 Academic Year 2024/25 School of Industrial and Information Engineering Degree Programme of: Aerospace Engineering Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) Milano Campus
1. General Information School | School of Industrial and Information Engineering | Code Reference Law | 350 | Name | Aerospace Engineering | Reference Law | Ordinamento 270/04 | Class of degree | L-9 - Industrial Engineering | Degree level | Laurea (Equivalent To Bachelor Of Science) | First year of activation | 2008/2009 | Official length of the programme | 3 | Years of the programme already activated | 1,2,3 | Official language(s) | Italian | Campus | Milano | Dean of the School | Lorenzo Dozio | Coordinator of the Study programme | Pierluigi Di Lizia | Website of the School | http://www.ingindinf.polimi.it | Website of the Study programme | |
Central Student Office - Milano Bovisa Address | VIA LAMBRUSCHINI, 15 (MI) |
2. General presentation of the study programmeSocial/economic context
The mobility of the future
Mobility and related services are central to the current socio-economic environment. Mobility underpins human relationships and social connections and facilitates access to goods and services, including trade, work, health, culture and education. In a post-pandemic framework, forecasts show that the demands on mobility by land, air and sea will increase compared to the past and will focus on efficiency, speed, connectivity and accessibility of means of transport. Technological innovation is essential in defining how and what the mobility of the future will look like. The new frontiers of technology (e.g. autonomous systems, artificial intelligence or ultra-light materials) can provide important opportunities to transform the mobility system as a whole, creating new business models and new services. The air transport sector, in its most general sense, has always been a sector with very high technological content, often at the cutting edge, and at the same time capable of dealing with issues of reliability and safety managed through consolidated certification processes. The aeronautical industry can therefore occupy an ideal and privileged position in supporting innovation and its potential impact on mobility in the coming decades. This role poses major challenges, particularly with regard to growth models that are responsible and therefore sustainable. The growth of the sector will be positively supported by specific approaches and targeted technological solutions and will require a significant increase in highly qualified specialised professionals.
The Space Economy
Space technologies and the data/services based on them have become an integral and indispensable part of the modern economy and global society. The most significant examples include television broadcasting, car navigation, weather forecasting, agricultural management and the provision of accurate timing for electronic transactions. Through their ability to provide global coverage, satellite services play a key role in global climate monitoring, natural disaster management and security and defence activities.
In Europe, institutional and governmental bodies still remain the main actors in the sector. They play the role of both promoters and users of space technology innovation, and the nations' space research centres act as a bridge from fundamental research to mature technologies. Traditionally, the development of the sector has been supported by public funding and initiatives.
In recent years, however, a paradigm shift is taking place thanks to new technologies and processes (automation, artificial intelligence, miniaturisation, etc.), new commercial players that are changing the traditional cycles of the incumbents, and innovative uses of satellite and data links that are detached from the traditional space sector. Recently, in both the US and Europe, new private companies have entered the space sector, bringing a new source of innovation based on new business models and disruptive technologies, and the promotion and adoption of mass production methods and technologies and components typical of non-space industries. This is the phenomenon known as the 'New Space Economy'. This paradigm shift is further reinforced by the entry of commercial players from the internet economy into the space sector, which strongly promote the use of artificial intelligence software and techniques. As a result, the rate and rate of innovation in the sector have increased significantly and standard costs in many areas have been significantly reduced.
The approach leads to a transition from one-off or low-volume development and production - standard practice in the space sector - to exploiting the advantages of current mass-production technologies, resulting in faster development times and significantly lower production costs. In this context, the ability to maintain adequate levels of safety and reliability will be one of the key determinants of future competitiveness.
Development of the educational offer
The significant presence of aeronautical industries in Lombardy has led to the spread of an aeronautical mentality and culture, which has provided the natural breeding ground for the establishment of a school of aeronautical engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. After the introduction of an initial aviation course in 1909 and a minor but qualified presence until after World War II, the first graduates from the aeronautical section of the Mechanical Engineering course of study date back to 1952. Shortly afterwards, the Degree Course in Aeronautical Engineering was officially launched, later becoming the Degree Course in Aerospace Engineering following the inclusion in the course of study of specific knowledge and skills in the space area, in response to emerging needs in the sector. Finally, the change in the university study system forced a redesign of the educational offer, differentiating the course into a three-year Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering and two separate two-year Master's Degrees, one in Aeronautical Engineering and one in Space Engineering. The current aerospace training offered by the Politecnico di Milano therefore represents the evolution of a historical path, which also includes a third cycle of training consisting of a PhD in Aerospace Engineering. The various courses of study are now a well-established reality in the national and European panorama of training in the aerospace field.
The experience gained by the lecturers in the various fields of research, from those that are purely aerospace to those that represent the engineering disciplines that form the figure of the graduate, is reflected in the quality of the teaching provided. The continuous and numerous collaborations with industry and research bodies, both national and international, feed the basic and applied research activities, ensuring the continuous updating of the contents of the teaching and teaching methods.
Historically, Politecnico di Milano aerospace engineers have been sought after by companies operating in the aeronautical and space sectors for their knowledge and technical skills related to specific applications. However, they are also highly sought after in all those industrial fields where aerodynamics, lightweight structures, innovative materials and the design of complex systems are important. New specialisations are rapidly emerging. In fact, the sector is characterised by significant transformations and rapid evolution, which means that the training on offer must be continually updated to cope with the contamination of different disciplines and the need to integrate different skills and competences. In this sense, the course is aimed at training aerospace engineers with specific skills and knowledge to solve advanced technical problems related to continuous improvement in traditional aerospace technologies, but also with the ability to interact and integrate between different aerospace technologies and between aerospace disciplines and those of other engineering sectors, especially in the ICT field.
The programme mission
The programme mission is to prepare engineers capable of successfully addressing a multi- and inter-disciplinary context in dynamic and highly international operating environments, combining solid scientific and engineering foundations with specific aerospace engineering concepts which, according to the education level, facilitate the engineer in analysing, understanding and managing problems typical of the sector as well as of related scientific and technological areas.
3. Learning objectivesThe aerospace sector requires highly professional engineers capable of working successfully in extremely interdisciplinary areas with a high level of technology, elevated efficiency and safety requisites and in a continually evolving and markedly international context: The articulation of aeronautical transport and the complexity of individual components requires coordination, integration and balancing of skills and capabilities of a high number of subjects to achieve a successful project be it aircraft (aerodynamics, structures, flight mechanics, controls, systems, propulsion, etc. ) or a profitable operation of the same (airport logistics, aircraft fleet maintenance and management, etc.).
The graduate in Aerospace Engineering acquires the engineering mentality of industrial engineers, using the aerospace context and applications as a study and educational environment. The mission and goal of the Master of Science in Aeronautical or Space Engineering is that of providing specific skills in the aeronautical and space sectors, based on a solid background in mathematics, physics, chemistry, solid and fluid mechanics, dynamics and control.
The knowledge gained in the various courses is taught in such a way as to not only ensure its acquisition but also to develop interdisciplinary skills and the aptitude to face new and complex problems in a scientifically rigorous manner. In particular, all levels of the Programme aim at maintaining and strengthening ability to translate knowledge into practice in the employment world, pursuing the following learning results.
Knowledge and understanding. The Bachelor of Science programme in Aerospace Engineering is geared to provide all students with the knowledge and understanding of mathematical and physical principles underlying the field of industrial engineering, sound knowledge in engineering, as well as understanding and modeling of certain typical problems encountered in aerospace engineering. Such elements are considered to be essential to be able to satisfy the learning objectives of a subsequent Master of Science as well as entering employment after the three year cycle, ensuring acquisition of those tools which, with the support of advanced texts, facilitate study of new issues, continuous update of professional skills and alignment with operating conditions met along the way.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Graduates must be able to analyse and solve engineering problems suitable for their level of knowledge, autonomously elaborating their own skills, working in cooperation with engineers and non-engineers, using consolidated methodologies, from numerical modelling to experimentation, whilst recognising limitations and potential.
Making judgements. Graduates must acquire the skills needed to conduct complex studies on technical issues at their level of knowledge, using various and appropriate tools, from bibliographic research to consulting regulations and carrying out numerical and/or experimental investigations. These skills must lead to being able to formulate judgements whilst always being aware of the complexity of typical aerospace engineering problems and of the need for any in-depth analysis requiring superior skills.
Communication skills. The Bachelor of Science graduate in Aerospace Engineering must acquire the necessary foundation to communicate in an effective manner in a national and international context, both orally and in writing, being able to draft reports and make oral presentations using state-of-the-art tools.
Learning skills. The educational project, based on an appropriate balance in terms of fundamental scientific and engineering disciplines, as well as those characterising the aerospace sector, and on the stimulus of problem analysis and critical evaluation skills, will put the graduate in a position to manage continuous and indispensable learning with a high degree of autonomy, in order to follow scientific-technical evolution in the aerospace field.
The above objectives are pursued via lectures and specific exercise and laboratory teaching activities, carried out individually or in groups, within the individual or coordinated courses, also using verification procedures which foresee direct professor/student interaction aimed at stimulating and developing autonomy in managing issues faced.
4. Organization of the study programme and further studies 4.1 Structure of the study programme and QualificationsThe educational offer in the aerospace sector at the Politecnico di Milano is structured in three cycles, one Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, two Masters of Science in Aeronautical Engineering and Space Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering.
The structure is represented in the following diagram.
| Structure of the educational offer in Aerospace Engineering. |
The Bachelor's Degree in Aerospace Engineering provides a single curriculum aimed at acquiring a solid preparation in methodological aspects and basic subjects as well as adequate and selected fundamental knowledge of the aerospace sector. Most of the courses are compulsory, so as to ensure a truly uniform preparation. However, a number of elective courses are also available to offer students the possibility of opting for an educational pathway that is more oriented towards the scientific and methodological aspects required to continue their studies in a Master's degree, or more oriented towards specific job opportunities, tackling more practical aspects of aeronautical and space engineering.
The teaching load will be distributed almost evenly over the three years of study, with a prevalence of basic and industrial engineering subjects in the first two years and a prevalence of subjects characterising the aerospace sector in the third year. A final laboratory is envisaged, with the aim of also strengthening students' written and oral communication skills.
On concluding the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering the student acquires a B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering. This qualification allows graduates to take the professional examination to register in the professional order of engineers, under Section B. Registration is accompanied by the wording: “Junior engineers section – industrial field”. 4.2 Further StudiesThe qualification grants access to "Laurea Magistrale" (2nd degree), "Corso di Specializzazione di primo livello" (1st level Specialization Course) and "Master Universitario di primo livello" (1st level University Master)
A B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering provides access to Master of Science or Master programmes. For admission conditions and allocation of any curricular supplements, refer to the relevant regulations.
5. Professional opportunities and work market5.1 Professional status of the degreeThe Doctor in Aerospace Engineering receives a legal acknowledgment, on the base of its qualification, in private companies and public agencies; he receives moreover a legal acknowledgment to practice the free profession of junior industrial Engineer after to have passed the examinations of qualification to the free profession and to be written to professional order of the industrial engineers in the section B (junior). The Doctor in Aerospace Engineering is a technician with university preparation, formed by the acquisition of specific competences in the fields aeronautical and spaces founded them on solid bases of mathematics, physical, chemistry, mechanics of the solid and the fluid, dynamics and control. The graduated in Aerospace Engineering acquires the ingegneristic mentality own of the class of industrial engineering using the aerospace context and applications like environment of study and formation. The acquaintances given in the several courses are proposed in a formative context that, besides their acquisition, aimed to develop the ability of interdisciplinare integration and attitude to face new and complex problems in scientifically rigorous way.
The B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering has legal recognition, on the basis of his/her academic qualification, in companies and public and private bodies; it also provides legal recognition to practice the profession of Junior Industrial Engineer after passing the professional examination and having registered in the appropriate order of professional industrial engineers in section B (junior). 5.2 Careers options and profilesThe career opportunities for graduates in Aerospace Engineering are typically in industries manufacturing aircraft and engines, space vehicles and their components, particularly in technology and manufacturing sectors, in companies operating in the aerospace service sector, in aircraft fleet management and maintenance companies, in airport authorities or air transport service companies and, in general, in all those areas of employment in which design and production methods and skills typical of the preparation of an aerospace sector graduate are of relevance.
The Bachelor of Science prepares for the profession:
- Aerospace Engineer (*)
- Mechanical Engineer (*)
- Industrial and Management and Production Engineer (*)
(*) according to the ISTAT classification of professions with possibility to register in section B of the Order of Engineers upon passing the professional exam. 5.3 Qualification profileAerospace engineer
Profile in a work context: The graduate student in Aerospace Engineering is a university technician trained for the acquisition of specific skills in aeronautics and space based on a sound preparation on mathematics, physics, chemistry, solid and fluid mechanics, dynamics and control. The graduate student in Aerospace Engineering acquires the engineering mindset of the industrial engineering class using the context and aerospace applications as study and training environment. The knowledge acquired by the different courses are provided in a training context that, in addition to their acquisition, wants to develop in the student the ability for interdisciplinary integration and the ability to face new and complex problems in a scientifically rigorous way. The Graduate student in Aerospace Engineering receives a legal recognition, on the basis of his academic qualification, in companies and public and private bodies; he also receives a legal recognition to work as freelancer, junior industrial engineer, after having passed the qualifying examinations for the profession and having been registered in the Professional registry of industrial engineers at the section B (junior).
Skills of this function: The Aerospace Engineering study programme provides specific skills in aeronautics and space based on a sound preparation on mathematics, physics, chemistry, solid and fluid mechanics, dynamics and control. The graduate student in Aerospace Engineering acquires the engineering mindset of the industrial engineering class using the context and aerospace applications as study and training environment. The knowledge acquired by the different courses are provided in a training context that, in addition to their acquisition, wants to develop in the student the ability for interdisciplinary integration and the ability to face new and complex problems in a scientifically rigorous way. In particular, this Study Programme, in all its levels, aims to maintain and strengthen the ability to translate the knowledge acquired into coherent behaviour in the world of work. Specific skills: - understand the application of the mathematical and physical principles at the basis of the industrial engineering sector; - use the modelling techniques of some traditional problems of aerospace engineering; - analyse and solve engineering problems appropriate to their level of knowledge, develop the skills independently, by working in multidisciplinary groups, and by the use of consolidated methodologies, from numerical modelling to experimentation, and through the knowledge of their limits and potentiality; - apply the professional training acquired in the field of airport management and management and maintenance of the fleet, with tasks from updating maintenance manuals, to maintenance planning for large airliners, in compliance with flight safety and international standards; - apply the professional training acquired in the field of aeronautics and space design, with support tasks, like the analysis and checks on structures and components.
Job opportunities: The possible career opportunities of the graduate student in Aerospace Engineering are those traditionally linked to the aircraft and engine industries, spacecraft and their components, in particular in the technological and production sectors, in companies or enterprises that work in the aerospace industry, in companies that work in fields related to management and maintenance of fleets, in airport companies or in air transport services, and in general in all those working environments where there are significant design/production methodologies and skills strictly related to the training of a graduate student in the aerospace sector.
6. Enrolment6.1 Access requirementsItalian secondary school leaving qualification or other comparable foreign qualification (level 4 EQF)
For admission to the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, an admission test, that is the same for all the Bachelor of Science Degrees in Engineering offered by Politecnico di Milano, must be taken to ascertain students’ aptitude and preparation for studies.
Students who are already enrolled on other degree programmes of the Politecnico di Milano or at other Universities and wish to move to the Aerospace Engineering Programme can request acknowledgement of any ECTS they have already earned.
Requests from students of Politecnico di Milano that want to move to the Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering are accepted only if the student has reached, by the 15th of August, a number of registered ECTS greater or equal to 20, including courses that are present in the student's study plan as supplementary. The Commission in charge of student transfers for the Degree Programme in Aerospace Engineering will determine which of these courses will be acknowledged as useful for attaining the degree. The commission will accept any transfer requests only after evaluating the student's educational curriculum and considering the number of available seats. 6.2 Requested knowledgeDetailed information concerning the admission test are available on the website: https://www.polimi.it/en/international-prospective-students. 6.3 Deadlines for admission and number of places available6.4 Tutoring and students supportThe School of Industrial and Information Engineering provides tutoring services to assist students during their studies, particularly in the first three years. This service involves reference student-tutors and professor-tutors. Further information can be found on the School Website.
7. Contents of the study Program7.1 Programme requirements180 credits are required for qualification.. The specific activities are detailed in 7.3. Particularly there are at least 50 credits on basic subject courses (mathematics, statistics, informatics, physics, chemistry), 50 credits for specialist subjects (aerospace engineering), 50 credits for basic engineering subject courses (structural mechanics, electrical engineering, technical physic,, industrial design) and 12 credits to be chosen by students.
According to Law No. 33 of April 12, 2022, simultaneous enrollment in two programs is allowed. Enrollment in two programs is possible only if they are of different degree classes (classi di laurea) and differ in at least two-thirds of their educational activities regarding academic credits.
Consistent with what is defined by Law No. 33, at the student's instance, the maximum number of CFUs already taken in the other program and validatable is 60 CFUs for BSc programmes.
Please note that courses belonging to programs of a different level or type from the program you are enrolled in cannot be validated.
Full details on when to apply for validation and the administrative fees to be paid are available on the Polimi website: https://www.polimi.it/contemporanea-iscrizione 7.2 Mode of studyThe attendance is not compulsory but strongly recommended. The teacing method includes attendance in courses with lessons and exercises, laboratory activity, seminars and visits, as defined in the specific programme on School website. 7.3 Detailed learning objectivesThe aim of the Study Programme in Aerospace Engineering is to train engineers with general scientific and engineering knowledge and skills in the field of industrial engineering, accompanied by specific knowledge and skills in some areas of Aerospace Engineering, such as flight mechanics, aerospace technologies and materials, fluid dynamics and aeronautical and space propulsion.
On top of the general training provided by the compulsory courses, students will be able to develop specific skills through choices aimed at their own educational objective, in order to broaden their scientific background in basic engineering disciplines not covered by the compulsory course, with a view to continuing their studies in a Master's degree, or professional training in airport management and in the management and maintenance of air fleets, with tasks ranging from updating maintenance manuals to planning maintenance for large airliners, in compliance with flight safety and international standards.
Study plan
The general overview of the educational offer is reported in the following tables.
1 Year courses - Track: AER - Ingegneria aerospaziale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 081360 | A | MAT/03 MAT/05 | ANALISI E GEOMETRIA 1 |  | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 081374 | A | CHIM/07 | FONDAMENTI DI CHIMICA |  | 1 | 7,0 | 7,0 | | 081376 | B | ING-IND/15 | METODI DI RAPPRESENTAZIONE TECNICA |  | 1 | 7,0 | 7,0 | | 083407 | A | ING-INF/05 | INFORMATICA (PER AEROSPAZIALI) |  | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 052431 | A | MAT/03 MAT/05 | ANALISI E GEOMETRIA 2 |  | 2 | 10,0[1,0  ] | 10,0 | | 081389 | A | FIS/01 | FONDAMENTI DI FISICA SPERIMENTALE |  | 2 | 12,0 | 12,0 | | 057888 | B | ING-IND/03 ING-IND/04 ING-IND/05 ING-IND/06 | ELEMENTI DI INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE I |  | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 |
2 Year courses - Track: AER - Ingegneria aerospaziale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 059129 | C | ING-IND/31 | PRINCIPI DI ELETTROTECNICA ED ELETTRONICA |  | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 062132 | A,B | ING-IND/03 ING-IND/04 ING-IND/05 MAT/07 | MECCANICA AEROSPAZIALE 1 |  | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 083795 | B | ING-IND/10 | FISICA TECNICA |  | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 083401 | C | ING-INF/04 | FONDAMENTI DI AUTOMATICA (PER AEROSPAZIALI) |  | 2 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 083402 | A | MAT/05 MAT/08 | CALCOLO NUMERICO ED ELEMENTI DI ANALISI |  | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 059130 | B | ING-IND/03 ING-IND/05 | ELEMENTI DI INGEGNERIA AEROSPAZIALE II |  | 2 | 12,0 | 12,0 |
3 Year courses - Track: AER - Ingegneria aerospaziale
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | CFU Group | 086222 | B,C | ICAR/08 ING-IND/04 | FONDAMENTI DI MECCANICA STRUTTURALE |  | 1 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 062133 | B | ING-IND/13 | MECCANICA AEROSPAZIALE 2 |  | 1 | 8,0 | 8,0 | | 062134 | B | ING-IND/07 | PROPULSIONE AEROSPAZIALE |  | 1 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 086224 | B | ING-IND/06 | FLUIDODINAMICA |  | 2 | 10,0 | 10,0 | | 086225 | B | ING-IND/04 | FONDAMENTI DI SPERIMENTAZIONE AEROSPAZIALE |  | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | 062135 | B | ING-IND/04 | TECNOLOGIE E MATERIALI AEROSPAZIALI |  | 2 | 6,0 | 6,0 | | -- | -- | -- | Courses to be chosen from Group GRUPPO AES | -- | -- | -- | 12,0(a) | | -- | -- | -- | Courses to be chosen from Group GRUPPO LAB (PF) | -- | -- | -- | 4,0 |
(a) Courses that may be replaced by others chosen by the students by means of an autonomous plan; in this case the study plan is subject to evaluation.
Courses of the Group GRUPPO AES
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | 083405 | C | ING-IND/35 | ECONOMIA E ORGANIZZAZIONE AZIENDALE (PER AEROSPAZIALI)(a) |  | 1 | 6,0 | 086672 | B | ING-IND/05 | SICUREZZA DEL TRASPORTO AEREO(b) |  | 1 | 6,0 | 095042 | A,C | MAT/06 SECS-S/01 | STATISTICA(c) |  | 1 | 6,0 | 062136 | B | ING-IND/03 ING-IND/04 ING-IND/05 | ANALISI E SIMULAZIONE DI SISTEMI AEROSPAZIALI(d) |  | 2 | 6,0 | 083406 | A | FIS/03 | FISICA DELLE ONDE(e) |  | 2 | 6,0 | 089314 | B | ING-IND/03 | ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL TRASPORTO AEREO(f) |  | 2 | 6,0 |
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject (d) Closed number subject (e) Closed number subject (f) Closed number subject
Courses of the Group GRUPPO LAB (PF)
Code | Educational activities | SSD | Course Title | Language | Sem | CFU | 062139 | B | ING-IND/03 | LABORATORIO DI ANALISI DI MISSIONI SPAZIALI(a) |  | 2 | 4,0 | 061959 | B | ING-IND/03 | LABORATORIO DI PRESTAZIONI DEL VELIVOLO(b) |  | 2 | 4,0 | 062137 | B | ING-IND/07 | LABORATORIO DI PROPULSIONE AEROSPAZIALE(c) |  | 2 | 4,0 | 062140 | B | ING-IND/04 ING-IND/06 | LABORATORIO DI SPERIMENTAZIONE AEROSPAZIALE(d) |  | 2 | 4,0 | 062138 | B | ING-IND/04 | LABORATORIO DI TECNOLOGIE AEROSPAZIALI(e) |  | 2 | 4,0 |
(a) Closed number subject (b) Closed number subject (c) Closed number subject (d) Closed number subject (e) Closed number subject
Autonomous plans
Students may submit an "autonomous" study plan according to their needs. Autonomous plans are individually examined and must be approved by the Study Programme Board.
In particular, for those students interested in continuing their studies in the Master's Degree in Nuclear Engineering - Nuclear Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, it should be noted the possibility of presenting an autonomous study plan with the inclusion of specific preparatory teachings to the Nuclear engineering. Interested students are invited to contact directly the Coordinator of the Study Programme.
Supplementary activities
Students might graduate with more than the 180 credits required by the system. Supplementary educational proposals that will be acknowledged and certified in students’ personal curricula (Diploma Supplement) are:
- additional courses
- company internships
- design laboratories
- activities within the catalogue Passion in Action
Additional courses
The training offer in the Aerospace Engineering manifesto reflects choices made with regard to compulsory subjects; with regard to the options left to the student, the limitation of 12 credits and 2 courses makes it impossible to acquire additional specific skills without incorporating additional courses. To complete one's training, other courses can therefore be selected, also from among those offered by the University outside the aerospace engineering manifesto. Additional courses cannot replace other courses of the study plan. Any Bachelor of Science additional courses cannot in any way be used towards a subsequent Master of Science.
Company internships
An experience in a working environment can play a significant role in the training of an engineer. The current proposal does not foresee a compulsory period of time spent in a company. However, students can insert an internship as a supplementary activity in their study programme. Time spent in a company will be managed by a specific structure so as to guarantee:
- quality of the activity carried out
- respect of commitments in terms of time required
- adequacy of assistance and tutoring in the company
- correspondence between educational needs of students and work carried out in the company. 7.4 Foreign language7.5 Degree examinationActivities associated with the final exam are carried out during the third year within the scope of the courses listed in the manifesto, according to procedures specified in the individual course.
8. Academic calendar
9. FacultyThe names of professors for each Course, together with their subject, will be available on the degree programme starting from the month of September. The degree programme is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.
10. Infrastructures and laboratoriesAerospace Engineering students will have access to all of the Politecnico di Milano facilities (computer-equipped rooms, libraries, studios, canteens, sports facilities). Some courses include laboratory activities that will be carried out in computer-equipped rooms or experimental laboratories.
Further information concerning this topic is available on the degree programme, which is annually published on the website of Politecnico di Milano.
11. International contextResearch at the Politecnico di Milano proceeds alongside the extensive network of cooperative relationships and connections with other Italian and foreign universities, with public and private research centres and with the industrial system. The quality and effect of research carried out at the Politecnico have been confirmed in recent years by the increase in connections with the international scientific community. Testimony to this is the large number of research projects and programmes that have recently been undertaken with the best European and worldwide universities, from North America to South-East Asia.
12. InternationalizationStudents on the Aerospace Engineering programme can access international study programmes, based on the agreements held with numerous foreign institutions. Every year various students, both Italian and foreign, take part in international exchanges. Students chosen for a specific programme can enrich their profiles by studying abroad and earning credits that are fully acknowledged by Politecnico di Milano.
13. Quantitative dataThe Evaluation Nucleus perform periodic analysis on the overall results analysing the teaching activities and the integration of graduates into the work world. Reports and studies are available on the website of the Politecnico di MIlano.
14. Further information
15. Errata corrige