such exchanges are the same as those for Erasmus exchanges with the exception for the economic contribution for mobility, that in this case it is not guaranteed. The bilateral agreement, in fact, enables students to attend a period of study abroad at a partner university without incurring registration fees at such universities. In some cases, however, a management fee for exchange students must be paid (e.g.: Orientation fee, insurance,). The MEDes Programme (Master of European Design (MEDes)
From the a.y. 2002/2003, the School of Design activated the MEDes, as five-year international educational programme, in collaboration with six other famous European design universities and formalised through an agreement that relies on the Erasmus+ mobility programme. A maximum of 6 students are selected for this excellence programme among all those enrolled on the 2nd year of the laurea study programmes in Industrial Design, Interior Design and Communication Design, that at the time of application are in order with the curricular exams and that have successfully attended at least 60 credits at Politecnico di Milano. The students apply immediately for two years of mobility (and for a total of five years of study including Laurea and Laurea Magistrale) and therefore they guarantee the continuation to LM at Politecnico di Milano within the MSc Programs in Intergated Product Design, Interior and Spatial Design, Communication Design and Product Service System Design, always following the normal career planned by the School of Design of Politecnico di Milano which foresees the degree examination at the end of the 3rd year. In order to complete the full career, students can only graduate in their university of origin, for both Laurea and Laurea Magistrale. (Cf guide to access the Msc) In addition to Politecnico di Milano, the universities taking part in this programme are: Politecnico di Milano, School of Design, Milan, Italy Aalto-University, Helsinki, Finland Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Sweden Köln International School of Design, TH Köln, Cologne, Germany The Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland ENSCI-Les Ateliers, Paris, France Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal Candidates, admitted to the MEDes programme, have two study experiences abroad, in two partner universities: the first one during the 3rd year of I level Laurea, and the other one during the 1st year of Laurea Magistrale. The universities of destination will be chosen according to the aptitude shown by candidates during the selection process, to the selection made by the responsible professors during the workshops (organized every year in March, in one of the partner schools and with compulsory participation by the exchange students of 1st and 2nd year) and considering the preferences stated by the student. "Free Mover" Mobility
“Free Movers” are students who have international mobility and independently organize their period of study abroad. This mobility is not tied to an exchange project organized by the Politecnico di Milano, for example, Erasmus. It therefore occurs outside current agreements between the Politecnico di Milano and partner sites and the call for International mobility.
Since this is not a structured and community program, candidates for the "Free Mover" mobility must personally organize their stay abroad (contact with the chosen University, food, accommodation, health assistance, etc.) and there is no '' disbursement of any type of contribution to support the expenses for the mobility period.
“Free Mover” mobility may be used to sit exams or to conduct thesis work, with different requirements for the candidacy process and approval from the Programme. In the first case, the mobility may not be used for a site that has an exchange agreement with the Politecnico for the School in which the student is registered. Guide to the international mobility of Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale Scuola del Design https://www.design.polimi.it/en/1/teaching/studying-design/career-guides For more information about the rules and limitations for "Free Mover" mobility, consult the University guidelines: https://www.polimi.it/campus-e-servizi/mobilita-internazionale/studiare-allestero/free-movers
13. Quantitative dataThe University Assessment Commission Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di Milano. Data https://www.polimi.it/il-politecnico/organizzazione/organi-di-ateneo/nucleo-di-valutazione/dati-a-cura-dellufficio-di-supporto
14. Further informationStudents are encouraged to consult the School of Design site and in particular the Guides which regulate access, changing degree programme, courses and laurea exams for any other information they may need.
15. Errata corrige